Tool Search: School Boundaries Override
Some districts may offer special programming options at particular schools that depend on the student's household address. The Address Override is used to control the student enrollments to that school. There must be an address associated with the student at the time of enrollment before an Override can be assigned.
An Override Type must be created and marked as Uses Program Boundaries on the School Boundaries Override Setup tool.

Options for Address Overrides
Program overrides set on the address can be used in the following manner:
- If a student participates in a program that is set up with the Uses Program Boundaries option during the current year and moves to a different location that is no longer within the program boundaries, the student will not be automatically rolled forward to that program for the next school year. Instead, the student will be rolled into the Resides school assigned to the student's new household address.
- If a student was participating in a continuous program during the current year and has reached the last grade level offered at that school, the Enrollment Roll Forward Wizard will enroll the student in a school offering the same program for the next grade level from the set of schools listed on the Address Override tool.
- When creating school choice applications in Census or in the Portal, the user must first select the program for which the student is applying to attend. If the program has Uses Program Boundaries, the Overrides tool on the student's household address will be marked for schools this student may apply to attend.
Add Address Overrides
- Select the New icon. An Override Boundary Info editor displays.
- Select the Override type from the dropdown list.
- Select the School to which the override applies.
- Enter a Start Date and End Date for the override. Most overrides apply for one school year.
- Click the Save icon. The address override displays in the Override Boundary Editor.