Grading Tasks (Indiana)

Tool Search: Grading Tasks

Grading Task Detail Editor

To post grades and include grading tasks on state reports, a Code is required as well as an indication that the grading task is state reported.

Image of the Grading Task Detail Editor.Grading Task Detail Editor


A code used in state reports. This is a text only field, so any value is accepted. The entered number posts to the Transcript in the Task/Standard Code field.

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Database Location:


Ed-Fi Resources: 

Grades (Indiana v3.6)

State Reported

Mark the checkbox to indicate the grading task is reported to the department of education and used in state reports.

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Database Location:


Ed-Fi Resources: 

Grades (Indiana v3.6)

Course Grading Tasks

The Course Grading Tasks tool lists the grading items the teachers must score as part of the grading process. These tasks include mid-term grades, quarter grades, semester grades, etc.

Image of the Course Grading Task Detail.Course Grading Task Detail

Score Group

The Score Group determines the points and/or letter grades that will be used when scoring the grading task.

This field MUST contain a value.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Grading Task Credit > GradingTaskCredit.ScoreGroupID

Ed-Fi Resources: 

Grades (Indiana v3.6)

Student Grades

When a teacher posts grades for the term, the score the student received is visible on the Student Grades tool. If that Grading Task is marked as Post to Transcript, the score can also be found on the Student Transcript. 

Image of the Student Grades page.Student Grades


A final or interim (grading period) indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Grading > Grading Detail > grading.score

Ed-Fi Resource(s): 

Grades (Indiana v3.6)