STAAR 3-8 (Precode Extract) (Texas)

Tool Search: Precode Extract

The STAAR Modified assessment is intended for the students receiving special education services whose disability significantly affects their academic progress in certain subjects and courses. Grades are assessed as follows:

  • Grade 3 and 6 - Reading and Mathematics
  • Grade 4 and 7 - Reading, Mathematics, and Writing
  • Grade 5 - Reading, Mathematics, and Science
  • Grade 8 - Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies

Screenshot of the Precode Extract editor with STAAR 3-8 selected as the test type.Precode Extract Editor 

Report Logic

  • Reports all students actively enrolled on the Effective Date in the selected Grade Levels.
  • If a student has an active enrollment on the Effective Date and has a Service Type of N: Special Ed Services OR S: Partial, that enrollment reports.
    • If more than one active enrollment exists for a student, only the P: Primary enrollment reports.
  • Students, Grade Levels, or Calendars marked State Exclude do not appear in the report.
  • Students with no State ID or who are marked as No Show do not report.
  • Courses with the State Report Exclude option selected on the Courses tab (Scheduling > Courses > Course) do NOT report.
  • Any missing or not applicable data is reported as spaces/blanks.

Report Layout

Element Name

Grade Level Code

The current grade level of the student's enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Enrollments > Grade

Enrollment. grade


The unique school identification number is made up of the district number and school number of the school in which the student is enrolled.

Numeric, 9 digits
District Information > District Detail > State District Number 
School Information >  School Detail > State School Number

District. number
School. number


The name of the district in which the student is enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters
District Information > District Detail > Name


The name of the campus or school in which the student is enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters
System Administration > Resources > School > Name

Group Name


The Group/Teacher chosen in the Extract Editor. If Selected Period or Homeroom is chosen in the extract editor, reports course number - section number and Teacher Display Name. If Grade Level is selected, report the student's grade level on the report's effective date.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Enrollments > Grade OR Scheduling > Courses > Course > Number


Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section Number AND Scheduling > Courses > Section > Teacher Display Name AND Scheduling > Courses > Section > Homeroom

Not dynamically stored

Last Name

The legal last name of the student.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters
Census > People > Demographics > Last Name

Identity. lastName

First Name

The legal first name of the student.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Demographics > First Name

Identity. firstName

Middle Initial


The student's middle initial.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Demographics > Middle Name

Identity. middleName


Either the student's social security number or a state-approved alternative ID number consisting of an "S" followed by 8 digits.

Alphanumeric, 9 characters

Demographics > Soc Sec Number


Demographics > Person Information > Previous.stateID


Sex Code

Identification of the student as male or female.

Alpha, 1 character M or F
Census > People > Demographics > Gender

Identity. gender


The month, day and year on which the student was born.

Date field, 6 characters MMDDYY
Census > People > Demographics > Date of Birth

Identity. birthdate

Hispanic Latino

Indicates whether the student is of Hispanic/Latino descent. Reports 1:Yes or 0: No.

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?

Identity. hispanic Ethnicity

AmerInd-Alaska Native

Indicates whether the student is of American Indian or Alaska Native descent. Reports 1:Yes or 0: No.

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > American Indian or Alaska Native

Identity. raceEthnicity


Indicates whether the student is of Asian descent. Reports 1:Yes or 0: No.

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Asian

Identity. raceEthnicity

Black African American

Indicates whether the student is of Black or African American descent. Reports 1:Yes or 0: No.

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Black or African American

Identity. raceEthnicity


Indicates whether the student is of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander descent. Reports 1:Yes or 0: No.

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Identity. raceEthnicity


Indicates whether the student is of White descent. Reports 1:Yes or 0: No.

Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > White

Identity. raceEthnicity

Economic Disadvantage code

Indicates whether the student is considered to be economically disadvantaged.
If the student has an Active Eligibility Status within the current school year as of the Effective Date entered on the report editor and an eligibility status of Free.
If the student has an Active Eligibility Status within the current school year as of the Effective Date entered on the report editor and an eligibility status of Reduced.
If the student has an Active Eligibility Status within the current school year as of the Effective Date entered on the report editor and an eligibility status of Paid or Non-reimbursable OR if the student does not have an active eligibility and the 'Code 99' checkbox is not marked on the student's enrollment.
If the student does not have an active eligibility and the 'Code 99' checkbox is marked on the student's enrollment.

Numeric, 1 digit
FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility AND Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Code 99

POSeligibility. eligibility EnrollmentTX. code99


Indicates whether the student participates in a program authorized under ESEA, Title 1, Part A of the Improving America's School Act.

If Title 1 is selected in the School History tab, this element reports 6 regardless of any Title I records.

If there is no school-wide program, then this element reports from Student Information > Program Participation > Title 1.

  • The value reports from the most recent active record on the Effective Date.
    • If multiple records exist, the value reports from the record with no end date.
    • If all records are end dated then use record with the highest ID (last created).
  • If the student's reporting record contains the value A, then 0 reports.
Numeric, 1 digit

School Information > School History > Title 1

Program Participation > Title 1



Migrant Indicator Code

Indicates whether the student has been identified as a migrant. Reports 1:Yes or 0: No.

Numeric, 1 digit
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant

Enrollment. migrant


Indicates whether the student has been identified as Limited English Proficient by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC). Reports based on EL Program Status as follows:

  • Program Status = EL, reports C
  • Program Status = Exited EL and current date is on or before the First Year Monitoring Date, reports F.
  • Program Status = Exited EL and current date is after the First Year Monitoring Date, reports S.
  • Program Status = Pending or Not EL, reports 0.
Alphanumeric, 1 character
English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status



Indicates whether the student is participating in a state-approved bilingual education program. If the student has B2-B5 for an EL Service Type for a record active on the Effective Date, reports as follows. Otherwise, reports as 0. Options are:

  • 0: No Bilingual Program Participation
  • 2: Transitional Bilingual Early Exit
  • 3: Transitional Bilingual Late Exit
  • 4: Dual Language Immersion/two-way
  • 5: Dual Language Immersion/one-way
Numeric, 1 digit
English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Service Types

EslStatusTX. bilingual


Indicates whether the student participates in a state-approved English as a Second Language (ESL) program. Options are:

  • 0: No ESL program participation
  • 2: ESL Content-based
  • 3: ESL Pull-out
Numeric, 1 digit
ESL/Bilingual Program > ESL



Indicates whether the student is participating in a special education instruction and related services program or a general education program using special education support services, supplementary aids, or other special arrangements. Reports 1:Yes or 0: No.

Numeric, 1 digit
SSpecial Education > Documents > Plan



Indicates whether the student is participating in a state-approved gifted and talented program. Reports 1:Yes or 0: No.

Numeric, 1 digit
Programs > Program > GT: Gifted & Talented


At-Risk Indicator-Code

Indicates whether the student is designated as being at risk of dropping out of school under state-mandated academic criteria only. Reports 1:Yes or 0: No.

Numeric, 1 digit
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > At Risk


Career-And-Technical ED-Ind-CD

Indicates whether the student is enrolled in one or more state-approved vocational education courses.

Reports 2 when a Career Tech program record exists (Student Information > Program Admin > Programs > Career Tech Programs > Career Tech Program Detail) with the following selections:

  • Active = Checked
  • State Reported = Checked
  • School = the calendar to which the current reporting enrollment is tied

Reports 1 for students currently enrolled in a course with a check in the Career and Technical Ed Services checkbox who do not have a current Career Tech program.

Otherwise, 0 reports.

Numeric, 1 digit
Career Tech > CTE Indicator Code

CteStatusTX. indicator

LocalUse - Filler



The local Student ID assigned by school district.

Alphanumeric, 9 characters
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

Person. student Number

Filler 1


Test Language - Reading


Indicates if the test is paper or online.

This field reports a value of P.


Test Language - Mathematics


Indicates if the test is paper or online.

This field reports a value of P.


Test Language - Science


Indicates if the test is paper or online.

This field reports a value of P.


Test Format - Social Studies


Indicates if the test is paper or online.

This field reports a value of P.


Test Language - Writing


Indicates if the test is paper or online.

This field reports a value of P.


Filler 2


Action Indicator


Indicates whether a record needs to be deleted or moved.

This field reports blank and is changed manually by the district to indicate a change of status for the record.


Filler 3


Above Grade Code


Indicates the state grade level at which the student is tested. This value reports in the third column of the General Fields.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Enrollments > STAAR Above Grade Level

EnrollmentTX. aboveGradeLevel

Filler 4



Indicates the students' TX Unique State ID
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Unique State ID

Filler 5


Test Version Code - Reading

Indicates the student is to be registered for STAAR L, STAAR SOA, or STAAR/STAAR Modified assessments.

If the student has a record on the Test Accommodations tab with "STAAR 3-8" in the Test Name, this element reports as follows.

  •  If the subject is Reading, all applicable codes report.
  •  If the student has multiple codes, each code reports once in one record. For example, if the student has a code E, a code R, and another code E, "ER" reports.

If the student has no applicable Test Accommodation records, then this element reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Test Accommodation



Test Version Code - Mathematics

Indicates that student is to be registered for STAAR L, STAAR SOA, or STAAR/STAAR Modified assessments.

If the student has a record on the Test Accommodations tab with "STAAR 3-8" in the Test Name, this element reports as follows.

  •  If the subject is Mathematics, all applicable codes report.
  •  If the student has multiple codes, each code reports once in one record. For example, if the student has a code E, a code R, and another code E, "ER" reports.

If the student has no applicable Test Accommodation records, then this element reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollment > Assessments


English Learners (EL)


Test Accommodation



Test Version Code - Science

Indicates that the student is to be registered for STAAR L, STAAR SOA, or STAAR/STAAR Modified assessments.

If the student has a record on the Test Accommodations tab with "STAAR 3-8" in the Test Name, this element reports as follows.

  •  If the subject is Science, all applicable codes report.
  •  If the student has multiple codes, each code reports once in one record. For example, if the student has a code E, a code R, and another code E, "ER" reports.

If the student has no applicable Test Accommodation records, then this element reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollment > Assessments


English Learners (EL)


Test Accommodation



Test Version Code - Social Studies

Indicates that the student is to be registered for STAAR L, STAAR SOA, or STAAR/STAAR Modified assessments.

If the student has a record on the Test Accommodations tab with "STAAR 3-8" in the Test Name, this element reports as follows.

  •  If the subject is Social Studies, all applicable codes report.
  •  If the student has multiple codes, each code reports once in one record. For example, if the student has a code E, a code R, and another code E, "ER" reports.

If the student has no applicable Test Accommodation records, then this element reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollment > Assessments


English Learners (EL)


Test Accommodation



Home County/District/Campus Code


The home school of the student being assessed. This field reports the Assessment Home County/District Code concatenated with the Campus Code.

Numeric, 9 digits

Enrollment > Assessments > Assessment Home County/District Code


Enrollment > Assessments > Home Campus Code



Test Version Code - Writing

Indicates that the student is to be registered for STAAR Alt assessments.

If the student has a record on the Test Accommodations tab with "STAAR 3-8" in the Test Name, this element reports as follows.

  •  If the subject is Writing, all applicable codes report.
  •  If the student has multiple codes, each code reports once in one record. For example, if the student has a code E, a code R, and another code E, "ER" reports.

If the student has no applicable Test Accommodation records, then this element reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Test Accommodation


Online Test Group Name - Reading

Used by districts to indicate if the student is in a particular online test group.

Reports blank.


Online Test Group Name - Mathematics

Used by districts to indicate if the student is in a particular online test group.

Reports blank.


Online Test Group Name - Science

Used by districts to indicate if the student is in a particular online test group.

Reports blank.


Online Test Group Name - Social Studies

Used by districts to indicate if the student is in a particular online test group.

Reports blank.


Online Test Group Name - Writing

Used by districts to indicate if the student is in a particular online test group.

Reports blank.


Retester Indicator - MA

Used by the state to indicate if a student has previously met the passing standard.

Retester Indicator - RE

Used by the state to indicate if a student has previously met the passing standard.

Online Test Language - Reading

Indicates the language of a student in grades 3-5 taking an online version of the test.

Reports blank, however a user can enter E or S if they override the Test Format for this subject to online.


Online Test Language - Mathematics

Indicates the language of a student in grades 3-5 taking an online version of the test.

Reports blank, however a user can enter E or S if they override the Test Format for this subject to online.


Online Test Language - Science

Indicates the language of a student in grades 3-5 taking an online version of the test.

Reports blank, however a user can enter E or S if they override the Test Format for this subject to online.


Online Test Language - Writing

Indicates the language of a student in grades 3-5 taking an online version of the test.

Reports blank, however a user can enter E or S if they override the Test Format for this subject to online.

Filler 5

TX-Unique-Staff-ID - Reading


Indicates the TX Unique ID for the student's lead teacher in the subject.

Reports blank.


TX-Unique-Staff-ID - Mathematics


Indicates the TX Unique ID for the student's lead teacher in the subject.

Reports blank.


TX-Unique-Staff-ID - Science


Indicates the TX Unique ID for the student's lead teacher in the subject.

Reports blank.


TX-Unique-Staff-ID - Social Studies


Indicates the TX Unique ID for the student's lead teacher in the subject.

Reports blank.


TX-Unique-Staff-ID - Writing


Indicates the TX Unique ID for the student's lead teacher in the subject.

Reports blank.

Filler 6