Core SIF - AssessmentAdministration

Tool Search: SIF

The current version of SIF is v2.7.

This object represents an assessment event. It includes information related to the time of administration, place of administration, and unusual events related to the administration.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Batch SIF_Condition elements:

Existing SIF_Condition elements to support: 

  1.  @RefId
  2.  @AssessmentFormRefId

Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement
AddA new parent assessment is added in Campus.

Scenario: There is a test called A that has a parent called B. If the user removes the parent test B by selecting “(no parent)” in the Parent Test dropList in A, an add event is triggered for A.

Scenario: Our zone is set to the year 14-15. There is a test with a year of 13-14. If the user changes the test year to 14-15, an add event is triggered for our zone.

A field is changed and saved on Test Detail for a parent assessment. (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail)

Start Date, End Date


The parent assessment is deleted in Campus

(Note: A record won't send delete as long as there is a child test plan associated with it because of the dependency) 

Scenario: There is a test called A without a parent. If the user adds a parent test called B, a delete event is triggered for A.

Scenario: Our zone is set to the year 14-15. There is a test with either no year or a year of 14-15. If the user changes the test year to a non-null year other than 14-15, a delete event is triggered for our zone.

Object Population and Business Rules

Events are only triggered when (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Year) = Null or matches the SIF Zone Year selected
  • When the assessment has a Year NOT = Null AND NOT matching the SIF Zone Year selected, this assessment must NOT report.
When an assessment has a parent test associated with it, the assessment (subtest) is not eligible to report
  • An AssessmentAdministration record must only report for those assessments that qualify for an Assessment object record.
The SIF Agent and Zone must have access rights assigned to AssessmentAdministration.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RulesData Source GUI PathDatabase FieldM, C or O
@RefIdThe GUID that uniquely identifies this object.

The RefId of the assessment form used in the assessment administration.


Optional. Does Not Report.


Optional. Does Not Report.

Date and time the test is scheduled to be given.
  1. Report the assessment Start Date when Not Null in format YYYY-MM-DD concatenated with "T00:00-00:00".
    1. When Start Date = Null, report the earliest calendar Start Date (System Admin>Calendar>Calendar>Calendar Info>Start Date) from across all schools in the district that are in the year associated with the Year selected on the assessment (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Year)
      1. When the Year field on the assessment = Null, Report 2000-01-01T00:00:00-00:00

(Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Start Date)

System Admin>Calendar>Calendar>Calendar Info>Start Date

Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Year



Date and time testing begins.
Report the assessment Start Date (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Start Date) when NOT Null, in format YYYY-MM-DD concatenated with "T00:00:00-00:00".
  1. When Start Date = Null, report the earliest calendar Start Date (System Admin>Calendar>Calendar>Calendar Info>Start Date) from across all schools in the district that are in the year associated with the Year selected on the assessment (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Year). Format YYYY-MM-DD concatenated with "T00:00-00:00".
    1. When the Year field on the assessment = Null, do not report this element.

(Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Start Date)

System Admin>Calendar>Calendar>Calendar Info>Start Date

Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Year



Date and time testing ends.
  1. Report the assessment End Date (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>End Date) when NOT Null, in format YYYY-MM-DD concatenated with "T00:00:00-00:00".
  2. When End Date = Null, report the latest calendar End Date (System Admin>Calendar>Calendar>Calendar Info>End Date) from across all schools in the district that are in the year associated with the Year selected on the assessment (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Year). Format YYYY-MM-DD concatenated with "T00:00-00:00".
    1. When the Year field on the assessment = Null, do not report this element.

(Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>End Date) 

System Admin>Calendar>Calendar>Calendar Info>End Date

Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Year

