Michigan Ed-Fi Information

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

Ed-Fi is a data interchange standard and framework created by the Dell Foundation to allow K-12 educational institutions to consolidate and analyze data, and communicate this data with each other. It also provides a dashboard toolkit from which users can create dashboards to analyze data from the student, district, state (and eventually national) level. 

The following information pertains to Michigan school districts only.

Ed-Fi Information

For more information, see the following articles per Ed-Fi tool:

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Ed-Fi v3.X

1Education Organization InformationLocal Education Agencies
2Grade InformationGrading Periods
Schedule InformationCalendars
Calendar Dates
Class Periods
3Schedule InformationCourses
Course Offerings
Staff InformationStaffs
Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations
Staff School Associations
Student InformationStudents
Graduation Plans
Student Education Organization Associations
Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations
Student Language Instruction Program Associations
Student School Associations
Student School Food Service Program Associations
Student Special Education Program Associations
Student Title I Program Associations
4Parent InformationParents
Student Parent Associations
Schedule InformationStaff Section Associations
Student Section Associations

Attendance InformationStudent School Attendance Events
Student Section Attendance Events
Grade Information

Course Transcripts

Student Academic Records

Discipline Information

Discipline Actions
Discipline Incidents
Student Discipline Incident Associations
Cohort InformationCohorts
Student Cohort Associations