This information is specific to state-level users in South Dakota.
Tool Search: Fall Enrollment Census Count
The Fall Enrollment Census Count is only available on the South Dakota State Edition. This report gathers student demographic and enrollment data for use in statistical comparisons, federal reporting and grant allocation.

Report Logic
The following report logic applies to the Fall Enrollment Census Count
- One record is reported for each enrollment. A student with multiple enrollments in the same school year, will have multiple records reported.
- All students enrolled on the last Friday of September will appear on the report.
- The following will automatically be excluded from appearing on the extract
- Calendars Excluded
- Schools designated as Home School (State School Number = 99): System Administration> Resources> State School Number = 99
- Calendars marked as Exclude: System Administration> Calendar> Calendar> Calendar> Exclude
- Students Excluded
- Student’s not enrolled as of the last calendar Friday in September (i.e 2009- 9/25/2009, 2010- 9/24/2010)
- Percent enrolled equal to or less than 49%: Student Information> General> Enrollments> State Reporting Fields> Percent enrolled = 49 or less than 49.
- Student’s marked as State Exclude: Student Information> General> Enrollments> State Reporting Fields> State Exclude
- Calendars Excluded
Report Editor
The following table defines the fields available on the Fall Enrollment Census Count Editor.
Editor Field | Description |
Extract Format | The format in which the report will generate. Options include:
Calendar(s) | The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. The calendars that are available for selection depend on the District selected in the Campus Toolbar. If All Districts is selected in the toolbar, this field will become a checkbox indicating that All Calendars are selected. |
Generate the Report
- Select the Format in which the extract should generate.
- Select the Calendar(s) to be included in the report.
- Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the desired format.
Fall Enrollment Census Count Layout
Element Name | Description | Location |
PersonID | Student's person ID. Numeric, 6 digits | Demographics > Person Identifiers > Person ID Identity.personID |
StudentNumber | The unique student identification number maintained by the district. Numeric, 9 digits | Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number Person.studentNumber |
StateID | The unique student identification number assigned and maintained by the state Department of Education. Numeric, 9 digits | Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID Person.stateID |
StudentName | Student's legal last, first and middle name. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Demographics > Last Name, First Name, Middle Name Identity.lastName |
Gender | The classification of the student as male or female. Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F) | Demographics > Gender Identity.gender |
Birthdate | The student's date of birth. Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY) | Demographics > Birth Date Identity.birthDate |
RaceEthnicity | The student's identified Race/Ethnicity. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Demographics > Race/ Ethnicity Identity.raceEthinicity |
SchoolNumber | The state-assigned school identification number. Numeric, 2 digits | School Information > State School Number School.number |
SchoolName | The name of the school in which the student is enrolled. Alphanumeric, 40 characters | School Information > Name |
DistrictNumber | The state-assigned district identification number. Numeric, 5 digits | District Information > District Number District.number |
DistrictName | The name of the district in which the student is enrolled. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | District Information > District Name |
StateGradeLevel | The grade in which the student is enrolled. Alphanumeric 2 characters | Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade Enrollment.grade |
EnrollmentStartDate | The date on which the student began enrollment. Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY) | Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Date Enrollment.startDate |
EnrollmentEndDate | The last day on which the student was enrolled. Date field, 10 characters | Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > End Date Enrollment.endDate |
ResidentDistrictNumber | The number of the district in which the student resides. Numeric, 5 digits | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District EnrollmentSD. residentDistrict |
ResidentDistrictName | The name of the district in which the student resides. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District EnrollmentSD. residentDistrict |
AttendingDistrictNumber | The number of the district which the student attends. Numeric, 5 digits | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving (Attending) District EnrollmentSD. servingDistrict |
AttendingDistrictName | The name of the district which the student attends. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving (Attending) District EnrollmentSD. servingDistrict |
StateFundingCode | The status of the student's enrollment. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Enrollment Status enrollment. stateFundingCode |
StateFundingDescription | The description attached to the code of the student's enrollments. Alphanumeric, 35 characters | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Enrollment Status Enrollment. stateFundingCode |
PercentEnrolled | The percentage of time the students spends in this enrollments. An enrollment must be greater than 49% to be included in the report. Numeric, 3 digits | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Percent Enrolled Enrollment. percentEnrolled |
Migrant | Indicates if student is a migrant. Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N) | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant Indicator Enrollment.migrant |
EL Status | The status of the English Learner student as of the last Friday in September. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | English Learners (EL) > EL Tab > Program Status EnglishLearners(EL).programStatus |
MealStatus | Indicates whether student receives meal assistance. Options include:
Alphanumeric, 3 characters | Eligibility POSEligibility. |
Title1 | Indicates if student is receiving Title 1 services. Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N) | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 Enrollment.title1 |
PrimaryDisabilityCode | The code representing the student's primary disability. Numeric, 3 digits | Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability Enrollment.disability1 |
PrimaryDisabilityDescription | The description attached to the student's primary disability code. Alphanumeric, 30 characters | Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability Enrollment.disability1 |
SchoolEndYear | The end year associated with the calendar. For example, in the 2023-2024 school year, 2024 would report. calendar.endDate | Calendar Information > End Date Calendar.endDate |