Core SIF - StudentSectionEnrollment

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The current version of SIF is v2.7.

This object contains information about a student's enrollment in a section of a course.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement
AddWhen a student is scheduled into a course section.


Or Unchecking State report Exclude on Course.

AddIf roster start date is after the term end date, do not report a record for the prior term.
AddOnly send records if the student has a enrollment in the schedule structure where the student is scheduled and is not marked as No Show.
AddDo not send records for Excludes in Object Population.
AddDo  not send records if the Course is marked as Inactive.

Any change made to the roster:

  • Start Date added/changed
  • End Date added/changed
ChangeWhen section information is updated for a student or section

Any delete made to the roster Start or End Date as the earliest or latest term dates will be utilized respectively



Or Checking State report Exclude on Course

DeleteWhen a student is deleted from a course section.

Roster End Date must be before Term Start date of future records.
DeleteEnrollment status is changed or deleted so that the student no longer meets the Object Population.

Object Population and Business Rules

  1. If StudentSectionEnrollment is triggered for a student without a primary enrollment, do not send an event when "Exclude All Secondary Enrollments" is checked on the Zone.
    • Note - Do not report this record in batch.
  1. If StudentSectionEnrollment is triggered for a calendar that is marked exclude, do not send an event.
    • Note - Do not report this record in batch.
  1. If StudentSectionEnrollment is triggered for a student without an enrollment that is not state excluded, do not send an event. (Must have a non-state excluded enrollment when Exclude State Exclude Enrollments is checked on the Zone)
    • Note - Do not report this record in batch.
  1. If StudentSectionEnrollment is triggered for a student without an enrollment that is not no show, do not send an event. (Must have a non-No Show enrollment when Exclude No Show Enrollments is checked on the Zone)
    • Note - Do not report this record in batch.
Course cannot have "State Exclude" checked to report.
Report enrollment in the Zone Scope.
Follow SIF Zone Options Rules for Zones:

Object Data Elements (SIF 2.7)

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RulesData Source GUI PathDatabase FieldM, C or O
@RefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this StudentSectionEnrollment entity.

District.districtGUID, Roster.rosterIDM
@StudentPersonalRefIdThe Id (GUID) of the student to whom the enrollment information applies.

@SectionInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) of the section in which this student is enrolled.

@SchoolYearSchool year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g. 2007 for the 2006-07 school year).

EntryDateDate from when this course section enrollment is valid.When Roster Start Date is null, reports the earliest term start date for the section.Student Information > General > Schedule or
System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Term
When roster.startDate is term.startDate
ExitDateThe last school calendar day (membership day) the student was enrolled in the course section (inclusive).When Roster End Date is null, reports the latest term end date for the section.Student Information > General > Schedule or
System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Term
Roster.endDate, Term.endDateO
A complete replacement of the standard SectionInfo/ScheduleInfoList for this student's course enrollment.


Does not Report.

ScheduleInfoOverrideList/ ScheduleInfoOverrideA complete replacement of the standard SectionInfo/ScheduleInfo for this student's course enrollment. If the student's schedule for this course is different than the standard schedule as defined in SectionInfo, a ScheduleInfoOverride must be provided for each term in which the course is offered, along with the appropriate value for Override. See the use cases for this object for scenario examples.


Does not Report.

ScheduleInfoOverrideList/ ScheduleInfoOverride/ @OverrideDesignates whether or not scheduling information has been overridden with different values for this student.


Does not Report.

ScheduleInfoOverrideList/ ScheduleInfoOverride/
The Id (GUID) of the term to which this override information relates for this student.


Does not Report.



Does not Report

MeetingTimeList/ MeetingTime
Time(s) this section meets for this student; this should be a subset of the meeting times for the section.


Does not Report.

CreditsAttemptedNumber of credits the student is attempting to earn. If present, this element's value overrides the credits in SchoolCourseInfo and SectionInfo.


Does not Report.

CreditsAttempted/ @TypeThe type of credit.


Does not Report

DualCreditIndicates whether this course is applicable in having dual credits. This value overrides the SchoolCourseInfo DualCredit value at the student section level..


Does not Report.

CTEConcentratorIndicates whether this is a CTE concentrator for this course. This value overrides the SchoolCourseInfo CTEConcentrator value at the student section level.


Does not Report.