Tool Search: MSDS Extracts
The Teacher Student Data Link is an extract in the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) tool that reports links between students and the teachers who instruct them. This collection is necessary to meet the requirements of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the America Competes Act as part of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund.
This is a full-year collection, reporting data that reflects students' performance throughout the current academic year and their statuses at the end of the school year.
Report Logic
Requirement |
Report a record per student if the student is enrolled in one or more courses on or between the date range of the extract editor. If the student is scheduled in more than 1 calendar, report one record per calendar. If a student has no course information to report, the student should be excluded from the extract. |
StudentCourse - SCED Subject Area and SCED Course Identifier must be = NOT NULL. Courses with no NCES code should not be reported in the extract. |
StudentCourse - A student must have a Score on a State Reported Grading Task or Standard to report a record. If no Score is found, that particular course should not be reported for the student. If the student dropped the course but still has a Score, a record should still be reported. |
Grading Task or Standard must have the following:
Reports a StudentCourse component for each Term the student receives a Grade on the reported grading task. |
Only one grading task or standard should be reported per course. If both are found on a course report first from grading tasks, then standards. |
Exception - Student w/o UICs If Students w/o UICs = selected, report all students with a saved Score AND a State ID = NULL. |
Exception - Missing Scores If Pull Missing Scores Only = selected, report all State Reported Grading Task students with a Score = NULL. |
Do NOT report students that have a saved Score = NOT NULL. |
Exception - New Migrant Students If New Migrant Students = selected, report all students actively enrolled in a migrant program whose program Start Date occurs on or between the Previous Count Date and the Count Date of the extract editor. |
Program has a Code = MIGRANT and State Reported = selected. |
Report StudentCourse / CompletionStatus = OE |
Course must have a grading task marked as State Reported and Code = TSDL |
Exception - Exited Migrant Students If Exited Migrant Students = selected, report all students actively enrolled in a migrant program with a program End Date that occurs on or between the Previous Count Date and the Count Date of the extract editor. |
Program has a Code = MIGRANT and State Reported = selected. |
Course must have a grading task marked as State Reported and Code = TSDL |
Filter results by student using Ad Hoc droplist on the extract editor. |
HTML and CSV Formats report one record per student per course enrolled. A student can have multiple records reported. |
File Naming Convention: TeacherStudentDataLink.XML |
Report Editor Fields
The following table describes the fields available in the extract editor.
Editor Field | Description |
Extract Type | The type of extract being generated. In this case, select Teacher Student Data Link. |
Count Date | The date on which the information in the report is valid. |
Previous Count Date | The last date on which the report was run. |
Students w/o UICs | Indicates if students who don't have identification numbers should still be included in the report. |
Pull Missing Scores Only | If marked, only students with a State Reported Grading Task with a Score of null are included in the report. |
New Migrant Students | Limits the students reported to only those enrolled in an active Program with a Code of MIGRANT and State Reported selected. |
Exited Migrant Students | Limits the students reported to only those actively enrolled in a Program with a Code of MIGRANT that has an End Date on or within the Previous Count Date and Count Date. |
Submitting Entity | Describes the entity submitting the extract to the state. |
Reporting Window | Indicates if the extract is generated for an entire School Year or as a Mid-Year report. |
Format | The format in which the report will be generated. Use State Format (XML) for submission to the state and HTML or CSV for data review and verification. |
Ad hoc Filter | Use this to select a previously created ad hoc filter to specify the report population further. When an Ad hoc Filter is selected, the report is based on the options selected in the editor, not the Campus toolbar. |
Validate | Marking this checkbox will validate the XML data to ensure its accuracy. If errors are found, the extract will list them for correction based on the schema. |
Include Protected Identity Info | Reports Demographics information from Census > People > Identities > Active Identity > Protected Identity Information. |
Calendar(s) | The calendars for which data will be included in the report. |
Generating the Teacher Student Data Link Extract
- Select Teacher Student Data Link as the Extract Type.
- Enter a Count Date mmddyyyy format or click the calendar icon and select a date.
- Enter a Previous Count Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
- Indicate if Students without UICs should still be included in the extract.
- Indicate if only students who have a State Reported Grading Task with no score should report by marking the Pull Missing Scores Only checkbox.
- Indicate the Submitting Entity of the extract.
- Mark New Migrant Students to only report students in a Migrant program.
- Mark Exited Migrant Students to only report those who have exited a Migrant program within the Count Date window.
- Select the Reporting Window for which the extract is being generated.
- Select the Format in which the report should be generated.
- Select an Ad hoc Filter to determine what students appear in the extract. When an Ad hoc Filter is selected, the report is based on the options selected in the editor, not the Campus toolbar.
- Mark Validate to verify XML data.
For guidance in validating the XML file against your state's schema using a free, third-party program, see the Validating an XML File Against a Schema File article.
- Indicate if the extract should Include Protected Identity Info.
- Select the Calendar(s) to include in the extract.
- Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report should generate.
Users can submit a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to be generated in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. See the Batch Queue article for more information about submitting a report to the batch queue.
Teacher Student Data Link Report Layout
Element Name | Business Requirements and Business Rules | Location |
Submitting Entity Type Code | This code is used by the system to identify which type of entity code will be reported in the Submitting Entity Code characteristic. Entity codes in EEM are unique within type categories. This characteristic identifies which category the system uses for validation of the submitting entity and to confirm user entity permissions. Alphabetic, 1 character | Extract editor |
Entity Code | The entity responsible for the certification (if applicable) of the collection. Generally this is the entity receiving funding from the State. It may or may not be the entity that is directly providing education services to the student. Numeric, 10 characters | Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > School Override AND School Information > State School Number School.number |
UIC | The Unique Identification Code, produced by the Center for Educational Performance and Information. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID Person.stateID |
Last Name | Student's legal last name. Report the first 25 characters of the student's Last Name Alphabetic, 25 characters | Demographics > Person Information > Last Name Identity. lastName |
First Name | Student's legal first name. Report the first 15 characters of the student's Last Name Alphabetic, 15 characters | Demographics > Person Information > First Name Identity.firstName |
Middle Name | Student's legal middle name. Report the first 25 characters of the student's Middle Name Alphabetic, 25 characters | Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name Identity. middleName |
Suffix | Suffix of student name, such as Jr., III, etc. Report the first 9 characters of the student's Suffix Alphabetic, 9 characters | Demographics > Person Information > Suffix Identity.suffix |
Date Of Birth | Student's date of birth. Date field, 8 Characters, YYYYMMDD | Demographics > Person Information > Birthdate Identity.birthdate |
Multiple Birth Order | Indicates that the student is part of a multiple birth, such as twins or triplets. If null, reports as 1. Whole Number Numeric, 1 digit | MSDS Tab > Multiple Birth Order Identity.multipleBirthOrder |
Gender | Report Legal Gender. If Legal Gender = NULL, report Gender. Alphabetic, 1 character | Demographics > Protected Identity Identity.gender |
OperatingISDESAN Number | These codes are the state-assigned ISD/ESA numbers. Enter into the field the code of the ISD/ESA that has the operating district or program the student is attending. If the student is attending an ISD/ESA outside of the resident ISD/ESA, use the code for the operating ISD/ESA in which the program the student is attending is located. Numeric Text | District Information > ISD/ESA Number |
Operating District Number | This is the state-assigned, five-digit code for the district submitting the student data. It is the district to which any applicable funds (state or federal) will be sent. All students for whom the district receives any state or federal funds should be reported. Every student record for a single district should have the same operating district number. Numeric Text Numeric, 5 digits | District Information > State District Number District.number |
School Facility Number | These codes are the state-assigned numbers in the official Educational Entity Master (EEM). Numeric, 5 digits | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override AND School Information > State School Number School.number |
Student ID Number | The student's local district's student ID number may be placed in this field (with leading blanks). Numeric, 15 digits | Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number Person.studentNumber |
Grade Or Setting | The grade level or educational setting in which the student is enrolled. Report 2 digit State Grade Level Code Numeric, 2 digits | Enrollments > Grade AND Calendar Information > Grade Levels > State Grade Level Code Enrollment.grade |
S2E2Code | "When the student is being educated through a Specialized Shared Educational Entity (S2E2), report the code from the Educational Enity Master (EEM) in this characteristic. An entity may be approved by MDE as a S2E2 when more than one district has formed a business relationship with other districts to offer educational services (e.g., special education). This does not refer to all school district consortia, but rather educational relationships that are formed for educational purposes. This may not be a stand-alone bricks-and-mortar entity. Students participating in a Specialized SEE may be in regular classrooms at the entities that host the SEEs. The ""school"" code, in this instance is not a building, but rather the relationship code." Report S2E2 Code. If NULL, do NOT report this field. Alphanumeric, 5 characters | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > S2E2 Code EnrollmentMI.s2e2Code |
OutofLevelGrade | Report this field when submitting a student in a grade-level that is not checked in the "Grades Actual" field in the Educational Entity Master (EEM) for the reported building. The grade-level reported should match the EEM. If it does not, districts must validate that they are submitting a student in an out of level grade for that building. If student is enrolled in a grade with Out of Level (EEM) selected, report TRUE. Else do not report this field. Alphanumeric | Grade Level Setup > Out of Level (EEM) |
Subject Area Code | The 2 digit code representing the subject area for the course in which the student is participating. (from the NCES Secondary School Course Classification System, proposed NCES Prior to Secondary School Course Classisfication System or state assigned code)
Numeric, 2 digits | Course Information > NCES > SCED Subject Area Course.scedSubjectArea |
Course Identifier Code | The 3 digit course identifier code for the course in which the student is participating. (from the NCES Secondary School Course Classification System or proposed NCES Prior to Secondary School Course Classisfication System) Report SCED Course Identifier.
Numeric, 3 digits | Course Information > NCES > SCED Subject Area |
Local Course ID | The course identification code assigned by the educating entity. The purpose is to allow the district to send student record updates for specific courses (e.g., interim grade, followed by final grade). Report Course Number Alphanumeric, 10 characters | Course Information > Number Course.number |
Local Course Title | The course name assigned by the educating entity. Report Name Alphanumeric, 40 characters | Course Information > Name |
Course Section ID | The course section number as it would appear on a student transcript. This code may be used in combination with the Local Course ID to differentiate between individual classes. (e.g. First period Business Math vs second period Business Math, or a language arts course taught both virtually and in a traditional classroom) Report "Course Number-Section Number-Term Number" Alphanumeric, 10 characters | Course Information > Number Section Information > Section Number Grading & Standards > Grading Setup > Grading Task Setup > Code Course.number |
MSIX Course Section ID | The MSIX Course Section ID describes the duration of the course taken for migrant students. A full year is a course that lasts the full school year. If a course is divided into two sections, the first of the two sections is section A, the second of the two sections is section B.
Alphanumeric | Section Information > MSIX Course Section ID Course Information > MIX Course Section ID Section.msixCode Course.msixCode Program Participation > Programs |
Course Type | The code best representing the level and rigor of the instruction provided throughout the reported course. Code 07 is to be used for college instructed courses for which the student will receive high school credit. The student may be participating in an Early/Middle College program or a dual enrollment program. Report Honors code. If NULL, report 01. Valid Codes:
Numeric, 2 digits | Course Information > Honors Course.type |
Course Funding Program | A program through which a course is funded. Report Course Funding Program. If NULL, do not report this field. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Course Information > Course Funding Program Course.programType |
Academic Year | The academic year in which the student last attended the course (e.g. 2009-2010) Report School Year. Format: 23-24 school year would report 2023-2024 Date field, 9 characters, YYYY-YYYY | Calendar Information > School Year Calendar.startDate |
Credits Granted |
| Transcript |
Course Grade | The grade the student received for completing the course. These should be board approved grades. The grade reported is that as would be reported on the high school transcript. If the student did not receive a grade for the course, the course and student information is not required to be submitted.
Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Course > Section > Grading by Task > Score Grading & Standards > Grading Tasks > State Reported, Code |
Completion Status | The student's standing for this course when the student is no longer a participatant.
Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Course > Section > Grading by Student > Score Grading & Standards > Score Groups > State Score Grading & Standards > Grading Tasks > State Reported, Code |
MSIX Clock Hours | For migrant students whose courses have not been completed (or credit granted), the number of clock hours to date that the student has completed.
Numeric, 3 digits | Student Information > Program Participation > Programs |
College Credit | Used to capture Section 64b College credits. Report Credit of Score received by student of grading task with State Reported = selected and Code = CC64b. | Grading & Standards > Grading Tasks > State Reported, Code Course > Grading Task > Credit Course > Section > Grading by Student > Score |
PIC | The Personnel Identification Code (PIC), as assigned in the Registry of Educational Personnel (REP), for each teacher responsible for some or all of the instruction of this course.
| Demographics > Staff State ID, Geographic Staff ID Section information > Staff History > Role |
Virtual Method | This field indicates whether the student is receiving instruction via a virtual delivery method. This method could be virtual learning, online learning or computer courses; distance learning; or self-scheduled virtual learning. Only reported if it applies to the course. Section 5-O of the Pupil Accounting Manual provides definitions. Report Virtual Method. If NULL, do not report this field. Alphanumeric, 1 character, T or F | Course Information > Virtual Method |
Mentor PIC | Indicates the instructor of this virtual course is serving in a mentor capacity. Mentor teachers must be certified.
| Section Information > Staff History > Role |
Previous Versions
Teacher Student Data Link (Michigan) [.2211 - .2307]