Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Ad Hoc Filters

Tool Search: Maintain CRDC Results

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Link to CRDC Getting Started guide. Link to Ad Hoc Filters for Questions article.

Ad hoc filters can be created for use in getting the answers to questions for which answers aren't automatically calculated. These Ad hoc filters should be created before using the CRDC Maintain Survey Results tool to enter answers for questions.

This article provides basic information about using the Campus Ad hoc Reporting tools to design Ad hoc filters that can produce the school mappings needed to identify data sets for the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). If the required information is not entered into Campus, a filter will not be able to produce the data. The filters in the articles linked to this document utilize the Filter Designer's Query Wizard

Information and resources you find in the Knowledge Base and on Campus Community may not meet your district's needs exactly due to variances in things such as how different districts collect and report data. Resources such as information on Ad Hoc filters are still generally useful for determining how to create a filter to extract the information needed for CRDC.

Things to Know:

  • The filters referenced in this article are examples only. Update your own filters as necessary to create the desired results.
  • Ad hoc fields vary by state; therefore, you may need to use data elements that differ from what appears in the examples. These filters are provided as a generic baseline and only provide results for students with End Dates on enrollments.
    • For example, to modify an Ad Hoc filter to include students without enrollment end dates, users should add histEnrollment.endDate as a field and IS NULL as the operator. 
    • The logical expression should then be updated to include AND and OR statements. 
  • The Query Wizard returns data based on AND. For most of the examples, logical expressions should be entered to indicate an AND or OR is required. This is not represented in all of the captured images, but should be incorporated into your queries.
  • Ad Hoc filters will not report any student or course that is not enrolled or assigned to the school the filter is being run.  Any students or courses that need to be added to a school's mapping will need to be manually added using the Quick Search feature in the school's mapping tool.

Which Question Answers Are Calculated in Campus?

Campus calculates the answers for the following questions via mappings you'll use the CRDC Setup Tool to create. Alternatively, you may choose to create Ad hoc filters to answer these questions. See the CRDC Questions Calculated in Campus article for more information.

  • 1. SCHR: School Characteristics (ONLY for SCHR-3: Grades with Students Enrolled)
  • 3. PSCH: Preschool (NOT for PSCH-2a, 2b, 2c, 2d)
  • 5. ENRL: Enrollment
  • 7. COUR: Courses & Classes
  • 9. EXAM: SAT/ACT
  • 12. RETN: Retention

Ad hoc Filters - Category Mappings

See the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) - Ad Hoc Filters For Populating Category Mappings article for guidance and examples of how to create Ad hoc filters for use with category mappings.

Ad hoc Filters For Use With Questions

The CRDC Ad Hoc Filters Examples article contains sample filters that can be used as a reference for creating your own CRDC filters.

Information and resources you find in the Knowledge Base and on Campus Community may not meet your district's needs exactly due to variances in things such as how different districts collect and report data. Resources such as information on Ad Hoc filters are still generally useful for determining how to create a filter to extract the information needed for CRDC.