Recommended Resync Order (Kansas v3.6)

The following provides a complete list of the resources available for Kansas v3.6 in the Recommended Resync Order.

Resyncing generates a large volume of items in the Event Queue. It is recommended to plan a resync for an off-peak time period and resync in groups of calendars rather than all calendars.

Larger districts may observe performance issues if “All Schools” is selected on a resync.

1Schedule InformationCalendars
Calendar Dates
2Grade InformationGrading Periods
3Schedule InformationSessions
Course Offerings

Staff InformationStaffs
Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations
5Student InformationStudents
Student School Associations

Student Education Organization Associations

Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations

Student Homeless Program Associations
Student School Food Service Program Associations
Student Language Instruction Program Associations
Student Title 1 Part A Program Associations
Student KPAT Program Associations
Student KPP Program Associations
Student Section Associations
6Section Schedule InformationStaff Section Associations
Student Section Associations
Section Educators