Tool Search: MARSS Extracts
The Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System (MARSS) collects student data required by many Minnesota Department of Education areas. MARSS B, the Student File, gathers a broad range of student data, particularly details found in student enrollments.

Report Logic
The MARSS B Extract reports a record for each enrollment in the selected Calendar(s) within the entered Date Range. If the user selects calendar(s) from the year before the selected School Year, the report will include the prior year calendar(s) that fall within the Date Range entered.
The results do not include students enrolled in a Grade marked as 'Exclude from State Reporting'.
If a student has a State Aid Category of 46 (STATE AID CATEGORY), the following fields report as indicated:
File Naming Logic
If generating the MARSS B extract in State Format, the output file is named as follows:
"B" + 'district' + "." + 'extractPeriod' + 'yearNum'
Format Options
The following formats are available for generating this extract: State Format should be used for data submission to the state, and CSV, XML, and HTML formats can be used to test and review data.
MARSS B Extract Layout
If Report Legal Name When Provided is marked, Demographics fields report from Protected Identity Information.
If the Include Excluded Grade Levels checkbox is marked, students enrolled in Grade Levels marked as State Exclude will be included in the extract.
Note: In order for the override data to report as expected, both the Membership override AND Attendance override fields on the Enrollment need to contain data, not just the membership override field.
The name of the element before the release of Campus.2008 is shown below the bolded name.
Element Name | Description & Format | Campus Location |
VALUE B STU_REC_ID | Record ID, reports B Alphabetic, 1 character | Reporting > MN State Reporting > MARSS Extracts > Extract Type Not dynamically stored |
VALUE F or E SUB_CDE | Extract Period, options are F: Fall and E: End of Year Alphabetic, 1 character | Reporting > MN State Reporting > MARSS Extracts > Extract Period Not dynamically stored |
SCHOOL YEAR SCH_YER | The end year of the school year selected in the extract editor. For example, the 2009-2010 school year would report as 10. Date field, 2 digits, YY | Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > School Year Setup > End Year SchoolYear.endYear |
STUDENT NUMBER STU_NUM | Student's unique identification number. Numeric, 13 digits | Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID Student.number |
FILLER SOC_SEC_NUM | Student's social security number. Currently reports as 000000000. Numeric, 9 digits | Census > People > Demographics > Soc Sec Number Identity.ssn |
DISTRICT NUMBER DST_NUM | The state-assigned district number. Numeric, 4 digits | School & District Settings> District > District Information > State District Number District.number |
DISTRICT TYPE DST_TYE | The state-defined district type. Numeric, 2 digits | School & District Settings > District > District Information > Type District.type |
SCHOOL NUMBER SCH_NUM | The state-assigned identification number for the school. Numeric, 3 digits | School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > State School Number School.number |
STUDENT GRADE LEVEL STU_GRD_LVL | The grade level of the student's current enrollment. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade Enrollment.gradeLevel |
STUDENT RESIDENT DISTRICT NUMBER STU_RES_DST_NUM | The number of the student's resident district. Numeric, 4 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District Enrollment.residentDistrict |
STUDENT RESIDENT DISTRICT TYPE STU_RES_DST_TYE | The type of the student's resident district. Numeric, 2 digits | System Administration > Resources > District Information > Type District.type |
FILLER STU_RES_SCH_NUM | The number of the student's resident school. Reports as 3 blank spaces. Numeric, 3 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School |
STATE AID CATEGORY STT_AID_CAT | State aid category of the aid service being provided to the student. See the State Aid Category Options table following. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > State Aid Category EnrollmentMN.stateAidCategory |
STATUS START DATE STS_BEG_DAT | The start date of the student's enrollment. Will always be on or after the Start Date entered in the extract editor. Date field, 8 digits, YYYYMMDD | Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date Enrollment.startDate |
LAST LOCATION OF ATTENDANCE LST_LOC_ATT | The start status of the student's enrollment, the last location of attendance. If the prior year's enrollment Start Date is on or after the Start Date entered in the extract editor, reports the enrollment's Start Status. Otherwise reports as 00. See the Start Status Options table following. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Status Enrollment.startStatus |
STATUS END STS_END | The end status of the student's enrollment. If value is NULL and calendar End Code Override has a value set, the override value will be reported. If NULL, report = '40: EOY - Student was enrolled on the last Day of School' ***If Enrollment Grade Level '12', report = '08: Student Graduated from a public School District' Split Records- Occurs if there is a change in Transportation (See business rules at top of page.) Split caused by a change in Transportation STS_END = 99. NOTE: This logic is hard coded only for MARSS B and may cause a discrepancy in the MDE comparison reports once the data from both systems lands at the state. Ed-Fi does not follow the same logic. In order to ensure accurate state reporting values in the Student School Association record, end users must follow the standard process, which is to either manually enter the expected end status or to use the Enrollment End Batch tool to set the end statuses for 12th graders to 08. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Status; System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar > End Code Override Enrollment.endStatus Calendar.endCodeOverride |
STATUS END DATE STS_END_DAT | The end date of the student's enrollment. Date field, 8 digits, YYYYMMDD | Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Date Enrollment.endDate |
PERCENT ENROLLED PER_ENR | The percent of time the student is enrolled.
Numeric, 3 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Percent Enrolled Enrollment.percentEnrolled |
ATTENDANCE DAYS ATT_DAY | The number of student attendance days. Reports first from the Attendance Override from the Enrollment, if entered. Otherwise, reports the total number of Instructional Days a student was present during the enrollment record start and end date in half or whole days. This value cannot exceed the Maximum Membership Days listed on the Grade Levels tool and will not include any days prior to the Start Date entered in the Extract Editor. This field reports with an implied decimal. For example, 25.5 days reports as 00255. Numeric, 5 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attendance Override; Calculated Enrollment.adaOverride, Calculated |
MEMBERSHIP DAYS MBR_DAY | The number of days the student was in membership. Reports first from the Membership Override from the Enrollment, if entered. Otherwise, reports the total number of Instructional Days during the enrollment start and end date. This value cannot exceed the Maximum Membership Days listed on the grade levels tool and will not include any days prior to the Start Date entered in the Extract Editor. Numeric, 4 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Membership Override; Calculated Enrollment.admOverride, Calculated |
POST SECONDARY OPTIONS INDICATOR PST_SEC_OPT | Indicates student participates in Post Secondary Options.
Alphabetic, 1 character | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > PSEO Enrollment.pseo |
PSEO HIGH SCHOOL PARTICIPATION HOURS PST_SEC_HRS_HS | The number of hours the high school student participates in High School. Reports the Post-Secondary HS Hours value entered (zero if necessary). If null, reports as 0000. Numeric, 4 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Post-Secondary HS Hours EnrollmentMN. pseoHours |
HOMEBOUND SERVICE INDICATOR HOM_BND_SRV | Indicates if student is home bound and receiving services. Options are Y: Yes and N: No. Alphabetic, 1 character | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Homebound Enrollment.homebound |
SPECIAL ED EVALUATION STATUS SPC_ED_STS | The student's special education status. See the Special Ed Status Options table following. Numeric, 1 digit | Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status Enrollment.specialEdStatus |
SPECIAL ED INSTRUCTIONAL SETTING SPC_ED_INS_STG | The instructional setting of the student's special ed program. See the Special Ed Disability Setting Options table following. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Disability Setting Enrollment.specialEdSetting |
ENGLISH LEARNERS LEP_PCP | Indicates if the student is considered to be English Learners (EL). See the following EL Logic section for field logic details. Alphabetic, 1 character | Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > Program Status > EL Lep.programStatus |
EL BEGIN DATE LEP_BEG_DAT | The date the student's English proficiency was determined. Reports based on user-defined services with a State Service Type of State Reported. If the Location entered on the student's EL Services program does not match the school the student is enrolled in, reports as 00000000. Date field, 8 digits, YYYYMMDD | Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Start Date LepService.startDate |
GIFTED AND TALENTED PARTICIPATION GFT_TAL_PCP | Indicates if the student is considered Gifted/Talented. If there is a Gifted record for the student that is active at any point during the student's enrollment, reports as Y. Otherwise reports as N. Alphabetic, 1 character | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Gifted/Talented Enrollment.giftedTalented |
SEX/GENDER SEX_GEN | The gender of the student. Options are M: Male and F: Female. Alphabetic, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Gender Identity.gender |
NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN RAC_ETH | The student's Race/Ethnicity. Reports as 1 if Race/Ethnicity is 01 or 03. Otherwise reports as 0. Numeric, 1 digit | Census > People > Demographics > State Race/Ethnicity Identity.raceEthnicity |
BIRTH DATE BTH_DAT | The student's birth date. Date field, 8 digits, YYYYMMDD | Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Identity.birthDate |
HOME LANGUAGE HOM_PRM_LNG | The primary or first language of the student, the language spoken in the student's home. Numeric, 3 digits | Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language Person.language |
PRIMARY DISABILITY PRM_DIS | The student's primary disability. See the Disability Options table following. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability Enrollment.disability1 |
TRANSPORTATION CATEGORY TRA_CAT | The student's transportation category. Reports Transportation Category; if that is NULL, reports default from Attribute Dictionary; if that is NULL, reports as 00. See the Transportation Category Options table following. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Transportation > Transportation Category Transportation.transportationCode |
ECONOMIC INDICATOR ECO_IND | The student's meal status. FY2023 - Reporting Year 22-23 and later: Report eligibility from any eligibility status tied to the reported calendar year that falls before the End Date of the extract editor
The logic for determining the state code on the FRAM record is as follows:
When multiple Eligibility records exist for a student in the selected calendar, report based on the following:
FY2022 - Reporting Year 21-22 and earlier: Report highest number from any eligibility status tied to the reported calendar year that falls before the End Date of the extract editor
When multiple Eligibility records exist for a student in the selected calendar, reports as follows:
Report highest sequence from any eligibility status tied to the reported calendar year that falls before the End Date of the extract editor
If an enrollment record ends prior to the start date of any FRAM records in the same academic year, it still considers the FRAM records using the preceding logic. Prior Year Calendar Logic: Prior Year MARSS B records will look for an application that has an eligibility school year + 1 of the prior year calendar. Numeric, 1 digit | FRAM > Application Processing > Eligibility > Eligibility, School Year POSeligibility.eligibility |
FILLER | Reports blank. For years prior to 2014-2015, report Migrant Indicator. If NULL, report N. Alphabetic, 1 character | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant Enrollment.migrant |
TITLE I STUDENT INDICATOR STU_TTL1 | Indicates that the student is receiving Title 1 services. Reports as follows:
| Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School History > Title 1 Enrollment.title1 SchoolAttribute.title1 |
HOMELESS STUDENT HML_STU | Indicates that the student is considered homeless. If the student has a Homeless record that is active at any point during the student's enrollment, reports as Y. Otherwise reports as N. Alphabetic, 1 character | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Homeless Enrollment.homeless |
TRANSPORTING DISTRICT NUMBER TRA_DST_NUM | The number of the district which is responsible for student's transportation. Reports the first 4 characters of the Transporting District if STT_AID_CAT reports as 46. Otherwise, reports State District Number. Numeric, 4 digits | Student Information > General > Transportation > Transporting District OR School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number Custom Student |
TRANSPORTING DISTRICT TYPE TRA_DST_TYE | The type of the district which is responsible for student's transportation. Reports the last 2 characters of the Transporting District if STT_AID_CAT reports as 46. Otherwise, reports State District Type . Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Transportation > Transporting District OR School & District Settings > District > District Information > District Type Custom Student |
SPECIAL PUPILS CARE TREATMENT WRD_STT | An indicator representing a Student who qualifies as a Special Pupil for Care and Treatment at some time during the school year. If "Special Pupils for Care/Treatment" is 'Y: Yes', reports 'Y'. Otherwise reports 'N'. Alphabetic, 1 character, Y or N | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Special Pupils for Care/Treatment EnrollmentMN.specialCare |
INDEPENDENT STUDY FLAG IS_FLG | Indicates that the student is participating in an Independent Study program. If the student has a SAAP record that is active at any point during the student's enrollment with the Independent Study Indicator marked, reports as Y. Otherwise reports as N. Alphabetic, 1 character | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Independent Study EnrollmentMN.independentStudy |
FILLER SES_SRV | Indicates that the student receives Supplemental Educational Services. Current reports as blank. Numeric, 4 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Supplemental Services EnrollmentMN.supplementalServices |
SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICE HOURS SPC_SRV_HRS | The number of hours the student received Special Ed services with a Special Ed status of 4 or 6 and when enrollment status ‘P: Primary’ or ‘N: Special Education’. If Service Hours is null, reports the Direct and Indirect minutes per session from the student's IEP. This field includes an implied decimal. To report Special Ed Service Hours, one of the following conditions must be met:
Special Ed Service Hours are calculated as follows: Total Minutes Per Day
Numeric, 5 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Service Hours If NULL Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > IEP record > Plan Outline > Services > "Minutes Per Session" / "Session Frequency" fields Override calculation location: Enrollment SESH field IEP calculation locations:
MINNESOTA CARE PROGRAM OPT OUT OPT_OUT_MNCR | Indicates that the student has chosen to opt out of MN Care Services. Reports 'Y' if any FRAM record in the reporting year has the checkbox 'Opt Out SCHIP' marked. Alphabetic, 1 character, Y or N | (E line) FRAM > Eligibility > Opt Out SCHIP POSEligibility.optOutSCHIP |
FILLER OPT_OUT_GAMC | Indicates that the student has chosen to opt out of Medicaid/General Assistance services. Current reports as blank. Alphabetic, 1 character, Y or N | (E line) FRAM > Eligibility > Opt Out Medicaid POSEligibility.optOutMedicaid |
HISPANIC-LATINO HIS_LAT | Indicates that the student is Hispanic/Latino. Options are Y: Yes and N: No. Alphabetic, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity Identity.raceEthnicity |
AMERICAN INDIAN ALASKA NATIVE AMI_IND_ALK | Indicates that the student is American Indian/Alaska Native. Options are Y: Yes and N: No. Alphabetic, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity Identity.raceEthnicity |
ASIAN ASI | Indicates that the student is Asian. Options are Y: Yes and N: No. Alphabetic, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity Identity.raceEthnicity |
BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN BLK_AFR | Indicates that the student is Black/African American. Options are Y: Yes and N: No. Alphabetic, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity Identity.raceEthnicity |
NATIVE HAWAIIAN PACIFIC ISLANDER HAW_PAC | Indicates that the student is Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander. Options are Y: Yes and N: No. Alphabetic, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity Identity.raceEthnicity |
WHITE WHT | Indicates that the student is White. Options are Y: Yes and N: No. Alphabetic, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity Identity.raceEthnicity |
PSEO CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT FLAG PST_CON_OPT | Indicates that the student is concurrently enrolled in CIS and PSEO. Options are Y: Yes and N: No. Alphabetic, 1 character | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > CIS PSEO Concurrent Enr EnrollmentMN.CISPSEOConcurrentEnr |
LOCAL USE DATA LOC_USE_DATA | Reports the PersonID. Alphanumeric, 6 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > PersonID Identity.personID |
STUDENT LAST NAME LST_NAM | Student's last name. If Report Legal Name When Provided is marked, reports from Census > People > Identities > Active Identity > Protected Identity Information. Alphabetic, 40 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Last Name Identity.lastName |
STUDENT FIRST NAME FST_NAM | Student's first name. If Report Legal Name When Provided is marked, reports from Census > People > Identities > Active Identity > Protected Identity Information. Alphabetic, 40 characters | Census > People > Demographics > First Name Identity.firstName |
STUDENT MIDDLE NAME MID_NAM | Student's middle name. If Report Legal Name When Provided is marked, reports from Census > People > Identities > Active Identity > Protected Identity Information. Alphabetic, 40 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name Identity.middleName |
NAME SUFFIX SUFFIX | The suffix marking the student's generation. Alphanumeric, 3 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Identity.suffix |
State Aid Category Options
Code | Description |
00 | Regular: enrolled at resident district |
01 | Open Enrollment |
02 | Foreign Exchange Student J-1 Visa |
03 | HSGI Nonresident |
04 | 11/12th Grade choice |
05 | Interdistrict cooperative agreement |
06 | Cooperative Facilities |
08 | Charter school (student/parent choice) |
10 | Joint Powers Agreement |
11 | Non-tuition Parent Initiated Agreement |
13 | State Board Exceptions |
14 | Enrolled in another state |
15 | Resident of other state/country |
16 | Shared Time paid to resident district |
17 | Shared Time paid to serving district |
18 | Shared Time paid by parent/guardian |
19 | Tuition agreement w/ resident district |
20 | Tuition agreement w/ parent/guardian |
21 | Ineligible nonresident student |
22 | Open enr, returned to res dist |
24 | Early graduate |
25 | Adult HSGI student |
26 | Private school HSGI |
27 | Temporary care/treatment |
28 | Resident at private school (IEP/care) |
34 | Tribal, meets BIA |
35 | Tribal, does not meet BIA |
41 | Screening by District (general revenue) |
42 | Child & Teen Checkups/EDSDT |
43 | Head Start |
44 | Private Provider |
45 | Conscientious Objector |
46 | ESY Enrollment |
51 | South Dakota residents under reciprocity agreement |
52 | Minnesota residents under reciprocity agreement |
97 | Katrina Evacuee |
98 | Summer graduate/dropout |
Start Status Options
Code | Description |
00 | Last year, public school, same district |
01 | Last year, MN nonpublic school |
02 | Last year, another state |
03 | Last year, another country |
04 | Last year, MN public school, other district |
05 | Age 5 or younger as of 9/1, never before in school |
06 | Age 6 or older as of 9/1, never before in school |
07 | Last enrolled before last year |
11 | Midyear transfer from MN nonpublic school |
12 | Midyear transfer from other state |
13 | Midyear transfer from other country |
14 | Midyear transfer from other MN school district |
21 | Midyear transfer from school in this district |
22 | Midyear grade level change |
23 | Midyear change in district of residence |
24 | Midyear re-enrollment after drop |
End Status Options
Code | Description |
00 | Used for Fall reporting |
01 | Change in grade level |
02 | Transfer to another school in district |
03 | Transfer to approved nonpublic school |
04 | Moved to other MN school district |
05 | Moved out of MN |
06 | Dropout (16 or older) |
07 | Left after compulsory att age w/ written election |
08 | Graduated from High School |
11 | Died |
12 | Excused: permanent disability |
13 | Jailed |
14 | 15 day drop |
15 | Enrollment ended due to marriage |
16 | Expelled, didn't start elsewhere |
17 | Pregnancy |
18 | Whereabouts unknown/non-approved |
20 | Transfer to other district/not moved |
21 | EC withdrawal: IEP met |
Special Ed Status Options
Code | Description |
1 | None |
2 | Evaluated by no service required |
3 | Requires services; not currently participating |
4 | Receiving services |
5 | Requires services, parent refused |
6 | Student with IIIP |
7 | IEP/IFSP terminated during year |
8 | Early Intervention |
9 | Students receiving indirect services only |
EL Field Logic
Reports as Y in the following instances:
- If the student is enrolled in an EL program.
- If the student's most recent EL record has a Program Status of Exited EL and a Program Exit Date on or after the Start Date of the earliest enrollment.
- If the student's most recent EL record has a Program Status of EL and an Identified Date entered.
- If any EL record has a Program Status of EL and an Identified Date on or after the earliest enrollment Start Date and on or before the End Date of the extract.
If a student has enrollment in multiple calendars, this field will report as Y for all MARSS records for that student if it reports as Y for one enrollment.
Reports as N in the following instances:
- If Program Exit Date occurs before the Start Date of the earliest enrollment.
- All other circumstances not described above.
Special Ed Disability Setting Options
Code | Description |
01 | K12: Outside of regular class less than 21% of day |
02 | K12: Resource Room between 21% and 60% of day |
03 | K12: Separate classroom more than 60% of day |
04 | K12: Public separate school facility > than 50% |
05 | K12: Private separate school facility > than 50% |
06 | K12: Public residential facilities > than 50 % |
07 | K12: Private residential facility > than 50% |
08 | K12: Homebound/hospital placement |
11 | Early Int: Developmental Delays/Disabilities |
12 | Early Int: Typically developing |
13 | Early Int: Home |
14 | Early Int: Hospital Inpatient |
15 | Early Int: Residential Facility |
16 | Early Int: Service Provider Location |
17 | Early Int: Other Setting |
30 | EC stu age 3-5 rec srvc in approved voluntary pre-k |
31 | Reg EC at least 10 hrs/week and rec srvc in setting |
32 | Ref EC at least 10 hr/week but rec maj srvc elswhr |
33 | Ref EC up to 10 hours/week and rec srvc in setting |
34 | Ref EC up to 10 hours/week but rec maj srvc elsewhr |
39 | ECSE student enrolled in/receiving sped services in an approved School Readiness Plus (SRP) |
41 | Separate Class |
42 | Separate School |
43 | Residential Facility |
44 | Service Provider Location |
45 | Home |
Disability Options
Code | Description |
00 | Not Disabled |
01 | Speech/language impaired |
02 | Developmental Cognitive Disabilities: Mild-Moderate |
03 | Developmental Cognitive Disabilities: Severe-Profnd |
04 | Physically impaired |
05 | Deaf-Hard of Hearing |
06 | Visually impaired |
07 | Specific learning disabilities |
08 | Emotional/behavioral disorders |
09 | Deaf/Blind |
10 | Other health disabilities |
11 | Autism Spectrum Disorder |
12 | Developmental Delay |
14 | Traumatic brain injury |
16 | Severely Multiply Impaired |
54 | 504 Accommodation Plan |
Transportation Category Options
Code | Description |
00 | Walkers |
01 | Regular |
02 | Excess |
03 | Disabled |
04 | Desegregation |
05 | Ineligible/Nonresident |
06 | Special Transportation |
07 | Shelter Care Facility |