NC Principal's Monthly Report Extract

Tool Search: NC PMR Extract

The PMR (Principal's Monthly Report) Extract contains enrollment, membership, and attendance information. It is collected by NCDPI at the end of each school month for nine months and is used as the source data for calculating the following:

  • Average Daily Membership
  • Average Daily Attendance
  • Enrollment
  • Membership Last Day
  • Violation Status

This article provides information on properly entering data into Campus to generate the PMR from Campus. It does not provide details on policies and procedures for schools and districts; for that information, consult the following sites: 

Screenshot of the NC PMR Extract, located at Reporting, NC State Reporting. NC PMR Extract 

Read - Access and view the PMR Extract.
Write - Generate the PMR Extract.
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

Additional tool rights are needed for this report. See the Tool Rights section below for details. 

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article. 

In Campus, PMR Intervals are called School Months.

Getting Started with the PMR

Data Setup

Before generating the PMR, verify that the following tools and values are entered. For additional information, review the PMR Validation Review

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Tool and Required Data Information
School Information
The State School Number is entered and meets the following requirements:
  •  Six digits in length, where the first three characters are the State District Number and the last three digits are a unique school identifier. 
  • The last three digits must be higher than 300 - 090365, 090385, etc., - or the third character is a letter - 99B378, etc.
School Information - State School Number
Calendar Information
The following fields are populated on the Calendar Information editor:
  • Student Day (instructional minutes)
  • Teacher Day (minutes)
  • Whole Day Absence (minutes
Screenshot of the Calendar Information tool, highlighting the student day, whole day absence, and teacher day fields. Student Day, Teacher Day, Whole Day Absence - Calendar Information
When the school operates using Tracks, the Track field on the Calendar must be set for each track.

This can be left blank for schools that do not operate using tracks. 
Screenshot of the Calendar Information editor highlighting the Track field. Calendar Track Field
Grade levels are configured for the selected calendar AND aligned to the correct State Grade Level Code in Grade Level Setup.
Screenshot of the Grade Level Setup tool, highlighting the State Grade Level Code. State Grade Level Code Assigned to Grade Levels
Calendar terms are set up with a Term Schedule Name (Trimesters, Quarters, etc.). Individual terms are named, have a Sequence, a Start Date, and an End Date

Screenshot of the Term Setup editor, located at Scheduling & Courses, Calendar Setup. Term Setup
Period Schedules exist when needed (rotating schedules, block scheduling, etc.), and Periods are entered with the correct sequences and names for each period in the school day. 
Screenshot of the Period Setup tool, located at Scheduling & Courses, Calendar Setup. Period Setup
Calendar Days have been set using the Day Reset tool, and each day in the calendar is marked correctly for Day Events, School Days, Instruction Days, and Attendance Days
Screenshot of the Day Setup tool, located at Scheduiing & Courses, Calendar SetupDay Setup
School Months are entered according to state requirements:
  • There are a total of nine School Months in a calendar. 
  • School Month 1 and School Month 2 are 20 school days in length.
  • The remaining School Months can have a total of school days from 16 to 26. 

For School Months 1 and 2, students CANNOT be counted for more than 20 instructional days.

For the other school months, students cannot exceed the number of instructional days included in that school month. 

Screenshot of the School Months editor, located at Scheduling & Courses, Calendar Setup. School Months
Students have a primary Enrollment record in a school in the active school year AND:
  • Have a Local Start Status that is mapped to a State Start Status.
  • Have an Admission Status of MST1: Member - Standard Day Program or MED1: Member - Extended Day Program
  • For transfer students, the Year-Round Transfer Days Override is populated. When a student transfers from one school to another, that results in an overage of Membership. The receiving school needs to indicate how many days the student's membership is reduced for the days that were accounted for by the previous school.
Screenshot of the enrollment record with the required fields highlighted. Student Enrollment Record
Students must be enrolled in a correct grade level based on their calendar of enrollment. Screenshot of the Grade level field on the enrollment record.
Student Information - Grade Level
Students are scheduled into courses. 
Student Schedule
The following demographic and person identifiers fields must be populated for students:
  • Student UID
  • Sex
  • Race/Ethnicity

Screenshot of the Student State ID
Student State ID
Screenshot of the Student Demographics editor, highlighting the Sex and Race/Ethnicity fields.
Student Demographics - Sex, Race/Ethnicity Fields
Attendance data is available for students.
  • Attendance codes need to be mapped to a State Code. When there is no State Code aligned to the Attendance Code, it does not report.

Attendance events recorded by teachers are not entered with an attendance code. These records need to be processed by Attendance Office Staff using the Classroom Monitor or Daily Attendance

Screenshot of sample attendance codes, located at Attendance Office, Settings. Attendance Codes

Tool Rights

Access to the NC PMR Extract requires the following tool rights. This tool right can be assigned to a user group, if desired. 

  • Read rights provide access to view the report editor. 
  • Write rights allow the report to be generated.

The NC PMR Extract Submission tool rights must be manually assigned to a designated user and not through a user group. The user assigned this subright must exist at the State Edition level and have a Staff NC DPI ID.

  • Read rights provide access to view the report editor. 
  • Write rights allow the report to be generated.


Because this report requires the same individual who submits the data to verify the data, only 1-2 people in a school should be assigned both the NC PMR Extract and the NC PMR Extract Permission tool rights.

Screenshot of the NC PMR Extract tool rights. NC PMR EXtract Tool Rights

PMR Workflow

Follow this workflow for generating the PMR Extract. 

  1. Generate PMR Summary by using the Submit to Batch Queue option. 
  2. Once complete, download the report. Data validations run in the background, and any FATAL errors found in the validation reports must be addressed before regenerating the PMR Summary (step 3). A link to the validation reports can be found in the Instructions section of the report editor. 
  3. Regenerate the PMR Summary. 
  4. Review the PMR Summary. 
  5. Submit Verification the PMR Summary. 
  6. Generate the remaining PMR Extracts. 

PMR Summary

Article: PMR Summary Report

The Summary Extract Type is the originating data pull submitted to the state. It can be generated anytime but must be submitted within ten days after data validations and PMR Review have occurred. Other extract types use that snapshot for calculations.

The effective date for determining violation status is based on the report generation date, up to ten days after the School Month end date. Once the ten days have occurred, the report uses the end date plus 10 as the effective date. 

  1. Generate the report for a particular school month. This creates a snapshot of data as of the date it is generated. Once the snapshot is created, the state validations are queried to ensure no fatal errors exist. When there is a fatal error, an error message displays asking to review the validations, make corrections, and generate the report again.
    Screenshot of the PMR Summary Generation. PMR Summary - Generate
  2. Make necessary corrections to data. 
  3. Generate the PMR Summary again with the same information as selected previously.
  4. Review the report for the same school month that was initially generated. This pulls data from the snapshot previously created; if changes were made to enrollment records or attendance data between the time the snapshot was first created and the date the data was reviewed, those changes are not reflected in the review results. To see those results, generate the report again.
    • Before displaying the results, the list of state validation errors is reviewed to verify no fatal errors. When there are no errors, the report displays; when there are errors, a warning message displays, directing the user to review the validations and generate the PMR again. 
    • When Review has been selected BEFORE the validations have completed, a warning message displays indicating the validation report is still running and to wait for that to complete before reviewing the data.
      Screenshot of the PMR Summary Review data. PMR Summary - Review
  5.  Submit the Verification. This step sends the snapshot results to the state, and no further changes to data can be made. The individual at the school who generates the PMR must also submit the verification. Once data has been submitted, that school month selection cannot be generated or re-submitted. Users may continue to review the data from the month of submission, but updates to student data will not be reflected in the report.
    Screenshot of the PMR Summary Verification PMR Summary Verification

Data Validation Reports

Article: Data Validation Reports

When the PMR is submitted to the batch queue, the data snapshot is taken, and data validation reports run in the background. If fatal errors are found, a message indicates that they must be addressed prior to regenerating the report. 

The Instructions section on the report editor includes a link to the Validation Reports. 

The following validation reports are owned and managed by NC DPI. 

  • PMR Fatals
  • PMR Warnings
  • PMR Information

PMR Detail

Article: PMR Detail

The Detail Extract Type includes the same fields as the PMR Summary, broken down by student and demographic data. Once the PMR Summary is generated, the PMR Detail can be reviewed. 

Changes made to student data are not reflected in the report until a new summary is generated. When the summary has already been submitted, the report does not update, as a new Summary snapshot cannot be taken to update the snapshot data. 

Screenshot of the PMR DetailPMR Detail

Students Not Included in the Summary

Article: Students Not Included in the PMR Summary

This extract type includes any students who were not reported in the PMR Summary, including those marked as No Show or State Exclude, those who have Enrollment Start Statuses and Enrollment End Statuses that are not collected, etc. 

Screenshot of the Students Not Included In Summary Report in html format.Students Not Included in Summary Report

GRS Summary

Article: GRS Summary

This extract type includes Grade, Race, and Sex information for the selected calendar(s). This snapshot is taken at the same time as the PMR summary, and only students who report on the PMR Detail are included in the GRS counts.

Screenshot of the GRS Summary Extract Type. GRS Summary

GRS Detail

Article: GRS Detail

This extract type includes Grade, Race, and Sex information for the selected calendar(s), plus the student names and student IDs. This snapshot is taken at the same time as the PMR summary, and only students who report on the PMR Detail are included in the GRS counts.

GRS Detail

PMR Best 1 of 2

Article: PMR Best 1 of 2

The PMR (Principal's Monthly Report) Best 1 of 2 report compares ADM calculations submitted in School Month 2 with ADM calculations for School Month 1R. The 1R Snapshot is taken at the same time as School Month 2 for School Month 1 but uses the effective date from School Month 2 for determining violation status. The higher ADM for each grade level is then totaled by grade level across the PSU.

The snapshot being compared is taken at the same time as the PMR summary, and only students who report on the PMR summary are used in the counts.

Screenshot of the PMR Best 1 of 2 extract. PMR Best 1 of 2

Report Logic

The PMR reports aggregated enrollment numbers for the calendars selected for each school month selected in the Report Editor. This is a school-wide report; all calendars must be selected when generating and submitting data. 

Only information from enrollments with a Service Type of Primary is included. 

Enrollment records DO NOT REPORT when the following is true:

  • The Enrollment Admission Status is:
    • VED1: Visitor - Extended Day Program
    • VST1: Visitor - Standard Day Program/Foreign Exchange Student
    • VST2: Visitor - Temporary Status
  • The Enrollment Record, Grade Level or Calendar is marked as State Exclude or No Show. 
  • The previous Enrollment End Status (State End Status) is W1: Transfer Withdrawal or W2: Early Leaver Withdrawal.

The Enrollment Start Statuses (State Start Status) of R5: Re-Enroll - previous W1 or R6: Re-Enroll - previous W2 are not uniquely reported in the PMR, specifically for the GRS Summary. However, the enrollment and attendance data within that enrollment is reported under the previous E1/E2 enrollment in the same school. R5/R6 enrollments without previous E1/E2 enrollments in the same school do not report on the PMR.

Only enrollment data from those schools where the fourth digit of the school number is greater than or equal to 300 reports. See the Data Setup section for details. 

Refer to the Department of Public Instruction for additional information. 

Attendance Calculations

The PMR calculates attendance information using the following calculations, logic, and terminology. Note that the PMR uses the State Code assigned to the Attendance Record only. For guidance on attendance codes, refer to the Attendance Code Setup article (NCSIS)

Screenshot of the State Code assignment on an Attendance Code. Attendance Code Setup - State Code Assignment

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In Membership

A student is considered In Membership when ANY of the following are true:

  • The student is on-site AND at least 50% present on their first day of enrollment. 
  • The student is enrolled in Staggered Kindergarten AND assigned to be at home on the first day of school. 
  • The student has a primary enrollment with an Admission Status of MST1: Member - Standard Day Program or MED1: Member - Extended Day Program AND scheduled more than 50% (this is an exact - not rounded -  calculation; students scheduled 49.9% of the day are not eligible). 
  • The student is identified as Medically Fragile (has attendance records with a State Code of 1S: Hospital/Homebound). 
  • The student is enrolled in a publish school AND in a Teacher-in-Treatment Program (has attendance records with a State Code of 1H: Teacher-in-Treatment).  
  • The student is scheduled into one or more NC Virtual Public School courses AND NOT enrolled in a private school or home school
  • The student's enrollment has a State Grade Level of Pre-K and an Admission State of MST1: Member - Standard Day Program

Not In Membership

A student is considered Not In Membership until the first day the student is in attendance. 

A student is considered Not In Membership when ANY of the following are true:

  • It is before the start date of the enrollment record. Students who are not present on their initial enrollment day must have their Enrollment Start Date moved forward until they have met the requirements to be present. 
  • The student is not enrolled in Staggered Kindergarten or is enrolled in Staggered Kindergarten but not in attendance on the first day of enrollment. 
  • The student's Admission Status on the Enrollment record is VST1: Visitor - Standard Day Program/Foreign Exchange Student. 
  • The student has a primary enrollment with an Admission Status of MST1: Member - Standard Day Program or MED1: Member - Extended Day Program AND scheduled LESS than 50% (this is an exact - i.e., not rounded - calculation; students scheduled 50% of the day are eligible).  

In Violation

The student is considered In Violation (also known as the 10-Day Rule) when ANY of the following are true: 

  • The student has ten consecutive absences marked as unexcused based on the date the report is generated.
  • Examples:
    • When a student has nine days of consecutive absence at the end of PMR 1 and one day of absence at the start of PMR 2 [Total of 10 consecutive absence between 2 school months], and the report is generated on the first day of PMR2, the student does not meet the requirements of being in violation. 
    • When a student has nine days of consecutive absence at the end of PMR 1 and one day of absence at the start of PMR 2 [Total of 10 consecutive absences between 2 school months], and the report is generated on the second day of PMR2, the student does meet the requirements of being in violation. 

Not in Violation

The student is considered Not In Violation when ANY of the following are true: 

  • The student is present for that day.
  • The student has an attendance record for that day with one of the following State Codes:
    • 1H: Teacher-In-Treatment
    • 1M: Medically Fragile
    • 1S: Hospital/Homebound
    • 1R: Present Off-Site
    • 1Q: School Sponsored Activity
  • The student has an attendance event that does not have one of the State Codes above and is NOT considered in violation (marked absent for ten consecutive days) 
  • The student is considered to be in violation but is marked present (no attendance events) on the 11th day. 
  • The student was suspended for any length of time. 
  • When the student has 10 consecutive unexcused absences causing violation days and returns on the 11th day or after in one PMR interval (school month), the 10 or more consecutive days remain as violation days, but the student does not show as a membership violations, and continues to be counted in membership.

Basic PMR Calculation

This report uses the following guidelines for most of the reported fields. 

When... Then...
When Grade Level is STANDARD
  • The student's Admission Status (Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Admission Status) needs to be MST1: Member - Standard Day Program OR MED1: Member - Extended Day Program.
  • The State Grade Level Code CANNOT be one of the PK, P0-P3.
When Grade Level is STANDARD TOTAL All standard enrollments are summed.
When Grade Level begins with XG The State Grade Level Code needs to be UG (Ungraded). 
When Grade Level begins with XG Total All XG enrollments are summed.
When Grade Level begins with School Total The sum of Standard Total, XG Total, and Extended Total reports.
When Grade Level begins with PK
  • The student's Admission Status (Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Admission Status) needs to be MST1: Member - Standard Day Program.
  • The State Grade Level Code must be PR, PK, or P0-P3.

How Attendance Codes Affect ADA and ADM

This table shows how the Attendance Codes affect the attendance calculations - positively (+), negatively (-), or no impact (N/A). 

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Attendance Code
Absence Count for 10-day
Present Remote (1R)
Present On-Site
Present Off-Site (1H, 1M, 1Q, 1S)
ADA Absence Day Count
Lawful Absence (excused)
3: Out-of-School Suspension (Excused absence)
1A: Illness or Injury
1B: Medical or Dental Appointment
1C: Death in the Immediate Family
1D: Quarantine- or Covid-Related Absence

1E: Court or Administrative Proceedings
1F: Religious Observance
1G: Educational Opportunity
1N: Absence Related to Parent’s Deployment Activities
1P: Early Checkout
1I: Local School Board Policy
1K: Child Care
1T: Inaccessible Roads
Present Off-Site (exempt)
1H: Teacher In-Treatment
1M: Medically Fragile
1Q: School-Sponsored Activity
1S: Hospital/Homebound Instruction
Present On-Site
1L: Excused Tardy
1X: Nonobligatory Pre-K Attendance
2L: Unexcused Tardy
3A: In-School Suspension
No Mapped State Attendance Code
Present Remote
1R: Present Off-Site
Unlawful Absence (unexcused)
2A: Unlawful Absence
2B: Lack of Immunization
2C: No Health Assessment
No Processing Category
In Violation (10-day rule)
Withdrawn (enrollment)

Report Editor

Data Element Description
Search Calendars Use the search field to narrow the list of calendars to select. Use the Expand All/Collapse All option. Place a checkbox next to the desired school and calendars.

As noted, all calendars are automatically selected because this is a school-wide report.

For State Edition users, calendars display by School Year, by District, then by School Name. 
Show Active Year  Only

Only those calendars for the school year are available for selection when set to ON.

When set to OFF, all calendars from all school years are available for selection based on the user's tool rights. 

Report Options
Extract Type
Determines which PMR report generates. Options:
  • PMR Summary
  • PMR Best 1 of 2
  • PMR Detail
  • Students Not Included in the PMR Summary
  • GRS Summary
  • GRS Detail
The PMR Summary is the only report that includes the Generate and Submit Verification options for users assigned proper tool rights. All other reports have the Review option.
School Month Sequence
Indicates which School Month is being reported. Select one school month from the list.
Ad hoc Filter Allows selection of a filter that was previously created. Only students included on the selected filter return on the report.

This option is available with the Extract Types of PMR Detail, Students Not Included in PMR Summary, and GRS Detail. 
Output Options
Report Processing This is a complex report and requires several minutes to create the data snapshot. Because of this, it always needs to be generated using the Submit to Batch option.

The Batch Queue processing can be used for both the report generation and the report review, allowing results to be reviewed at a later time.

The Snapshot being compared is taken at the same time as the PMR summary and only students who report on the PMR summary are used in the counts. Submitting to Batch is useful when generating the report for several calendars or for more significant amounts of reported data. See the Batch Queue article for more information.
Format Type Determines in which format the report generates - CSV or HTML.

Next Steps

See the following articles for information on generating the individual PMR Reports.