Course Tools (For Schools Not Using Course Catalogs) - Video Series

This article contains videos associated with the tools used to set up courses in Campus. Videos are organized in the general order in which the tools are typically used. This video series is geared toward schools that DO NOT use Course Catalogs/Course Masters.

Add Course

For schools that HAVE NOT been assigned a Course Catalog, Add Course is used to enter information for courses that will be offered at the selected school. This video covers basic information typically entered when adding a course. Your district or state may have specific practices to follow and customized fields that are used with courses. See related content for more information.


Course Information

This video provides an overview of the data that can be reviewed and managed for a selected course using the Course Information tool.


Course Grading Tasks

Grading Tasks represent grades teachers post (Progress, Quarter, Trimester, Semester, Final, etc.). This video demonstrates how to align Grading Tasks to a selected Course.


Course Standards

Course Standards are generally used to indicate student progress towards reaching a level of proficiency. This video shows how to align Standards to a Course.


Course Categories

Course Categories are used to sort assignments into groups. Districts can create these at the Course level so that all teachers of the course can use the SAME categories in Campus Instruction.


Course Grade Calc Options

The Course Grade Calc Options tool is used to configure how each standard and grading task on a course is calculated. This course uses a course with both grading tasks and standards aligned to it as an example of how grade calc options might be used.


Course Rules

There are two kinds of COURSE RULES that can be added to a course – Scheduling Rules and Planning Rules. This video describes the difference between the two and how they may be used in the Scheduling process and the Academic Planning process.


Course Build Constraints

The Course Build Constraints tool allows users to view Section Builder Constraints that have been applied to the selected course. Users with rights to do so can access the Mass Edit Constraints tool from here to build or remove constraints on selected courses.


Course Fees

This video demonstrates how to attach fees to a course so they may be assigned to students taking the course.


Push Course Changes

This video shows how schools that haven't been assigned a course catalog can use the PUSH TO SECTIONS tool to push changes to sections of a SELECTED course, and the PUSH ALL COURSES TOOL to push data to sections of all impacted courses at once.
