Student Daily Attendance Template (New Mexico)

Tool Search: Student Daily Attendance Template

The Student Daily Attendance Template reports instances of excused and unexcused absences throughout the school year at the student level for Religious or Cultural Observance, K5P, ELTP, and Remote Learning. 

Screenshot of Student Daily Attendance Template Editor.Student Daily Attendance Template Editor

Report Logic

To report students must have a Student State ID and be actively rostered/enrolled into at least one attendance taking class that is scheduled during an instructional period in a term. Data returns based on the submission schedule selected.

Submission Schedule 40D, 80D, 120D Reporting Logic:

K5P Only

  • Reports one record per reportable date that falls on/between the reporting range
  • The date must be flagged as attendance-taking on the Day editor to report.
  • The student must be actively enrolled and actively scheduled into at least one attendance taking class during an instructional period to report.
  • The student must have a K5P record that is active at any point within the reporting range.

Remote Learning Only

  • Reports one record per reportable date that falls on/between the reporting range
  • The student must be in a blended learning group that has an event on the calendar at any point within the reporting range


  • Reports one record per reportable date that falls on/between the reporting range .
  • Student has an Extended Learning record with a Program Code of ELTP that is active at any point within the reporting range

Attendance Code Long Values for K5P



This code reports when the student IS marked with a status of A on this date and their total attendance minutes are <= Whole Day Absence.

The value stored in the Whole Day Absence (minutes) on the student's Grade Level is considered first (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels Tab > Whole Day Absence). If that field is null, the value stored in the Whole Day Absence (minutes) on the Calendar is used (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar Tab > Whole Day Absence).

K5PABSK5P Absent
Reports if the student is actively participating in K5P.
Reports if the student is actively participating in ELTP.


This code reports when the student is NOT marked with a status of A on this date.

This code also reports when the total attendance minutes for a student is >= Whole Day Absence.

The value stored in the Half Day Absence (minutes) on the student's Grade Level is considered first (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels Tab > Half Day Absence). If that field is null, the value stored in the Whole Day Absence (minutes) on the Calendar is used (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar Tab > Half Day Absence).

K5PATTDK5P Attended
Reports if the student is actively participating in K5P.
Reports if the student is actively participating in ELTP.
RMTEATTD Remote Attended
Reports if the student is in a blended learning group that has an event on the calendar.

Submission Schedule EOY Only

Note: One record reports for each program, each day, as well as a record for DCO code absences when multiples exist.

Religious or Cultural Observance

  • Reports one record per date in the reporting range where the student is marked with a full or half day absence for Religious or Cultural Observance in at least one scheduled attendance taking class.
    • To report, absence codes must be flagged as Excused or Unexcused AND mapped to State Code DCO.
  • To report, students must be in a grade level mapped to a State Grade Level Code of PK, KN, KF, or 01-12.

    If a student has two attendance taking classes skinnied into one instructional period, the unexcused absent minutes are not doubled.

K5P Only

  • Reports one record per reportable date that falls on/between the reporting range
  • The date must be flagged as attendance-taking on the Day editor to report.
  • The student must be actively enrolled and actively scheduled into at least one attendance taking class during an instructional period to report.
  • The student must have a K5P record that is active at any point within the reporting range.

Remote Learning Only

  • Reports one record per reportable date that falls on/between the reporting range
  • The student must be in a blended learning group that has an event on the calendar at any point within the reporting range


  • Reports one record per reportable date that falls on/between the reporting range .
  • Student has an Extended Learning record with a Program Code of ELTP that is active at any point within the reporting range

Attendance Code Long Values for EOY


Excused Full Day Absence Cultural Observance

Campus calculates the student's total instructional minutes on the day of Religious or Cultural Observance then subtracts present minutes. When the total is greater than or equal to the Whole Day Absence (minutes) marked on the Calendar or the Whole Day Absence (minutes) marked on the student's Grade Level, the student reports as Excused Full Day Absence Cultural Observance.


Excused Half Day Absence Cultural Observance

Campus calculates the student's total instructional minutes on the day of Religious or Cultural Observance then subtracts present minutes. When the total is greater than or equal to the Half Day Absence (minutes) marked on the Calendar or the Half Day Absence (minutes) marked on the student's Grade Level, the student reports as Excused Half Day Absence Cultural Observance.


Unexcused Full Day Absence Cultural Observance

Campus calculates the student's total instructional minutes on the day of Religious or Cultural Observance then subtracts present minutes. When the total is greater than or equal to the Whole Day Absence (minutes) marked on the Calendar or the Whole Day Absence (minutes) marked on the student's Grade Level, the student reports as Unexcused Full Day Absence Cultural Observance.


Unexcused Half Day Absence Cultural Observance

Campus calculates the student's total instructional minutes on the day of Religious or Cultural Observance then subtracts present minutes. When the total is greater than or equal to the Half Day Absence (minutes) marked on the Calendar or the Half Day Absence (minutes) marked on the student's Grade Level, the student reports as Unexcused Half Day Absence Cultural Observance.



This code reports when the student is NOT marked with a status of A on this date.

This code also reports when the total attendance minutes for a student is >= Whole Day Absence.

The value stored in the Half Day Absence (minutes) on the student's Grade Level is considered first (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels Tab > Half Day Absence). If that field is null, the value stored in the Whole Day Absence (minutes) on the Calendar is used (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar Tab > Half Day Absence).

K5PATTDK5P Attended
Reports if the student is actively participating in K5P.
Reports if the student is actively participating in ELTP.
RMTEATTDRemote Attended
Reports if the student is in a blended learning group that has an event on the calendar.


This code reports when the student IS marked with a status of A on this date and their total attendance minutes are <= Whole Day Absence.

The value stored in the Whole Day Absence (minutes) on the student's Grade Level is considered first (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels Tab > Whole Day Absence). If that field is null, the value stored in the Whole Day Absence (minutes) on the Calendar is used (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar Tab > Whole Day Absence).

K5PABSK5P Absent
Reports if the student is actively participating in K5P.
Reports if the student is actively participating in ELTP.

Report Editor

Submission Schedule

The collection period for the extract.

  • K5P
  • EOY
Submission Start DateThe first day of the reporting range.
Submission End DateThe last day of the reporting range.
Which students would you like to include in the report?

This option allows you to narrow your search results by using one of the following options.

  • Grade - Select a single grade or multiple grades (CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to select multiple).
  • Ad Hoc Filter - Select a filter to limit results to students included in the filter.
FormatThe format in which the report will generate. Options include State Format (CSV) and HTML.
Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report.

Generate Extract/Submit to BatchThe report can be marked to generate immediately using the Generate Extract button or can be marked to generate at a later time using the Submit to Batch button. See the Batch Queue article for additional guidance.

Report Example

Screenshot of Student Daily Attendance Template Example in HTML.Student Daily Attendance Template Example - HTML

Report Layout

Element NameLogicType, Format and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Location
District Code

A three character district code.

Numeric, 3 digits


District Information > District Number

Location Code

The state school number.

If the student has an active NM Exceptionality State Reporting Data Entry Plan where the Location is 998; 998 reports.

If there is no plan, the plan is not active or the Location field is NOT 998, the State School Number reports.

Numeric, 5 digitsSchool.number

School Information > State School Number

Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Setting

Student IDReports the state-assigned identifier for the student.Numeric, 9 digitsPerson.stateIDDemographics > State ID
Attendance Date

EOY: The date of the student's unexcused absence.

K5P: The date of the student's instructional enrollment. (attended or absent)

See the Report Logic for more information.

Date field, 10 characters


Attendance > Date

 Filler 1 - 3 N/AN/AN/AN/A
Attendance Code Long

For EOY Only: 

If the attendance record is for a whole/half day absence mapped to the state code DCO and status is Excused, the following reports:

  • EFDCO reports if the total is greater than or equal to the value entered for whole day on gradeLevel/Calendar/(240 for whole).
  • EHDCO reports if the total is greater than gradeLevel/Calendar/(120 for ½) but less than the value entered for whole day.

If the attendance record is for a whole/half day absence mapped to the state code DCO and status is Unexcused, the following reports:

  • UNFDCO reports if the total is greater than or equal to the value entered for whole day on gradeLevel/Calendar/(240 for whole).
  • UNHDCO reports if the total is greater than gradeLevel/Calendar/(120 for ½) but less than the value entered for whole day.

For EOY, 40D, 80D, and 120D:

If the student is enrolled into at least one attendance-taking class that is scheduled during an instructional period in a term AND if the student IS NOT marked with a status of A on this date, the following reports:

  • K5PATTD reports if the student is actively participating in K5P.
  • ELTPATTD reports if the student is actively participating in ELTP.
  • RMTEATTD reports if the student is in a blended learning group that has an event on the calendar.

If the student is enrolled into at least one attendance-taking class that is scheduled during an instructional period in a term AND if the student IS marked with a status of A on this date, the following reports:

  1. If the total period absent minutes are > Whole Day Absence (minutes) then:
    • K5PATTD reports if the student is actively participating in K5P.
    • ELTPATTD reports if the student is actively participating in ELTP.
    • RMTEATTD reports if the student is in a blended learning group that has an event on the calendar.
  2. If the total period absent minutes are <= Whole Day Absence (minutes) then:
    • K5PABS reports if the student is actively participating in K5P.
    • ELTPABS reports if the student is actively participating in ELTP.
Alphanumeric, 8 charactersCalculatedN/A
School Year Date

Reports YYYY-06-30 where YYYY is the end year for the school year selected on the tool bar.

Date field, 10 characters


 N/A N/A