Indicator 7 (Delaware)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:11 am CDT
Tool Search: Special Ed Documents
This document only reports information about early childhood students and does not print. For information on general functionality, navigation, and additional plan and evaluation features, see the core Plan and Evaluation Information article.
The current print format for this document is DE Indicator 7 2024. Delaware is a State Edition, and districts cannot change the plan format.
Indicator 7 Editor HomeIndicator 7 Information
The Indicator 7 Information captures data about this document, including the type, relevant dates, and sources of data.
Indicator 7 Information Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
Type | The type of document. Options include: - Entry COS
- Monitoring COS
- Exit COS
- Transfer
| N/A
Rating Date | The evaluation date. | State Reporting Field Name: Evaluation Date
Database Location: SEPlan.startDate |
Is the child exiting the program? | Indicates the student is exiting the program. Options are Yes or No. | State Reporting Field Name: Exit Evaluation Indicator
Database Location: SEPlan.exitReason
Exit Date | The day the student exited the program. | *This field is available when Yes is selected for the "Is the child exiting the program?" question. |
Progress Made Was Progress Made?
Social-Emotional | Indicates the student's social-emotional progress. Options are: - Making Progress
- Not Making Progress
| State Reporting Field Name: Social-Emotion Progress
Database Location: SEPlan.specialRequest
Describe | A description of the student's social-emotional progress. | This field is limited to 500 characters.
Knowledge | Indicates the student's knowledge progress. Options are: - Making Progress
- Not Making Progress
| State Reporting Field Name: Knowledge Progress
Database Location: SEPlan.school1
Describe | A description of the student's knowledge progress.
| This field is limited to 500 characters.
Actions to Meet Needs | Indicates the student's behavior progress. Options are: - Making Progress
- Not Making Progress
| State Reporting Field Name:
Behaviors Progress school2
Database Location: SEPlan.school2
Describe | A description of the student's behavior progress.
| This field is limited to 500 characters. |
Sources of Information |
Sources of Information | The sources of information. Click the expand link to view available options.
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- Adaptive Behavior Assessment System (ABAS)
- Ages and Stages Questionnaire-3 AND Ages and Stages SE-2
- Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills Revised (ABLLS-R)
- Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS-3)
- Callier Azusa Scale
- Carolina Curriculum Assessment for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs
- Carolina Curriculum Assessment for Preschoolers with Special Needs
- Creative Curriculum
- Developmental Assessment for Individuals with Severe Disabilities – 3rd Edition (DASH-3)
- Early Learning Survey
- Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) checklist (in conjunction with TSG)
- Evaluation Summary Report (to be used for entry COS only)
- Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation (GFTA-3)
- For children identified with speech/language impairment, if GFTA-3 is selected as the primary assessment, a secondary assessment must also be used so all 3 Outcomes are addressed.
- Record Review for Transfers Only
- The Ounce Scale
- The Photo Articulation Test – 3rd Edition (PAT-3) – use for outcome #2 ONLY
- Teaching Strategies GOLD
- Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP)
- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale- 3rd Edition
- Work Sampling
| Up to three checkboxes can be selected. |
Additional Sources of Information | Any additional sources of information. Options include: - Anecdotal Records
- Observation
- Classroom Data
- Interviews
| N/A
Family Information on child's functioning (check all that apply) | Any information provided by the student's family. Options include: - Received in IEP Team Meeting
- Incorporated into Assessment(s)
- Collected Separately
- Not Included
| N/A
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Enrollment Information
The Enrollment Information editor is a read-only editor that pulls in district and school information where the student is enrolled. This editor also documents the student's disability(ies).
Enrollment Information Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
Primary Disability Required | The student's first disability. Options include:- 1000 Autism
- 1100 Deaf-Blind
- 1400 Developmental Delay
- 0200 Emotional Disability
- 0700 Hearing Impairment
- 0300 Learning Disability
- 0100 Mild Intellectual Disability
- 0400 Moderate Intellectual Disability
- 0603 Orthopedic Impairment
- 0601 Other Health Impairment
- 0900 Partially Sighted
- 1600 Pre-School Speech Delay
- 0500 Severe Intellectual Disability
- 1200 Speech and/or Language Impairment
- 1300 Traumatic Brain Injury
- 0800 Visually Impaired
| N/A |
District of Residence | The student's district of residence. | This field pulls in from the student's Enrollment record when available but can be manually edited. |
Attending Building
| The building where the student attends school.
| Upon Refresh, this field is pulled from the Enrollment tool but can be manually edited.
Grade | The student's grade. | Upon Refresh, this field is pulled from the Enrollment tool and cannot be modified.
Database Location: enrollment.grade |
District Information |
District Number | The district number associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > State District Number |
District Name | The district name associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > Name |
District Address | The district address associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > Address |
District Phone | The district phone number associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > Phone |
District SPED Address | The district special education address associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > SPED Address |
District SPED Phone | The district special ed phone number associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > SPED Phone |
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Student Information
The Student Information editor pulls demographic information regarding the student. This is a read-only editor.
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record.
Student Information Editor
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Field Name | Description | Database and UI Location (when Refreshed is clicked) |
Last Name | The student's last name. | Demographics > Last Name
identity.lastName |
First Name | The student's first name. | Demographics > First Name
identity.firstName |
Middle Name | The student's middle name. | Demographics > Middle Name
identity.middleName |
Suffix | The student's suffix. | Demographics > Suffix Name
identity.suffix |
Birthdate | The student's birthdate. | Demographics > Birth Date
identity.birthDate |
Student ID | The student's ID number. | Enrollment > Student Number
identity.studentNumber |
Address | The student's address. | Households > Address Info
address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state; |
Case Manager Information |
Name | The first and last name of the team member. | Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
Title | The role of the team member. | Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
Phone | The phone number of the team member. | Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
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Parent/Guardian Information
The Parent/Guardian Information editor pulls the contact information of the student's parent/guardian(s).
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the parent/guardian's record.
Parent/Guardian Information Editor
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Field | Description |
Print Sequence | The order in which the parent/guardian displays. |
Name | The name of the parent/guardian. |
Address | The address of the parent/guardian. |
Home Phone | The parent/guardian's home phone. |
Work Phone | The parent/guardian's work phone. |
Cell Phone | The parent/guardian's cell phone. |
Email | The parent/guardian's email. |
Home Primary Language | The language the parent/guardian speaks at home. |
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The Participants editor records the team members for the student.
Participants Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
First Name | The first name of the team member. | This field populates from the Team Members on the selected Meeting Invitation. |
Last Name | The last name of the team member. | This field populates from the Team Members on the selected Meeting Invitation. |
Role Name | The role of the team member. | This field populates from the Team Members on the selected Meeting Invitation. |
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Positive Social-Emotional Skills
The Positive Social-Emotional Skills editor documents the student's current level of social-emotional performance.
Positive Social-Emotional Skills Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
1a. To what extent does this child show age-appropriate functioning, across a variety of settings and situations, on this outcome? (Choose one number) | Options include: - 1- Not Yet
- 2
- 3- Nearly
- 4:
- 5- Somewhat
- 6
- 7- Completely
| State Reported Field Name: Social-Emotional Rating
Database Location: sepGenericForm.vcMax1 WHERE type = deSocialEmotional
Supporting evidence for this outcome rating |
Age-appropriate functioning: Concerns? | Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
If yes, describe *Required
| A description of the concerns. | *This field is available and required when Yes is selected from the "Age-appropriate functioning: Concerns?" question.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Immediate foundational skills/Functioning that is not yet age-appropriate | A description of the skills or areas in which the student is not functioning to the same degree as their age-level peers. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Functioning that is not yet age appropriate or immediate foundational | A description of any immediate foundational behaviors the student is not achieving. | This field is limited to 8000 characters.
1b. (If Question 1a has been answered previously) Has the child shown ANY new skills or behaviors related to positive social-emotional skills (including positive social relationships) since the last outcomes summary? *Required | Options are Yes or No. | *This field is available and required when 1a is populated.
If yes, describe progress *Required
| A description of any new skills/behaviors noted since the last outcomes summary. | *This field is available and required when Yes is selected for 1b.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Acquiring and Using Knowledge and Skills
The Acquiring and Using Knowledge and Skills editor documents the student's current level of academic performance.
Acquiring and Using Knowledge and Skills Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
2a. To what extent does this child show age-appropriate functioning, across a variety of settings and situations, on this outcome? (Choose one number) | Options include: - 1- Not Yet
- 2
- 3- Nearly
- 4:
- 5- Somewhat
- 6
- 7- Completely
| State Reported Field Name: Knowledge Rating
Database Location: sepGenericForm.vcMax1 WHERE type = deKnowledgeSkills
Supporting evidence for this outcome rating |
Age-appropriate functioning: Concerns? | Indicates there are academic concerns. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
If yes, describe *Required
| A description of the academic concerns. | *This field is available and required when Yes is selected from the "Age-appropriate functioning: Concerns?" question.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Immediate foundational skills/Functioning that is not yet age-appropriate | A description of the skills or areas in which the student is not functioning to the same degree as their age-level peers.
| This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Functioning that is not yet age appropriate or immediate foundational | A description of any immediate foundational behaviors the student is not achieving.
| This field is limited to 8000 characters.
2b. (If Question 2a has been answered previously) Has the child shown ANY new skills or behaviors related to acquiring and using knowledge and skills since the last outcomes summary? *Required | Options are Yes or No. | *This field is available and required when 2a is populated.
If yes, describe progress *Required
| A description of the student's progress. | *This field is available and required when Yes is selected for 2b.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Taking Appropriate Action to Meet Needs
The Taking Appropriate Action to Meet Needs editor documents the student's current level of skills regarding self-care and basic needs.
Taking Appropriate Action to Meet Needs Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
3a. To what extent does this child show age-appropriate functioning, across a variety of settings and situations, on this outcome? (Choose one number) | Options include: - 1- Not Yet
- 2
- 3- Nearly
- 4:
- 5- Somewhat
- 6
- 7- Completely
| State Reported Field Name: Behaviors Rating
Database Location: sepGenericForm.vcMax1 WHERE type = deAppropriateAction
Supporting evidence for this outcome rating |
Age-appropriate functioning: Concerns? | Indicates there are basic needs skills concerns. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
If yes, describe *Required
| A description of the basic needs skills concerns. | *This field is available and required when Yes is selected from the "Age-appropriate functioning: Concerns?" question.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Immediate foundational skills/Functioning that is not yet age-appropriate | A description of the skills or areas in which the student is not functioning to the same degree as their age-level peers.
| This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Functioning that is not yet age appropriate or immediate foundational | A description of any immediate foundational behaviors the student is not achieving.
| This field is limited to 8000 characters.
3b. (If Question 3a has been answered previously) Has the child shown ANY new skills or behaviors related to taking appropriate action to meet needs since the last outcomes summary? *Required | Options are Yes or No. | *This field is available and required when 3a is populated.
If yes, describe progress *Required
| A description of the student's progress. | *This field is available and required when Yes is selected for 3b.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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