Tool Search: ISEE Extracts
The Student Attendance extract reports district-level attendance data for all students actively enrolled during the selected date range.

Student Attendance Extract Logic
Report Population
- All students with an active enrollment and an active roster record at any time during the extract date range are included in the report with the student's School of Primary Responsibility or the student's JDC Attendance School reporting in the schoolId field.
- A set of records reports for each M-F day in the date range for each student with an active enrollment and active roster record.
- Students only report if they are in a grade with a State Grade Level of PK, KG or 01-12.
- Non-Public Home Schooled students should be mapped to their actual State Grade Level and flagged as Alternative Attendance on their enrollments. Attendance reports based on the unique calendar of the School of Primary Responsibility as derived in the District Calendar report via a DR calendar type.
- Students with a grade level of PK will only be included in the report if "Exclude PK" is not marked on the extract editor.
- Students marked as State Exclude, in a grade level marked as State Exclude, or in a calendar marked as State Exclude do not report attendance data from excluded enrollments, grade levels, or calendars.
- Students only report if the calendar of the student's School of Primary Responsibility or the student's JDC Attendance calendar is selected in the extract editor.
- For JDC attendance reporting: mark the student as full-day absent in the student's School of Primary Responsibility on each date of reported JDC Attendance. All enrollment Start and End Dates must be captured in the JDC calendar. Adding an enrollment End Date for the School of Primary Responsibility enrollment is no longer necessary.
Report and Field Logic
- Records are grouped by student's State ID, then School of Primary Responsibility, then derived calendarId, then Date. All attendance data reports from the student's School of Primary Responsibility on a given day, or from the student's enrollment in a JDC Attendance calendar.
- Attendance is counted as "Day Minutes" minus "Absent Minutes."
- "Absent Minutes" are counted for any period with an attendance code that has a status of Absent and an excuse of Excused, Unexcused, or Unknown. "Day Minutes" are calculated as the number of period minutes from all Instructional, Attendance-Taking periods that the student is scheduled in for that day across all enrollments.
- Attendance values are calculated based on the type of calendar of the School of Primary Responsibility or JDC Attendance calendar in which the student is enrolled.
- Calendar Type I: Instructional (Regular) with or without Summer School flagged and in a State Grade Level of PK or 01-12: attendance is reported as Whole Day/Half Day values, 1.0, 0.5, or 0.0.
- Calendar Type of A: Alternative with or without Summer School flagged and a State Grade Level of PK or 01-12: attendance is reported in hours to three decimal places (derived minutes present/60).
- Calendar Type of I: Instructional (Regular) enrolled in at least one section will report a Calendar Type of DR: attendance is reported in hours to three decimal places.
- State Grade Level of KG: Kindergarten with a Calendar Type of R: Instructional, SR: Summer Instructional, A: Alternative, SA: Summer Alternative, or K: Kindergarten and a Kindergarten Code of 3-9: attendance is reported as Whole Day values, 1.0 or 0.0.
- State Grade Level of KG: Kindergarten with a Calendar Type of R: Instructional, SR: Summer Instructional, A: Alternative, SA: Summer Alternative, or K: Kindergarten and a Kindergarten Code of 1 or 2: attendance is reported as Half Day values, 0.5 or 0.0
- On days when a Staff Development or Emergency Closure Day Event occurs in the School of Primary Responsibility, student Attendance values are limited to the maximum number of instructional minutes on the day:
- If the Calendar has a Day Event selected for a day, Instructional Minutes must be greater than 0 for instruction time to report.
- To report Half-Time KG as 0.5 time, Instructional Minutes must be greater than or equal to 150. If less than 150, reports instruction as 0.0.
- To report Full Day KG as having 1.0 instruction time, Instructional Minutes must be greater than or equal to 150. If less than 150, reports instruction as 0.0.
- To report students in Grades 01-12 as having 1.0 instruction time, Instructional Minutes must be greater than or equal to 240. To report as having 0.5 instruction time, Instructional Minutes must be between 239 and 150. If less than 150, reports instruction as 0.0.
- If the Calendar has a Day Event selected for a day, Instructional Minutes must be greater than 0 for instruction time to report.
- For calendars returning a Whole Day/Half Day calculation, the following rules apply by Grade Level:
- For students in grades 01-12:
- Reports 1.0 if the student has >= 240 Attendance Minutes
- Reports 0.5 if the student has between 239 and 150 Attendance Minutes
- Reports 0.0 if the student has <150 Attendance Minutes
- For students in a grade with a Kindergarten Session Code:
- Kindergarten Code 3-9 (whole day)
- Reports 1.0 if the student has >= 150 Attendance Minutes
- Kindergarten Code 1 or 2 (half day)
- Reports 0.5 if the student has >= 150 Attendance Minutes
- Reports 0.0 if the student has <150 Attendance Minutes
- Kindergarten Code 3-9 (whole day)
- For students in grades 01-12:
- For calendars returning Attendance Minutes calculated as Hours, the following rules apply:
- For students in an enrollment flagged as Alternative Attendance, or enrolled in an alternative calendar:
- Day Minutes minus Absent Minutes report relative to the specific day and the period schedule for that day, even when there are multiple period schedules in the calendars. Hours are reported to three decimal places.
- For students in an enrollment flagged as Alternative Attendance, or enrolled in an alternative calendar:
- Records are reported for each entry/exit into a calendar flagged as JDC Attendance. A record reports regardless of the Service Type of the enrollment. The JDC Attendance calendar must have a Type of I: Instructional or A: Alternative to report.
- Absence Reason only reports a value if a student has zero present minutes.
- Reports NULL if attendance < > 0.0
- Reports Absence Reason if attendance = 0.0 on the date of record
- For Derived Calendar Sets where attendance reports hours to the thousandths:
- Count period minutes mapped to Absent Excused and Absent Unexcused (state codes are not used)
- Report EA if Excused Period Minutes > Unexcused Period Minutes
- Report UA if Unexcused Period Minutes > Excused Period Minutes
- Report UA if Unexcused Period Minutes = Excused Period Minutes
- For Derived Calendar Sets where attendance reports in Modified Whole/Half Day:
- Report NA if a student does not have enough present minutes in a day to report attendance > 0
- Report EA if Excused Period Minutes > Unexcused Period Minutes
- Report UA if Unexcused Period Minutes > Excused Period Minutes
- Report UA if Unexcused Period Minutes = Excused Period Minutes
- For Derived Calendar Sets where attendance reports hours to the thousandths:
School of Primary Responsibility
The School of Primary Responsibility is the school that receives funding for a student, compared to other schools where the student may have partial enrollments. To determine the student's School of Primary Responsibility, all primary enrollments active at the same time are considered.
- If only one enrollment is flagged as Primary on a given date, that enrollment identifies the School of Primary Responsibility.
- If more than one enrollment is flagged as Primary on a given date, the School of Primary Responsibility whose calendar has the highest calendarID.
- If the student has no primary enrollments on a given date, the School of Primary Responsibility is the one of the secondary enrollment whose calendar has the highest calendarID.
- Enrollments in a calendar marked as JDC Attendance are not considered when determining a student's School of Primary Responsibility.
Day records report the same derived calendarID value as long as the student's School of Primary Responsibility enrollment remains active. A new value reports if the student's enrollment transitions. If a dual-enrolled student has an attendance record on a day when their School of Primary Responsibility is closed (reporting instructionTime as 0.0 in the District Calendar extract), a record does not report for that day in this extract.
Report Editor Field Descriptions
Field | Description |
Report Type | Select Student Attendance. The following ISEE extract types are also available: |
Start Date | The earliest date from which data is pulled for the report. It is recommended that the Start Date be the first day of the week because partial-time enrollments such as Kindergarten are often totaled into the first instructional day of the week. (Required) |
End Date | The latest date from which data is pulled for the report. (Required) |
Exclude Cross-Site Data | Cross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
Exclude PK | This checkbox indicates that students with a State Grade Level of PK should not be included in the report. |
Ad Hoc Filter | This field allows users to use an Ad hoc filter that was created in the Ad hoc Filter Designer. Only one Ad hoc filter may be selected. |
Format | The format in which the report will generate. Options include CSV and HTML. |
Select Calendars | The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. Can be set to display only the active year's calendars, or be sorted by school or by year. |
Batch Queue | Users have the option of submitting a District Calendar report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article. |
Student Attendance Extract Layout
Column | Description & Format | Campus Location |
idStuId | The student's unique Idaho Student Identification Number. Numeric, 9 digits | Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID Person.stateID |
SchoolId | The SDE assigned school code in the Idaho Education Directory for the school claiming the student. Only one school can claim the student on any given day. Alphanumeric, 4 characters | System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number School.number |
CalendarId | A unique identifier for different calendars in use within the district. See the Derived CalendarID Logic section for more information. Numeric, 9 digits | System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar ID; System Administration > Calendar > Schedule Structure > Structure ID; System Administration > Calendar > Grade Levels > Kindergarten Code Calculated, not dynamically stored. |
Date | The calendar day for the current record. Date Field, MM/DD/YYYY, 10 characters | System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days |
Calendar Minutes | This field reports in HTML format only. Reports the calculated district-level attendance minutes based on the calendar type. Reports either in hours (rounded to the tenth decimal) or as a whole/half day. Numeric, 6 digits | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Attendance | The district-level attendance for the student on the selected day. Alphanumeric, 5 characters in NN.NNN | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Absence Reason | Indicates why zero was reported for daily attendance on the selected instructional day. The logic for this field is different based on how attendance reports for Derived Calendar sets on the reporting day. See the Extract Logic section for more information. Alphanumeric, 4 characters | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Self Dir Learn | Indicates if the student is considered a Self-Directed Learner. Reports as Y if the student has a Self-Directed Learner record that is active on the reporting date of the attendance where the Participation School selected on the record matches the school reported for BaseSchoolID. Otherwise reports as N. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Self-Directed Learner PlanOfStudy.startDate PlanOfStudy.endDate |
Derived CalendarID Logic
- Calendar Type: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Type
- Summer School: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Summer School
- JDC Attendance: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > JDC Attendance
- Calendar ID and Structure ID are Campus-generated identification numbers.
- Alternative Attendance: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Alternative Attendance
- Grade Level: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade Level
- State Grade Level Code: System Administration > Calendar > Grade Levels > State Grade Level Code
- Kindergarten Code: System Administration > Calendar > Grade Levels > Kindergarten Code
- Instructional Start Date Override: System Administration > Calendar > Grade Levels > Instructional Start Date Override
- Instructional End Date Override: System Administration > Calendar > Grade Levels > Instructional End Date Override
See the District Calendar (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho) article for Derived CalendarID Logic details.