
Tool Search: Sales

The Sales Report provides a comprehensive record of sales activity across all of your district's stores. You can limit report results to a specific school by selecting the school in the Campus toolbar. Report results can also be limited to specific start and end dates.

Screenshot of the Sales Report Editor.Sales Report Editor

The Sales report can be exported to a Microsoft Excel file.

Screenshot of the Sales Report after it is exported to Microsoft Excel.

Additional Columns

Screenshot of the Sales Report Editor where the Select Columns button is highlighted.

When you launch the Sales report tool, the default columns appear. These columns can be hidden, or you can display additional columns.

  1. Click the Select Columns icon.
    The list of available columns displays.
  2. Hide columns by unmarking the checkboxes.
  3. Display additional columns by marking the checkboxes. The additional columns are Device Name and Event Name. Information for these two fields will display if purchases and payments were recorded using the Campus Mobile Payments app.
  4. Click Apply to save the changes.
    The columns that were selected are displayed.
When you close the report and reopen it, the default columns reappear. Any columns selected previously are not saved.

Previous Versions

Sales [.2211 - .2247]