Gifted (Indiana)

Tool Search: Gifted

The Gifted tool tracks a student's participation in Gifted and Talented programming through enrichment, acceleration, and/or advanced curriculum. The term "High Ability" is used in Indiana in lieu of Gifted and Talented. The state of Indiana defines a High Ability Student as a student who "performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one domain when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment; and is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation, or interest". Fields used in the Gifted tool specific to Indiana are described below. Please see the core Gifted and Talented article for more information.

Screenshot of the student's Gifted Editor.Gifted Editor

Read - View the existing Gifted record.
Write - Modify the existing Gifted record.
Add - Add a new Gifted record.
Delete - Remove a Gifted record.

See the Tool Rights article for more information about Tool Rights and how they function.

Add a Gifted Record

  1. Select the New button. A Gifted Detail editor displays.
  2. Enter the applicable information for the student.
    • Required fields: Start Date and High Ability Type
  3. Select the Save icon when finished. The saved record is displayed in the Gifted Editor list.
  • Records can overlap. The student may have multiple Gifted records that do not have an End Date.
  • Use the Federal/State Program Updater to import existing Gifted records for students or to update records for multiple students.  

Gifted Detail

FieldDescriptionAd hoc Inquiries
Database Location
Ed-Fi Resource(s)
Start DateThe start date for the record.Student > Learner > Gifted > Gifted > startDate


Student Program Associations (Indiana v3.6)
End DateThe end date for the record.Student > Learner > Gifted > Gifted > endDate

Program Status

Identifies the program status for the gifted program.

  • 1: Gifted
Student > Learner > Gifted > Gifted > programStatus

High Ability TypeThe area of high ability that applies to the student.
  • 1: General Intellectual
  • 2: High Ability Math
  • 3: High Ability Language Arts
  • 4: High Ability Other
Student > Learner > Gifted > Gifted > status

Reason ExitedThe reason the student left the program.
  • 99: No longer qualifies
  • EOY: End of Year
Student > Learner > Gifted > Gifted > exit.Reason


Additional information about the record.Student > Learner > Gifted > Gifted > comments
