Audit Log

Tool Search: Audit Log

The Audit Log tool is available for district and state-level use.

This tool allows system administrators the ability to monitor and track changes made to areas of user security, including:

Using the Audit Log

This tool can be used to review changes made to areas of user security within the product.

screenshot of the view audit log tool

Image 1: Audit Log Tool Editor

All audit records are accessible in the Campus database for historical purposes; however, for performance purposes, the interface View Audit Log tool will only display the 500 most recent entries.

The fields at the top of the screen allow the records in the Audit Log Entries table to be sorted based on the entered criteria, as follows:


Sorting Technique

Start Date

The first date for which audit logs will be displayed.

End Date

The last date for which audit logs will be displayed.


The Audit Log Entries editor may be sorted by the table/area for which an action was logged:

This field will only display tables where changes have occurred.

  • Preference - Actions related to the System Preferences tool will be displayed.
  • UserGroupMember - Actions related to the addition/removal of users from a user group will be displayed. This also includes modifications made to a user's Product Security Roles. Product Security Roles are listed by their name in all caps (see image below). 
    screenshot of the student information system product security role appearing in the audit log
  • UserSchoolYearRights - Actions related to the addition/modification/removal of calendar rights for users will be displayed.
  • UserAccount - Actions related to adding or removing user accounts and/or modifying user account settings will be displayed.
  • UserGroupSchoolYearRights - Actions related to the addition/modification/removal of user group calendar rights will be displayed.
  • UserToolRights - Actions related to the addition/modification/removal of user tool rights will be displayed.
  • UserGroup - Actions related to the addition/modification/removal of a user group will be displayed.
  • UserGroupToolRights - Actions related to the addition/modification/removal of user group tool rights will be displayed.


The Audit Log Entries editor can be sorted based on the type of action logged.

  • Add - Only entries recorded as "add" actions will be shown (e.g., a user account was created).
  • Change - Only entries recorded as "change" actions will be shown (e.g., a user account was marked "Disabled").
  • Delete - Only entries recorded as "delete" actions will be shown (e.g., a user account was deleted).

Affected Object

This field allows the user to search for objects that were changed or the users who were affected by changes.

  • Object Search - To search for changes made to a particular object, enter the (database) name of that object (e.g., searching for the "Behavior" object will show all auditing records related to the Behavior object).
  • User Search - To search for changes affecting a particular user, enter the user name of the affected person (e.g., searching for a user name of "JDoe2610" will show all changes made to that user).

Changed By

This field allows the filtering of entries for the user logged into the system and credited with the logged action.

System Preference Changes

Changes made to the System Preferences tool are always logged, regardless of whether or not the Audit Users Account Security Preference setting is enabled.

Changes made to the System Preferences tool will be logged in the Audit Log tool:

screenshot of the system preferences tool

Image 2: System Preferences Tool

screenshot of an example of system preference changes appearing in the audit log

Image 3: Sample Audit Log Entry of System Preferences Tool Change

The following information is logged in the audit record:

Audit Information



The date and time of the logged action.

Preference Name

The system preference that was changed.

This field will show the database column name of the system preference, rather than the field name displayed in the interface.

Property Name

This field will display "Value" for system preference changes.


General category of the audit. Changes to system preferences will display a value of "Preference" for this area.

Changed By

The name of the user who was logged in at the time of the update.

Existing Value

The value of the system preference BEFORE the change (old value).


The type of update made to the system preference.

System Preference changes will be logged as "changes."

New Value

The value of the system preference AFTER the change (new value).

User Account Changes

Before the complete functionality of the View Audit Log tool can be fully utilized for this area, the Audit Users System Preference must be enabled.

Changes made to an individual user's account, group memberships, tool rights, or calendar rights are logged by the auditing tool.

User Account Tab

The View Audit Log tool tracks changes to settings on an individual's User Account.

Image 4: User Account Tab

screenshot of the audit log showing modifications to a user's account information

Image 5: Example Audit Log Entry for User Account Change (Individual User)

The following information is logged in the audit record:

Audit Information



The date and time of the logged action.

User Name

Name of the user for whom the account settings were changed.

Property Name

This field only appears if the update is a change.

The user account setting(s) that changed.

This field will show the database column name for the user account setting, rather than the field name displayed in the interface.


General category of the audit. Changes to user accounts will display a value of "UserAccount." 

Changed By

The name of the user who was logged in at the time of the update.

Existing Value

This field only appears if the update changes an existing account setting.

The value of the user account setting BEFORE the change (old value).


The type of update made to the user account/setting: add, change or delete.

  • Add - will appear when a new user account is created.
  • Change - will appear when a change is made to any setting on an existing account.
  • Delete - will appear when an existing account is deleted.

New Value

This field only appears if the update changes an existing account setting.

The value of the user account setting AFTER the change (new value).

User Groups (Individual User)

Changes made to an individual's user group memberships are tracked by the View Audit Log tool. 

Modifications to a user's Product Security Role are also listed as a UserGroupMember change. Product Security Roles are listed by their name in all caps.

Click here to expand...

screenshot of the student information system product security role showing in the audit log

screenshot of a user's user group membership

Image 6: Individual User's Membership in User Groups

screenshot showing user group modifications appearing in the audit log

Image 7: Example Audit Log Entry for Additional User Group Membership (Individual User)

The following information is logged in the audit record:

Audit Information



The date and time of the logged action.

User Name

Name of the user for whom a user group membership was added/removed.

Group Name

The name of the user group to which the user was added/removed.

This field will show the database column name for the tool right, rather than the field name displayed in the interface.


General category of the audit. Changes to user group memberships will display a value of "UserGroupMember" for this area.

Changed By

The name of the user who was logged in at the time of the update.


The type of action made to the user's group memberships:

  • Add - will appear if the user was granted membership to the user group.
  • Delete - will appear if the user's membership from the user group was removed.

Tool Rights (Individual User)

The View Audit Log tool also tracks changes to an individual's tool rights.

screenshot of a user's tool rights

Image 8: User Tool Rights

screenshot of tool rights appearing in the audit log

Image 9: Example Audit Log Entry for Added Tool Rights (Individual User)

The following information is logged in the audit record:

Audit Information



The date and time of the logged action.

User Name

Name of the user for whom the tool rights were changed.

Tool Name

The tool right that was added/removed from the user.

This field will show the database column name for the tool right, rather than the field name displayed in the interface.


General category of the audit. Changes to user tool rights will display a value of "UserToolRights" for this area.

Changed By

The name of the user who was logged in at the time of the update.


The type of update made to the user's tool rights: add or delete.

  • Add - will appear if the tool rights box is checked and the user is granted rights to the tool.
  • Delete- will appear if the tool rights box is unchecked and the tool rights are removed from the user.

    When rights to a module are added/removed, the audit log will contain an add/delete entry for each sub-right affected.

Calendar Rights (Individual User)

Changes made to an individual's calendar rights are tracked.

screenshot of a user's calendar rights set on their user account

Image 10: Calendar Rights

screenshot of calendar rights showing in the audit log

Image 11: Example Audit Log Entry for Calendar Rights Change (Individual User)

The following information is logged in the audit record:

Audit Information



The date and time of the logged action.

User Name

Name of the user for whom the calendar rights were added, changed, or deleted.

End Year

The last year of the school year to which rights were added, changed, or deleted (e.g., the end year of 2009-10 school year is 2010).


School for which the calendar rights were added, changed, or deleted.

Property Name *

This field only appears if the update is a change.

The specific calendar element(s) that changed.

This field will show the database column name for the tool right, rather than the field name displayed in the interface.


General category of the audit. Changes to a user's calendar rights will display a value of "UserSchoolYearRights" for this area.

Changed By

The name of the user who was logged in at the time of the update.

Existing Value*

This field only appears if the update is a change.

The value of the user's calendar rights BEFORE the change (old value).


The type of update made to the user's calendar rights: add, change or delete.

  • Add - indicates the user was granted rights to a new calendar.
  • Change - indicates the user's existing calendar rights were changed.
  • Delete - Indicates the user's rights to a calendar were removed.

New Value*

This field only appears if the update is a change.

The value of the user account setting AFTER the change (new value).

User Group Changes

Before the complete functionality of the View Audit Log tool can be fully utilized for this area, the Audit Users System Preference must be enabled.

User Group Tab

Changes made to a user group tab are tracked.

screenshot of the user group information tool

Image 12: User Group Tab

screenshot of user group modifications appearing in the audit log

Image 13: Example Audit Log Entry for User Group Change (User Group)

The following information is logged in the audit record:

Audit Information



The date and time of the logged action.

Group Name

The name of the user group that was added, changed, or deleted.

Property Name *

This field only appears if the user group is changed.

The specific user group element(s) that changed.

This field will show the database column name for the tool right, rather than the field name displayed in the interface.


General category of the audit. Changes to user groups will display a value of "UserGroup" for this area.

Changed By

The name of the user who was logged in at the time of the update.

Existing Value*

This field only appears if the update is a change.

The value of the user account setting BEFORE the change (old value).


The type of update made to the user group: add, change or delete.

  • Add - will appear when a new user group is created.
  • Change - will appear when a change is made to an existing user group.
  • Delete - will appear when an existing user group is deleted.

New Value*

This field only appears if the update is a change.

The value of the user group element AFTER the change (new value).

Tool Rights (User Group)

Changes made to a user group's tool rights are tracked.

screenshot of user group tool rights

Image 14: User Group Tool Rights

screenshot showing user group tool rights appearing in the audit log

Image 15: Example Audit Log Entry for Removal of Tool Rights (User Group)

The following information is logged in the audit record:

Audit Information



The date and time of the logged action.

Group Name

Name of the user group for whom the tool rights were changed.

Tool Name

The tool right that was added/removed from the group.

This field will show the database column name for the tool right, rather than the field name displayed in the interface.


General category of the audit. Changes to group tool rights will display a value of "UserGroupToolRights" for this area.

Changed By

The name of the user who was logged in at the time of the update.


The type of update made to the group's tool rights: add or delete.

  • Add - will appear if the tool rights box is checked and the user group is allowed rights to the tool.
  • Delete- will appear if the tool rights box is unchecked and the rights are removed from the user group.

    When rights to an entire module are added/removed, the audit log will contain an add/delete entry for each sub-right affected (e.g., if rights to the Health module are added, sub-rights to the health office tools and report will be added as individual entries for the user group within the audit log).

Calendar Rights (User Group)

Changes made to a user group's calendar rights are tracked. 

screenshot of the user group calendar rights tool

Image 16: User Group Calendar Rights

screenshot showing user group calendar rights in the audit log

Image 17: Example Audit Log Entry for Calendar Rights Change (User Group)

The following information is logged in the audit record:

Audit Information



The date and time of the logged action.

User Name

Name of the user group for which the calendar rights were added, changed, or deleted.

End Year

The last year of the school year to which rights were added, changed, or deleted (e.g., the end year of 2009-10 school year is 2010).


School for which the calendar rights were added, changed, or deleted.

Property Name *

This field only appears if the update is a change.

The specific calendar element(s) that changed.

This field will show the database column name for the tool right, rather than the field name displayed in the interface.


General category of the audit. Changes to a group's calendar rights will display a value of "UserSchoolYearRights" for this area.

Changed By

The name of the user who was logged in at the time of the update.

Existing Value*

This field only appears if the update is a change.

The value of the group's calendar rights BEFORE the change (old value).


The type of update made to the group's calendar rights: add, change, or delete.

  • Add - indicates the group was granted rights to a new calendar.
  • Change - indicates the group's existing calendar rights were changed.
  • Delete - Indicates the group's rights to a calendar were removed.

New Value*

This field only appears if the update is a change.

The value of the user group setting AFTER the change (new value).

Technical Information

Three database tables are used to hold audited data:

  • AuditLogEntry
  • AuditLogEntryDescription
  • AuditLogEntryDetail