Early and End of Year Attendance Collections (Maryland)

Tool Search: Early and End of Year Attendance 

The Early and End of Year Attendance Collections reports individual student attendance data such as school entry and exit information, the number of days in attendance, number of days absent and general demographic information. This information is then submitted to the Maryland Department of Education for use in attendance, graduation, and dropout rate analysis. 

Due Dates

  • Early Attendance Collection March-May
  • End of Year Collection June - August

Image of the Early and End of Year Attendance Collections Extract Editor.Early and End of Year Attendance Collections Extract Editor

Report Logic

  • Reports a record for each primary, partial, or special ed enrollment for students with an active enrollment on at least one day from the first instructional/attendance day in the calendar through the End Date selected on the extract editor.
  • The day the student had an active enrollment must be marked as an instructional day and an attendance day.
  • If a student has multiple enrollments in the district that meet the reporting criteria, a record reports for each enrollment.
  • When enrollments in the selected calendar(s) have a value in the home school field, the home school reports as the school.
  • Students are NOT included if their:
    • enrollment record is marked as State Exclude;
    • enrollment record is marked as No Show;
    • Grade Level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude; or
    • Calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
Report TypeDescription
Early Attendance Collection

The Early Attendance Collection reports data on each student in pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 from the first day of school through the end of the MSA Post test collection for the specified school year.

End of Year Attendance Collection

The End of Year Attendance Collection reports data on each student in pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 from the first day of school through the last day of school for the specified school year.

Report Layout

LEA NumberThe two-digit designation of the local education agency.

Numeric, 2 digits
District Information > State District Number
School NumberThe reporting school's MSDE School Number. The Home School number reports from the student's enrollment. If the Home School field is null, the school number on the school table tied to the enrollment reports.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollment > Home School

School Information > School Detail > State School Number

State Assigned Student ID (SASID)The student's state-assigned ID number.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Demographics > Student State ID
Local Student ID Number (LASID)The student's unique, district-assigned ID number.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Demographics > Student Number
Last NameThe student's last name.
Reports the last name from the current Identity record. Legal Last Name reports. If Legal Last Name is null, the Last Name reports.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters
Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Legal Last Name or Last Name
First NameThe student's first name.
Reports the first name from the current Identity record. Legal First Name reports. If Legal First Name is null, the First Name reports.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters
Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Legal First Name or First Name
Middle NameThe student's middle name.
Reports the middle name from the current Identity record. Legal Middle Name reports. If Legal Middle Name is null, the Middle Name reports.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters
Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Legal Middle Name or Middle Name
Generational SuffixAny suffix tied to the student's name.
Reports the suffix from the current Identity record. If the Legal First Name and Legal Name are not null, Legal Suffix reports. If the Legal First Name and Legal Middle Name are null, Suffix reports.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters
Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Legal Suffix or Suffix
Preferred NameAn alternative first name preferred by the student.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters
Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Preferred Name
Date of BirthThe student's Date of birth.

Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD

Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Birth Date
GradeThe student's grade level.

Numeric, 2 digits
Enrollments > Grade
GenderThe student's gender.

M: Male

F: Female

X: Non-Binary

Reports the gender from the current Identity record. Legal Gender reports. If Legal Gender is null, Gender reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Legal Gender or Gender
Hispanic or Latino EthnicityIndicates whether the person traces his/her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race.

Alpha, 1 character Y or N

Demographics > Race Ethnicity > is the individual Hispanic/Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native

Indicates whether the person has origins in any of original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment.

1 = Yes

0 = No or Null

Alpha, 1 character
Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > American Indian or Alaska Native

Indicates whether the person has origins in any of original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent. This area includes Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

2 = Yes

0 = No or Null

Alpha, 1 character
Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Asian
Black or African American

Indicates whether the person has origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

3 = Yes

0 = No or Null

Alpha, 1 character
Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Indicates whether the person has origins in any of original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

4 = Yes

0 = No or Null

Alpha, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Indicates whether the person has origins in any of original peoples of Europe, Middle East, or North Africa.

5 = Yes

0 = No or Null

Alpha, 1 character
Demographics > Race Ethnicity > White
Homelessness StatusIndicates whether the student lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

Alpha, 1 character Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Homeless
Title I Indicator

Indicates if the student is considered Title 1.

  • If the student has an active Title1 Flag with a state code of T1 and is marked as state reported as of the report End Date, Y reports.
  • If the student has a value in the home school field on their enrollment AND there is a school in the district with that state school code, then Campus finds the school record that falls within the End Date in the extract editor and reports the value from the Title 1 field on that school.
  • If there is no value in home school, then the school tied to the enrollment reports.

Targeted Assistance Eligible - No ProgramN
Targeted Assistance Program


(If the student has an active Title1 Flag with a state code of T1 and is marked as state reported as of the report effective Date Y reports.)

Schoolwide Eligible - Targeted Assistance


(If the student has an active Title1 Flag with a state code of T1 and is marked as state reported as of the report effective Date  Y reports.)

Schoolwide Eligible- No ProgramN
Schoolwide ProgramY
Not a Title I SchoolN

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Flags


Enrollment > State Reporting > Home School; AND

School Information > School Detail > School History Record


School Information > School Detail > School History Record  AND

Flags >Title 1; AND

Program Admin > Flags > State Code and state reported

Free/Reduced Price Meals

Indicates if the student receives free/reduced price meals. If the Migrant element reports Y, then this field reports F.

Otherwise, the value reports from the FRAM record as of the end date entered on the extract editor.


Alphanumeric, 1 character
FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility
MigrantIndicates whether the student is considered a migrant.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Migrant
Foreign Exchange Student

Indicates if the student is considered a foreign exchange student.

Y reports if the student is in grades 9-12 and the enrollment Foreign Exchange field is marked.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Foreign Exchange
Special Education

Indicates the student's special education services.

The following values report.


The student has an IEP and is receiving special education services.

Y reports when the most recent IEP has a Special Ed Start Date that is prior to or equal to the report extract editor End Date and the latest IEP Closed Date is less or equal to the extract editor Run Date AND meets one of the following:

  • Exit code is null
  • Exit code is not Null and is not A or J
  • Exit code is  A or J AND Special Ed Exit Date after the report End Date

The student has exited special education services and is not currently receiving special education services.

E reports when

  • the student’s most recent IEP has a Special Ed Start Date that is prior to or equal to report extract editor End Date and the latest IEP Closed Date is less than or equal to the extract editor Run Date
  • the Exit code is A or J AND Special Ed Exit Date is before the extract End Date

  • the student has no 504 record OR the student has a 504 record with a Start Date before the Special Ed Exit Date

The student has exited special education services and has been placed in Code 504.

3 reports when the student has a 504 flag that meets all of the following

  • Active as of extract editor End Date
  •  Start Date is after special ed exit Date
  • The most recent locked IEP meets ALL of the following.
    •  Special Ed Start Date that is prior to or equal to report extract editor End Date
    • IEP Closed Date is less than or equal to the extract editor Run Date    
    • Exit code is A or J
    • Special Ed Exit date is on or after the extract End Date

The student is in Code 504.

 2 reports when the student has an active 504 record with a Start Date before the extract editor End Date and one of the following:

  • 504 End Date is NULL OR  
  • 504 End Date is after the extract editor End Date
    AND the student does not flag as E or 3

Students do NOT need an IEP to report as a 2

The student does not have an IEP and is not receiving special education services.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Print Format is MD SPED Date > Detail Editor > Start Date, IEP Closed Date, Exit Code

Flags > Flag with a state code of 504 and marked as state reported

Special Ed End DateThe Date on which special education services ended. This Date reports from the most recent IEP as of the Effective Date entered on the extract editor.

Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD

Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Special Ed Exit Date
Special Ed Certificate

Indicates whether the student is on track to receive a MD High School Certificate of Completion. This is required if Special Education Services = Y.

Y reports when

  • the student's most recent IEP has a Special Ed Start Date prior to or equal to the report's End Date, AND
  • the IEP Closed Date is less than or equal to the report Run Date, AND
  • the Special Ed Certificate checkbox is selected, AND
  • one of the following requirements is met:
    • Exit Reason is null, OR
    • Exit Reason is not Null and is not A or J, OR
    • Exit Code is A or J AND Special Ed Exit date equal to or after the report End Date.

Otherwise, N reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Flags 

Programs Admin > Flags > State Program Type > State Reported

(Flag is tied to state program type of certificate and State Reported checkbox is marked)

ML Status

Indicates whether the student has a primary or home language other than English and has been assessed as having limited or no ability to understand, speak or read English.

Reports the student's most recent EL record where the Identified Date is on or before the End Date on the extract editor.

Y - (When the EL Exited Date is after the Report End Date.)
E - (When EL Exited Date is before the Report End Date.)

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status
ML Entry into US Date

Reports the Date when the student began EL services or entered the United States for the first time.

Reports from the Date Entered US School field when the EL Indicator is Y or E.


When the student is an immigrant, reports from the Date Entered US School field when the

  • Date Entered US School is less than 3 years from report end date, or
  • Birth country is not United States.

If the Date Entered US School field is blank, the Identified Date from the earliest EL record reports.

Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD

Demographics > Date Entered US

Demographics > Date Entered US School

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Identified Date

MLBegin DateThe Date when the student's EL services began.

Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL >  Program Start Date
ML End Date

The Date when the student's EL services ended.

The EL End Date reports blank when the EL Status is Y.

The Program Exit Date reports when EL Status is E; otherwise this field reports blank.

Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Exit Date
ML ELA Assessment Exempt Status

Indicates whether the student receiving ESOL services in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school is exempt from the PARCC English/Language Arts assessment and may substitute the required state assessment with the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ACCESS for ELs 2.0).

When EL Status = Y, Y reports for student’s in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. School. Otherwise, reports.

Enrollments in Puerto Rico are excluded from consideration as a U.S. School.

Students are exempt if they are within 1 calendar year (365 days) of their first day enrolled in a US school.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status

Demographics > Date Entered US School

Foster Care StatusIndicates whether the student is in foster care.

Y reports when the student has an active foster care record as of the report end date selected in the extract editor OR the student’s enrollment end date.

Otherwise, N reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

Program Participation > Foster Care
Military Connected Indicator

Indicates whether the student has a parent or guardian in the military.

Reports the value populated:

  • Reports for Yes.
  • Reports U for Unknown.
  • Reports N for No.

Otherwise, reports blank.

Alpha, 1 character

Enrollments > Military Connected Status
Gifted/TalentedIndicates whether the student has been identified as gifted or talented.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Gifted/Talented
Filler N/AN/A
Submission DateThe Date the file was submitted to the state. This field reports the Run Date entered on the extract editor.

Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD

Run Date field on extract editor

Entry Status

Indicates the student's Entry Status. Reported values are as follows:

  • R = First time entries in the current school year.
  • E = Entered by transfer from another school in the current school year.
  • N = Re-entry following a withdrawal in the current school year.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Start Status Code
Entry Code

The student's last school affiliation prior to their entry into the current school.

If a student has multiple entries, a record for each entry is reported.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Enrollments > Start Status > Standard Code
Entry DateThe Date the student entered the reporting school.

Date Field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Instructional and Attendance
Days Attending

The aggregate number of days the student was in attendance during the current school year (to the nearest half-day).

To determine the Days Attending, Campus subtracts the number of days absent as of the the End Date selected on the extract editor from the number of days enrolled. The days enrolled are the number of instructional and attendance days a student is enrolled up to the End Date selected on the extract editor.

Numeric, 4 digits
Days Absent

The aggregate number of days the student was absent during the school year (to the nearest half-day).

Absences are defined by any attendance code tied to a state code of 1-21.

 When a student's absent minutes equal or exceed the Calendar whole day absence, the student is counted as whole day absent. 

When multiple different absence codes are used on the same day, the day is only counted once. If the student has an FTE value of 0, 1 or the FTE field is NULL, then Campus calculates the total number of absences for the reporting period based on the values found here: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Whole Day Absence Minutes and Partial Day absence Minutes.

If the student has a value in the FTE override field on the enrollment, then Campus uses the following logic.

  1. Finds Student’s FTE on enrollment
  2. Finds the number of student day minutes from the calendar
  3. Multiplies the number of student day minutes by the FTE
  4. The number of minutes the student was absent is divided by the product in number #3.
Absent ValueAttendance Value

 If the student  has an FTE value of 1 or the FTE field is null then Campus calculates the total number of absences for the reporting period based on the values found under System Administration > Calendar > Whole Day Absence Minutes and Partial Day absence Minutes.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > FTE

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Student Day Minutes

System Administration > Attendance Codes > State Code

Student Information > General > Attendance

System Administration > Attendance Codes > State Code

Student Information > General > Attendance

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Whole Day Absence Minutes and Partial Day absence Minutes

Days Not Belonging 

The number of days not belonging prior to entry and/or following withdrawal during the current school year (for students with multiple records).

When No Show is marked in Attendance, Campus reports the number of days marked as instructional and attendance from the Enrollment Start Date to the End Date selected on the extract editor.

Otherwise, when No Show is NOT marked, Campus reports the number of instructional days in the school’s calendar to the End Date selected on the extract editor, MINUS the days absent to the End Date selected on the extract editor AND the days attending to the End Date selected on the extract editor. This calculation is done for each enrollment.

Days Attending + Days Absent + Days Not Belonging equals the calendar’s instructional days to the End Date selected on the extract editor.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calendar > Calendar >Days > Day > Instructional > Attendance > School Day
Unlawful Days Absent 

The aggregate number of days the student was unlawfully absent during the current school year (to the nearest half-day).

Unlawful Absences are defined by any attendance code tied to a state code of  20 or 21.

If the student has a value in the FTE override field on the enrollment that is not 1, then Campus uses the following logic.

  1. Finds Student’s FTE on enrollment
  2. Finds the number of student day minutes from the calendar
  3. Multiplies the number of student day minutes by the FTE
  4. The number of minutes the student was absent is divided by the product in number #3.
Absent ValueAttendance Value

If the student has an FTE override value of 1 or does not have an FTE override filled out then Campus calculates the total number of absences for the reporting period based on the values found under System Administration > Calendar > Whole Day Absence Minutes and Partial Day absence Minutes.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > FTE

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Student Day Minutes

System Administration > Attendance Codes > State Code

Student Information > General > Attendance

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Whole Day Absence Minutes and Partial Day absence Minutes

Exit Status

Indicates the student's Exit Status.

  • T = Transferred
  • W = Terminated
  • C = Completed
  • 0 = Student has not exited

The Exit Status reports if the Enrollment End Date is within the report generation Start and End Date. For end of year attendance, if the Enrollment End Date is within the report generation Start and End Dates and the Enrollment End Date is on or after the last day of school, 0 reports.

If the Enrollment end date is not null and is on or after the extract editor End Date, 0 reports.

When the student's Enrollment End Date is the same as the report extract End Date, 0 reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Enrollments > State Reporting > Exit Status Code
Exit Code

Describes the reason for the student exiting the reporting school.

if the Enrollment End Date is within the report generation Start and End Date. For end of year attendance, if the Enrollment End Date is within the report generation Start and End Dates and the Enrollment End Date is on or after the last day of school, 00 reports.

If the Enrollment end date is not null and is on or after the extract editor End Date, 00 reports.

When the student's Enrollment End Date is the same as the report extract End Date, 00 reports.

Alphanumeric, 2 digits
Enrollments > End Status
Exit Date

Indicates the Date the student exited the reporting school.

If the Enrollment End Date is not null, No Show is NOT selected, and the Enrollment End Date is before the extract editor End Date, the next instructional day’s date after the Enrollment End Date reports.

00000000 reports for the following scenarios:

  • For Early Attendance, if the Enrollment End Date is not null and the Enrollment End Date is on or after the extract editor End Date.
  •  If the Enrollment End Date is not null and is after the last instructional day in the calendar.
  • For End-of-Year Attendance, if the Enrollment End Date is on or after the last attendance and instructional day in the calendar.

Date Field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD

Enrollments > End Date
Accountability School 
This element only appears in the Early Attendance Collection.

The four-digit code assigned to the school building and only reports in the Early Attendance file.

  • If the school tied to the student's enrollment is a Type of 99, then the school number from the resident school field on the student's enrollment reports.
  • Otherwise, the home school number from the student’s enrollment reports.
  • If null, the school number on the school table tied to the enrollment reports.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Resources > School > Type > 99

Enrollment > Resident School

Enrollment > Home School

School Information > School Detail > State School number (School at time of enrollment)

End of Year Collection

(warning) The following elements are only found in the End of Year Collection(with the exception of the Direct Certification and Geolocation ID elements which appear in the Early and End of Year Collections).

Promotion Code

Indicates the student's grade level promotion. Reported values are as follows:

  • 00 = Transfer or termination

  • 01 = Promoted
  • 02 = Demoted or Retained
Reports if student’s enrollment is ended prior to the last instructional/attendance day in the calendar, except for graduated seniors.

Reports when the student's Enrollment End Date is on or after the last instructional/attendance day AND their Enrollment Promotion Status is P: Promoted.

Reports for students in grade 12 whose graduation and enrollment end date were prior to the last instructional/attendance day. Their Enrollment Promotion Status = P: Promoted AND their Enrollment End Status includes a Completed code (C60, C62, or C70).

Reports when a student's Enrollment End Date is on or after the last instructional/attendance day AND their Enrollment Promotion Status is D: Demoted OR R: Retained

Numeric, 2 digits
System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days Enrollments > End Action

Indicates the student is served by a Title 1 Targeted Assistance Program.

Reports Y when the School is marked as Title 1 Targeted Assistance Program (TGELGBTGPROG) AND the student has been flagged as Title 1 any time during the reporting period. Otherwise, this field reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

School >Title 1 = Targeted program or Schoolwide eligible targeted assistance and Student Information > Programs >Title 1
Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence Indicates the homeless student's primary nighttime residence. This field is required if Homeless = Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Primary Nighttime Residence
Homeless Served- McKinney Indicates whether the homeless student is served with McKinney-Vento funding.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Homeless Served- McKinney
Homeless Served- Other Indicates whether the homeless student is served with funds other than McKinney-Vento funding.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Homeless Served- Other
Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status Indicates if the homeless student is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. This field is required if Homeless = Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Homeless Unaccompanied Youth

Indicates if the student is considered an immigrant.

Reports Y, when the following conditions are met.

  • Date Entered US Schools is not null (DE 24) or in the future
  • Date Entered US Schools is less than 3 years from report end date. (DE 24)
  • Birth country is not United States or Puerto Rico.
  • Date Entered US Schools is Null and Birth Country is not United States or Puerto Rico.
    • Campus uses the Start Date of the first enrollment record in the district for the student when the Date Entered US Schools field is Null.
    • The Start Date of the first enrollment record for the student must be less than 3 years from report end date.

Otherwise, N reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

Demographics > First Time US Schools is not null and less than 3 years from report End Date

Demographics > Birth Country

Enrollments > Start Date

Direct Certification

Indicates whether the student's FRAM eligibility resulted from a Direct Certification and only reports in the Early and End of Year Attendance Collections.

If the Source is "Direct," this field reports Y. Otherwise, N reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility > Source
MSDE Accountability School

The four-digit code assigned to the school building.

The code reports from one of the following locations.

  • If the school tied to the student's enrollment is a type of 99, then the school number from the Providing School field on the student's enrollment.
  • The Home School number from the student’s enrollment.
  • If Home School is null, the school number on the school table tied to the enrollment reports.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Resources > School > Type > 99

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Providing School (enrollment.providingschool)

Student Information > Genera > Enrollment > Home School

School Information > School Detail > State School number (School at time of enrollment)
Geolocation IDIdentifies the census block.
Reports the concatenation of the information documented in the 'Tract' and 'Block' fields on a student's household address information screen.
  • If the Tract code or the Block code is longer than 5 and 10 digits respectively, they are truncated.
Census > Addresses > Address Information > Tract + Block

Absent Calculation

If the student has....Then Campus...
a value in the FTE override field
on the enrollment
  1. Finds the Student’s FTE on enrollment.
  2. Finds the number of student day minutes from the calendar.
  3. Multiplies the number of student day minutes by the FTE.
  4. Divides the number of minutes the student was absent by the product in number #3.
    • Absences are defined by any attendance code tied to a state code of 1-21.
  5. The Table below outlines how values are converted 1, .5, or 0.

    Percent Absent

    Absent Value

    Attendance Value










an FTE value of 1 or the FTE field is null

Calculates the total number of absences for the reporting period based on the values found in System Administration > Calendar > Whole Day (absence) and half day (absence). 

  • Absences are defined by any attendance code tied to a state code of 1-21.

Unlawful Days Calculation

If the student has....Then Campus...
a value in the FTE override field
on the enrollment
  1. Finds the Student’s FTE on enrollment.
  2. Finds the number of student day minutes from the calendar.
  3. Multiplies the number of student day minutes by the FTE.
  4. Divides the number of minutes the student was absent by the product in number #3.
    • Unlawful Absences are defined by any attendance code tied to a state code of 20-21.
  5. The Table below outlines how values are converted 1, .5, or 0.

    Percent Absent

    Absent Value

    Attendance Value










an FTE value of 1 or the FTE field is null

Calculates the total number of absences for the reporting period based on the values found in System Administration > Calendar > Whole Day (absence) and half day (absence). 

  • Absences are defined by any attendance code tied to a state code of 20-21.
