The Elementary Individual Education Plan captures student special education plan information and matches the required documentation provided by the state of Missouri. This document describes each editor, a description of each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions. The Individual Service Plan (ISP) is the same format as the IEP used for Private Schools in Missouri.
Editor Home
Editor Home
The Editor Home lists the editors available, their status, and Modification and Completion information.
Header | Description |
Name | The name of the editor. |
Status | The state of the editor. Statuses can be: - In Progress indicates a user has entered and saved data in that editor.
- Not Started is the default status for all editors.
- Complete indicates a user has clicked the Complete button on the editor, and the editor is read-only. This does not lock the editor from further editing but indicates the user considers the editor finished.
- Not Needed indicates a user has clicked the Not Needed button on the editor. This is usually done for editors that do not apply to the student.
The following statuses are only available for certain state-specific documents: - ESign indicates that the editor has functionality related to the eSignature process. See the following articles for your state's eSignature information:
- Complete Pending eSignature indicates the plan has been entered and sent via the Campus Parent portal to the student's guardian for eSignature.
Modified By | The date and the user by whom the editor was last edited. |
Completed By | The date and the user who clicked the Complete button for that editor. |
General Information
The following table lists the actions available for the editors. When resizing the window, certain buttons are condensed into a single Action button.
Button | Description |
Save | Different editors have different save options. Click the arrow next to the Save & Stay button to view all saving options for any given editor. - Save captures progress and navigates the user to the Editor Home or to the List Screen for List editors. See the Editor Types section for additional information.
- Save & Stay captures progress and keeps the user on the current editor. This save button is the default save option and is usually found within the detail screen or list editors, such as Goals and Objectives.
- Save & Next captures progress and navigates the user to the next editor.
- Save & New captures progress and creates a new record. This save button is usually found within the detail screen of a list editor, such as Goals and Objectives. See the Editor Type section for additional information.
Refresh | Retrieves a new copy of data from the student's record. This includes enrollment, student, parent/guardian, and team member information. This also returns any accidentally deleted records. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.
A side panel displays a listing of all the student's applicable enrollment records. See the Enrollments tool documentation for additional information. |
Cancel | Navigates the user to the Editor Home screen or the List Screen for List editors. |
Status | Changes the status of the editor. - Complete indicates the editor is finished. This makes the editor read-only. However, this does not lock the editor from further editing. The user must click In Progress to further edit after an editor is marked Complete.
- Not Needed indicates the editor does not apply to the student's plan or evaluation. This makes the editor read-only. However, this does not lock the editor from further editing. Click the In Progress button to further edit after an editor is marked Not Needed.
- In Progress only displays when the editor is in the Complete or Not Needed status and allows additional edits to be made.
The following status is only available for the Nevada IEP: - Complete Pending eSignature only displays for certain editors. This button marks the editor as complete until the parent/guardian electronically signs those plan sections via the Campus Parent Portal. See the Special Ed eSignature Process articles for additional information.
Print | Prints the entire document. |
Editors | Opens a side panel listing all the available editors and their status. Select an editor from this list to navigate to that editor or click Close to collapse the side panel. |
Previous | Navigates the user to the previous editor. |
Next | Navigates the user to the next editor. |
Editor Types
There are two types of editors available: List or Basic editors. When navigating to a Basic editor, the list of fields within the editor is displayed. List editors display a list of all records within that editor. Clicking an existing record or the New button opens the detail view for an individual record.
Editor Lock Out and Release Logic
Only one user at a time can actively work on an editor. A person with a padlock icon (
) displays in the Editors side panel, Editor Home, and List Screen of list editors indicating which editors currently have users working on them. Hovering over the icon displays the name of the user who has checked out the editor, including the current user (you).
Editors that are currently being edited are read-only for all other users. The name of the person working on the editor displays in the header.
To release an editor, the user must:
- navigate to the next editor by clicking Save and Next or the Editors button and selecting the next editor from the side panel.
- click the Cancel button to return to the Editor Home screen.
- log out of the Campus application.
- navigate to a different tool in the Campus application.
Editors are automatically released when the in-application timeout limit has been exceeded. This is a back-end process and is usually around 30-60 minutes.
Template Banks
Certain fields within several editors have an Add Template icon that displays next to their name. Clicking this button displays a side panel with the available library of predetermined text for that field. Template Banks are managed in System Administration.
Template Bank Side PanelClick the plus (+) icons next to the category to view the available template values.
Expanded Category and Values SelectedTemplate Bank Categories display on the left and the selected text displays on the right. Click the Add button to add the template value. This adds the template to the queue of values on the right. The red X removes selected templates while the sequence field can be used to reorder the templates. Another option is to use the up and down arrows next to the sequence field to reorder values.
Click Cancel to go back to the document. The Clear Selected Template(s) button removes all selected template values from the right selection screen.
Once selections are finalized, click the Insert Selected Template(s) button to add the values to the field within the document in the selected order. Template values are separated by carriage returns.
Example Template Bank Selections in the Document
Text Editors
Images should not be inserted into text fields.
Plan Information
The Plan Information editor provides information about the type of plan and all relevant dates regarding the team meeting, last evaluation date, and future review dates.
Plan Information Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation |
IEP Type Required |
The type of plan. Options are Initial or Annual. |
N/A |
Meeting Date Required |
The day the team met. |
N/A |
Initiation Date Required |
The first day of the plan. |
N/A |
End Date Required |
The last day of the plan. |
This day must be on or after the Initiation Date. |
Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) provided copy of this IEP Required |
The day the student's parent(s)/guardians(s) were provided a copy of the plan. |
N/A |
Evaluation Date |
The day the student was evaluated for disability criteria and special education services. |
N/A |
Date of Previous IEP Review |
When applicable, the day the student's previous plan was reviewed. |
N/A |
Projected Date for the next Triennial Evaluation |
The future day of the student's next evaluation. |
N/A |
Projected Date of Annual IEP Review |
The future day of the review of the student's plan. |
N/A |
Educational Decision Maker |
The person responsible for making decisions on behalf of the student. Options include:
- Parent
- Legal Guardian
- Educational Surrogate
- Foster Parent
- Child Age 18+
- Other
N/A |
Specify Other *Required |
The other decision maker. |
*This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Educational Decision Maker.
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
^ Back to Top
Student Information
The Student Information editor displays basic information about the student such as demographic information. This is a read-only editor.
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record from Census. See the General Information section for additional information.
This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.
Student Information Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Location (when Refresh is clicked) |
Last Name |
The student's last name. |
Demographics > Last Name
identity.lastName |
First Name |
The student's first name. |
Demographics > First Name
identity.firstName |
Middle Name |
The student's middle name. |
Demographics > Middle Name
identity.middleName |
Suffix |
The student's suffix. |
Demographics > Suffix Name
identity.suffix |
Age |
The age of the student. |
Demographics > Age |
Birthdate |
The student's date of birth. |
Demographics > Birth Date
identity.birthDate |
Primary Language |
The student's home primary language. |
Demographics > Language At Home
identity.homePrimaryLanguage |
Address |
The student's address.
This field becomes a dropdown when more than one address exists for the student. The primary household displays by default. |
Households > Address Info
address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state; |
Student Number |
The student's identification number. |
Demographics > Student Number
identity.studentNumber |
Case Manager |
Name |
The name of the student's case manager. |
Student Information > Special Ed Team Members > Name
teamMember.lastName |
Title |
The role of the student's case manager. |
Student Information > Special Ed Team Members > Title
teamMember.title |
Phone |
The phone number of the case manager. |
Student Information > Special Ed Team Members > Phone |
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Parent/Guardian Information
The Parent/Guardian Information editor populates based on the guardian checkbox on the student's Relationships tool. The editor includes Demographic information for the student's guardian.
The Remove button next to each parent/guardian can be used to remove a parent/guardian from the Plan.
The Refresh button retrieves a new copy of parent/guardians' data from Census. This also returns any accidentally deleted people. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.
This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.
Parent/Guardian Information Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation and Location (when Refresh is clicked) |
Print Sequence |
The parent/guardian(s) print order on the plan. |
When no Sequence is selected, parent/guardian(s) print in the order displayed in the UI. When any Sequences are selected, parent/guardian(s) with a sequence number print in the order defined THEN un-sequenced parent/guardian(s) display at the bottom. |
Name |
The name of the parent/guardian and their relationship to the student. |
This field populates from Census.
Demographics > Last Name/First Name, Relationships > Relationship
identity.lastName, identity.firstName |
Address Read-only |
The parent/guardian's address. |
This field populates from Census.
When there are multiple addresses for a person, there is a dropdown with an option to select which address. When there is only one address, the dropdown only holds one option.
The populated address is the one marked Primary.
Households > Address Info
address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state; |
Home Phone |
The home phone number of the parent/guardian. |
This field populates from Census.
Demographics > Household Phone |
Work Phone |
The work phone of the parent/guardian. |
This field populates from Census.
Demographics > Work Phone |
Cell Phone |
The cell phone of the parent/guardian. |
This field populates from Census.
Demographics > Cell Phone |
Email |
The primary email address for the parent/guardian. |
This field populates from Census.
Demographics > Email |
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Enrollment Information
The Enrollment Information editor reports special education information from the student's Enrollment record.
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. See the General Information section for additional information.
This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.
Enrollment Information Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Primary Disability |
The student's first disability. Options include:
- 00: None
- 01: Intellectual Disability
- 02: Emotional Disturbance
- 04: Orthopedic Impairment
- 06: Visual Impairment
- 08: Hearing Impairment
- 09: Specific Learning Disabilities
- 10: Other Health Impairment
- 12: Multiple Disabilities
- 13: Autism
- 14: Traumatic Brain Injury
- 16: Young Childhood w/ Developmental Delay
- 17: Language impairment (LI)
- 18: Speech Impairment (SI)
This field populates first from the Eligibility Category field on the Team Conclusion editor of the student's most recent, locked Evaluation. When that field is null, this field populates from the selected Enrollment upon Refresh but can be edited.
Special Ed Documents > (locked) Evaluation > Team Conclusions editor > Eligibility Category, Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability
enrollments.primaryDisability |
Secondary Disability | The student's second disability. Options include:- Visual Impairment
- Hearing Impairment
- Both Visual and Hearing Impairment
| This field populates first from the Eligibility Category field on the Team Conclusion editor of the student's most recent, locked Evaluation. When that field is null, this field populates from the selected Enrollment upon Refresh but can be edited.
Special Ed Documents > (locked) Evaluation > Team Conclusions editor > Eligibility Category, Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Secondary Disability
Special Ed Status |
Indicates the student's special education status. Options are Yes or No. |
This field populates from the selected Enrollment upon Refresh but can be edited.
Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status (enrollments.specialEdStatus) |
Special Ed Setting/Environment |
The location at which the student spends their time receiving regular education and special education instruction. Click the expand link to view available options.
Click here to expand...
- 00A4: Reg EC 10+ hrs and Maj SPED Served in Reg Prog
- 00A5: Reg EC 10+ hrs and Maj of SPED in another location
- 00A6: Reg EC Less 10hrs and Maj SPED Served in Reg Prog
- 00A7: Reg EC Less 10hrs and Maj SPED Served Other Loc
- 00B1: Separate Class
- 00B2: Separate School
- 00B3: Residential Facility
- 00B4: Home
- 00B5: Service Prov Location
- 1100: Inside The Regular Class 80 Percent or More Of The Day
- 1201: Inside reg between 79% and 40%
- 1301: Inside reg less than 40%
- 1401: State Operated School
- 1402: Private Sep Day School
- 1403: Public Sep Day School
- 1601: Home/Hospital
- 1701: Private Res Facility
- 1801: Correctional Facility
- 2100: Parentally Placed Private
This field populates from the selected Enrollment upon Refresh but can be edited.
Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Setting (enrollments.specialEdSetting) |
Resident District Read-only |
The student's district of residence. |
This field populates from the selected Enrollment upon Refresh and cannot be edited.
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Residing District (enrollment.residingDistrict) |
Resident District Home School |
The school at which the student would attend based on their resident district and address. |
This dropdown populates from the Attribute Dictionary. |
School of Attendance Read-only |
The school at which the student attends. |
This field populates from the selected Enrollment upon Refresh and cannot be edited.
Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Attending School
enrollment.attendingSchool |
School Phone Read-Only |
The phone number of the student's attending school. |
This field populates from the School Information tool upon Refresh and cannot be edited.
School Information > Phone |
School Year Read-Only |
The school year of the student's enrollment. |
This field populates from the selected Enrollment upon Refresh and cannot be edited.
Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > Calendar > School Year Label |
Grade Read-Only |
The student's grade level associated with their enrollment record. |
This field populates from the selected Enrollment upon Refresh and cannot be edited.
Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > Grade (enrollment.grade) |
Total Building Minutes (generally bell to bell schedule) Required |
The total number of minutes in the school day. |
N/A |
District Agency/Name |
The district of agency responsible for administering special education and related services to a student when they are attending outside their home school or district. |
N/A |
School Name |
The name of the school where the student receives services when they are attending outside their home school or district. |
N/A |
Address |
The address of the school where the student receives services when they are attending outside their home school or district. |
N/A |
Phone |
The phone number of the school where the student receives services when they are attending outside their home school or district. |
N/A |
District Information This section is read-only. |
District Number |
The state district number associated with the student's enrollment school. |
District Information > State District Number |
District Name |
The district name associated with the student's enrollment school. |
District Information > Name |
District Address |
The district address associated with the student's enrollment school. |
District Information > Address, City, Zip, State |
District Phone |
The district phone number associated with the student's enrollment school. |
District Information > Phone |
District SPED Address |
The district special education address associated with the student's enrollment school. |
District Information > SPED Address |
District SPED Phone |
The district special education phone number associated with the student's enrollment school. |
District Information > SPED Phone |
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Team Meeting
The Team Meeting editor documents information regarding the meeting date and attendance for team members.
Team Meeting List Screen
Click here to expand...
Team Meeting List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person editing the Team Meeting record. |
Meeting Date |
The day of the team meeting. |
Meeting Location |
The location of the meeting. |
Print in Plan |
Indicates this team meeting record displays on the printed plan. |
Team Meeting Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Team Meeting Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Print in Plan |
Indicates this team meeting record displays on the printed document. |
This defaults to unmarked. |
Meeting Date Required |
The day of the team meeting. |
This field populates from the Meeting Date selected on the Plan Information editor. |
Meeting Time |
The time of the meeting. |
N/A |
Meeting Location |
The location of the meeting. |
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Invite Date |
The day the team was notified of the meeting. |
N/A |
Comments |
Any comments related to the team meeting. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Attendance |
First Name Required |
The first name of the team member. |
This field populates from the First Name field on the Special Ed Team Members tool and is read-only. When null, users can manually enter team members.
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Last Name Required |
The last name of the team member. |
This field populates from the Last Name field on the Special Ed Team Members tool and is read-only. When null, users can manually enter team members.
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Role Required |
The role of the team member. |
This field populates from the Role field on the Special Ed Team Members tool and is read-only. When null, users can manually enter team members.
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Invited |
Indicates this team member was invited to the team meeting. |
N/A |
Method of Attendance Required |
This field documents how the team member participated in the meeting. Options include:
- Did not participate
- In Person
- In Writing
- By Phone
- Other
N/A |
Specify Other *Required |
The team member's other method of meeting participation. |
*This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Method of Attendance. |
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The Present Levels (PLAAFP) editor includes the student's present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, including the assessment conducted to determine level, resulting skills determined, and needs identified.
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation |
How the child's disability affects his/her involvement and progress in the general education curriculum; or for preschool children, participation in age-appropriate activities |
A description of how the student's disability impacts their participation and progress in the general education curriculum. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
The strengths of the child |
A description of the student's strengths. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Concerns of the parent/guardian for enhancing the education of the student |
A description of any parent/guardian concerns. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Changes in current functioning of the student since the initial or prior IEP |
A description of any changes in the student's functional performance since the initial or prior plan. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
A summary of the most recent evaluation/re-evaluation results |
A description of the most recent evaluation or re-evaluation results. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
A summary of formal and/or informal age appropriate transition assessments based on the student's needs, preferences and interests |
A description of the transition assessments. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Justification for participation in the Alternate Assessment (MAP-A) |
A description of the reasoning behind the determination for the student to participate in the MAP-A alternate assessment. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Please select one of the following for students determined eligible for alternative assessments |
Options include:
- Objective/benchmarks are on goal page(s)
- Objective/benchmarks described below.
N/A |
Describe objective/benchmarks Required |
A description of the objectives or benchmarks. |
*This field is available and required when "Objective/benchmarks described below" is selected above.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Special Considerations
The Special Consideration: Federal and State Requirements editor documents additional considerations including limited English proficiency, visual or communication impairments, assistive technology needs, and participation in an extended school year program and/or state and/or district-wide assessments.
Special Considerations Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Is the student blind or visually impaired? |
Options are:
- Yes. If yes, complete Form A: Blind and Visually Impaired.
- No
N/A |
Is the student deaf or hearing impaired? |
Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
Does the student exhibit behaviors that impede his/her learning or that of others? |
Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
Does the student have limited English proficiency? |
Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
Does the student have communication needs? |
Options are:
- Yes. The student's communication needs are addressed in this IEP.
- No
N/A |
Does the student require Assistive Technology device(s) and/or services? |
Options are:
- Yes. The student's assistive technology needs are addressed in this IEP.
- No
N/A |
Extended School Year |
Extended School Year Eligibility |
Options include:
- No. The student is not eligible for ESY services
- Yes. The student is eligible for ESY services. Complete form B
- The need for ESY services will be addressed at a later date
N/A |
Date ESY will be addressed by *Required |
The day in the future when the extended school year eligibility will be discussed. |
*This field is available and required when "The need for ESY services will be addressed at a later date" is selected from the Extended School Year Eligibility field. |
Transfer of Rights |
Transfer of Rights |
Options are:
- N/A for this student/IEP
- Notification was given
N/A |
Date Notification was Given *Required |
The day the student's rights are transferred to them. |
*This field is available and required when "Notification was given" is selected from the Transfer of Rights dropdown. |
State and District-wide Assessments |
IDEA requires student with disabilities to participate in the following statewide assessments |
Options include:
- Grade Level Assessment for grades 3-8 (must complete Form D-1; NA for MAP-A eligible students)
- End of Course (EOC) Exams for students enrolled in a course with a state or LEA required EOC exam (complete Form D-2; NA for MAP-A eligible students)
- MAP-A for eligible* students in Grades 3-8 and Grade 11 (must complete Form D-3) *
- WIDA ACCESS for EL students in Grades K-12 (must complete Form D-4)
- NAEP/International Assessments for selected students (must complete Form D-5; NA for MAP-A eligible students)
- No state assessment is required for this student at this time
- No further assessment is required; student meets all state assessment participation requirements
Multiple options can be selected. |
Are there district-wide assessments administered for this student's age/Grade level? |
Options are:
- Yes. If Yes, complete Form E
- No
N/A |
Post-secondary Transition Services |
Is a Post-secondary Transition Plan required? |
Options include:
- No. Child will not turn sixteen while this IEP is in effect
- Yes. Child is/will be sixteen while this IEP is in effect. Complete Form C - Post-secondary Transition Plan)
N/A |
Alternate Method of Instruction |
Alternate Method of Instruction (AMI) plan |
Options are:
- This district is choosing to utilize AMI for up to 36 instructional hours. Complete Form G
- This district is not using AMI
N/A |
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Annual Goals
The Annual Goals editor describes annual goals set for the student and how that goal is measured.
Annual Goals List Screen
Click here to expand...
Annual Goals List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person currently editing the annual goal record. |
Sequence |
The display and print order of the record. |
Annual Goal |
The first 100 characters of the goal. |
Print Progress |
Indicates this record does not print. This is determined by the "Do not print extent of progress toward goal objective in plan" checkbox. |
Annual Goals Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Annual Goals Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Sequence Number Required |
The display and print order of the record. |
This field automatically sequences to the next integer upon creating a new record. Sequence numbers must be unique. |
Goal Name Required |
The student's goal. |
This field is limited to 50 characters. |
Annual Goal Required |
The annual goal. |
This field is limited to 250 characters. |
For students with Post-secondary Transition Plans, please indicate which goal domain(s) this annual goal will support |
Options include:
- Post-secondary Education/Training
- Employment
- Independent Living
Multiple options can be selected. |
Progress toward the goal will be measured by |
Options include:
- Work samples
- Checklists
- Reading record
- Curriculum based tests
- Scoring Guides
- Portfolios
- Observation chat
- Other
Multiple options can be selected. |
Specify Other *Required |
The other method of measurement. |
*This field is available and required when Other is selected from the "Progress toward the goal will be measured by" field. |
Comments |
Any comments related to the goal. |
N/A |
Extent of progress towards achieving the annual goal |
Do not print extent of progress toward goal objective in plan |
Indicates this record does not print. |
N/A |
Progress Report This table populates when progress is saved for this goal on a Progress Report. When no progress is saved, a message, "No Progress recorded for this goal," displays. The following columns display:
- Report Date
- Progress
- Comments
Objectives |
Sequence Number Required |
The display and print order of the record. |
This field automatically sequences to the next integer upon creating a new record. Sequence numbers must be unique. |
Measurable Benchmarks/Objectives Required |
A description of the benchmark/objective(s) towards achieving the annual goal. |
N/A |
Extent of progress towards achieving the objective |
Progress Report This table populates when progress is saved for this goal on a Progress Report. When no progress is saved, a message, "No Progress recorded for objective," displays. The following columns display:
- Report Date
- Progress
- Comments
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Reporting Progress
The Reporting Progress editor documents the frequency of reporting the student's progress to their parent(s)/guardian(s).
Reporting Progress Editor
Field |
Description |
Validation |
When progress will be reported to the parent(s)/guardian(s) |
The frequency of reporting progress to the student's parent(s)/guardian(s). Options include:
- Bi-Quarterly
- Quarterly
- Trimester
- Semester
- Other
N/A |
Specify Other |
The other reporting frequency. |
*This field is available and required when Other is selected as the progress frequency above. |
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Special Education Services
The Special Education Services editor lists services provided to the student in a Special Education setting.
Special Education Services List Screen
Click here to expand...
Special Education Services List Screen
Column Name |
Descriptions |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Service |
The type of service. |
Time |
The number of minutes the student receives services. |
Start Date |
The first day of service. |
End Date |
The last day of service. |
Special Education Services Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Special Education Services Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Type of Service Required |
The service type. |
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined from the Special Ed Services tool. |
Service Provider |
The person providing the service. |
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined from the Special Ed Service Providers tool. |
Service Position |
The role of the person providing the service. |
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined from the Special Ed Service Positions tool. |
Location |
The location of the service. |
Multiple options can be selected. |
Location with regular education peers |
Indicates the location of service includes regular education peers. Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
Duration and Frequency |
Start Date Required |
The first day of service. |
N/A |
End Date Required |
The last day of service. |
N/A |
Minutes per session Required |
The number of minutes the student receives services. |
N/A |
# times per Required |
The number of times per service frequency. |
N/A |
Service Frequency Required |
The frequency of service. Options include:
- yearly
- termly
- monthly
- weekly
- daily
N/A |
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Related Services
The Related Services editor lists related services provided to the student in a Special Education setting.
Related Services List Screen
Click here to expand...
Related Services List Screen
Column Name |
Descriptions |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Service |
The type of service. |
Time |
The number of minutes the student receives services. |
Start Date |
The first day of service. |
End Date |
The last day of service. |
Related Services Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Related Services Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Type of Service Required |
The service type. |
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined from the Special Ed Services tool. |
Service Provider |
The person providing the service. |
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined from the Special Ed Service Providers tool. |
Service Position |
The role of the person providing the service. |
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined from the Special Ed Service Positions tool. |
Location |
The location of the service. |
Multiple options can be selected. |
Location with regular education peers |
Indicates the location of service includes regular education peers. Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
Duration and Frequency |
Start Date Required |
The first day of service. |
N/A |
End Date Required |
The last day of service. |
N/A |
Minutes per session Required |
The number of minutes the student receives services. |
N/A |
# times per Required |
The number of times per service frequency. |
N/A |
Service Frequency Required |
The frequency of service. Options include:
- yearly
- termly
- monthly
- weekly
- daily
N/A |
^ Back to Top
Supplementary Aids and Services
The Supplementary Aids and Services editor lists supplementary aids and services provided to the student in a Special Education setting.
Supplementary Aids and Services List Screen
Click here to expand...
Supplementary Aids and Services List Screen
Column Name |
Descriptions |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Service |
The type of service. |
Time |
The number of minutes the student receives services. |
Start Date |
The first day of service. |
End Date |
The last day of service. |
Supplementary Aids and Services Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Supplementary Aids and Services Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Service Required |
The service type. |
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined from the Special Ed Services tool. |
Service Provider |
The person providing the service. |
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined from the Special Ed Service Providers tool. |
Service Position |
The role of the person providing the service. |
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined from the Special Ed Service Positions tool. |
Location |
The location of the service. |
Multiple options can be selected. |
Duration and Frequency |
Start Date Required |
The first day of service. |
N/A |
End Date Required |
The last day of service. |
N/A |
Minutes per session Required |
The number of minutes the student receives services. |
N/A |
# times per Required |
The number of times per service frequency. |
N/A |
Service Frequency Required |
The frequency of service. Options include:
- yearly
- termly
- monthly
- weekly
- daily
N/A |
^ Back to Top
Parent and School Personnel Supports
The Parent and School Personnel Supports editor lists services provided to the parent/guardian(s) and/or staff members to aid the student when administering their education or services needs.
Parent and School Personnel Supports List Screen
Click here to expand...
Parent and School Personnel Supports List Screen
Column Name |
Descriptions |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Service |
The type of service. |
Time |
The number of minutes the student receives services. |
Start Date |
The first day of service. |
End Date |
The last day of service. |
Parent and School Personnel Supports
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Parent and School Personnel Supports Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Support for School Personnel Required |
The supports type. |
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined from the Special Ed Services tool. |
Comments |
A description of the specific support. |
N/A |
Duration and Frequency |
Start Date Required |
The first day of service. |
N/A |
End Date Required |
The last day of service. |
N/A |
Minutes per session Required |
The number of minutes the student receives services. |
N/A |
# times per Required |
The number of times per service frequency. |
N/A |
Service Frequency Required |
The frequency of service. Options include:
- yearly
- termly
- monthly
- weekly
- daily
N/A |
^ Back to Top
Form F: Classroom Accommodations and Modifications
The Classroom Accommodations and Modifications editor documents and areas within the classroom that requires accommodations or modifications for the student.
Form F: Classroom Accommodations and Modifications List Screen
Click here to expand...
Classroom Accommodations and Modifications List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
The person currently editing the record. |
Area |
The area requiring accommodation or modification. |
Accommodation |
The type of accommodation or modification. |
Start Date |
The first day of the accommodation or modification. |
End Date |
The last day of the accommodation or modification. |
Classroom Accommodations and Modifications Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Form F: Classroom Accommodations and Modifications Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Area Required |
The area requiring accommodation or modification. Options include:
- Grading
- Text
- Lectures
- Test/Exams
- Environment
- Assignments
- Reinforcement
- Pacing
- Other (Specify)
The values available in the Modification/Accommodation dropdown are determined by selection in the Area field. |
Modification/Accommodation Required |
The accommodation or modification. Click the expand link to view available options.
Click here to expand...
When Grading is selected, options include:
- Modify weight of course examinations
- Modify weight of course components
- Use weekly grading checks
- Other
When Text is selected, options include:
- Audio
- Digital
- Braille
- Highlighted
- Provide home set of textbooks/materials
- Study Guides
- Large Print
- Adapted or simplified text/material
- Other
When Lectures is selected, options include:
- Recorded
- Note taking assistance
- Preferential Seating
- Teacher provides notes
- Study Guides
- Other
When Test/Exams is selected, options include:
- Oral
- Short Answer
- Extended time for completion
- Recorded
- Multiple sessions
- Exams of reduced length
- Open book exams
- Read test to student
- Modify Test Format
- Record student responses
- Alternative setting
- Read test to student using recorded format
- Other
When Environment is selected, options include:
- Preferential seating (describe)
- Alter physical room arrangement (describe)
- Adjustments for speech intelligibility/fluency
- Study carrel for independent work
- Other
When Assignments is selected, options include:
- Read directions to student
- Provide recorded directions to student
- Allow copying from instructional resource
- Lower difficulty level-shorten assignments
- Directions given in a variety of ways
- Reduce paper/pencil tasks
- Give oral cues/prompts
- Allow student to record or keyboard assignments
- Adapt worksheets and packets
- Avoid penalizing for penmanship
- Avoid penalizing for spelling errors
- Extended Time for completion
- Provide study aids
- Maintain assignment notebook
- Provide structured time for organization of materials
- Assistance in recording assignments
- Other
When Reinforcement is selected, options include:
- Use positive/concrete reinforcers
- Repeated review and drill
- Frequent reminders of rules
- Check often for understanding/review
- Frequent eye contact/proximity control
- Other
When Pacing is selected, options include:
- Extended time for oral responses
- Extended time for written responses
- Allow frequent breaks/vary activities
- Other
When Other (Specify) is selected, the only option available is Other.
The values available in the Modification/Accommodation dropdown are determined by selection in the Area field. |
Specify Other *Required |
The other accommodation or modification. |
*This field is available and required when Other is selected above.
This field is limited to 100 characters. |
Location |
The location of the accommodation or modification. Options include:
- ALL Classes
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Health
- Fine Arts
- PE/Athletics
- Reading
- Other
Multiple options can be selected. |
Specify Other *Required |
The other location. |
*This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Location.
This field is limited to 100 characters. |
Comments |
Any comments related to the accommodation or modification. |
This field is limited to 1000 characters. |
Duration and Frequency |
Start Date Required |
The first day of the accommodation or modification. |
N/A |
End Date Required |
The last day of the accommodation or modification. |
N/A |
Service Frequency Required |
The frequency of service. Options include:
- yearly
- termly
- monthly
- weekly
- daily
N/A |
^ Back to Top
Transportation as a Related Service
The Transportation as a Related Service editor documents the student's transportation services needs and any accommodations or modifications for transportation.
Transportation as a Related Service Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Transportation |
Indicates the student requires transportation services. Options include:
- The student does not require transportation as a related service.
- The student requires transportation as a necessary related service.
N/A |
The student needs accommodations or modifications for transportation |
Indicates the student requires accommodations or modifications for transportation. Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
If yes, check any transportation accommodations/modifications that are needed *Required |
Options include:
- Wheelchair lift
- Door to door pick-up and drop-off
- Curb to Curb pick-up and drop-off
- Aide
- Child safety restraint system
- Other
*These fields are available and required when Yes is selected above. |
Specify child safety restraint *Required |
A description of the restraint device. |
*These fields are available and required when Child safety restraint system is selected above.
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Specify other |
The other type of accommodation or modification. |
*These fields are available and required when Other is selected above.
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
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Regular Education Participation
The Regular Education Participation editor documents the extent of the student's participation in a regular education setting.
Regular Education Participation Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation |
For Preschool |
Will all of this child's special education and related services be provided with non-disabled peers in a regular education setting? |
Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
a. If no, to what extent will the child not receive special education and related services in a regular education setting? *Required |
A description of the extent to which the student receives services in a regular education setting. |
*This field is available and required when No is selected above.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
b. Describe the reasons why the IEP team determined that provision of service in the regular education setting was not appropriate for the child. Please select all that apply. Each of the following checkboxes has a text field after them called Must describe for this student that is required when the corresponding checkbox is marked. These text fields are limited to 8000 characters.
- The curriculum and goals of the regular education class
- The sufficiency of the district's efforts to accommodate the child with a disability in the regular class
- The degree to which the child with a disability will receive educational benefit from regular education
- The effect the presence of a child with a disability may have on the regular classroom environment and on the education that the other students are receiving
- The nature and severity of the child's disability
For K-12 |
Will this student participate 100% of the time with non-disabled peers in the regular education environment? |
Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
a. If no, to what extent will the child not receive special education and related services in a regular education setting? *Required |
A description of the extent to which the student receives services in a regular education setting. |
*This field is available and required when No is selected above.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
b. Describe the reasons why the IEP team determined that provision of service in the regular education setting was not appropriate for the child. Please select all that apply: Each of the following checkboxes has a text field after them called Must describe for this student that is required when the corresponding checkbox is marked. These text fields are limited to 8000 characters.
- The curriculum and goals of the regular education class
- The sufficiency of the district's efforts to accommodate the child with a disability in the regular class
- The degree to which the child with a disability will receive educational benefit from regular education
- The effect the presence of a child with a disability may have on the regular classroom environment and on the education that the other students are receiving
- The nature and severity of the child's disability
Participation in Physical Education |
The student will participate in |
Options include:
- Regular physical education
- Regular physical education with accommodations as addressed in this IEP
- Adapted physical education (includes special PE, adapted PE, movement education and motor development(
- No physical education activities are required for one of the following reasons
- Credit already earned
- Credit waived
- Child is preschool aged
- Other
Only one of the main checkboxes can be selected.
Multiple sub-checkboxes can be selected. |
Specify Other *Required |
The other manner in which the student participates in the regular education. |
*This field is available and required when Other is selected.
This field is limited to 100 characters. |
^ Back to Top
Placement Considerations
The Placement Considerations editor documents the student's placement, such as the percentage of time spent in a regular class or in a separate facility.
Placement Considerations Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation |
K-12 Annual Consideration of Placement |
Placement Continuum (K-12): Considered |
Options include:
- Inside regular class at least 80% of the time
- Inside regular class 40% to 79% of the time
- Inside regular class less than 40% of time
- Public separate school (day) facility
- Private separate school (day) facility
- Public residential facility
- Private residential facility
- Homebound/hospital
Multiple options can be selected. |
Placement Continuum (K-12): Selected
Options include:
- Inside regular class at least 80% of the time
- Inside regular class 40% to 79% of the time
- Inside regular class less than 40% of time
- Public separate school (day) facility
- Private separate school (day) facility
- Public residential facility
- Private residential facility
- Homebound/hospital
Only one option can be selected. |
For K-12 students: Is this student’s placement as close as possible to the child’s home and/or in the school he/she would attend if nondisabled? |
Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
If NO, explain why another school/setting is required *Required |
Options include:
- IEP team decision
- Parent transfer request
- Other
*This field is available and required when No is selected above.
This field is limited to
150 characters. |
Specify Other *Required |
The other school or setting. |
*This field is available and required when Other is selected above.
This field is limited to
150 characters. |
ESCE Annual Consideration of Placement |
Placement Options (ECSE): Considered |
Options include:
- Early childhood setting
- Early childhood special education
- Home
- Part-time early childhood/Part-time early childhood special education
- Residential facility
- Separate school
- Itinerant service outside the home
Multiple options can be selected. |
Placement Options (ECSE): Selected |
Options include:
- Early childhood setting
- Early childhood special education
- Home
- Part-time early childhood/Part-time early childhood special education
- Residential facility
- Separate school
- Itinerant service outside the home
Only one option can be selected. |
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Blind and Visually Impaired
The Blind and Visually Impaired editor describes any Braille services provided to the student.
Blind and Visually Impaired Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Does the student need Braille instruction? |
Options include:
- Yes, the student needs Braille/Braille instruction
- No, the student does not need Braille/Braille Instruction
N/A |
If no, complete the following. The IEP team has made the determination that Braille instruction is not appropriate for this child based upon the following factors *Required |
A description of why the IEP team thinks Braille instruction is inappropriate for the student. |
*This field is available and required when No is selected above.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
If yes, methods by which Braille will be integrated into normal classroom activities *Required |
A description of how Braille instruction will be integrated into the classroom for the student. |
*This field is available and required when Yes is selected above.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Date on which Braille instruction will begin |
The first day of Braille instruction. |
N/A |
Duration of each session |
The number of minutes per session the student receives Braille instruction. |
N/A |
Level of competency in Braille reading and writing expected to be achieved by the end of the period covered in this IEP |
A description of the goal level of competency in Braille the student will achieve by the end of the plan duration. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
A referral to Rehabilitation Services for the blind has been discussed with the parent |
Indicates a referral to Rehabilitation Services for the blind was discussed with the parent/guardian. |
N/A |
The parent |
- agreed to the referral
- refused the referral
- referral previously made
Only one option can be made. |
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Form B: Extended School Year
The Form B: Extended School Year editor indicates the student is eligible for services beyond the standard school time, such as beyond school hours or during breaks. The only field on this editor is a dropdown called ESY Eligibility Decision.
Form B: Extended School Year
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ESY Services
The ESY Services editor describes the specific services provided to the student outside of standard school hours.
ESY Services List Screen
Click here to expand...
ESY Services List Screen
Column Name |
Descriptions |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Description of Service |
The type of service. |
Time |
The number of minutes the student receives services. |
Start Date |
The first day of service. |
End Date |
The last day of service. |
ESY Services Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
ESY Services Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Goal Required |
The goal number. |
N/A |
Description of Service Required |
The type of service. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Location |
The location of the service. |
This field is limited to 100 characters. |
Duration and Frequency |
Start Date Required |
The first day of service. |
The start date must be on or after the start date of the plan. |
End Date Required |
The last day of service. |
The end date must be on or before the end date of the plan. The end date must be before the start date. |
Minutes per session Required |
The number of minutes the student receives services. |
N/A |
# times per Required |
The number of times per service frequency. |
N/A |
Service Frequency Required |
The frequency of service. Options include:
- yearly
- termly
- monthly
- weekly
- daily
N/A |
^ Back to Top
Form C: Post-Secondary Transition Plan
The Form C: Post-Secondary Transition Plan editor documents the student's graduation options and age-appropriate assessments.
Form C: Post-Secondary Transition Plan Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Age Appropriate Transition Assessments The following columns display in the table:
- Date Administered
- Assessment
- Summary of Assessment Results
Click the Add Assessment button to open the Age Appropriate Transition Assessments side panel. Values must be saved in the Graduation section before users can add an assessment.
The following fields display on the side panel: |
Date Required |
The day of the assessment. |
Assessment |
The name of the assessment. |
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Summary of Assessment Results |
A description of the results of the assessment. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Graduation |
Anticipated Date of Graduation/Exit (Month and Year) |
The month and year of the student's future graduation. |
N/A |
Graduation Options |
Options include:
- Regular High School Diploma based on earning required credits
- Regular High School Diploma based on meeting goals and objectives
N/A |
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Post-Secondary Transition Goals
The Post-Secondary Transition Goals editor documents the student's post-school employment, education, and/or independent living goals.
Form C: Post-Secondary Transition Plan Goals Editor
Click here to expand...
Field | Description | Validation |
Employment Measurable Post-Secondary Goal(s) Required | A description of the student's employment goals. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Education/Training Measurable Post-Secondary Goal(s) Required | A description of the student's education or training goals. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Independent Living Measurable Post-Secondary Goals | A description of the student's independent living goals. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Post-Secondary Transition Services
The Post-Secondary Transition Services editor documents any services the student requires to achieve their post-school employment, education, and/or independent living goals.
Form C: Post-Secondary Transition Services List Screen
Click here to expand...
Post-Secondary Transition Services List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | The person currently editing the record. |
Goal Type | The type of post-secondary transition goal the service addresses. |
Post-Secondary Transition Services Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Form C: Post-Secondary Transition Plan Services Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
Goal Type Required | The type of post-secondary area the services address. Options are:- Employment
- Education/Training
- Independent Living
| N/A |
When Employment is selected, the following text fields display. These fields are limited to 8000 characters.- What will the school do to prepare the student to reach the employment goal?
- What will the student do to prepare to have the career/job they want?
- What will the parent do to prepare the student to reach the employment goal?
When Education/Training is selected, the following text fields display. These fields are limited to 8000 characters.- What will the school do to prepare the student to earn a career certificate, participate in job training or enroll in post-secondary education?
- What will the student do to prepare to have the skills needed to attend post-secondary career training including post-secondary education?
- What will the parent do to prepare the student to participate in post-secondary career training including post-secondary education?
When Independent Living is selected, the following text fields display. These fields are limited to 8000 characters.- What will the school do to prepare the student in obtaining the skills needed to live independently?
- What will the student do to prepare to have the skills necessary to live independently?
- What will the parent do to prepare the student to live at the student's desired level of independence?
Outside Agency | The name of the agency providing the transition service. | This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Outside Agency Transition Services | The type of service the agency will provide the student. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Form C: Course of Study
The Course of Study editor documents all courses the student requires to be completed prior to graduation and how this coursework aligns with their post-secondary goals.
Course of Study List Screen
Click here to expand...
Course of Study List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | The person currently editing the record. |
School Year | The school year in which the courses are taken. |
Course of Study Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Course of Study Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
School Year | The school year in which the courses are taken. | A school year must be saved before any courses can be added using the side panel. |
The following fields display in the table:- Semester
- Course
- Post Secondary Transition Area
Click New to open the Course of Study side panel. The following fields display: |
Semester Required | The semester in which the course is taken. Options are 1 or 2. | N/A |
Course Required | The name of the course. | This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Post-secondary Transition Area(s)
| The post-secondary transition area this course addresses. | N/A |
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Form D - Part 1: MAP Grade-Level Assessments
The MAP Grade-Level Assessments editor documents the student's participation in the MAP Assessments.
MAP Grade-Level Assessments Editor
Click here to expand...
Field | Description | Validation |
Grade Level Assessment Participation | Options include:- Student will participate in the Grade-Level Assessments WITHOUT Accommodations (complete sections A-C)
- Student will participate in the Grade-Level Assessments WITH Accommodations. (complete sections A-E)
| N/A |
Universal Tools and Accommodations |
Section A: Universal Tools | Click the expand link to view all the available checkboxes.
Click here to expand...
- Break (Pause)
- Calculator (Grades 6 – 8 Math and 5 and 8 Science only)
- Color Contrast (Online Only)
- English Dictionary (For use only on the ELA Writing Prompt)
- Grammar Handbook (For use only on the ELA Writing Prompt)
- Graphing Tool
- Highlighter
- Line Guide
- Magnification
- Mark for Review (Flag)
- Masking (Online Testing)
- Protractor
- Read Aloud Test to Self
- Reference Sheet
- Ruler
- Scratch Paper (Sticky Notes)
- Strikethrough (Cross Off)
- Thesaurus (For use only on the ELA Writing Prompt
- Writing Tools (Bold, Underline, Italicize, Bullet Points, Undo/Redo Typing, Copy/Paste)
- None recommended by IEP Team
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Section B: Universal Tools | Options include: - Bilingual Dictionary (For use by Els only on the ELA Writing Prompt)
- Color Contrast (Paper Testing)
- Color Overlay
- Magnification (Assistive Technology)
- Masking (Paper Testing)
- Non-Accommodation Paper Based (See Test Coordinator's Manual for scenarios)
- Scribe
- Separate Setting
- Translation of Student Responses (Only for ELs)
- None recommended by IEP Team
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Section C: Universal Tools- Read aloud for everything except ELA reading passages |
English Language Arts | Options include: - Text-To-Speech
- Human Reader
- Assistive Technology
- Native Language (ELs Only)
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Math | Options include: - Text-To-Speech
- Human Reader
- Assistive Technology
- Native Language (ELs Only)
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Science | Options include: - Text-To-Speech
- Human Reader
- Assistive Technology
- Native Language (ELs Only)
| Multiple options can be selected. |
None recommended by the IEP Team | Indicates none of these technologies are recommended by the IEP team. | N/A |
Section D: Universal Tools - Read aloud for ELA reading passages |
Grades 3-5 | Options include:- Text-To-Speech
- Human Reader
- Assistive Technology
- Native Language (ELs Only)
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Grades 6-8 | Options include:- Text-To-Speech
- Human Reader
- Assistive Technology
- Native Language (ELs Only)
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Students who are Blind | Indicates that the student needs to be read aloud to. | N/A |
Section E: Accommodations |
English Language Arts | Options include: - Alternate Response Options (See Test Coordinator's Manual for scenarios)
- Braille
- Closed Captioning for ELA listening passages
- Large Print
- Paper Based Assessment
- Sign Language for ELA listening passages
- Speech-To-Text via Assistive Technology
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Math | Options include: - Abacus
- Alternate Response Options (See Test Coordinator's Manual for scenarios)
- Braille
- Calculator - Grade 3: Use will case an invalidation for Math and student will receive the Lowest Obtainable Scale Score
- Calculator - Grades 4-5
- Large Print
- Multiplication Table - Grade 3: Use will case an invalidation for Math and student will receive the Lowest Obtainable Scale Score
- Multiplication table - Grades 4-8
- Paper Based Assessment
- Specialized Calculator (For Calculator Allowed Items Only)
- Speech-To-Text via Assistive Technology
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Science | Options include: - Abacus
- Alternate Response Options (See Test Coordinator's Manual for scenarios)
- Braille
- Large Print
- Multiplication table - Grades 4-8
- Paper Based Assessment
- Specialized Calculator (For Calculator Allowed Items Only)
- Speech-To-Text via Assistive Technology
| Multiple options can be selected. |
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Form D - Part 2: MAP End-Of-Year (EOC) Assessments
The MAP End-of-Year Assessments editor documents accommodations provided to the student for end-of-course assessments and the Subject to which the accommodation applies.
Form D - Part 2: MAP End-Of-Course (EOC) Assessments Editor
Click here to expand...
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Form D - Part 3: Alternative Assessment (MAP-A)
The Alternative Assessment editor documents how the student will participate in the MAP-A assessment.
Form D - Part 3: Alternate Assessment (MAP-A) Editor
Click here to expand...
Field | Description | Validation |
The student will participate in the MAP-A Assessment. This alternate assessment is for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who meet the multiple criteria* for eligibility which is based upon an educational curriculum focusing on essential skills and alternative learning standards in the following areas | Options include:- English Language Arts in Grades 3 through 8 and 11
- Mathematics in Grades 3 through 8 and 11
- Science in Grades 5, 8 and 11
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) | Options include:Student will participate in Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) for local assessment Student will NOT participate in Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) for any local assessment for Grades 3, 4, 6, and 7. Student will NOT participate in Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) for any local assessment for Grades 9, 10, and 12. The student still meets MAP-A eligibility and it not required to participate in EOCs
| Only ONE option can be selected. |
Student will participate in Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) for local assessment in the following areas | Options include:- English Language Arts in Grades 3 through 8 and 11
- Mathematics in Grades 3 through 8 and 11
- Science in Grades 5, 8 and 11
| *This field is available when "Student will participate in Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) for local assessment in the following areas" is selected from Dynamic Learning Maps. Multiple options can be selected. |
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Form D - Part 4: WIDA ACCESS
The WIDA ACCESS editor documents accommodations provided to the student to assist the student as an English Language Learner.
Form D - Part 4: WIDA ACCESS Assessments Editor
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Form D - Part 5: NAEP/International Assessments
The NAEP/International Assessments editor documents the accommodations the student requires for taking the NAEP national test.
Form D - Part 5: NAEP/International Assessments Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
The student was selected for and will participate in NAEP and/or a related International Assessment | Indicates the student will participate in the NAEP or International Assessment. | N/A |
NAEP and/or related International Assessment Accommodations | Options include:- WITHOUT Accommodations (review section A)
- WITH Accommodations (review section A and B)
| *This field is available when the above checkbox is marked. |
Section A: Universal Tools - Automatically Available |
Section A: Universal Tools | Options include:- Closed Captioning
- Color Theming
- Directions Read Aloud/Text-to-Speech
- Directions Explained/Clarified
- Elimination Capability
- Read Aloud/Text-to-Speech
- Scratch Paper
- Scratch/Highlighter Capability
- Use a Computer to Respond
- Volume Adjustment
- Zooming
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Section B: Accommodations - To be marked in the testing system |
Math | Options include:- Braille
- Breaks During Test
- Calculator Version of the Test
- Cueing to Stay on Task
- Directions Only Presented in ASL/Sign Language
- Extended Time
- Familiar Person Present or Administering the Test
- Hearing Impaired Version of the Test
- High Contrast for Visually Impaired Students
- Individual/Small Group
- Low Mobility Version of the Test
- Magnification
- Preferential Seating
- Presented in ASL/Sign Language
- Response in ASL/Sign Language
- Scribe
- Special Equipment (see test manual)
- Separate Location
- Uses Template
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Reading | Options include:- Braille
- Breaks During Test
- Cueing to Stay on Task
- Directions Only Presented in ASL/Sign Language
- Extended Time
- Familiar Person Present or Administering the Test
- Hearing Impaired Version of the Test
- High Contrast for Visually Impaired Students
- Individual/Small Group
- Low Mobility Version of the Test
- Magnification
- Preferential Seating
- Response in ASL/Sign Language
- Scribe
- Special Equipment (see test manual)
- Separate Location
- Uses Template
| Multiple options can be selected. |
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Form E: District Wide Assessments and Alternative Assessments
The District Wide Assessments and Alternative Assessments editor documents accommodations provided to the student for taking district tests.
District Wide Assessments and Alternative Assessments List Screen
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District Wide Assessments and Alternative Assessments List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | The person currently editing the record. |
District Assessment | The name of the district assessment in which the student will or will not participate. |
Accommodations | A description of the accommodations the student needs for the district assessment. |
Assessment Type | Displays as District-Wide or Alternate, depending on the record. |
District Wide Assessments and Alternative Assessments Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
District Wide Assessments and Alternative Assessments Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
The student WILL participate in the following District-Wide Assessment(s) of Student Achievement that are administered for this student's grade level | Indicates the student will participate in the assessment. | N/A |
District Assessment *Required | The name of the district assessment in which the student will participate. | *This field is available and required when the above checkbox is marked.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Accommodations needed for the student to participate in this assessment are *Required | A description of the accommodations the student needs for the district assessment. | *This field is available and required when the above checkbox is marked.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
The student WILL NOT participate in the District-Wide Assessment(s) of Student Achievement administered at their grade, but must participate in the following District-Wide Alternate Assessments for this student's grade level | Indicates the student will NOT participate in the assessment. | N/A |
District Assessment *Required | The name of the district assessment in which the student will NOT participate. | *This field is available and required when the above checkbox is marked.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Name/Description of Alternative Assessment *Required | The name of the alternative assessment the student will take in place of the district assessment. | *This field is available and required when the above checkbox is marked.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Statement of why the child cannot participate in the regular assessment *Required | A description as to why the student cannot participate in the regular assessment. | *This field is available and required when the above checkbox is marked.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Why the particular alternate assessment selected is appropriate *Required | A description as to why the alternative assessment is appropriate for the student. | *This field is available and required when the above checkbox is marked.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Form G
The Form G documents how the student receives special education and related services on days when school facilities are closed.
Form G Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
Form G |
Parental and staff input on priorities needed for the student during closures | A description of the input by staff and or parents. | N/A |
Communication Plan | The communication plan. | N/A |
Form G: Services The following fields display in the table:- Goal
- Description of Instructional Support
- Staff Responsible
Text must be saved into the first two text fields before services can be added. Click Add Services to open the Form G: Services side panel. The following fields display: |
Goal | The goal addressed. | This populates from the Annual Goals editor. |
Description of Instructional Support | A description of the support/service. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Method of Participation | The method in which the student will participate in the support/service. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Staff Responsible for Delivering Service or Support | The person responsible for administering the support/service. | This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Form G: Accommodations and Modifications The following fields display in the table:- Accommodations and Modifications
- How and when will it be provided?
Text must be saved into the first two text fields before services can be added. Click Add Accommodations/Modifications to open the Form G: Accommodations and Modifications side panel. The following fields display:
Accommodations and Modifications
| The accommodation or modification needed. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
How and when will it be provided? | A description on how this accommodation or modification will be provided to the student. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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IEP Signature Page
The IEP Signature Page editor documents the parent/guardian's consent that they agree with the contents of the IEP and have received copies of the appropriate documents.
IEP Signature Page Editor
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Prior Written Notice
The Prior Written Notice documents communication with parents/guardians and other members of the student's special education team and their consent and/or approval for the proposed or refused actions documented in the plan.
Prior Written Notice List Screen
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Prior Written Notice List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | The person currently editing the record. |
Date Provided | The day the prior written notice was provided. |
Method of Provision | The method of communication. |
Consent Needed | A list of actions requiring consent. |
Consent Not Needed | A list of actions not requiring consent. |
Prior Written Notice Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Prior Written Notice Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
Date Provided Required | The day the prior written notice was provided. | N/A |
Method of Provision | Options include:- Personally present
- Mailed
- Hand carried by student
- Emailed
| N/A |
The following is to describe the action(s) | Options include:- Proposed by our district
- Refused by our district
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Consent is required for these actions to be carried out | Options include:- Initial Evaluation
- Initial Services
- Reevaluation (with assessment)
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Consent is not required for these actions to be carried out | Options include:- Initial Placement
- Initial Eligibility
- Change in Eligibility
- Ineligibility for Services
- Change of Placement
- Change of Services
- Graduation with regular diploma
- Other
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Specify Other *Required | The other action. | *This field is available and required when Other is selected above.
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Description and Explanation of Action Required | A description of the actions proposed or refused and the reasoning behind it. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Basis for the action Required | A description of each procedure, assessment, report, or record the district used in determining the proposed or refused action. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Options Considered and Why Rejected Required | A description of any other options for the provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) that the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team considered and the reasons why those options were rejected. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Other Factors Relevant to the Action Required | A description of any other relevant factors considered. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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