Many of the options included in the Scheduling Components contain fields that are specific to the state of Texas. These fields can be used for district-tracking purposes or may directly affect state reporting. The information below defines these state-specific fields to provide guidance in entering data.
State Reporting relies on fields marked with an **. Leaving these fields blank prevents the proper generation of state reports.
Course Information Fields
Tool Search: Course Information
The Course Information tool provides details about courses that are attached to the calendar or school. The fields that are specific to Texas are further described below. While the other fields are not unique, state-specific data, many are still required, and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information, see the Course Information article.
Course Information Editor
** State Code
The State Code refers to the services supplied by the staff. In Texas, this is referred to as the Service ID. See the TEDS Section 4:C022 Code Table document for a complete list of Service ID codes. For information on setting up state Codes for each course, please see the Course Codes article.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > courseSection.stateCode
The Term field allows the user to determine the Term in which the course is offered.
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Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Field is used in ECDS-KG reporting.
The Type field allows the user to determine the course type. The selected Course Type is not used for state reporting.
Click here to expand...
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > type
Use the Activities field to indicate how the course is being used. This field is used to track an activity such as an athletic team or extra-curricular. It may use a state- or district-defined set of codes. The selected Activities type is not used for state reporting.
Click here to expand...
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > activityCode
** Include in Monthly Minutes
Include in Monthly Minutes is used to indicate that a course should be counted toward teacher minutes. This allows districts to track the amount of time teachers spend teaching specific courses.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Users MUST make a selection of Yes or No in this field.
Abbreviated Course Name
Abbreviated Course Name allows users to enter a shortened name for the course. Abbreviated Course Name is not used for state reporting.
Click here to expand...
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > abbreviation
** Course Sequence
Course Sequence identifies the unique part(s) of a course when a course is taught during a single grading period, semester, or across multiple grading periods/semesters. Use the table below for guidance in making the proper selection.
Click here to expand...
Number of Grades Reported for a Single School Year | Code | Description | Who Should Use This Course Sequence Code? | Course Setup |
1 | A | Non-High School Year Long Course | Elementary School Middle School | Yearlong: ONE final grade is submitted for the course |
1 | 0 | One semester course | High School | Yearlong: ONE final grade is submitted for the course |
1 | D0 | Single Semester Dual Credit Course Be sure to mark the Dual Credit Indicator checkbox. | High School offering dual credit for the course | Yearlong: ONE final dual credit grade is submitted for the course |
2 | 1 AND 2 | First half of a two semester course Second half of a two semester course
| High School | Semesters: ONE grade is submitted for EACH semester course Two Unique Section Codes with corresponding Course Sequence Codes are sent to the state A single course with semesterized sections will NOT correctly report
2 | D1 AND D2 | First Half of a Two Semester Dual Credit Course Second Half of a Two Semester Dual Credit Course Be sure to mark the Dual Credit Indicator checkbox. | High School offering dual credit for the course | Semesters: ONE dual credit grade is submitted for EACH semester course Two Unique Section Codes with corresponding Course Sequence Codes are sent to the state A single course with semesterized sections will NOT correctly report
3 | 3 AND
4 AND 5 | First Third of a Three Semester Course Second Third of a Three Semester Course Last Third of a Three Semester Course | High School | Trimesters: ONE grade is submitted for EACH trimester course Three Unique Section Codes with corresponding Course Sequence Codes are sent to the state A single course with trimesterized sections will NOT correctly report
3 | D3 AND
D4 AND D5 | First Third of a Three Semester Dual Credit Course Second Third of a Three Semester Dual Credit Course Last Third of a Three Semester Dual Credit Course Be sure to mark the Dual Credit Indicator checkbox. | High School | Trimesters: ONE dual credit grade is submitted for EACH trimester course Three Unique Section Codes with corresponding Course Sequence Codes are sent to the state A single course with trimesterized sections will NOT correctly report
4 | 6 AND 7 AND 8 AND
9 | First Fourth of a Four Semester Course Second Fourth of a Four Semester Course Third Fourth of a Four Semester Course Last Fourth of Four Semester Course | High School | Quarter: ONE grade is submitted for EACH quarter course Four Unique Section Codes with corresponding Course Sequence Codes are sent to the state A single course with quartered sections will NOT correctly report
4 | D6 AND D7 AND D8 AND
D9 | First Fourth of a Four Semester Dual Credit Course Second Fourth of a Four Semester Dual Credit Course Third Fourth of a Four Semester Dual Credit Course Last Fourth of a Four Semester Dual Credit Course Be sure to mark the Dual Credit Indicator checkbox. | High School offering dual credit for the course | Quarter: ONE dual credit grade is submitted for EACH quarter course Four Unique Section Codes with corresponding Course Sequence Codes are sent to the state A single course with quartered sections will NOT correctly report
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > coursePart
Population Served
The Population Served field identifies the student population for which a service has been designed or is intended. It does not necessarily identify the program eligibility of the students who receive the service.
Users can also enter a selection for Population Served on the Section tab. When a selection for Population Served is entered on the Section tab, the Section tab entry overrides the Course tab entry for reporting.
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Code | Description | Definition |
01 | Regular Students | Those students served through the regular academic program and students who do not constitute a special population. |
02 | Bilingual Students | Those students served in Bilingual programs. |
03 | Compensatory/Remedial Education Students | Those students served in compensatory or remedial education programs. |
04 | Gifted and Talented Students | Those students served in programs for identified gifted and talented students. |
05 | Career and Technical Education Students | Those students served in an approved state career and technical education course. |
06 | Special Education Students | Those students served in special education programs as determined by the admission, review, and dismissal committee. |
07 | ESL Students | Those students served in English as a Second Language programs. |
08 | Adult Basic Education Students | Those students served in the Adult Basic Education program. |
09 | Honors Students | Those students served in Honors classes. |
10 | Migrant Students | Those students served in migrant programs. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > populationServed
Instructional Setting
The Instructional Setting field identifies the setting used in providing instruction to students. For more detailed definitions of Special Education Instructional Setting Codes, see the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.
Users can enter a selection for Instructional Setting on the Section tab as well. When a selection for Instructional Setting is entered on the Section tab, the Section tab entry overrides the Course tab entry for reporting.
Click here to expand...
Code | Description | Definition |
31 | Home-based Instruction | Home-based Instruction (not included in submission 3) |
32 | Center-based Instruction | Center-based Instruction (not included in submission 3) |
34 | Other environment | Other environment (not included in submission 3) |
00 | No instructional setting (such as Speech Therapy) | No instructional setting (such as Speech Therapy) |
01 | Homebound | Homebound |
02 | Hospital class | Hospital class |
08 | Vocational Adjustment Class/Program | Vocational Adjustment Class/Program |
30 | State Supported Living Centers | State Supported Living Centers |
40 | Mainstream | Mainstream (not included in submission 3) |
50 | Residential Nonpublic School Program | Residential Nonpublic School Program (not included in submission 3) |
60 | Nonpublic Day School | Nonpublic Day School (not included in submission 3) |
70 | Texas School For The Blind And Visually Impaired | Texas School For The Blind And Visually Impaired (not included in submission 3) |
71 | Texas School For The Deaf | Texas School For The Deaf (not included in submission 3) |
41 | Resource Room/Services, < 21% | Resource Room/Services less than 21% |
42 | Resource Room/Services, 21% - 50% | Resource Room/Services at least 21% and less than 50% |
43 | Self-Contained, 50% - 60% | Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/Severe, Regular Campus at least 50% and no more than 60% |
44 | Self-Contained, > 60% | Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/Severe, Regular Campus more than 60% |
45 | FT Early Childhood Special Ed (3-5 yrs) | Full-Time Early Childhood Special Education Setting (appropriate only for students 3 – 5 years of age) |
81 | Residential Care/Treatment, Mainstream | Residential Care And Treatment Facility Mainstream |
82 | Residential Care/Treatment, < 21% | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Resource Room/Services less than 21% |
83 | Residential Care/Treatment, 21% - 50% | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Resource Room/Services at least 21% and less than 50% |
84 | Residential Care/Treatment, 50% - 60% | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/ Severe, Regular Campus at least 50% and no more than 60% |
85 | Residential Care/Treatment, > 60% | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/ Severe, Regular Campus more than 60% |
86 | Residential Care/Treatment, Separate Campus | Residential Care And Treatment Facility Separate Campus |
87 | Residential Care/Treatment, Community Class | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Community Class |
88 | Residential Care/Treatment, Voc Adjustment | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Vocational Adjustment Class/Program |
89 | Residential Care And Treatment Facility | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Full-Time Early Childhood Special Education Setting (appropriate only for students 3 – 5 years of age) |
91 | Off Home Campus - Mainstream | Off Home Campus Mainstream |
92 | Off Home Campus - Resource Room Less than 21% | Off Home Campus – Resource Room/Services less than 21% |
93 | Off Home Campus - Resource Room 21% - 50% | Off Home Campus – Resource Room/Services at least 21% and less than 50% |
94 | Off Home Campus - Self-Contained 50% - 60% | Off Home Campus – Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/Severe, Regular Campus at least 50% and no more than 60% |
95 | Off Home Campus - Self-Contained More than 60% | Off Home Campus – Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/Severe, Regular Campus more than 60% |
96 | Off Home Campus - Separate Campus | Off Home Campus Separate Campus |
97 | Off Home Campus - Community Class | Off Home Campus Community Class |
98 | Off Home Campus - Full-Time EC SpEd Setting | Off Home Campus – Full-Time Early Childhood Special Education Setting (appropriate only for students 3 – 5 years of age) |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > instructionalSetting
Non Campus Based Instruction Code
A Non-Campus Based Instruction Code indicates that a course was offered for class credit or student achievement, but:
- was not taught by a school district/charter school employee or a contracted teacher , or
- was taught by a school district/charter school employee or a contracted teacher at a facility other than the campus where the student is enrolled.
Examples include, but are not limited to, college-based instruction, non-district teacher, non-campus teacher, internet-based instruction, electronic Course Pilot (eCP), and Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN).
Users can enter a selection for Non Campus Based Instruction Code on the Section tab as well. When a selection for Non Campus Based Instruction Code is entered on the Section tab, the Section tab entry overrides the Course tab entry for reporting.
Click here to expand...
Code | Description | Definition |
00 | NA | Not Applicable |
01 | College Based Course | College Campus Based Course |
02 | Electronic/Internet/Correspondence Based Course | Electronic/Internet/Correspondence Based/Video Conferencing Course (Not a TxVSN course) |
03 | Non-District Teacher Providing Classroom Instruction | Non-District Teacher Providing Classroom Instruction Services |
04 | TxVSN Online Schools program | Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools program (Formerly Electronic Course Program (eCP)) |
05 | (TxVSN) Statewide online Course Catalog | Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Statewide Online Course Catalog |
06 | Non-Camp Teacher Provid Instr at Another Dist. Fac | Non-Campus Teacher Providing Instruction at Another District Facility |
07 | Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program | Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) |
08 | Credit by Exam | Credit by Exam |
09 | Out of District DAEP Program | Out of District DAEP Program |
10 | Non District PE Substitution Program | Non-District PE Substitution Program (Limited to Service IDs PES00008 - PES00011) |
11 | Opt Flex Online Dropout Recovery Program | Optional Flexible School Day Online Dropout Recovery Program |
99 | Other | Other |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > nonCampusInstructionCode
TSDS Master Schedule Interchange
Distance Learning
Distance Learning means remote instruction (instruction provided through a technology that allows for real-time, two-way interaction between a student and teacher who are in different physical locations) in which a student physically located at his or her home campus participates in a class provided at another campus in the same district or in another district at which students and a teacher are physically present. Distance Learning does not include instruction provided through the TxVSN. Distance Learning is not used in state reporting.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > distanceCode
Dual Credit Indicator
The Dual Credit Indicator field indicates whether the student was eligible to receive both high school and college credit for a college course.
If the Dual Credit Indicator checkbox is marked, a Dual Credit Course Sequence must be selected.
Click here to expand...
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > dualCredit
Onramps Dual Credit
This checkbox is used to indicate the student has successfully completed an OnRamps Dual Credit Course.
Career and Technical Ed Services
The Career and Technical Ed Services checkbox indicates whether the student is enrolled in a state-approved career and technical education course as an elective, or as a participant in the district's career and technical coherent sequence of courses, or as a participant in the district’s technical prep program.
Click here to expand...
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > ctEdService
College Credit Hours
College Credit Hours indicate the number of college hours a student earned for the completion of a dual credit course.
CATE Contact Hours indication the total number of days the student was eligible and present in an approved career and technical course that generated contact hours during a particular reporting period.
Click here to expand...
Code | Description | Definition |
V1 | One Contact Hour | Indicates the total number of days the student was eligible and present and enrolled in an approved career and technical course that generated one contact hour during a particular reporting period. |
V2 | Two Contact Hours | Indicates the total number of days the student was eligible and present and enrolled in an approved career and technical course that generated two contact hours during a particular reporting period. |
V3 | Three Contact Hours | Indicates the total number of days the student was eligible and present and enrolled in an approved career and technical course that generated three contact hours during a particular reporting period. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > careerTechCode
ATC Indicator Code
The ATC Indicator Code checkbox indicates a high school course for which college credit may be awarded by a post-secondary institution under the conditions of a local articulation agreement or the statewide Advanced Technical Credit (ATC) program agreement.
Special Explanation
The Special Explanation Code is a description authorized by TEA as a means to document on the transcript (AAR) specific information regarding the course to which the code is associated. Examples include explanation codes for course credit earned in middle school or at a college-level. More than one code may be included with a Course Type.
Click here to expand...
Code | Description | Definition |
3 | Home/Private School Course | A course for which credit is awarded based on the district’s evaluation of the student’s records from any school that operates outside the Texas public or charter school system (i.e., home school, private school, out-of-state school, etc.) |
7 | TEKS Based PE Course | A TEKS-based course that includes 100 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per five-day school week taken to satisfy the physical education requirement on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP)
8 | LOTE FHSP Course | A course other than a Languages other than English (LOTE) course taken to satisfy the LOTE requiremment on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) |
9 | FHSP Fourth Science Course | A course taken by a student with written permission from the student's parent/guardian to satisfy the fourth science requirement for the arts and humanities endorsement on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) |
10 | FHSP Course | A course taken as a part of a Foundation High School Program (FHSP) |
A | ATCP College Credit Course | A high school course for which college credit may be awarded by a college under the conditions of a local articulation agreement or the statewide Advanced Technical Credit Program agreement |
C | Correspondence Course | A course taken by correspondence from an approved institution |
D | College Dual Credit Course | A college course for which the student earns dual credit |
E | Exam Credit without Instruction Course | A course for which credit is awarded by examination in an academic subject in which the student has had no prior instruction (Credit by Exam) |
G | Gifted and Talented Course | A gifted/talented (G/T) course |
H | Honors Course | An honors course (Note: This refers to locally approved honors courses. TEA does not review or approve honors courses.) |
I | IB Course | An International Baccalaureate (IB) course (for use only by authorized IB schools) |
J | Pre 9th Grade High School Course | A high school course completed prior to grade nine |
K | Pre IB Course | A pre-International Baccalaureate (pre-IB) course (for use only by authorized IB schools) |
L | Local Credit Course | A course taken for local credit only |
M | Magnet School Course | A magnet course |
P | AP Course | A College Board-approved Advanced Placement (AP) course |
Q | Pre AP Course | A pre-Advanced Placement (pre-AP) course |
R | Non Traditional Course | A course completed in summer school, night school, or other instructional arrangement outside the regular school year and/or day |
T | Exam Credit with Instruction Course | A course for which credit is awarded by examination in an academic subject in which the student has had some prior instruction |
V | TEKS Modified Course | A state-approved course in which content as described by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) has been modified as a result of an ARD committee decision.
This code is used only in the permanent records of students receiving special education services to indicate modifications in TEKS course content. The code is not used to indicate accommodations in instructional methods. It is not used to indicate where the course was taught such as in a resource, homebound, or self-contained setting. It is not used to indicate instructional accommodations for students under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. |
X | Innovative Course | An innovative course approved for state elective credit by the State Board of Education or the Commissioner of Education |
Z | Distance Learning Course | A course taken by distance learning, including but not limited to the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN), television instruction, electronic transmission, or satellite broadcast |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > specialCode
Course Section Fields
Tool Search: Section Information
The Section Information tool lists all sections for the selected course and basic identifying information about that section - the assigned primary teacher, where the section meets, in what term and for what period, and how many students are in each section.
The Section Information fields unique to the state of Texas are described below. For information on the core, non-state-specific fields, see the Sections article.

Course Section Editor
Distance Learning Override
Distance Learning means remote instruction (instruction provided through a technology that allows for real-time, two-way interaction between a student and teacher who are in different physical locations) in which a student physically located at his or her home campus participates in a class provided at another campus in the same district or in another district at which students and a teacher are physically present. Distance Learning does not include instruction provided through the TxVSN.
Click here to expand...
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > distanceCode
Instructional Setting
The Instructional Setting field identifies the setting used in providing instruction to students. For more detailed definitions of Special Education Instructional Setting Codes, see the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.
Users can also select an Instructional Setting on the Course tab. Be aware that if a selection is made here, in the section tab, this is the selection that WILL report.
Click here to expand...
Code | Description | Definition |
31 | Home-based Instruction | Home-based Instruction |
32 | Center-based Instruction | Center-based Instruction |
34 | Other environment | Other environment |
00 | No instructional setting (such as Speech Therapy) | No instructional setting (such as Speech Therapy) |
01 | Homebound | Homebound |
02 | Hospital class | Hospital class |
08 | Vocational Adjustment Class/Program | Vocational Adjustment Class/Program |
30 | State Supported Living Centers | State Supported Living Centers |
40 | Mainstream | Mainstream |
50 | Residential Nonpublic School Program | Residential Nonpublic School Program |
60 | Nonpublic Day School | Nonpublic Day School |
70 | Texas School For The Blind And Visually Impaired | Texas School For The Blind And Visually Impaired |
71 | Texas School For The Deaf | Texas School For The Deaf |
41 | Resource Room/Services, < 21% | Resource Room/Services less than 21% |
42 | Resource Room/Services, 21% - 50% | Resource Room/Services at least 21% and less than 50% |
43 | Self-Contained, 50% - 60% | Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/Severe, Regular Campus at least 50% and no more than 60% |
44 | Self-Contained, > 60% | Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/Severe, Regular Campus more than 60% |
45 | FT Early Childhood Special Ed (3-5 yrs) | Full-Time Early Childhood Special Education Setting (appropriate only for students 3 – 5 years of age) |
81 | Residential Care/Treatment, Mainstream | Residential Care And Treatment Facility Mainstream |
82 | Residential Care/Treatment, < 21% | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Resource Room/Services less than 21% |
83 | Residential Care/Treatment, 21% - 50% | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Resource Room/Services at least 21% and less than 50% |
84 | Residential Care/Treatment, 50% - 60% | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/ Severe, Regular Campus at least 50% and no more than 60% |
85 | Residential Care/Treatment, > 60% | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/ Severe, Regular Campus more than 60% |
86 | Residential Care/Treatment, Separate Campus | Residential Care And Treatment Facility Separate Campus |
87 | Residential Care/Treatment, Community Class | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Community Class |
88 | Residential Care/Treatment, Voc Adjustment | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Vocational Adjustment Class/Program |
89 | Residential Care And Treatment Facility | Residential Care And Treatment Facility – Full-Time Early Childhood Special Education Setting (appropriate only for students 3 – 5 years of age) |
91 | Off Home Campus - Mainstream | Off Home Campus Mainstream |
92 | Off Home Campus - Resource Room Less than 21% | Off Home Campus – Resource Room/Services less than 21% |
93 | Off Home Campus - Resource Room 21% - 50% | Off Home Campus – Resource Room/Services at least 21% and less than 50% |
94 | Off Home Campus - Self-Contained 50% - 60% | Off Home Campus – Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/Severe, Regular Campus at least 50% and no more than 60% |
95 | Off Home Campus - Self-Contained More than 60% | Off Home Campus – Self-Contained, Mild/Moderate/Severe, Regular Campus more than 60% |
96 | Off Home Campus - Separate Campus | Off Home Campus Separate Campus |
97 | Off Home Campus - Community Class | Off Home Campus Community Class |
98 | Off Home Campus - Full-Time EC SpEd Setting | Off Home Campus – Full-Time Early Childhood Special Education Setting (appropriate only for students 3 – 5 years of age) |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > instructionalSetting
The Term field allows the user to determine the Term in which the section is scheduled.
Click here to expand...
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Course > Section Information > Term Type
Non Campus Based Instruction Code
A Non-Campus Based Instruction Code indicates that a course was offered for class credit or student achievement but:
- was not taught by a school district/charter school employee or a contracted teacher, or
- was taught by a school district/charter school employee or a contracted teacher at a facility other than the campus where the student is enrolled.
Examples include, but are not limited to, college-based instruction, non-district teacher, non-campus teacher, internet-based instruction, electronic Course Pilot (eCP), and Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN).
Users can select a Non Campus Based Instruction Code on the Course tab as well. Be aware that if a selection is made here, in the section tab, this is the selection that WILL report.
Click here to expand...
Code | Description | Definition |
00 | NA | Not Applicable |
01 | College Based Course | College Campus Based Course |
02 | Electronic/Internet/Correspondence Based Course | Electronic/Internet/Correspondence Based/Video Conferencing Course (Not a TxVSN course) |
03 | Non-District Teacher Providing Classroom Instruction | Non-District Teacher Providing Classroom Instruction Services |
04 | TxVSN Online Schools program | Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools program (Formerly Electronic Course Program (eCP)) |
05 | (TxVSN) Statewide online Course Catalog | Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Statewide Online Course Catalog |
06 | Non-Camp Teacher Provid Instr at Another Dist. Fac | Non-Campus Teacher Providing Instruction at Another District Facility |
07 | Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program | Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) |
08 | Credit by Exam | Credit by Exam |
09 | Out of District DAEP Program | Out of District DAEP Program |
10 | Non District PE Substitution Program | Non-District PE Substitution Program (Limited to Service IDs PES00008 - PES00011) |
99 | Other | Other |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > Custom Section > nonCampusInstructionCode
TSDS Master Schedule Interchange
Population Served
The Population Served field identifies the student population for which a service has been designed or is intended. It does not necessarily identify the program eligibility of the students who receive the service.
Users can also select Population Served on the Course tab. Be aware that if a selection is made here, in the section tab, this is the selection that WILL report.
Click here to expand...
Code | Description | Definition |
01 | Regular Students | Those students served through the regular academic program and students who do not constitute a special population. |
02 | Bilingual Students | Those students served in Bilingual programs. |
03 | Compensatory/Remedial Education Students | Those students served in compensatory or remedial education programs. |
04 | Gifted and Talented Students | Those students served in programs for identified gifted and talented students. |
05 | Career and Technical Education Students | Those students served in an approved state career and technical education course. |
06 | Special Education Students | Those students served in special education programs as determined by the admission, review, and dismissal committee. |
07 | ESL Students | Those students served in English as a Second Language programs. |
08 | Adult Basic Education Students | Those students served in the Adult Basic Education program. |
09 | Honors Students | Those students served in Honors classes. |
10 | Migrant Students | Those students served in migrant programs. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > Custom Section > populationServed
SPED Student Age Range
The SPED Student Age Range field identifies the age range of Special Education students to whom teaching and paraprofessional staff provide services.
Click here to expand...
Code | Description |
00 | Not Providing Services to Special Education Students |
01 | Not Providing Services to Special Education Students |
02 | Providing Services to Students Aged 5 (In KG) to 21 |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > Custom Section > spedStudentAgeRange
Student Instruction Type
The Student Instruction Type indicates the length of the prekindergarten instructional day for the section.
Click here to expand...
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > Custom Section > studentInstructionType
PK Curricula
The PK Curricula field indicates curricula used in the district’s prekindergarten program.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > Custom Section > pkCurricula
TSDS Master Schedule Interchange
HQ PK Program Indicator
The HQ PK (High Quality PreK) Program Indicator checkbox indicates campus/course/section participation in the High Quality Grant Program Funding at an LEA if the district meets all required program standards.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > Custom Section > pkProgramIndicator
TSDS Master Schedule Interchange
PK School Type
This field indicates the PK program that is offered at the campus/course/section level.
Click here to expand...
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > Custom Section > pkSchoolType
TSDS Master Schedule Interchange
**Staff History Fields
Tool Search: Section Staff History
Staff History tracks the history of teachers for a particular course section. The tool lists active primary teachers, teachers, and section staff in addition to former primary teachers, teachers, and section staff. In Texas, users can enter Non-Certified CTE Override reasons and date ranges. These fields are described below. For additional information, see the Staff History article.
Staff History contains fields on which state reporting relies. Be sure to accurately populate these fields.
Staff History Detail Editor
Click here to expand...
Non-Certified CTE Override Section
The Non-Certified CTE Override section allows users to indicate the course staff is not eligible during the user-defined date range for CTE funding. CTE funding may be applied outside of the date range.
** District Assignment
The District Assignment field displays the staff person's district assignment record as entered on the District Assignment tab. This field pulls the Title assigned to the selected staff person on the District Assignment record. Only assignments within the current school are available for selection.
To ensure proper reporting, be sure to select a District Assignment of: 087: Teacher OR 047: Substitute Teacher.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/ Section > Staff History > districtAssignment
- Each Section MUST have a Primary Teacher.
- The Primary Teacher MUST have a District Assignment of Teacher on the Section.
- If multiple Primary Teachers covered the full section, the Assignment Start and End Dates MUST be filled out for the full date range.
TSDS Staff Association Interchange
** Role
The Role field determines the assigned position of the primary teacher, teacher, or section section staff. This is used in state reports and indicates the teacher of record for the section or indicates the assignment is not state reported.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/ Section > Staff History > role
- In order for a section to report, the Primary Teacher MUST be assigned the Role of 01: Teacher of Record.
- Secondary teachers are allowed but do NOT report.
- Only ONE teacher may be setup this way in the same date range.
- Teacher of Record assignments may NOT overlap.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/ Section > Staff History > districtAssignment
- Each Section MUST have a Primary Teacher.
- The Primary Teacher MUST have a District Assignment of Teacher on the Section.
- If multiple Primary Teachers covered the full section, the Assignment Start and End Dates MUST be filled out for the full date range.
TSDS Staff Association Interchange
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > Course/ Section > Staff History > role
- In order for a section to report, the Primary Teacher MUST be assigned the Role of 01: Teacher of Record.
- Secondary teachers are allowed but do NOT report.
- Only ONE teacher may be setup this way in the same date range.
- Teacher of Record assignments may NOT overlap.
Section Roster Batch Edit Fields
Tool Search: Section Roster Batch Edit
The Section Roster Batch Edit tool provides a way to mass update the existing roster for the selected course section. In Texas, users can enter a Course State Code override and a Special Explanation override. These fields are further described below. Information on other fields in the Section Roster Batch Edit is available in the Section Roster Batch Edit article.
Section Roster Batch Edit
Course State Code (override)
A code is given a course to be used in state reporting, up to 15 characters long. It is important to note that any change made to the Course State Code (override) field in the Walk-In Scheduler is reflected here and vice versa.
Entering a Course State Code in this field will override anything entered in the State Code field on the Course tab. This means that state reports will report the code entered here and not the code entered on the Course tab.
Click here to expand...
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > courseCode
Special Explanation (override)
The Special Explanation Code is a description authorized by TEA as a means to document on the transcript (AAR) specific information regarding the course to which the code is associated. Examples include explanation codes for course credit earned in middle school or at a college level. More than one code may be included with a Course Type. It is important to note that any change made to the Special Explanation (override) field in the Walk-In Scheduler is reflected here and vice versa.
Entering a Special Explanation code in this field will override anything entered in the Special Explanation field on the Course tab. This means that state reports will report the code(s) entered here and not the code(s) entered on the Course tab.
Only Special Explanations with a value in the Value column of the dictionary are reported.
Click here to expand...
Code | Description | Definition |
3 | Home/Private School Course | A course for which credit is awarded based on the district’s evaluation of the student’s records from any school that operates outside the Texas public or charter school system (i.e., home school, private school, out-of-state school, etc.) |
7 | TEKS Based PE Course | A TEKS-based course that includes 100 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per five-day school week taken to satisfy the physical education requirement on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP)
8 | LOTE FHSP Course | A course other than a Languages other than English (LOTE) course taken to satisfy the LOTE requirement on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) |
9 | FHSP Fourth Science Course | A course taken by a student with written permission from the student's parent/guardian to satisfy the fourth science requirement for the arts and humanities endorsement on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) |
10 | FHSP Course | A course taken as a part of a Foundation High School Program (FHSP) |
A | ATCP College Credit Course | A high school course for which college credit may be awarded by a college under the conditions of a local articulation agreement or the statewide Advanced Technical Credit Program agreement |
C | Correspondence Course | A course taken by correspondence from an approved institution |
D | College Dual Credit Course | A college course for which the student earns dual credit |
E | Exam Credit without Instruction Course | A course for which credit is awarded by examination in an academic subject in which the student has had no prior instruction (Credit by Exam) |
G | Gifted and Talented Course | A gifted/talented (G/T) course |
H | Honors Course | An honors course (Note: This refers to locally approved honors courses. TEA does not review or approve honors courses.) |
I | IB Course | An International Baccalaureate (IB) course (for use only by authorized IB schools) |
J | Pre 9th Grade High School Course | A high school course completed prior to grade nine |
K | Pre IB Course | A pre-International Baccalaureate (pre-IB) course (for use only by authorized IB schools) |
L | Local Credit Course | A course taken for local credit only |
M | Magnet School Course | A magnet course |
P | AP Course | A College Board-approved Advanced Placement (AP) course |
Q | Pre AP Course | A pre-Advanced Placement (pre-AP) course |
R | Non Traditional Course | A course completed in summer school, night school, or other instructional arrangement outside the regular school year and/or day |
T | Exam Credit with Instruction Course | A course for which credit is awarded by examination in an academic subject in which the student has had some prior instruction |
V | TEKS Modified Course | A state-approved course in which content as described by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) has been modified as a result of an ARD committee decision.
This code is used only in the permanent records of students receiving special education services to indicate modifications in TEKS course content. The code is not used to indicate accommodations in instructional methods. It is not used to indicate where the course was taught such as in a resource, homebound, or self-contained setting. It is not used to indicate instructional accommodations for students under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. |
X | Innovative Course | An innovative course approved for state elective credit by the State Board of Education or the Commissioner of Education |
Z | Distance Learning Course | A course taken by distance learning, including but not limited to the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN), television instruction, electronic transmission, or satellite broadcast |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > specialCode
TREx Extract
Walk-In Scheduler Fields
Tool Search: Scheduler
The Walk-In Scheduler allows the user to add, modify, and restore a student's schedule. With real-time data, any changes made will also be displayed in all other areas, including the teacher's roster, grade book, and attendance. The Walk-In Scheduler is accessed through the student's Schedule tab.
In Texas, users can enter a Course State Code override and a Special Explanation override. These fields are further described below. All other fields in the Walk-in Scheduler do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required, and data entry in these fields may be necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Walk-In Scheduler article.
Walk-In Scheduler Roster Update Editor
Course State Code (override)
The Course State Code (override) field allows users to select the code given to a course to be used in state reporting. It is important to note that any change made to the Course State Code (override) field in the Roster Batch Edit tab is reflected here and vice versa.
Selecting a Course State Code in this field will override anything entered in the State Code field on the Course tab. This means that state reports will report the code entered here and not the code entered on the Course tab.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > courseCode
Users can select the appropriate Course State Code from the droplist. Users are also able to manually search the droplist by typing in the field. Drop-list options narrow as more information is entered.
Special Explanation (override)
The Special Explanation Code is a description authorized by TEA as a means to document on the transcript (AAR) specific information regarding the course to which the code is associated. Examples include explanation codes for course credit earned in middle school or at a college level. More than one code may be included with a Course Type. It is important to note that any change made to the Special Explanation (override) field in the Roster Batch Edit tab is reflected here and vice versa.
Selecting a Special Explanation code in this field will override anything entered in the Special Explanation field on the Course tab. This means that state reports will report the code(s) entered here and not the code(s) entered on the Course tab.
Only Special Explanations with a value in the Value column of the dictionary are reported.
Click here to expand...
Code | Description | Definition |
3 | Home/Private School Course | A course for which credit is awarded based on the district’s evaluation of the student’s records from any school that operates outside the Texas public or charter school system (i.e., home school, private school, out-of-state school, etc.) |
7 | TEKS Based PE Course | A TEKS-based course that includes 100 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per five-day school week taken to satisfy the physical education requirement on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP)
8 | LOTE FHSP Course | A course other than a Languages other than English (LOTE) course taken to satisfy the LOTE requirement on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) |
9 | FHSP Fourth Science Course | A course taken by a student with written permission from the student's parent/guardian to satisfy the fourth science requirement for the arts and humanities endorsement on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) |
10 | FHSP Course | A course taken as a part of a Foundation High School Program (FHSP) |
A | ATCP College Credit Course | A high school course for which college credit may be awarded by a college under the conditions of a local articulation agreement or the statewide Advanced Technical Credit Program agreement |
C | Correspondence Course | A course taken by correspondence from an approved institution |
D | College Dual Credit Course | A college course for which the student earns dual credit |
E | Exam Credit without Instruction Course | A course for which credit is awarded by examination in an academic subject in which the student has had no prior instruction (Credit by Exam) |
G | Gifted and Talented Course | A gifted/talented (G/T) course |
H | Honors Course | An honors course (Note: This refers to locally approved honors courses. TEA does not review or approve honors courses.) |
I | IB Course | An International Baccalaureate (IB) course (for use only by authorized IB schools) |
J | Pre 9th Grade High School Course | A high school course completed prior to grade nine |
K | Pre IB Course | A pre-International Baccalaureate (pre-IB) course (for use only by authorized IB schools) |
L | Local Credit Course | A course taken for local credit only |
M | Magnet School Course | A magnet course |
P | AP Course | A College Board-approved Advanced Placement (AP) course |
Q | Pre AP Course | A pre-Advanced Placement (pre-AP) course |
R | Non Traditional Course | A course completed in summer school, night school, or other instructional arrangement outside the regular school year and/or day |
T | Exam Credit with Instruction Course | A course for which credit is awarded by examination in an academic subject in which the student has had some prior instruction |
V | TEKS Modified Course | A state-approved course in which content as described by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) has been modified as a result of an ARD committee decision.
This code is used only in the permanent records of students receiving special education services to indicate modifications in TEKS course content. The code is not used to indicate accommodations in instructional methods. It is not used to indicate where the course was taught such as in a resource, homebound, or self-contained setting. It is not used to indicate instructional accommodations for students under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. |
X | Innovative Course | An innovative course approved for state elective credit by the State Board of Education or the Commissioner of Education |
Z | Distance Learning Course | A course taken by distance learning, including but not limited to the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN), television instruction, electronic transmission, or satellite broadcast |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Schedule > specialCode
Users may use the drop list to select as many special explanations as necessary.
TREx Extract