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OLR Version 6.2 Release Notes

This functionality is available to districts who have purchased Online Registration (OLR) as an add-on service. For more information, contact the appropriate Client Relationship Manager.

OLR Release Notes describe all changes included within the release pack which may impact users who use Online Registration as add-on functionality to their existing student information system. Questions or concerns regarding an update should be directed to Campus Support. See the Online Registration Product Documentation for more information.

OLR 6.2.10 (7/13/2023)

This version of OLR is compatible with Campus.2311 and later.


  • A validator has been added to the OLR Status tool that will prevent the creation and saving of OLR Status records that have a Type of 'Denied' and also have the Unsubmit checkbox selected.  An OLR Info Center warning has also been added to list all such OLR Status records that already exist. (CDP-2583)
  • We are preventing the use of the OLR List Bank Replacer when the blank option is selected for the Campus List Bank. A message will appear to instruct the user to choose an entry from Campus list before they can use that list for imports. (CDP-2612)


  • An error was occurring when trying to load the list of schools when the blank option is selected for the Configuration Group in OLR Staff Processing. This has been corrected. (CDP-2589)
  • The error messages for the OLR kiosk and email sign up pages were occasionally not loading properly. This has been corrected. (CDP-2594)
  • If a user attempted to go to the Student Processing detail page for an application with no valid household or address, they would get an error. This has been corrected. (CDP-2596)
  • If an OLR application had a primary address with school boundary records for the same school multiple times, then students in that application would appear in the Student Processing detail list multiple times if that school was selected. This has been corrected. (CDP-2598)
  • An error could occur when attempting to post to primarySiteID or mailingSiteID. This has been corrected. (CDP-2600)
  • The conditional field checker was added to OLR posting for state/federal programs. (CDP-2608)

OLR 6.2.9 (6/15/2023)

This version of OLR is compatible with Campus.2311 and later.


  • When a household has been created from OLR, the comment "From OLR" has changed to "From OLR application #<number>." (CDP-2462)
  • Parents can now start a new application if a district denies either an annual update or portal new student application. (CDP-2532)


  • In the new application, the system setting to allow creation of secondary households was not working. This has been corrected. (CDP-2518)
  • When selecting an application on a search screen, the row was not being highlighted to show that it had been selected. This has been corrected. (CDP-2538)
  • In the new Application, at least one phone number for parents/guardians was not always required. This has been corrected. (CDP-2539)
  • Fixed a visual error occurring in the Literals bank. (CDP-2561)
  • The lock for the existing records checkbox in the new OLR application was not functioning as designed. This has been corrected. (CDP-2572)

OLR 6.2.7 (5/30/2023)

This version of OLR is compatible with Campus.2311 and later.


  • Drop List and Drop to Radio field types have been added to the available field types for the Prevent Batch Posting value feature. Only one list value can be selected as a stop batch posting value. (CDP-2554)


  • State Race values could sometimes be overwritten in CA if the Race Ethnicity pleat was conditionally hidden in the OLR application and the student has a State Race value of "Decline to State" with none of the race checkboxes selected in Campus demographics. This has been corrected (CDP-2550)

OLR 6.2.5 (5/18/2023)

This version of OLR is compatible with Campus.2311 and later.


  • Links to upload documents have been added in the OLR application for the Household and for the Student in the Student Processing detail screen. (CDP-2470)
  • A new field has been added in the OLR Builder for Prevent Batch Posting Value. If an OLR application has a value for a field that matches the value in the Prevent Batch Posting Value field, then that OLR application will not qualify for batch posting or auto-posting on submission. This new field will only be available for custom YN Radio Button field types and only for fields in the Household section. (CDP-2477)
  • A Check Batch Qualifications for Application button was added to OLR Staff Processing. This feature will check the selected OLR application's qualifications for batch posting. If the application qualifies, a dialog box will appear stating that it qualifies. If it does not qualify, the dialog box will list the reasons why it did not. (CDP-2497)


  • Allow posting documents to tools under Student Information > Health > General. (CDP-2449)
  • When uploading a file, it was possible for it to fail because some of the characters in the document name would not be processed correctly. This has been corrected. (CDP-2463)
  • If some fields moved off of their default pleat, they would not show up in the new app. This has been corrected. (CDP-2465)
  • Multi-Select fields in the Household section of OLR applications were only posting one of the selected values instead of all of them. This has been corrected. (CDP-2472)
  • Within the New Look, the School List field was not properly toggling based on its parent field and values, as well as other fields not properly toggling off of the School List field's value in the new OLR interface. This has been corrected. (CDP-2484)

OLR 6.2.4 (3/28/2023)

This version of OLR is compatible with Campus.2311 and later.


  • An OLR Import/Export has been added to OLR Setup for adding or exporting OLR configurations from one site to another. (CDP-2325)
  • Special characters, such as # or ^, in the name field of OLR Document Upload Option records could cause errors. To prevent this, a validator has been added to prevent the use of such characters when creating Document Upload Option records. (CDP-2413)


  • The Household tab would not save if the Household > Home Address > 'Address Not Current Checkbox' field was disabled in the OLR new look. This has been corrected. (CDP-2430)
  • The Contact Preferences Grid was showing up when all checkboxes inside the grid were disabled. This has been corrected. (CDP-2440)

OLR 6.2.0 (3/14/2023)

This version of OLR is compatible with Campus.2311 and later.


  • With OLR version 6.2.0, there is a new option available on staging and sandbox sites (not currently production sites) titled "Enable Beta Application." Please visit the OLR Version 6.2.0 Release Information for more information.
  • OLR can now post documents to Student Information > Health > General. (CDP-291)


  • Fixed a false positive warning on the information center related to the renaming of the tab 'Athlete Eligibility' to Athletics. (CDP-2383)