Student Special Education Program Eligibility Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)

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This resource allows agencies to transfer SPED eligibility data in order to perform tasks such as addressing and improving timely evaluation of children and support research and analysis.

This resource is only available for Public Only configurations and the 2022-23 school year and later.

Object Triggering Logic

The tables below describe the logic for triggering syncing of this object. Expand one of the areas below to see full requirements:

PostWhen an Eligibility Report Eval with an Evaluation Type of Initial  is created and locked with an Eligibility Determination Date that falls within the configuration year:
  • The locked Eligibility Report Eval Eligibility Determination Date must overlap the enrollment.
  • Report a record based on the student's enrollment type:
    • If the students has multiple enrollments in the same district, and they overlap in any way, report based on primacy:
      • State Enrollment Type = P: Primary
      • State Enrollment Type = PPP
      • Enrollment Service Type = P: Primary
      • Enrollment Service Type = N: Special Ed
    • If the enrollment record is marked State Exclude or WISE Exclude AND 'Eval Only Student' is checked, send a SSEPEA record along with a Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations record.

      Note: This is for students who are technically not enrolled or attending the district. This includes homeschooled, private school students, and 0-3 year old students who are just being evaluated.

    • If the student has an enrollment marked as No Show, do not send a record.
    • Do not send a student record for an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude, No Show, or WISE Exclude unless the 'Eval Only Student' checkbox is checked.
  • If Ed-Fi Configuration Profile = Choice OR Choice + Private Opt In, do not send a record.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude or Summer School or if the calendar is in a School marked Exclude.
  • Post a record for each unique, locked Eligibility Evaluation Report with an Evaluation Type = 'Initial'.

Post a new record when a new Eligibility Report Eval record is created and locked with an Evaluation Type of Initial.

Note: Eval Eligibility Determination Dates cannot overlap

  • When the locked Eligibility Report Eval overlaps multiple school years, report 1 record based on the Consent Date.
Post/DeleteWhen a locked Eligibility Report Eval is edited and re-locked with a change to any of the fields not part of the natural key.
Post/DeleteWhen a School Override is set on Enrollment.
DeleteWhen an Eligibility Report Eval is deleted for a student.
DeleteWhen an Eligibility Report Eval is unlocked for a student.
DeleteWhen an enrollment is deleted that triggered a SSEPEA record or the enrollment is marked No Show and Eval Only Student is checked.

When an enrollment is deleted or the enrollment is marked No Show or the 'Eval Only Student' is unchecked:

  • DELETE on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation
    Then DELETE on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation
  • LEAs should not be able to delete SEORA when there is a SSEPEA and no other SSA in the LEA.

DeleteIf the Eligibility Report Eval Eligibility Determination Date OR the Enrollment Start or End Dates have been updated so the locked Eval and Enrollment no longer overlap, delete the record if one was created.
  • When a student has two enrollments in the same school for the same start date, record changes with lower priority will not trigger a delete.

Resource Toggle/Resync

ActionBusiness Rule
NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.
ResyncIf Student Special Education Program Eligibility Association is toggled off, do not delete records from this resource in the State ODS when resyncing

Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates, Deletes

ActionBusiness Rule

Natural Key changes:

LEA Reference - District Numbers cannot change after data has been sent.  If a district number changes, we would expect an Ed-Fi error and this change would not be supported.
If an Ed-Fi ID changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change triggers.
If the Consent to Evaluation Received Date changes the resource will delete/repost

Scope Year

Business Rules
When a new Eligibility Report Eval is created and locked, the record will report in the Scope Year that the Eligibility Determination Date overlaps with:
  • The Begin Date must be on or before the School Year End Date.  If School Year End Date is NULL, 6/30/XXXX will be used as the default date.
  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.
When the record is triggered from enrollments with 'Eval Only Student' checked, the record will send to the scope year for the school year the enrollment is associated with:
  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Object Data Elements

Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for Data to send to Ed-Fi. Expand one of the areas below to see full requirements:

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field

A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource.
  1. A reference to the Student School Association Resource.
  2. Report from the enrollment active on the Eligibility Determination Date of the SSEPEA record.
  3. Report School Ed-Fi Number first from the School Override on Enrollment:
    • If School Override is NULL, report from the Enrollment school.
  4. Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the School resource.

school.entity id
A reference to the related Program resource.

  1. Report "48856" for educationOrganizationId.
  2. Report "SPED" for type.
  3. Report "Special Education" for name.


A unique alpha-numeric code assigned to a student.

The WISEid for the student who is evaluated by an LEA. This is often their resident district.  Students could be enrolled or un-enrolled or private schooled or home-schooled.  

Reports the Natural Key for the Student resourceM


Indicates the date on which the Local Education Agency received written consent for the evaluation from the student's parent.

The “consent received date” is the date the LEA receives consent from the parent to conduct the assessments.  This date is generally documented on the IE-3.

In cases where the LEA determines no additional assessments are needed, the “consent received date” is the date the LEA notifies the parents no additional assessments are needed.  The date would be the date on the IE-2.

  1. Report the Consent Date for a locked Eligibility Report Eval with an Evaluation Type of Initial.
  2. If blank, report null.

Indicates if this is an initial or re-evaluation, which is always 'Initial'.

Report 'Initial'.



Indicates the month, day, and year the LEA held the admission, review, and dismissal committee meeting regarding the child's eligibility determination for special education and related services. An individualized education plan (IEP) would be developed and implemented for a child admitted into special education on this same date.

The eligibilityDeterminationDate must be on or after the consentToEvaluationReceivedDate and cannot be in the future.

  1. Report the Eligibility Determination Date for a locked Eligibility Report Eval with an Evaluation Type of Initial that falls within the configuration year and the Eligibility Determination Date is before or on the current date
  2. Otherwise, do not report.

Indicates the evaluation completed status. Values are: 'True' or 'False'.
  1. Report 'True' if a student has a locked Eligibility Report Eval with an Evaluation Type of Initial that falls within the configuration year and the Eligibility Determination Date is on or before the current date.
  2. Otherwise, report False.

Refers to the justification as to why the evaluation report was completed beyond the State-established timeframe.Report the value selected in Evaluation Delay Reason field for the locked Eligibility Report Eval.
  • If the value 'Other' is selected, do not report the value.

Refers to additional information for delay in doing the evaluation.

Report the text populated in Evaluation Late Reason field for the locked Eligibility Report Eval when the value 'Other' is selected in the Evaluation Late Reason field.



Indicates whether or not the student was determined eligible and enrolled in special education and related services as a result of the evaluation report and the admission, review, and dismissal committee meeting decision.

Values are: 'True' or 'False'.

  1. Report 'True' if student has a locked Eligibility Report Eval with an Evaluation Type of Initial and a locked IEP in the configuration year.
  2. Otherwise, if student has a locked Eligibility Report Eval with an Evaluation Type of Initial but does not have a locked IEP in the configuration year, report 'False'.

Indicates if the evaluation is done under Part B IDEA.

Report 'B'.