Campus Learning Usage

Tool Search: Campus Learning Usage

The Campus Learning Usage tool tracks how staff are using tools in the Campus Learning offerings. Filter results by selecting a School and Calendar in the Campus Toolbar or view usage for the entire district.

Totals for the School or District are shown in the top table, with totals for individual teachers in the second table.

Screenshot of the usage information, with counts for the year listed first, followed by individual teachers. The Campus Learning Usage tool provides totals for school staff using Campus Learning features.

Campus Learning Usage tool rights grant full access to the tool.

Column Definitions

Counts are provided for the following features, which are also described in the Column Definitions link:

AssignmentsA base count of all assignments.
Grading Services

Assignments received from an 3rd party learning management system (LMS) through a Digital Learning Partner connection to the OneRoster API.

Curriculum ContentFiles attached to assignments.
Summary and Student Notes
Assignments that have content in the Summary and Notes fields, which are visible in student and parent views.
Teacher Notes

Assignments that have content in the Teacher Notes field, which is visible only to teachers when looking at the assignment.

Campus File Attachment

Assignments with a file attached that is stored in the Campus Digital Repository (CDR). This field counts both files attached in For Students to be accessible in student views and those attached in For Teachers, which are only visible in the assignment.

Google Drive File Attachment

Assignments with a google drive file attached. This field counts both files attached in For Students to be accessible in student views and those attached in For Teachers, which are only visible in the assignment.

Student SubmissionEnabled options allowing students to submit responses.
File AttachmentAssignments set up to accept student responses via files stored in the CDR.
Text EditorAssignments set up to receive student responses via a text editor.
Google DriveAssignments set up to receive student responses via google drive files.
Quick Assessment

Assignments that include Quick Assessments.

Data Analysis Options

The Teacher Counts table can be sorted numerically by any of the feature columns.

Click Filter Teachers to add a search field to the top of the list.

Click Export to CSV to export the table as currently displayed as a CSV file, to be viewed using a program such as Excel.