Classic View: Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > P-Tech
Search Terms: P-Tech
The New York P-Tech tool captures data for those students participating in a P-Tech program. This tool is used for reporting purposes.
New York P-Tech Detail Editor
P-Tech Field Descriptions
The following fields are localized in the P-Tech Detail editor.
Program Service Code
The code for the program service in in which the student participates.
- 4026: NYS P-Tech Program
- 4027: NYC P-Tech Grades 9-14 Early College and Career High School
Project ID
The project ID number assigned by NYSED for the P-Tech program.
Program Selection Criteria
The contributing factor(s) for the student's enrollment in the program.
- Academic: Academic Achievement Concerns
- Attendance: Attendance Concerns
- Behavior: Behavior
- Disability: Individual with Disability
- Economically: Economically Disadvantaged
- ELL: English Language Learner
- Ethnicity: Underrepresented Ethnicity
- FirstGen: First Generation College
- Foster: Foster Care Youth
- Homeless: Homeless Youth
- Other: Other
- Social: Social-Emotional
At least one program selection criteria must be selected. Up to 5 program selection criteria may be selected.
Start Date
The date of the student's entrance into the program.
This date must be between July 1st and June 30th of the reported school year.
End Date
The date the student ended participation in the program.
This date must be between July 1st and June 30th of the reported school year. This field should be left blank until the program service actually ends.
Program Annual Outcome Code
Indicates the student’s program outcome code as of the end of the school year.
- 01: New school
- 02: Left pathway
- 03: College standards
- 04: High school standards
- 05: Met credentials industry partner
- 06: Met credentials non-industry partner
Partner Type Code
Identifies the type of partnership associated with corresponding industry partner name.
- 01: Agriculture
- 02: Applied Science
- 03: Automotive
- 04: Construction
- 05: Engineering
- 06: Finance Business
- 07: Health Sciences
- 08: Information Technology
- 09: Legal
- 10: Manufacturing
- 11: STEM
- 12: Other
Partner Name
The name of the industry partner the student is working with.
Career Pathway
Indicates student’s major program of study.
Internship/Apprenticeship Type Code
The type of internship or apprenticeship that the student is involved with.
- 01: Agriculture
- 02: Applied Science
- 03: Automotive
- 04: Construction
- 05: Engineering
- 06: Finance Business
- 07: Health Sciences
- 08: Information Technology
- 09: Legal
- 10: Manufacturing
- 11: STEM
- 12: Other
Paid Internship/Apprenticeship
Indicates whether this is a paid or un-paid internship/apprenticeship.
Internship Name
The name of the internship or apprenticeship.
Post College Employer Name
The name of the student's post-college employer.
Post College Job Title
Indicates the student’s post college job title.