KIDS TASC Extract (Kansas)

Tool Search: KIDS TASC

The Teacher and Student Connection (TASC) data collection is used to report a connection between students and teachers for use in creating rosters in other Kansas applications like K-FIT. 

Screenshot of the KIDS TASC Extract editor, located at Reporting, KS State ReportingKIDS TASC Extract

Report Logic

Only one record per student per course/section reports. Students must have a State ID number in order to report. Students with state, grade or calendar exclude marked do not report. 

Records are not reported when the student has dropped the course/section. 

The Current Grade Level field reports the mapped State Grade Level, as follows:

Click here to expand...

State CodeNameCode Mapping
00Special Education Infant/ToddlerIT
013 year old PreschoolerPR
024 year old PreschoolerPR
035 year old PreschoolerPR
04Four year old At RiskPR
06First Grade01
07Second Grade02
08Third Grade03
09Fourth Grade04
10Fifth Grade05
11Sixth Grade06
12Seventh Grade07
13Eighth Grade08
14Ninth Grade09
15Tenth Grade10
16Eleventh Grade11
17Twelfth Grade12
18Not gradedUG

Course Status

The course status field reports the students progress in the selected calendar. This is a calculated value, based on the student's letter grade in the course.

The following table lists the business logic for the reported values.

Reported ValueReports When

The student does not have a grade for a grading task or standard being reported, and the student has not dropped the course or left the school, and the effective date of the report is prior to the end of the course.

The student must be marked as a migrant student in order to report this value.

  • The student has a letter grade for a grading task or standard being reported, and
  • The letter grade is marked as passing as of the effective date selected in the extract editor.

The logic looks at the score group/rubric used in the grading task or standard to determine if the grade is a passing score.

  • The student has a letter grade in a grading task or standard being reported, and
  • The letter grade is NOT marked as passing as of the effective date selected in the extract editor.

The logic looks at the score group/rubric used in the grading task or standard to determine if the grade is a passing score.

  • The student does NOT have a letter grade for the grading task or standard being reported, and
  • The student has NOT dropped the course or ended his/her enrollment, and
  • The effective date of the report is after the end date of the course
  • The Monitoring Summative Assessments in KITE checkbox is marked on the student roster record.
  • The teacher does NOT have the student at the beginning of the school year.

This value reports IF the district wants the teacher to monitor the student in KITE or if the teacher does have the student n a year-long course. If the district wants the teacher to monitor the student in KITE, the district can select this indicator on the student roster. If the indicator is marked, the record reports 88 regardless of other qualifying course statuses.

  • The student has dropped the course before the end date of the course, and
  • There is no letter grade for the course, and
  • The student was NOT present for any time at all during the duration of the course.

Report Editor



Effective Date

The date on which data is extracted. The Effective Date is set to the current date by default. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.

Student Ad Hoc Filter

If desired, an Ad hoc filter using the Student data type may be selected to further narrow the results. Only students included in this filter are included in the report.

Course Ad Hoc Filter

If desired, an Ad hoc filter using the Course/Section data type may be selected to further narrow the results.


The format in which the extract is generated. Use State Format(Tab Delimited) when submitting to the state; otherwise, use HTML, CSV or XML to review data prior to submission.

Maximum Records Per File
(state format only)

The maximum number of records that may be extracted if the report is being generated in State Format (Tab Delimited). This field defaults to 20000.

Select Calendars

The calendars from which data is extracted. At least one calendar must be selected in order to produce an extract.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Effective Date in mmddyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  2. If desired, select a Student Ad Hoc Filter from the dropdown. Only students included in the selected filter are included on the report.
  3. If desired, select a Course Ad Hoc Filter from the dropdown.
  4. Select the Format from the dropdown. Available formats include State Format (Tab Delimited), HTML and CSV.
  5. Input the Maximum Records Per File into the field. The default is 20000. When a number is added to this field, only that number of records are returned. Multiple files should be generated to accommodate all reporting records.
  6. Select which Calendar(s) to include in the report.
  7. Click Generate Extract.

Screenshot of the KIDS TASC extract in HTML format.KIDS TASC Extract - HTML Format

Report Layout

Report Header



Record Type

2 bytes, must contain the characters TH.

Extract Date

10 bytes, date the export file was created; MM/DD/YY format

Extract Time

8 bytes, time export file was created; HH:MM:SS format

Transmission ID

10 bytes, must match the Transmission ID field in the Footer Record.


10 bytes, always 19.0

Delimiter Character

25 bytes, 0X09 for tab; 0X2C for CSV

Report Body

Record TypeReports as TASC.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters
Not dynamically stored
Student School Identifier

Reports the student's accountability school identifier from the enrollment override location. When null, the State School number reports.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

School Information > State School Number


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > AYP Override 1


Student's Legal Last Name

Reports the last name of the student.

When the Legal Last Name field is populated, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Student's Legal First Name

Reports the student's first name.

When the Legal First Name field is populated, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Student's Legal Middle NameReports the student's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters
Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name

Student Generation CodeReports the student's suffix.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Demographics > Person Information > Suffix

Student's Gender

Indicates the student's gender.

When the Legal Gender field is populated, information reports from that field.

Numeric, 1 character

Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Student's Date of BirthReports the student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date

Student's Current Grade Level

Reports the student's current grade level. See the Report Logic section for more information.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade

Student's Local IDLists the student's local student identification number.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

Student's Hispanic EthnicityIdentifies whether the student is identified as Hispanic/Latino.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Demographics > Person Information > Race Ethnicity > Hispanic/Latino

State Student IDLists the student's state identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

School YearIndicates the end year of the selected calendar.

Numeric, 4 digits (YYYY)

School Year Setup > School Year Detail > End Year

Student's RaceLists the student's race/ethnicity.

Numeric, 5 digits
Indentities > Person Information > Federal Race 

State Subject AreaReports the state subject area.

Numeric, 2 digits
Course Information > Custom Data Elements > Subject Area Code

State Course AreaIndicates the state course area code.

Alphanumeric, 3 digits
Course Information > State Code

Local Course IDReports the local course identification number.

Numeric, 50 digits
Course Information > Number

Course Status

Indicates the student's course progress. Progress is determined by the letter grade ONLY that is assigned to the student; percentage values are not used in the calculation. 

See the Course Status logic for more information.

Numeric, 2 digits

Data not stored 
Educator IdentifierLists the staff identification number of the primary teacher. When the staff ID is null, the 9999999999 reports.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State IDSSN

Educator's Last Name

Reports the educator's last name.

When the Legal Last Name field is populated, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Educator's First Name

Reports the educator's first name.

When the Legal First Name field is populated, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Educator's Middle NameReports the educator's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters
Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name

Educator's EmailReports the educator's email address.

Alphanumeric, 100 characters
Demographics> Personal Contact Information> Email
User Field 1N/AN/A
User Field 2N/AN/A
User Field 3N/AN/A

Previous Versions

KIDS TASC Extract (Kansas) [.2231 - .2335]