Census (Idaho)

Tool Search: Census

Census tracks every person entry in Infinite Campus - parents, staff, students, emergency contacts, doctors, etc. Demographic data is used throughout Campus, utilizing historic and current details of each person. Some fields in the Census module are unique to each state. Other fields in the Census module do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary.


The Identities tool acts as an historical record of the person's demographic information. While the information on the Demographics tool is displayed on the Identities tool, changes should be made here.

Types of changes include:

  • Name and Legal Name
  • Gender
  • Social Security number
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Nickname

Previous identity information is not lost when it is modified, but an end date is entered for the previous identity and a start date is entered for the new identity.

See the core Identities article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Identities records.

Screenshot of the Identities tool.Identities Editor

Name Fields

Last Name, First Name, Middle Name and Suffix (Jr., III, etc.) are the legal names of the person.

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FieldDefinitionDatabase LocationAd hoc Inquiries
Last NameThe person's last name.Identity.lastNameStudent > Demographics > student.lastName
First NameThe person's first name.Identity.firstNameStudent > Demographics > student.firstName
Middle NameThe person's middle name.Identity.middleNameStudent > Demographics > student.middleName
SuffixIndication of a generational name (Jr., III, etc.).Identity.suffixStudent > Demographics > student.suffix


Assessment Tool (Idaho CTE Tooling)

ISAT Student Extract (Idaho)

Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Student Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Unique ID Export (Idaho)

Unique ID Import (Idaho)


Indicates the person's gender. At this time, the state of Idaho acknowledges Male and Female gender only.

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Birth Date

Indicates the person's date of birth.

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Race Ethnicity

The Federal government has adopted standards for defining racial and ethnic data to be used by the Department of Education. See the Race/Ethnicity article for more information.

Is the individual Hispanic or Latino?

Indicates whether the student is of Hispanic descent.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > student.hispanicEthnicity


ISAT Student Extract (Idaho)

Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Student Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Race Ethnicity

Indicates the person's race/ethnicity.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > student.raceEthnicity


ISAT Student Extract (Idaho)

Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Student Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Birth Country

The Birth Country is the country listed on the student’s birth certificate during initial enrollment. Please refer to the International Organization of Standards directory for more information on country codes.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > student.birthCountry


Student Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)


Indicates whether the student is a US Citizen.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Identity History > ident.usCitizen


Student Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Date Entered US

Indicates the date the student entered the United States.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Identity History > ident.dateEnteredUS


Student Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Date Entered US School

Indicates the date on which the student enrolled in a US school.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Identity History > ident.dateEnteredUSSchool


Student Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Date Entered State School

Indicates the date on which the student enrolled in a school in the state of Idaho.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Not available


Not reported


Indicates the person is an immigrant.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > student.immigrant

Student > Demographics > Identity History > ident.immigrant


Student Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Visa Type

Indicates the student's Visa type.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Identity History > ident.visaType


Student Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Home Primary Language

The Home Primary Language field allows a district to record the language spoken in the student's home, as determined by the student's home language survey. Please refer to the International Organization of Standards directory for more information on language codes.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > student.homePrimaryLanguage

Student > Demographics > Identity History > ident.homePrimaryLanguage


Student Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)


The Demographics tool is the basic area for viewing general person information within Campus. All people for whom data is tracked, including students, staff, parents/guardians, household members, etc., have a Demographics record, which includes name and gender from the Identities record, student and staff identification numbers and contact information.

See the core Demographics article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Demographics records.

Person Identifiers

Person Identifiers like Student Number and Student State ID are used in state reports to identity student records. Staff identification - Local Staff ID, State Staff ID - are also recorded here.

Follow district guidelines when creating or importing these values. 

Screenshot of the Person Identifiers section of Identities. Person Identifiers

Student State ID

Student Unique State ID is a unique state identification number for the student provided by the Department of Education.

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Local Student Number

Local Student Number is a unique identification number for the student assigned by the district.

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > student.studentNumber


ISAT Student Extract (Idaho)

Unique ID Export (Idaho)

Unique ID Import (Idaho)

Staff State ID

Staff Unique State ID is a unique state identification number for the staff person provided by the Department of Education If this field is left blank, any courses or students tied to the staff member fail to report.  

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Identity History > Staff State ID History > staffStateIDHist.staffStateID


CTS Attendance Tooling (Idaho CTE Tooling)

Staff Assignment (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Local Staff Number

Local Staff Number is a unique identification number for the staff person assigned by the district.

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Identity History > Staff Number History > staffNumHist.staffNumber


Not reported

District Employment

District Employment must have active district employment record. This record indicates the student is actively (no end date) or has been (end date) employed at the district. A District Assignment record is needed to indicate employment at a particular school/building within the district. 

See the core District Employment article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing employment records.

Screenshot of an Employment record in the District Employment tool. District Employment Record

Start Date

The date the employee was first hired by the school district.

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > District Employment > employment.districtStartDate


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

End Date

Indicates the date the employee was no longer employed at the school district.

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > District Employment > employment.DistrictEndDate


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Staff Exit Reason

The reason an employee reported last year is not reported this year. See the Staff Exit Reason Code List following this table. Reports District Employment Staff Exit Reason.

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01To work for another educational institution in ID
02To work for another educational institution outside of ID
03Leaving the education profession
04Returning to school
05Spouse transferred
08Reduction in force
09Personal reasons
10Involuntary termination
11Leave of absence
12Parental/family obligation
13Service in foreign country
15Contractor no longer paid on district payroll
16Early retirement incentive program (IC 33-1004G Only)
17Certificated to non-certificated
18Non-certificated to certificated

Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > District Employment > employment.exitReason


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Teaching Start Year

Indicates the date in which the staff person began teaching (when the teaching license was received). This reports as the Certification Year on the Staff Demographics report for Type 02 Staff.

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > District Employment > employment.teachingStartYear


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

License Number

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > District Employment > employment.licenseNumber


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)


Indicates the level of schooling the staff person has. 

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  • 1: Doctorate
  • 2: Master's degree 30+ semester hours  
  • 3: Master's degree
  • 4: Bachelor's degree 30+ semester hours 
  • 5: Bachelor's degree
  • 6: Less than bachelor's degree
  • 7: High School
  • 8: GED or Equivalent
  • 9: Occupational Specialist
  • 10: Other

Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > District Employment > employment.educationLevel


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Proficient Language

Indicates the staff person is proficient in a language other than English. 

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > District Employment > Custom Employment > CustomEmployment.proficientLanguage


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Not a US Citizen

Identifies the staff person as NOT being a US citizen. 

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > District Employment > Custom Employment > CustomEmployment.nonUSCitizen


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Expected HQ Date

Indicates the date a teacher is expected to become Highly Qualified. 

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Database Location: 

Employment.expectedHQDate (CustomEmployment.expectedHQDate)

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > District Employment > Custom Employment > CustomEmployment.expectedHQDate

Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Means to HQ

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Database Location: 

Employment.expectedHQDate (CustomEmployment.meansToHQT)

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > District Employment > Custom Employment > CustomEmployment.meantsToHQT


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

District Assignment

The District Assignments tool lists the location where the staff member is working. Users can view the school where the person works, the start date and title, type of employment and assignment code. Fields that are specific to the state of Idaho are further described below. 

Staff with multiple Titles have multiple District Assignments to the same school.

See the core District Assignments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing District Assignments records.

Screenshot of an assignment record in the District Assignments tool.District Assignment Editor


Lists the staff person's position - Teacher, Coach, etc. Options can be modified in the Attribute/Dictionary.

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Assignment > schoolEmployment.title


Not reported

Start Date

Indicates the start date of employment at the specific school. This is the very first date the staff member was employed at the school.

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Assignment > schoolEmployment.assignmentStartDate


Staff Assignment (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

End Date

Indicates the end date of employment assignment. This is the very last date the staff member was employed at the school.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Assignment > schoolEmployment.assignmentEndDate


Staff Assignment (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)


Indicates the classification of the staff's employment assignment.

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  • 01: Administrative
  • 02: Certified
  • 03: Classified
  • 04: Paraprofessional
  • 05: Title 1 Paraprofessional

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Assignment > schoolEmployment.Type


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

FTE of Assignment

Indicates what portion of the employee’s FTE percent this particular district assignment represents.

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The field accepts both decimal and whole numbers (e.g., .5 or 50 to represent a half-time assignment). It is important for consistency and accuracy of reporting that the same numbering system is used for all employees (e.g. FTE of Assignment in decimal format for all employees).

FTE of Assignment is different than the FTE Percent on the District Employment editor. 

  • FTE of Assignment can be a percentage (50%, 75%, etc.), a decimal value (.50, .25, etc.) or a whole number (50, 75, etc.).
  • FTE Percent can only be a whole number between 0-100.

This value is linked to the District Assignment on the Section Staff History tool. 

Staff Assignment Extract Reporting Logic

For Non-Teaching Assignments, the entered value reports on the Staff Assignment Extract.

For Teaching Assignments that are not active on the Last Friday in September, the entered value in this field is divided by the total number of sections the staff person is actively teaching during the Staff Assignment Extract reporting period that are not active on the Last Friday in September. This logic enables Sections not active on the last Friday in September to report the FTE captured on the teacher's linked district assignment, divided by the cumulative number of sections taught. 

For Teaching Assignments that are active on the Last Friday in September, the entered value is divided by the total number of sections the teacher is actively teaching during the reporting period that are active on the Last Friday in September. This logic enables Sections active on the last Friday in September to report the same FTE value through the end of the year. 

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Assignment > schoolEmployment.fteInAssignment


Staff Assignment (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Contract Type

Indicates the type of certified staff contract. 

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  • A: Administrator Contract
  • AE: Approved Alternative Evening School
  • AR: Retired Administrator Contract
  • AS: Approved Alternative Summer School
  • C: Continuing/Renewable (Tenure)
  • CH: Charter General Contract
  • NE: Non-Employee Contract
  • R: Retired Teacher Contract
  • RS: Regular Summer School
  • 1: Category 1 Contracts
  • 2: Category 2 Contracts
  • 3: Category 3 Contracts

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Assignment > schoolEmployment.contractType


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Contract Number

Indicates the order of one or more contracts by greatest total FTE per District Employment that may have one or more District Assignments tied to each contract.

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Database Location:

EmploymentAssignment.contractNo (CustomEmploymentAssignment.value)

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Assignment > Custom Employment Assignment > customEmployment.contractNo


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)


The Credentials tool lists the credential types of a staff member. Credentials are based on the date when the credential was earned. There are five types of credentials that can be added for a person. Multiple credentials can be entered for a staff member. The staff member may be highly qualified in two subject areas or may have multiple degrees.

See the core Credentials article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Credentials records.

Screenshot of a credentials record in the Credentials tool. Credentials Editor

Credential Type

Indicates the type of credential the staff person has earned. This list is visible when creating a new credential and in the list of previously entered credentials. 

There are five credential types that can be assigned to staff. The Education Credential and the values entered for that credential type are used in state extracts.

  • CI: Crisis Intervention
  • ED: Education
  • HQ: Highly Qualified
  • LC: Licensure/Certification
  • OT: Other

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Credential > employmentCredential.credentialType


Not reported

Date Credential Obtained

Indicates the date the Credential was granted to the staff person.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Credential > employmentCredential.date


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Education Level

Indicates the level of education the staff person has received. 

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Credential > employmentCredential.degreeType


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Degree Institution

Lists the university or college where the staff person obtained their degree.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Credential > employmentCredential.educationInstitution


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Degree State

Lists the state in which the staff person obtained their degree.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Credential > employmentCredential.eduState


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Major CIP Code Name, Major CIP Code

Lists the name and code of the degree the staff person received for their major course of study.  CIP names and codes are federally maintained.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Credential > employmentCredential.majorCipCode


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Minor CIP Code Name, Minor CIP Code

Lists the name and code of the degree the staff person received for their minor course of study.  CIP names and codes are federally maintained. 

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Credential > employmentCredential.minorCipCode


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

State Reported

Indicates that the data in this record is reported as the primary education information in the Staff Demographics and Employment record.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Person > Staff > Credential > employmentCredential.stateReported


Staff Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Military Connections

The Military Connections tool  tracks parent/guardian data for those who are military personnel. This tool works in conjunction with the Impact Aid tool, which tracks parents/guardians who are employed at federal sites (armed forces locations, reservation lands, etc.).

See the core Military Connections article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Military Connections records.

Screenshot of the Military Connections tool.  Military Connections


Indicates the enlistment status of the parent/guardian.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Military Connections > militaryConnections.status

Person > Demographics > Military Connections > militaryConnections.status


Student Demographics (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)