Early Education (Minnesota)

To address changing needs for Early Education and Early Childhood reporting in Minnesota, Early Education has moved to the Campus Core State Program area. 

Tool Search: Early Education

The Early Education tool records the basic information concerning an EE program, including program details, funding source, and caregivers. EE programs are designed to serve children who are not yet at school enrollment age. Information recorded for this program is reported via the Ed-Fi Student Early Education Program Associations Resource.

Screenshot of an Early Education saved record.Early Education Saved Record

Screenshot of the Early Education Program Information section.Early Education Program Information

Screenshot of Early Education - Caregiver, Funding Source and Referral section.Early Education - Caregiver, Funding Source and Referral

Early Education Information

  1. To view or edit a record, select it from the list of records displaying on the Early Education screen. Click New to create a new record.
  2. Refer to state guidelines when populating fields in the Program Information editor.  Fields titled with an asterisk must be populated to save a record.
  3. Persons with an active Guardian relationship to the student may be selected as Caregiver. Use the Add button if additional caregivers must be entered. Use Remove to remove a caregiver record.
  4. Follow state guidelines when adding Funding Source or Referral To/From information.
  5. Save the record, or Cancel to exit the editor without saving.

Tool Rights

Read - Access and generate the report
Write - Modify field data and generate the report
Add - Refresh data and generate the report
Delete - Provides no function for this tool

The Tool Rights Outline Path for this tool is Student Information > State Programs > Early Education. For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see this Tool Rights article.

Early Education Ad hoc Fields

Early Education Ad hoc fields are located under Student > Learner > Early Education Elements.

Image of Early Education ad hoc fields.Early Education - Ad hoc

Early Education Data Elements

The following table describes the fields found in the three sections of the Early Education tool. To create a new program record, click New, enter or select the desired fields, and click Save to finish.



Ad hoc
Program Information
This section provides general information about the Early Education (EE) program.

Start Date

The date the child registered for the EE program. Appears in the program list.

End DateThe date the student the exited the Program or stopped receiving services.mnEarlyEducation.exitDate
Exit ReasonThe reason the student left the Program within a school or district.mnEarlyEducation.exitReason

Program Name

The code identifying the registered EE program. Appears in the program list. 

Program SectionThe letter assigned to the section of the program in which the student is participating.
 The enrollment for which the record should report.

Immunization Up to Date

Indicates if the child is up to date on the required immunizations for participation in the program.mnEarlyEducation.feeStatus
IEP StatusIndicates the student's status:
  • IEP or IFSP is current
  • Developmental Concerns

Fee Status

The portion of the fee assessed for the program that is paid by the student's parents: 
  • Full
  • Reduced
  • None
Appears in the program list.

Total Number of Classes

The total number of classes the child has registered for within the EE program.mnEarlyEducation.numberOfClasses
Service Membership HoursIndicates a student’s service membership hours.mnEarlyEducation.membershipHours
Service Attendance HoursIndicates a student’s service attendance hours.mnEarlyEducation.attendanceHours
Served Outside of Regular SessionIndicates whether the student received services during the summer session or between sessions.mnEarlyEducation.outsideSession


Any additional comments about the child's EE program. Limit 255 characters.mnEarlyEducation.comments
Early Education CaregiverCaregiver information can be added using the Add Caregiver button. Remove Caregivers using the Remove button.


The registered caregiver for the child. This list populates based on all Relationships marked as Guardian that are active on the Registration Date entered. If Registration Date is null, guardians populated based on today's date. This field is required. Appears in the program list.



The relationship of the caregiver to the child, including parents, foster parents, guardians, and other relatives.mnEarlyEducation.relationship

Educational Background

The highest educational level reached by the caregiver.mnEarlyEducation.educationalBackground

Employment Status

The level of employment of the caregiver.mnEarlyEducation.employmentStatus

Participant Type

The role of the caregiver in the program, including volunteer, advisory, and other roles.


Household Income

The combined annual household income of the caregiver.mnEarlyEducation.householdIncome

Household Members

The number of members in the caregiver's household.mnEarlyEducation.householdMembers

Requires Interpreter

Indicates if the caregiver requires a foreign language interpreter.mnEarlyEducation.requiresInterpreter
Early Education Funding SourceThe source of any additional funding provided for the program. Additional Funding Sources can be added to a record using the Add Funding Source button. Remove Sources using the X button.
Funding SourceAdditional Funding Sources can be added to a record using the Add Funding Source button. Remove Sources using the X button.mnEarlyEducation.fundingSource
Early Education Program Referral To/FromAdditional Referral records can be added using the Add Referral Button. Remove using the Remove button.
Program Referral ToIndicates if the student has been referred from the currently enrolled program to another one. mnEarlyEducation.programReferralTo
Program Referral FromIndicates if the student was referred to the current program from another one. mnEarlyEducation.programReferralFrom


