PA Secure ID Extract

Tool Search: PAsecure ID

The PA Secure ID Extract provides student demographic information to the State Department of Education in order for students to be assigned a state identification number.

Screenshot of the PA Secure ID Extract editor.PASecureID Extract

Report Logic

This extract returns all students who have an active enrollment record and a Local Student Number but do not have a State Student ID Number (PAsecureID). It can also be generated for students who do have a State Student Number, if needed (remove the checkbox on the report editor for Students w/o stateIDs).

Report Editor

Effective DateIndicates which enrollments are reviewed for inclusion on the report. The field populates with the current date, but can be modified by typing a new date in mmddyy format or using the calendar icon to select a date.
Students w/o State IDsWhen marked, only students who do not have a State ID are returned in the extract. When not marked, all students who have an State ID and who do not have a State ID are returned in the extract.
Report Protected IdentitiesWhen marked, student identity information (last name, first name, etc.) reports from the Protected Identity Information fields.

The extract can be generated in HTML, CSV, XML or State Format (csv with header and footer).

Use the State Format when submitting the extract to the state. Use the other formats for review prior to submitting the file to the state.

Calendar SelectionIndicates from which calendar data is returned. At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the report.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the desired Effective Date.
  2. Determine if Students without IDs should be included in the report (leave the checkbox marked) or if all students with and without IDs (remove the checkmark) should be included in the report.
  3. If desired, mark the Report Protected Identities checkbox.
  4. Select the desired Format from the dropdown list.
  5. Select the desired Calendar(s) to include in the report.
  6. Click the Generate Report button. The report displays in the desired format.

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionType, Format and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Interface
Header Record Information
Record TypeAlways reports a value of TH.Alphanumeric, 2 charactersN/AN/A
Extract DateReports the date the extract was generated.

Date field, 10 characters


Extract TimeReports the time the extract was generated.

Time field, 8 characters


Transmission IDReports an arbitrary number.Numeric, 10 digitsN/AN/A
VersionAlways reports a value of 1.0.Numeric, 2 digitsN/AN/A
Delimiter=Always reports a value of "Delimiter=."Alphanumeric, 9 charactersN/AN/A
Extract Information
Record TypeAlways reports a value of ID.Alphabetic, 2 charactersN/AN/A
School Number

Reports the PDE 4-digit coude of the school where the student is enrolled.

This value reports from the Alt School Number field. If that field is not populated, the State School Number reports.

When the student is not currently enrolled in a school, a value of 9999 reports.

Numeric, 4 digitsSchool.number

System Administration > Resources > School > Alt School Number

System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > State School Number

Resident District
Reports the PDE 9-digit AUN code of the LEA fiscally responsible for the student.Numeric, 9 digitsDistrict.numberSystem Administration > District Information > District Detail > State District Number
Last Name

Reports the legal last name of the student, if populated, and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor.

If the Legal Last Name field is not populated, reports from the Last Name field.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters



Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name

First Name

Reports the legal first name of the student, if populated, and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor.

If the Legal First Name field is not populated, reports from the First Name field.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters



Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name

Census > People > Demographics > First Name

Middle Name

Reports the legal middle name of the student, if populated, and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor

If the Legal Middle Name field is not populated, reports from the Middle Name field.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters



Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle  Name

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name


The additional identifier of the student's name, such as Jr, Sr, etc.

If the Legal Suffix field is populated and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters



Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Suffix

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix


The student's gender.

If the Legal Gender field is populated and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

M or F



Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender

Census > People > Demographics > Gender

Date of BirthThe student's date of birth.

Datef field, 10 characters


Identity.birthDateCensus > People > Demographics > Birth Date
Grade Level
The student's grade level of enrollment.Alphanumeric, 3 charactersEnrollment.gradeStudent Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade
Student IDThe student's local student number.Numeric, 10 charactersPerson.studentNumber

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number

SSNThe student's Social Security number.

Numeric, 11 digits


Identity.SSNCensus > People > Demographics > SSN
Race Ethnicity

The student's indication of race.

1 = American Indian/ Alaskan Native 
2 = Asian/Pacific Islander 
3 = Black (Non-Hispanic) 
4 = Hispanic 
5 = White (Non-Hispanic) 
6 = Multi-Racial

Numeric, 1 characterIdentity.raceCensus > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity
State IDThe student's state-assigned identification number. Numeric, 10 digitsPerson.stateIDCensus > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID
District NumberReports the PDE 9-digit AUN code of the LEA educating the student.Numeric, 9 digits



Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District

System Administration > Resources > District> State District Code 

YearReports the end year of the selected school year in the Campus toolbar.Numeric, 4 digitsCalendar.endYearSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > End Year
Trailer Record Information
Record TypeAlways reports a value of TT.Alphanumeric, 2 charactersN/AN/A
Transmission IDReports the same arbitrary number as reported in the header file.Numeric, 10 digitsN/AN/A
RecordsReports the total number of records included in the file.Numeric, 4 digitsN/AN/A