ISES Discipline Extract (Wisconsin)

This report is no longer collected by the Department of Public Instruction, and remains within Campus for retrieval of historical data which can be sent to the state for auditing purposes.

Users should submit data to the state via Ed-Fi functionality. For more information about Ed-Fi, see the following articles:

Tool Search: ISES Extract

The Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES) requires that schools and/or districts submit data on students removed under disciplinary action.

Screenshot of ISES Discipline Extract editor.ISES Discipline Extract

Reported information varies between the chosen Extract Type and Extract Period. Ensure the proper options are chosen prior to generating the report.

Report Logic

Events are reported based on the calendar of the student's primary enrollment.

If a Special Education Exit Date falls on or after the Event Date, the Primary Disability value will be reported as N.


A State Resolution Code must be mapped to the school level code in order to be reported.

Behavior Resolution Fields

The following fields on the Behavior Incident need to be populated in order to save the resolution if a State Removal Type is selected. If one of these fields is NOT populated, an error message displays. 

  • Resolution End Date
  • Resolution End Time
  • Duration in School Days
  • Removal Reason
  • Return Date

Screenshot of Behavior Resolution editor.Behavior Resolution Editor

Expulsion Scenarios

Scenario 1 - Expelled Year A (Incident Year), Returns Year B (Return Year)

  • Student reports as expelled in Year A
  • Student reports as returned in Year B

Scenario 2 - Expelled Year A (Incident Year) and is expected to come back in Year C (Return Year). Returns Year C

  • Student reports in Year A (Incident Year)
  • Student does not report in Year B (Gap Year)
  • Student reports in Year C (Return Year). 

Scenario 3 - Expelled Year A (Incident Year), Expected to Return Year C, Returns Year B

  • Student reports in Year A (Incident Year)
  • Student does not report in Year B (Gap Year)
  • Student reports in Year C (Return Year)

Scenario 4 - Expelled Year A, Expected to return Year B,  Does not return Year B, Returns in Year C

  • Student reports as Expelled in Year A (Incident Year)
  • Student does not report in Year B because there is no enrollment in Year B (Expected Return year, becomes Gap Year) 
  • Student does report in Year C, Return to School will report "N" (Resolution End date is still in Year B; Expulsion Return Year displays as Year B; Original expulsion record must be updated to Year C for Return to School to report "Y"). 

Scenario 5 - Enrollment in prior year not end dated

  • Year A the student has no Enrollment End Date
  • Student is expelled in Year B (Incident Year)
  • Resolution end date is within Year C (Return Year)
  • Student reports in Year C. If student has no enrollment in Year C, this does not report

Scenario 6 - Enrollment in Expulsion Year has no End Date

  • Student's enrollment in Year A (Incident Year) has no End Date
  • Student is expelled in Year A.
  • Resolution End Date is in Year B (Return Year)
  • When report is run against Year A, report only reflects incidents for that year, not the return year
  • Student reports in Year B (Return Year) as a return

Scenario 7 - No Resolution End Date

  • Student is expelled in Year A (Incident Year)
  • Resolution end date is NULL
  • Student has an enrollment in Year B with a null enrollment End Date
  • Student does NOT report a returned enrollment in Year A or Year B, because there is no Resolution End Date

Scenario 8 - Expelled and Expected Return are in same year

  • Student is Expelled in Year A (Incident Year)
  • Resolution End Date is within the same year
  • Student reports as an Incident and Return in Year A (only one record reports)

Actual Attendance and Positive Attendance

To meet the state requirement for expelled students who continue in enrollment status but who are not receiving educational services, the following logic is used to submit zero as the actual and possible days of attendance.

  • If the student's Behavior Resolution = 'EX', AND Behavior Resolution Services during Expulsion = Blank AND Behavior Resolution Expiration Days = NOT blank AND the Grade Level Standard Days Does NOT = 0.5, Delete Resolution Days (value) from both ACTUAL_ATTENDANCE and POSS_ATTENDANCE.
  • If the student's State Reporting Enrollment field Behavior Event = 'EX', AND Behavior Resolution Services during Expulsion = Blank AND Behavior Resolution Resolution Days = NOT blank AND the Grade Level Standard Days = 0.5, the Resolution Days (value) is divided by 2 and the resulting day/s value is rounded down to the nearest whole or half day value from both ACTUAL_ATTENDANCE and POSS_ATTENDANCE.

English Proficiency

The Behavior Incident Date is used as the Effective Date for English Proficiency.

  • If the student has an active EL record as of the incident date AND there is an English Proficiency Override value on the EL Record, that value reports.
  • If the incident date falls AFTER both the student's EL Identified Date and the EL Exit Date, a value of 6 reports (no active record).
  • If there is an active EL record but no English Proficiency Override value:
    • If the student has an assessment BEFORE the incident date, where the type is LPF or LID and the result code is greater than or equal to 1, the result reports truncated to the whole number from the most recent assessment record with a type of LPF before that date.
    • Values of 1.0 to 6.0 are accepted.
    • Otherwise, a value of 7 reports.
  • Otherwise, a value of 7 reports.

Report Editor Field Descriptions



School Number

This number is attached to the file name of the generated extract and serves as an identifier.

Extract Type

Indicates which ISES extract generates. Select ISES Discipline Extract.

Extract Sequence Number

This number is attached to the file name of the extract and is used to identify the number of times the extract has been submitted to the State; i.e., an Extract Sequence Number of 00004 would indicate the extract has been submitted to the State three times prior and this extract is to be considered the fourth and most recent.

Effective Date

Student data as of this date is reported. Dates are entered in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date.


The Discipline Extract can be generated in State Format (XML), HTML, CSV Detail, or CSV Detail - Unreported. Use the State Format (XML) for the final submission.

The CSV Detail and CSV Detail - Unreported have different fields than the other formats. See the Layout section below for more information.

Select Calendars

At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the ISES Extract. Multiple calendars can be chosen by using the CTRL and SHIFT keys. It is advised that not all calendars be chosen at once due to the amount of data that is returned in the extracts.

Student Selection

Select students to include on the report by choosing either a Grade level of enrollment for the students or an Ad hoc Filter.

  • To include students in all grade levels, choose All Students in the Grade Level options.
  • Selecting an existing ad hoc filter reports only those students or courses included in those filters, if they meet the reporting requirements of the report.
Report GenerationUse the Generate Extract button to immediately display the results of the selected extract type/period. For a larger data set, use the Submit to Batch button. This allows the selection of a specific time in which the extract generates (after school hours). See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the ISES Discipline Extract

  1. Enter the School Number of the selected calendar.
  2. Select the ISES Discipline Extract from the Extract Type dropdown list.
  3. Enter the Extract Sequence Number.
  4. Enter the Effective Date of the extract in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
  5. Select the Format of the extract.
  6. Select the Calendars to include in the report.
  7. Select the students to include in the report by choosing either a Grade level or an Ad hoc Filter.
  8. Click the Generate Extract button to display the report immediately, or use the Submit to Batch button to determine when the report should generate. The report displays in the selected format.

Screenshot of the ISES Discipline Extract in State Format (XML).State Format (XML)  

Screenshot of the ISES Discipline Extract in HTML format..HTML Format  

 Screenshot of the ISES Discipline Extract in CSV Detail formatCSV Detail Format

State Format (XML) Layout

The following tables define the elements and logic included in the ISES Discipline Extracts.

Report Header and footers will be displayed with XML and CSV Formats for the ISES Discipline Extract. There are five record types the report header/footer information:

  • 01 - Date Stamp, Sequence Number, Collection Period, District Information
  • 02 - School Code, Record Type and Collection Year
  • 03 - Incident Data
  • 04 - Removal Type Data
  • 05 - Indicates the end of the file

Header Elements

These elements are nested inside the <ISES_TRANS> </ISES_TRANS>tag.

State Name (ELEMENT)



Date and Time Stamp (DTG)

Reports the time the extract was generated.

HH:MM:SS Timezone

Sequence Number


Sequence number for file being generated as entered on the Extract Editor.

Numeric, 5 digits

Collection (COLLECTION)

Extract name from DPI Table. Will report TFS when Extract Period = Third Friday in September or End of Year.


District Number (DISTRICT)

District submitting the extract.

Numeric, 4 digits

Header for Schools (SCHOOLS)

Tag indicating school data.


School Elements

These elements are nested inside the <SCHOOLS></SCHOOLS tag.

State Name



State School NumberReports the assigned state school number.Numeric, 4 digits
Record TypeReports  as D.Alphabetic, 1 character
YearReports the end year of the selected calendar.Numeric, 4 digits

Incident Elements

These elements are nested inside the <INCIDENT><INCIDENT> tag. 

State Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Application

Incident Year

Indicates the year the reported behavior event occurred based on the Event Date entered.

Date field, 4 characters



 Behavior Management > Detail Information > Date of Incident

WSN IDA unique number assigned to a student by the Department of Education.Numeric, 10 digitsPerson.stateIDDemographics > State ID
School Enrollment Date

Reports the enrollment date for the student associated with the incident.

For the Discipline Extract, this date bases its logic on the Return Enrollment (the first enrollment on or after the student is expected to return based on the Resolution End Date. If the Resolution End Date field s NULL, and there is no enrollment that ends on or after the Resolution End Date, the Incident Enrollment field is used.

Date field, 10 characters





Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > Start Date, End Date, End Status

Incident Date 

Indicates the date the reported Behavior Event occurred.

Date field, 10 characters



Behavior Management > Detail Information > Date of Incident

Incident Type PrimaryReports the Removal Reason from the student's behavior resolution.Alphanumeric, 2 characters

BehaviorResolution. removalReason


Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason
Incident Type SecondaryReports the Removal Reason from the student's behavior resolution.Alphanumeric, 2 charactersBehaviorResolution. removalReason2`Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason

Removal Elements

These elements are nested inside the <REMOVAL><REMOVAL> tag. 

State Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Application

Removal IDReports the person ID and the Resolution ID.Numeric,


BehaviorResolution. resolutionID

Demographics > Person ID

Behavior Management > Resolution ID

Removal Type

Reports the code assigned to the behavior resolution type.

Removal types IS, SP and HO only report when the Primary Disability field is not null.

Alphanumeric, 2 charactersBehaviorResolution.codeBehavior > Resolution > Resolution Type
Removal Start DateReports the start date of the behavior resolution.

Date field, 10 characters


BehaviorResolution. timestampBehavior Management > Resolution > Start Date
Serious Bodily Injury

Reports only when the Remove Type is SP and the Primary Disability is not null.

If on the Behavior Event, the Injury field is set to 4: Serious Bodily Injury, this field reports Y. If not set to 4, this field reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution.code

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type

Special Education > Enrollment Screen > Primary Disability

Early Reinstatement Conditions

Reports only if the Removal Type is EX: Expulsion. This value is converted from the Modification Term list on the Behavior Resolution into a value of Y or N.

  • CI: Conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports Y
  • CM: Conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports Y
  • NI: Non-conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports N
  • NM: Non-conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports N=
Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution. modificationReasonBehavior Management > Resolution > Modification Term and Reason
Expulsion Return YearReports the end year of the behavior resolution end date.

Numeric, 4 digits


BehaviorResolution. timestamp


Behavior Management > Resolution > End Date
Modified Term

Reports only if the Removal Type field is EX: Expulsion. This value is converted from the Modification Term list on the Behavior Resolution into a value of I or M.

  • CI: Conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports I
  • CM: Conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports M
  • NI: Non-conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports N
  • NM: Non-conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports M
  • If none are selected, reports N.
Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution.code

 Behavior Management > Resolution > Modification Term and Reason

Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason

Primary Disability

Reports the Primary Disability code from the student's locked IEP which overlaps the Incident Date. Unless:

  • If the student has a Special Education Exit Date on or before the incident date, even if the active IEP exists, reports N.
  • If the IEP end date is later than the Enrollment End Date, reports N.
  • Otherwise, reports N. 
Alphanumeric, 1 character



 Special Education > Plan > Enrollment 
English Proficiency CodeReports the student's EL code. Reports from the Incident Year. See the Report Logic section for more information.Alphanumeric, 2 characters


CustomStudent. LEPOverride

English Learners (EL)

EL Assessments > LID or LPF Test Results

Days Removed Current Term

Reports the total number of days the student was removed from instructional learning for the term.

Reports as either XXX.0 or XXX.5.

Numeric, 4 digits


BehaviorResolution. code

BehaviorResolution. expulsionServiceProvided

Behavior Management > Services Provided During Expulsion

Behavior Management > Resolution Type

Services ProvidedWhen the Behavior Resolution is EX, reports Y when Services During Expulsion checkbox is marked; reports N when Services During Expultion checkbox is not marked.Alphanumeric, 1 character

BehaviorResolution. code

BehaviorResolution. expulsionServiceProvided

Behavior Management > Services Provided During Expulsion

Behavior Management > Resolution Type

Return to School

Indicates whether the student can return to school.

 The Resolution must have a code of EX (Expulsion). This is pulled from the first enrollment that ends on or after the resolution date.

Reports Y if the Return to School checkbox is marked and the Resolution Return Date is between the Calendar Start and End Dates associated with the enrollments.

Otherwise, reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution. auxiliaryCode

BehaviorResolution. returnDate

BehaviorResolution. EndDate

Behavior Management > Resolution > Return to School

HTML Format Layout

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Application

School NumberReports the school name of enrollment.Alphanumeric, 15 characterSchool.nameSchool Information > Name
YearReports the selected year of enrollment.Numeric, 4 digitsCalendar.endYearCalendar Information > End Year
Person ID, Incident IDReports the person ID and the incident ID of the behavior event.Numeric, 9 digits



Demographics > Person ID

Behavior Management > Resolution ID

Year IncidentReports the year in which the incident occurred.Numeric, 4 digitsBehaviorEvent.DateBehavior Management > Event Date
State IDReports the student's state ID.Numeric, 10 digitsPerson.stateIDDemographics > State ID
School Start DateReports the student's first start date of enrollment.

Date field, 10 characters


Enrollment.startDateEnrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Date
Incident DateReports the date the behavior incident occurred.

Date field, 10 character


BehaviorEvent.dateBehavior Management > Event Date
Removal ReasonReports the reason the student was removed.Alphanumeric, 2 characters

BehaviorResolution. removalReason


Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason
Removal Reason  2Reports the reason the student was removed.Alphanumeric, 2 characters

BehaviorResolution. removalReason


Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason
Removal IDReports the person ID and the Resolution ID.Numeric,


BehaviorResolution. resolutionID

Behavior > Resolution
Removal Type

Reports the code assigned to the behavior resolution type.

Removal types IS, SP and HO only report when the Primary Disability field is not null.

Alphanumeric, 2 charactersBehaviorResolution.codeBehavior > Resolution > Resolution Type
Removal Start DateReports the start date of the behavior resolution.

Date field, 10 characters


BehaviorResolution. timestampBehavior Management > Resolution > Start Date
Serious Bodily Injury

Reports only when the Remove Type is SP and the Primary Disability is not null.

If on the Behavior Event, the Injury field is set to 4: Serious Bodily Injury, this field reports Y. If not set to 4, this field reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution.code

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type

Special Education > Enrollment Screen > Primary Disability

Early Reinstatement Conditions

Reports only if the Removal Type is EX: Expulsion. This value is converted from the Modification Term list on the Behavior Resolution into a value of Y or N.

  • CI: Conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports Y
  • CM: Conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports Y
  • NI: Non-conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports N
  • NM: Non-conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports N
Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution. modificationReasonBehavior Management > Resolution > Modification Term and Reason
Expulsion Return YearReports the end year of the behavior resolution end date.

Numeric, 4 digits


BehaviorResolution. timestamp


Behavior Management > Resolution > End Date
Modified Term

Reports only if the Removal Type field is EX: Expulsion. 

This value is converted from the Modification Term list on the Behavior Resolution into a value of I or M.

  • CI: Conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports I
  • CM: Conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports M
  • NI: Non-conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports N
  • NM: Non-conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports M
  • If none are selected, reports N.
Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution.code

Behavior Management > Resolution > Modification Term and Reason

Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason

Primary Disability

Reports the Primary Disability code from the student's locked IEP which overlaps the Incident Date. Unless:

  • If the student has a Special Education Exit Date on or before the incident date, even if the active IEP exists, reports N.
  • If the IEP end date is later than the Enrollment End Date, reports N.
  • Otherwise, reports N. 
Alphanumeric, 1 character



Special Education > Plan > Enrollment 
English Proficiency CodeReports the student's EL code. Reports from the Incident Year. See the Report Logic section for more information.Alphanumeric, 2 characters


CustomStudent. LEPOverride

English Learners (EL)

EL Assessments > LID or LPF Test Results

Days Removed

Reports the total number of days the student was removed from instructional learning for the term.

Reports as either XXX.0 or XXX.5.

Numeric, 4 digits


BehaviorResolution. code

BehaviorResolution. expulsionServiceProvided

Behavior Management > Services Provided During Expulsion

Behavior > Behavior Management > Resolution Type

Services ProvidedWhen the Behavior Resolution is EX, reports Y when Services During Expulsion checkbox is marked; reports N when Services During Expulsion checkbox is not marked.Alphanumeric, 1 character

BehaviorResolution. code

BehaviorResolution. expulsionServiceProvided

Behavior Management > Services Provided During Expulsion

Behavior Management > Resolution Type

Return to School

Indicates whether the student can return to school. The Resolution must have a code of EX (Expulsion). This is pulled from the first enrollment that ends on or after the resolution date.

Reports Y if the Return to School checkbox is marked and the Resolution Return Date is between the Calendar Start and End Dates associated with the enrollments.

Otherwise, reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution. auxiliaryCode

BehaviorResolution. returnDate

BehaviorResolution. EndDate

Behavior Management > Resolution > Return to School

CSV Detail Format Layout

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Application

School NameReports the name of the school.Alphanumeric, 20 charactersSchool.nameSchool Information > Name
School NumberReports the school number of enrollment.Numeric, 4 digitsSchool.numberSchool Information > Number
School OverrideReports the school override number, if populated.Numeric, 4 digitsCustomStudent. schoolOverrideEnrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override
Last NameReports the student's legal last name.Alphanumeric, 50 charactersIdentity.lastNameDemographics > Last Name
First NameReports the student's legal first name.Alphanumeric, 30 charactersIdentity.firstNameDemographics > First Name
Middle NameReports the student's complete middle name.Alphanumeric, 15 charactersIdentity.middleNameDemographics > Middle Name
Birth DateReports the student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters


Identity.birthDateDemographics > Birth Date
GradeReports the grade level of enrollment.Numeric, 2 digitsEnrollment.gradeEnrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade
Year IncidentReports the year in which the incident occurred.Numeric, 4 digitsBehavior.incidentBehavior Management > Event > Date

A unique number assigned to a student by the Department of Education.

Numeric, 10 digits


Demographics > State ID

Enroll Date

The student’s first (true) enrollment date in a school with no lapse in enrollments.

  • The Enrollment Date is determined by the most recent enrollment record, by start date, where the End Status if not NULL.This is the End Status Enrollment.

  • If no enrollment applies, the Start Date from the earliest enrollment in the same school by start date reports; OR if the enrollment applies, the Start Date from the next earliest enrollment in the same school reports.

The following enrollments are excluded: enrollments from calendars marked "SS: Summer School", No Show, WSLS/ISES Exclude, or State Exclude, or which are Calendar or Grade Level excluded.

Date field, 10 characters




Enrollments > Enrollment Editor > Start Date, End Date, End Status

Incident Date 

Indicates the date the reported Behavior Event occurred.

Date field, 10 characters



Behavior Management > Detail Information > Date of Incident

Incident Type PrimaryReports the Removal Reason from the student's behavior resolution.Alphanumeric, 2 characters

BehaviorResolution. removalReason


Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason
Incident Type SecondaryReports the Removal Reason from the student's behavior resolution.Alphanumeric, 2 charactersBehaviorResolution. removalReason2`Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason
Removal IDReports the person ID and the Resolution ID.Numeric,10 digits


BehaviorResolution. resolutionID

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution ID

Demographics > Person ID

Year Removal TypeReports the year in which the student was removed from school.Numeric, 4 charactersBehaviorResolution. timestampBehavior Management > Resolution > Start Date
Removal Type

Reports the code assigned to the behavior resolution type.

Removal types IS, SP and HO only report when the Primary Disability field is not null.

Alphanumeric, 2 charactersBehaviorResolution.codeBehavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type
Removal Start DateReports the start date of the behavior resolution.

Date field, 10 characters


BehaviorResolution. timestampBehavior Management > Resolution > Start Date
Serious Bodily Injury

Reports only when the Remove Type is SP and the Primary Disability is not null.

If on the Behavior Event, the Injury field is set to 4: Serious Bodily Injury, this field reports Y. If not set to 4, this field reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution.code

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type

Special Education > Enrollment Screen > Primary Disability

Early Reinstatement Conditions

Reports only if the Removal Type is EX: Expulsion. This value is converted from the Modification Term list on the Behavior Resolution into a value of Y or N.

  • CI: Conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports Y
  • CM: Conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports Y
  • NI: Non-conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports N
  • NM: Non-conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports N
Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution. modificationReasonBehavior Management > Resolution > Modification Term and Reason
Expulsion Return YearReports the end year of the behavior resolution end date.

Numeric, 4 digits


BehaviorResolution. timestamp


Behavior Management > Resolution > End Date
Modified Term

Reports only if the Removal Type field is EX: Expulsion. This value is converted from the Modification Term list on the Behavior Resolution into a value of I or M.

  • CI: Conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports I
  • CM: Conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports M
  • NI: Non-conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports N
  • NM: Non-conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports M
  • If none are selected, reports N.
Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution.code

Behavior Management > Resolution > Modification Term and Reason

Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason

Primary Disability

Reports the Primary Disability code from the student's locked IEP which overlaps the Incident Date. Unless:

  • If the student has a Special Education Exit Date on or before the incident date, even if the active IEP exists, reports N.
  • If the IEP end date is later than the Enrollment End Date, reports N.
  • Otherwise, reports N. 
Alphanumeric, 1 character



Special Education > Plan > Enrollment 
English Proficiency CodeReports the student's EL code. Reports from the Incident Year. See the Report Logic section for more information.Alphanumeric, 2 characters


CustomStudent. LEPOverride

English Learners (EL)

EL Assessments > LID or LPF Test Results

Days Removed Current Term

Reports the total number of days the student was removed from instructional learning for the term.

Reports as either XXX.0 or XXX.5.

Numeric, 4 digits


BehaviorResolution. code

BehaviorResolution. expulsionServiceProvided

Behavior Management > Services Provided During Expulsion

Behavior Management > Resolution Type

Services ProvidedWhen the Behavior Resolution is EX, reports Y when Services During Expulsion checkbox is marked; reports N when Services During Expulsion checkbox is not marked.Alphanumeric, 1 character

BehaviorResolution. code

BehaviorResolution. expulsionServiceProvided

Behavior Management > Services Provided During Expulsion

Behavior Management > Resolution Type

Return to School

Indicates whether the student can return to school.

The Resolution must have a code of EX (Expulsion). This is pulled from the first enrollment that ends on or after the resolution date.

Reports Y if the Return to School checkbox is marked and the Resolution Return Date is between the Calendar Start and End Dates associated with the enrollments.

Otherwise, reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution. auxiliaryCode

BehaviorResolution. returnDate

BehaviorResolution. endDate

Behavior Management > Resolution > Return to School
Incident IDReports the number associated with the behavior incident.Numeric, 5 digitsBehaviorIncident. incidentIDBehavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Incident ID
Incident TitleReports the name associated with the incident.Alphanumeric, 15 charactersBehaviorIncident.titleBehavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Title
Incident SchoolReports the name of the school where the incident was created.Alphanumeric, 20 charactersSchool.nameSchool Information > Name
Incident CalendarReports the name of the calendar in which the incident was created.Alphanumeric, 20 charactersCalendar.nameCalendar Information > Name
Incident TitleReports the name associated with the incident.Alphanumeric, 15 charactersBehaviorIncident.titleBehavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Title
Incident StatusReports the completion status of the incident.Alphanumeric, 30 charactersBehaviorIncident. statusBehavior Management > Incident > Status
Event IDReports the number associated with the event.Numeric, 5 digitsBehaviorEvent.eventIDBehavior Management > Events and Participants > Event ID
Event NameReports the name of the behavior event.Alphanumeric, 15 charactersBehaviorEvent.nameBehavior Management > Events and Participants > Event Name
Student Incident School Enrollment Type

Reports the Enrollment Service Type of the student's enrollment in the school/calendar in which the incident was created.

If the student is not enrolled at the incident school but was added as a Census Person to the incident report, this reports as Not Enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 10 charactersEnrollment.serviceTypeEnrollment > General Enrollment Information > Service Type

CSV Detail - Unreported Format

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Application

School NameReports the name of the school.Alphanumeric, 20 charactersSchool.nameSchool Information > Name
School NumberReports the school number of enrollment.Numeric, 4 digitsSchool.numberSchool Information > Number
School OverrideReports the school override number, if populated.Numeric, 4 digitsCustomStudent. schoolOverrideEnrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override
Last NameReports the student's legal last name.Alphanumeric, 50 charactersIdentity.lastNameDemographics > Last Name
First NameReports the student's legal first name.Alphanumeric, 30 charactersIdentity.firstNameDemographics > First Name
Middle NameReports the student's complete middle name.Alphanumeric, 15 charactersIdentity.middleNameDemographics > Middle Name
Birth DateReports the student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters


Identity.birthDateDemographics > Birth Date
GradeReports the grade level of enrollment.Numeric, 2 digitsEnrollment.gradeEnrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade
Year IncidentReports the year in which the incident occurred.Numeric, 4 digitsBehavior.incidentBehavior Management > Event > Date

A unique number assigned to a student by the Department of Education.

Numeric, 10 digits


Demographics > State ID

Enroll Date

The student’s first (true) enrollment date in a school with no lapse in enrollments.

  • The Enrollment Date is determined by the most recent enrollment record, by start date, where the End Status if not NULL.This is the End Status Enrollment.

  • If no enrollment applies, the Start Date from the earliest enrollment in the same school by start date reports; OR if the enrollment applies, the Start Date from the next earliest enrollment in the same school reports.

The following enrollments are excluded: enrollments from calendars marked "SS: Summer School", No Show, WSLS/ISES Exclude, or State Exclude, or which are Calendar or Grade Level excluded.

Date field, 10 characters




Enrollments > Start Date, End Date, End Status

Incident Date 

Indicates the date the reported Behavior Event occurred.

Date field, 10 characters



Behavior Management > Detail Information > Date of Incident

Incident Type PrimaryReports the Removal Reason from the student's behavior resolution.Alphanumeric, 2 characters

BehaviorResolution. removalReason


Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason
Incident Type SecondaryReports the Removal Reason from the student's behavior resolution.Alphanumeric, 2 charactersBehaviorResolution. removalReason2`Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason
Removal IDReports the person ID and the Resolution ID.Numeric,10 digits


BehaviorResolution. resolutionID

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution ID

Demographics > Person ID

Year Removal TypeReports the year in which the student was removed from school.Numeric, 4 charactersBehaviorResolution. timestampBehavior Management > Resolution > Start Date
Removal Type

Reports the code assigned to the behavior resolution type.

Removal types IS, SP and HO only report when the Primary Disability field is not null.

Alphanumeric, 2 charactersBehaviorResolution. codeBehavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type
Removal Start DateReports the start date of the behavior resolution.

Date field, 10 characters


BehaviorResolution. timestampBehavior Management > Resolution > Start Date
Serious Bodily Injury

Reports only when the Remove Type is SP and the Primary Disability is not null.

If on the Behavior Event, the Injury field is set to 4: Serious Bodily Injury, this field reports Y. If not set to 4, this field reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution. code

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type

Special Education > Enrollment Screen > Primary Disability

Early Reinstatement Conditions

Reports only if the Removal Type is EX: Expulsion. This value is converted from the Modification Term list on the Behavior Resolution into a value of Y or N.

  • CI: Conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports Y
  • CM: Conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports Y
  • NI: Non-conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports N
  • NM: Non-conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports N


Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution. modificationReasonBehavior Management > Resolution > Modification Term and Reason
Expulsion Return YearReports the end year of the behavior resolution end date.

Numeric, 4 digits


BehaviorResolution. timestamp

BehaviorResolution. code

Behavior Management > Resolution > End Date
Modified Term

Reports only if the Removal Type field is EX: Expulsion. This value is converted from the Modification Term list on the Behavior Resolution into a value of I or M.

  • CI: Conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports I
  • CM: Conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports M
  • NI: Non-conditional, modified because of IDEA, reports N
  • NM: Non-conditional, modified other than IDEA, reports M
  • If none are selected, reports N.
Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution. code

Behavior Management > Resolution > Modification Term and Reason

Behavior Management > Resolution > Removal Reason

Primary Disability

Reports the Primary Disability code from the student's locked IEP which overlaps the Incident Date. Unless:

  • If the student has a Special Education Exit Date on or before the incident date, even if the active IEP exists, reports N.
  • If the IEP end date is later than the Enrollment End Date, reports N.
  • Otherwise, reports N. 
Alphanumeric, 1 character



Special Education > Plan > Enrollment 
English Proficiency CodeReports the student's EL code. Reports from the Incident Year. See the Report Logic section for more information.Alphanumeric, 2 characters


CustomStudent. LEPOverride

English Learners (EL)

EL Assessments > LID or LPF Test Results

Days Removed Current Term

Reports the total number of days the student was removed from instructional learning for the term.

Reports as either XXX.0 or XXX.5.

Numeric, 4 digits


BehaviorResolution. code

BehaviorResolution. expulsionServiceProvided

Behavior Management > Services Provided During Expulsion

Behavior Management > Resolution Type

Services ProvidedWhen the Behavior Resolution is EX, reports Y when Services During Expulsion checkbox is marked; reports N when Services During Expulsion checkbox is not marked.Alphanumeric, 1 character

BehaviorResolution. code

BehaviorResolution. expulsionServiceProvided

Behavior Management > Services Provided During Expulsion

Behavior Management > Resolution Type

Return to School

Indicates whether the student can return to school. The Resolution must have a code of EX (Expulsion). This is pulled from the first enrollment that ends on or after the resolution date.

Reports Y if the Return to School checkbox is marked and the Resolution Return Date is between the Calendar Start and End Dates associated with the enrollments.

Otherwise, reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 characterBehaviorResolution. auxiliaryCode

BehaviorResolution. returnDate

BehaviorResolution. EndDate

Behavior Management > Resolution > Return to School
Incident IDReports the number associated with the behavior incident.Numeric, 5 digitsBehaviorIncident. incidentIDBehavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Incident ID
Incident TitleReports the name associated with the incident.Alphanumeric, 15 charactersBehaviorIncident. titleBehavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Title
Incident SchoolReports the name of the school where the incident was created.Alphanumeric, 20 charactersSchool.nameSchool Information > Name
Incident CalendarReports the name of the calendar in which the incident was created.Alphanumeric, 20 charactersCalendar.nameCalendar Information > Name
Incident TitleReports the name associated with the incident.Alphanumeric, 15 charactersBehaviorIncident. titleBehavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Title
Incident StatusReports the completion status of the incident.Alphanumeric, 30 charactersBehaviorIncident. statusBehavior Management > Incident > Incident Detail Information > Status
Event IDReports the number associated with the event.Numeric, 5 digitsBehaviorEvent.eventIDBehavior Management > Events and Participants > Event ID
Event NameReports the name of the behavior event.Alphanumeric, 15 charactersBehaviorEvent.nameBehavior Management > Events and Participants > Event Name
Student Incident School Enrollment Type

Reports the Enrollment Service Type of the student's enrollment in the school/calendar in which the incident was created.

If the student is not enrolled at the incident school but was added as a Census Person to the incident report, this reports as Not Enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 10 charactersEnrollment.serviceTypeEnrollment > General Enrollment Information > Service Type