Indiana Ed-Fi Errors and Resolutions

The following list provides information on Ed-Fi errors and resolutions for Indiana.

Error Code
Limited English Proficiency Error: (Students Resource)
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400: [message:Unable to resolve value '' to an existing 'LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor' resource.]
Navigate to  Assessments > Test Set-up > WIDA ACCESS > Result Statuses > Value Column. Add a DOT Zero to all single digit scores and save. Refresh the Campus Site, resync those students and it should not fail again.

*Explanation: The LEP for these students is coming from the WIDA ACCESS Assessment. The state is looking for N.N responses. If you have the values set at 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on, students with the N.N are sending fine. Students with the 1 are getting an error. This error is stopping all the rest of the data behind it.  So, not only are you getting this error, but you are likely getting DEX Validations errors.  
Attendance Failed to Delete Error: (Student School Attendance Events Resource)
Error code returned from Ed-Fi. 404: Failed to delete studentSchoolAttendanceEvents resource. [message:Resource to delete was not found.]

This error can be ignored. Infinite Campus sends deletes ahead of a POST to ensure there are no orphaned records clogging up the states database. If there are no records to delete, this 'error' will appear.

Side Note: The same is true for all Failed to Delete errors you receive. 

Attendance Error Calculating: (Student School Attendance Events Resource)
An error occurred calculating Attendance.
This was resolved in Campus RX Pack 2136.7. Check your version and request an update if you do not have 2136.7.
Student SPED errors on Student Program Associations: (Student Program Associations Resource)
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 409: [message:The value supplied for the related 'program' resource does not exist.]
This error is likely the result of either the Programs Resource was not sent or the state has not updated the logic to accept this program as it is not actually available until October.
Address Error: (Students Resource)
No address found. Please either mark an address as Physical or mark the student as Homeless and mark an address as a PO Box.
This student is either homeless with no address in which a PO Box will suffice or this student does not have any address marked as Physical. Check the student’s household address for the Physical checkbox.  
Claim does not have established relationships error: (All Student Resources)
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403: [message:Authorization denied. The claim does not have any established relationships with the requested resource.]
Upstream resources were not able to post this student record. Typically, this happens on a resource in the student section. If the student does not have a Student record, Student School Associations record, anything downstream of those (Student Education Organization Association, Student School Attendance, Student Program) will fail with this error. It means the record has no student data to match with.
Language Error: (Students Resource)
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400: [message:Validation of 'Student' failed. Validation of 'StudentLanguages' failed. StudentLanguage[0]: LanguageDescriptorId is required. ]
Navigate to Index > System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Identity > Home Primary Language. Set '211' as default on Attribute in the Attribute/Dictionary. This will get a language error if not defaulted because every student needs a language. If you see '211' in this field, Delete > Save > Add 211 > Save and this will resolve the issue.
Student USI error: (All Student Resources)

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403: [message:Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'StudentUSI' of the resource is empty.]


Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400: [message:Validation of 'StudentPost' failed. Student with unique id N00019315 was not matched successfully in the Identity system. Please verify through the identities API before resubmitting this student.]
These errors usually do not mean the STN was not present in the JSON that Campus sent to the state. Rather, this means the STN that was provided does not match anything in the STN App Center or is missing a digit or two on data entry. The best course of action is to check the STN of the student against the App Center.  If it is accurate, contact IDOE Support.
Failed to Respond Error: (All Resources)
Unknown transformation error occurred: failed to respond.
Infinite Campus is working with the state on this. However, we believe this occurs in high traffic on the states ODS.
Calendardates Error: (Calendar Dates Resource)
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400: [message:Validation of 'CalendarDate' failed. CalendarDateCalendarEvents requires at least one object in the collection.]
This error means there is a day(s) in Calendar > Days that has a day event that is blank. If you delete the event or give it a code and duration and then resync, this error will go away.