Tool Search: Ed-Fi
This educational entity represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student.
Object Triggering Logic
This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post | Report a Student Academic Record instance for each school year in which the student has a transcript record and they have a Student School Association record for the configured year When Term Type cannot be determined on a Transcript record, provide an error with the following message, "Could not identify a valid term type for transcript record" A post to update the Cumulative Earned Credits and Cumulative Attempted Credits fields when the Attempted and Earned Credit fields are updated or a new transcript record is added added/deleted with an Attempted/Earned Credit Value that is not null and is greater than 0. Does not send a record when the transcript's score is null |
Post/Put | When a student is given a Diploma Date and Diploma Type. Only posts for the records in the Student Academic Record (SAR) and configured year the Diploma Date is associated. When the student already has SAR records from posted Transcript records, updates the existing record with the Diploma information.
When the student does not have any SAR records from posted Transcript records, creates 1 SAR record to report the Diploma information
Delete | When records are posted from course transcript records and no Diploma information exits, all Student Academic Records only delete when a student has only 1 Student School Association record for a specific Year and all Student School Association records are deleted. When a Graduation record is deleted and the student does not have any transcript records that would create a Student Academic Record. When the Diploma Date is changed to no longer occur in the configured year and the student does not have any transcript records that would create a Student Academic Record. |
School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic
This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
None | When a resource is toggled to off after data has sent, all sent data remains in the ODS but no new data sends. |
Delete | When a resource is toggled to off after data has sent and an action is performed that would trigger a delete, that data remains in the ODS until a resync is done. |
Resync | When a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it is deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table. |
Resync | When a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it is deleted from the ODS. |
Resync | When a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync needs to be done to reflect the changes. |
Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic
This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Delete/Post | When any part of the Natural Key Changes
Delete/Post | When an Ed-Fi ID changes, this happens with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change trigger. |
Delete/Post | When the End Year the transcript record or diploma record is aligned to changes. |
Delete/Post | When the Term Descriptor is changed. |
Delete/Post | When the natural key changes all dependent resources will delete/post. |
Dependent Resources | Course Transcripts |
Scope Year Logic
This table describes scope year logic of this object.
Logic |
Records send to each scope year in which the Course Transcript record is posted. |
Records only post to the SAR records for the year the diploma date occurs in but SAR records post to all scoped years.
Data only sends for years that have a valid configuration. |
Resource Preferences
This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.
Data Element Label | Mapping Needed |
Diploma Type Descriptors | Graduation Diploma Type |
Identity Mapping Object Key
This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.
Campus Object Type | Object Key Data Source |
TranscriptCourse | transcriptID |
Graduation | graduationID |
Event Queue Detail
This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.
Campus Table | Ed-Fi Action | Fields |
transcriptcourse | Post/Put/Delete | The primary table used for sending data for this resource. |
graduation | Post/Put/Delete | The primary table used for sending data for this resource. |
transcriptcredit | Put | cumulativeAttemptedCredits, cumulativeEarnedCredits, sessionAttemptedCredits, sessionEarnedCredits |
Object Data Elements
This table describes data elements sent within the Student Academic Records resource.
Data Element Label | Business Requirement and Business Rules | M, C or O |
id | The unique identifier of the resource. | M |
termDescriptor | The term for the session during the school year. Uses "Full Year". | M |
educationOrganizationReference | A reference to the related Education Organization resource. Reports the District Number based on the Local Education Agency resource logic where the educationOrganizationId is the Reporting District Code. | M |
schoolYearTypeReference | A reference to the related SchoolYearType resource. Reports the end year for the transcript record being reported where the schoolYear is the End Year of School Year. | M |
studentReference | A reference to the related Student resource. Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Students resource where the studentUniqueId is the Student State ID. | M |
gardePointAverage | An unordered collection of studentAcademicRecordGradePointAverages. The grade point average for an individual computed as the grade points earned divided by the number of credits attempted. See Arrays section below. | M |