Idaho Early Childhood
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:05 am CDT
Tool Search: Early Childhood
The Early Childhood tool lists student information related to programs designed to improve the health, social-emotional and cognitive outcomes for all students from birth through third grade, using the federal guidelines.
Early Childhood records cannot overlap, meaning only one active record for a student can exist at any time).
See the core Early Learning article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Early Learning records.
Idaho Early Childhood Editor
Early Learning Detail Fields
The agency type where student receives the primary service.
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Code | Description |
01 | Home-based (child's home) |
02 | Community-based (outside the child's home) |
03 | Center-based (including a school setting) |
04 | Center-based for children with special needs |
05 | Family Child care Home (provider's home) |
06 | Multi-setting |
07 | Locally designed |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.location
Not reported
Indicates the setting of the Early Learning program.
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Code | Description |
01 | Home-based (child's home) |
02 | Community-based (outside the child's home) |
03 | Center-based (including a school setting) |
04 | Center-based for children with special needs |
05 | Family Child care Home (provider's home) |
06 | Multi-setting |
07 | Locally designed |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.setting
Not reported
Eligibility Category
Indicates why the student is eligible for the Early Learning program. Multiple selections can be made for this field.
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Code | Description |
1 | Age |
2 | Family incom |
3 | Disability Status |
4 | Supplemental social security income |
5 | Women, infants, and children |
6 | Temporary assistance for needy families |
7 | Other Public Assistance |
8 | Foster |
9 | Military Family |
10 | Home language other than English |
11 | Other family risk factors |
12 | Other child risk factors |
13 | At-risk of having a substantial developmental delays |
14 | Other |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > EarlyLearning > earlyLearning.eligibilityCategories
Not reported
Enrollment Type
Indicates the student's enrollment type. Multiple selections can be made for this field.
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Code | Description |
1 | Head Start |
3 | State Preschool |
4 | Public Preschool |
5 | Private Preschool |
6 | Early Childhood Special Education (619) |
7 | Home Visiting |
8 | Child Care |
9 | Early Intervention Services Part C |
10 | Other |
11 | None |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.enrollmentTypes
Not reported
Federal Funding Type
Indicates the student's federal funding type.
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Code | Description |
1 | Head Start |
2 | Early Head Start |
3 | Office of Child Care - CCDF |
4 | Early Intervention Part C |
5 | Special Education Preschool Part B 619 |
6 | Title I |
7 | Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Income |
8 | Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) |
9 | Part B 611 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) |
10 | Part D Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) |
11 | Medicaid |
12 | State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) |
13 | Special Supplemental Nutrition Program |
14 | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |
15 | Title V Home Visiting |
16 | Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) |
17 | Champus/Tricare |
18 | Impact Aid |
19 | Family Preservation |
20 | Dropout Preservation |
21 | Juvenile Justice |
22 | Other |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.federalFundingSources
Not reported
Educational Environment
Indicates the environment of the student's education. Multiple selections can be made for this field.
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Code | Description |
1 | Home |
2 | Other location regular early childhood program (at least 10 hours) |
3 | Other location regular early childhood program (less than 10 hours) |
4 | Residential facility |
5 | Separate school |
6 | Separate special education class |
7 | Service provider or other location not in any other category |
8 | Services regular early childhood program (at least 10 hours) |
9 | Services regular early childhood program (less than 10 hours) |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.educationalEnvironments
Not reported
Services Received
Use the Services Received field to select all services provided to the student.
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Code | Description |
1 | Assistive technology services |
2 | Audiology services |
3 | Family training/counseling services |
4 | Health services |
5 | Medical services |
6 | Nursing services |
7 | Nutrition services |
8 | Occupational therapy |
9 | Physical therapy |
10 | Psychological services |
11 | Sign language and cued language services |
12 | Service coordination |
13 | Social work services |
14 | Special instruction |
15 | Speech-language pathology services |
16 | Vision services |
17 | Behavioral health |
18 | Transportation |
19 | None |
20 | Other |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.servicesReceived
Not reported
Exit Reason
Reason for which the student ended the program.
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Code | Description |
1 | Attempts to contact the parent and/or child were unsuccessful |
2 | Completion of IFSP prior to reaching maximum age for Part C |
3 | Died or is permanently incapacitated |
4 | Discontinued schooling |
5 | Discontinued schooling, not special education |
6 | Discontinued schooling, special education only |
7 | Eligible for IDEA, Part B |
8 | Expulsion |
9 | Graduation with a high school diploma |
10 | Moved out of state |
11 | No longer receiving special education |
12 | Moved within the US, not known to be continuing |
13 | Not eligible for Part B, exit with no referrals |
14 | Not eligible for Part B, exit with referrals to other programs |
15 | Part B eligibility not determined |
16 | Program completion |
17 | Program discontinued |
18 | Reached maximum age |
19 | Received certificate of completion, modified diploma, or finished IEP requirements |
20 | Refused services |
21 | Student data claimed in error/never attended |
22 | Student moved to another country, may or may not be continuing |
23 | Student with disabilities remaining in school to receive transitional services |
24 | Suspended from school |
25 | Transferred to another district or school, known to be continuing in program/service |
26 | Transferred to another district or school, not known to be continuing in program/service |
27 | Transferred to a juvenile or adult correctional facility where educational services are not provided |
28 | Unknown reason |
29 | Withdrawal by a parent or guardian |
30 | Other |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.exitReason
Not reported
Household Information
Number of People in Family
Indicates the number of people in the student's family.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.familyCount
Not reported
Number of People in Household
Indicates the number of people in the student's household.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.householdCount
Not reported
Gross Family Income Per Year
Indicates the annual gross income of the family.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.annualFamilyIncome
Not reported
Source of Family Income
Indicates the source or sources of the family's income. Multiple selections can be made for this field.
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| Description
| Wages
| Alimony
| Child Support
| Worker's compensation
| Unemployment
| Supplemental security income
| Temporary assistance for needy families
| Agricultural
| Other
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.familyIncomeSource
Not reported
Lists any additional information about the student's Early Childhood record.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Early Learning > earlyLearning.comments
Not reported