Special Education Snapshot (New Mexico)

Tool Search: Special Education Snapshot Template 

The Special Education Snapshot Template tracks general information on Special Education students.

Screenshot of Special Education Snapshot Template Editor.Special Education Snapshot Template Editor

Report Logic

  • Reports a record per active NM Exceptionality (State Reporting) Plan per enrolled student actively enrolled on the Reporting Date selected.
  • To report, a student must be enrolled in at least one calendar that is NOT State Excluded and in a grade level that is NOT State Excluded with the Enrollment NOT flagged as No Show or State Exclude on at least one day on the Reporting Date selected.
  • NM Exceptionality Plan must be active on the Reporting Date selected.

Report Editor

Submission ScheduleThe Submission Schedule for which data is being submitted to the state.
Reporting DateStudent records report from NM Exceptionality (State Reporting) Plans that are active (Participation Start Date to Participation End Date) on the Reporting Date selected in this field .
Which students would you like
to include in the report?

This option allows you to narrow your search results by using one of the following options.

  • Grade - Select a single grade or multiple grades (CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to select multiple).
  • Ad Hoc Filter - Select a filter to limit results to students included in the filter. This option is useful for troubleshooting. 


The format in which the report will generate. Options include State Format (CSV) and HTML.
Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report.

Report Example

Screenshot of Special Ed Template Records Example in HTML.Special Ed Template Records Example - HTML

Report Layout

#ElementLogicType, Format, and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Location
1District Code

A three-character district code.

Numeric, 3 digits


District Information

2Location Code

The state school number.

Reports the code selected in the Location Code field on the NM Exceptionality record.

Otherwise, If the Location Code field is null, this element reports the State School Number from the student of record's active calendar of enrollment that is marked as Primary on the Reporting Date entered on the extract editor.

there is more than one active enrollment marked as Primarythis value reports based on earliest start date. If the start dates are the same, the value reports based on the highest calendar ID.
there are no active enrollments marked as PrimaryS:Partial reports.
more than one active enrollment is marked as S:Partialthis value reports based on earliest start date. If the start dates are the same, the value reports based on the highest calendar ID.
NONE are flagged S: PartialN: Sped and Location Code reports.
Otherwise, this field reports null.
Numeric, 5 digitsSchool.number

Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Education Plan > Location Code


School Information > State School Number

3School YearThe end year of the selected calendar(s) plus the date 06-30. For example, 2017-06-30.

Date field, 10 characters


4 Filler 4 N/AN/AN/AN/A
5Student IDReports the state-assigned identifier for the student.Numeric, 9 digitsPerson.stateIDDemographics > State ID
11Primary Disability

The primary disability condition which resulted in the assignment of the student to special education.

Reports the code selected in the Primary Disability field on the NM Exceptionality record.

Valid Values

  • AU: Autism
  • DB: Deaf-Blindness
  • DD: Development Delay
  • ED: Emotional Disturbance
  • HI: Hearing Impaired
  • ID: Intellectual Disability
  • MD: Multiple Disabilities
  • OHI: Other Health Impairment
  • OI: Orthopedic Impairment
  • SL: Speech or Language Impairment
  • SLD: Specific Learning Disability
  • TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury
  • VI: Visual Impairment
Alphanumeric, 2 characters Enrollment.
Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Education Plan > Primary Disability
12Secondary Disability

The code for the secondary disability condition, if one exists. If one does not exist, this element reports blank. Valid values are the same as the Primary Disability. 

Reports the code selected in the Secondary Disability field on the NM Exceptionality record.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters Enrollment.
Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Education Plan > Secondary Disability 
13Last IEP Date

The date on which the student last received an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Reports the date entered in the  Last IEP Date field on the NM Exceptionality record.

Date field, 10 characters


Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Education Plan > Last IEP Date
14Last Evaluation Date

The date on which the student last received a formal special education evaluation.

Reports the Compliance Date from the most recent Evaluation. The date must fall on or prior to the Reporting Date selected on the extract editor.

Initial or re-evaluation types may report.

Date field, 10 characters


Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Evaluation Detail > Compliance Date
15 Filler15 N/AN/AN/AN/A
16 Filler16 N/AN/AN/AN/A
17 Filler17 N/AN/AN/AN/A
18Special Ed Teacher ID

Identifies the Case Manager by reporting the SSN of the SPED Teacher. The teacher must have an active employment assignment record and an active role of Case Manager on the Reporting Date selected on the extract editor.

If there is more than one active case manager, the teacher with the latest end date reports. If their end dates are the same, then the teacher with the earliest start date reports. However, if the start date is the same, then the teacher's last names then first names are used to report according to alphabetical order. If their names are the same, then the teacher reports according to their Team ID.

Numeric, 12 digits


Special Ed > General > Team Members > Role

Demographics > SSN

19 Filler19 N/AN/AN/AN/A
20 Filler20 N/AN/AN/AN/A
21Expected Diploma Type

The path/option a special ed student will take toward graduation.

Reports the code selected in the Expected Diploma Type field on the NM Exceptionality record.

Valid Values

  • 3: Modified Option
  • 4: Ability Option
  • 5: Standard Option
Numeric, 1 digit Enrollment.
Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Education Plan > Expected Diploma Type
22 Filler22 N/AN/AN/AN/A
23Alternate Assessment

Indicates whether the special education student is entitled to take an alternate assessment as documented in their IEP.

 When the Alt Assessment Eligible checkbox is marked, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N

SEPlan.initiatedSpecial Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) > Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Education Plan > Alt Assessment Eligible
26Braille Instruction

Indicates whether the student requires Braille Instruction.

Reports the code selected in the Braille Instruction field on the NM Exceptionality record.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Enrollment.
Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Education Plan > Braille Instruction
33Special Ed Entry Date

The date of the student’s entry into special education in the current school year at the district.

The report looks at the student's Exceptionality of record. If the Date selected in Special Ed ENTRY DATE is prior to the earliest calendar Start Date selected on the extract editor, the earliest calendar Start Date reports. If the Date selected in the Special Ed Entry Date is after or on the earliest calendar Start Date of the calendars selected on the extract editor, the Special Ed Entry Date reports.If the Special Ed Entry Date is null, this field reports null.

Date field, 10 characters


Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Education Plan > Special Ed ENTRY DATE
34 Filler34 N/AN/AN/AN/A
35Snapshot Date

The report date using based on  the Submission Schedule selected on the Extract editor.


Submission ScheduleReportsExample

Date field, 10 characters


44Primary Setting

The necessary type of class setting for the student. 

Reports the code selected in the Primary Setting Code field on the NM Exceptionality record.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters Enrollment.
Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Education Plan > Primary Setting Code
59Primary Area of Exceptionality

The selected Primary Area of Exceptionality.

Reports from the NM Exceptionality of record.

  • Codes 1 and 2 report SE (Disability Only or Disability as primary and Gifted as secondary)
  • Codes 3 and 4 report G (Gifted Only or Gifted as primary and disability as secondary)
Alphanumeric, 10 characters


Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Education Plan > Primary Area of Exceptionality
60-77 Filler60-77N/AN/AN/AN/A
78Annual Review Delay Reason CodeFrom the NM Exceptionality of record:
  • Reports the Annual Review Delay Reason Code from the most recent Evaluation with a type of Reevaluation.

Must fall on or prior to the Reporting Date selected on the extract editor.

Alphanumeric, 25



Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Evaluation Detail > Annual Review Delay Reason Code

79Triennial Review Delay Reason CodeFrom the NM Exceptionality of record:
  • Report the Triennial Review Delay Reason Code from the most recent Evaluation with a type of Reevaluation.

Must fall on or prior to the Reporting Date selected on the extract editor.

Alphanumeric, 25



Special Ed > General > Documents > (Maps to NM Exceptionality - state reporting Plan) >  Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Evaluation Detail > Triennial Review Delay Reason Code