Student Interchange - School Association (Colorado)

Tool Search: Student Interchange

The School Association Report lists all students enrolled in the selected calendar as of the entered effective date in grades EE-12.

Screenshot of the School Association Extract, located at Reporting, CO Data Pipeline, Student InterchangeSchool Association Extract

Read - Access and generate Student Interchange Extracts.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article. 

Report Logic

Students are included in the report when a student has a primary enrollment in a state grade with an enrollment start date that is before the Effective Date. When the Include Partial Enrollments checkbox is marked on the Extract Editor, partial enrollments in the selected calendar are also included.

Students are not included in this report when:

  • Enrollment records are marked as No Show.
  • Enrollment records are marked as State Exclude.
  • Grade level is mapped to a state grade level of 002. 
  • Grade levels are marked as State Exclude.
  • Calendars in which the student is enrolled are marked as State Exclude.

When the student's Start Status is 00: No/Not Applicable - summer dropouts only (reported in field 10, Entry Type) and when the student's End Status is 40: Discontinued schooling/dropped out (reported in field 12, Exit/Withdraw Type), these fields report as zeros up to the length of the field:

  • Field 3, School Code (4 digits)
  • Field 8, Entry Date (8 digits)
  • Field 11, Exit/Withdraw Date (8 characters)

Attendance Calculations

This report uses the Attendance Day Aggregation table for calculating attendance. See the following articles for more information on this table: 

Continuous in District and School

A student is considered continuous in district as long as the student had a primary enrollment as of the Continuous in District Dates and any primary enrollment from that date to the end of the school term, as long as the student was enrolled in all instructional days to the end of the school term. Multiple primary enrollments must be considered.

A student is considered continuous in school as long as they had a primary enrollment as of the Continuous in District Dates and any primary enrollment from that date to the end of the school term as long as the student was enrolled in all instructional days to the end of the school term. Multiple primary enrollments must be considered.

When the Continuous in School value reports as a 1 for a student, the Continuous in District value also reports as a 1.

Override fields exist on the state reporting enrollment editor. Values chosen in those fields report. When there are no values chosen, the report follows this logic:

Reported Value Reporting Population
Continuous in District
  • When the student has a single enrollment:
    • The end date that is either null or greater than the Effective Date entered on the report editor; AND
    • The student's start date is before the Count Date.
  • When the student has multiple enrollments:
    • The end date on the latest enrollment is either null, greater than the Effective Date entered on the report editor; AND
    • The student's start date of the first enrollment is before the Count Date; AND
    • The end status on any primary enrollments is not 40, 45, 50, 55 or 25; AND
    • The count of all instructional days between enrollments is less than 10 (see the exceptions below).
      • Any days before the Count Date of the calendar year are NOT counted.
  • When the student has a single enrollment:
    • The end date is before the effective date entered on the report editor; OR
    • The student's start date is after the Count Date.
  • When the student has multiple enrollments:
    • The end date on the latest enrollment is before the Effective Date; OR
    • The enrollment start date of the first enrollment is after the Count Date; OR
    • The end status on any primary enrollment is 40, 45, 50, 55 or 25; OR
    • The count of all instructional days between enrollments is less than 10 (see the exceptions below).
Continuous in School
  • When the student has a single enrollment:
    • The end date is either null, greater than the effective date; AND
    • The student's start date is before the Count Date.
  • When the student has multiple enrollments:
    • The end date for the last enrollment in the selected school is null or greater than the effective date.
    • The student's start date of the first enrollment in the selected school is before the Count Date.
    • The student's end status on any primary enrollment is not 40, 45, 55, 56 or 25; AND
    • The count of all instructional days between enrollments at the reporting school is less than 10 (see the exceptions below).
  • When the student has a single enrollment:
    • The end date is before the effective date; OR
    • The start date is after the Count Date.
  • When the student has multiple enrollments:
    • The end date for the last enrollment is before the Effective Date; OR
    • The start date of the first enrollment is after the Count Date; OR
    • The end status on any primary enrollment is 40, 45, 50, 55, 56 or 25; OR
    • The count of all instructional days between enrollments at the reporting school is more than 10 (see the exceptions below).


  • When a student has an end status of 10, instructional days missed from this enrollment are not counted until the next one starts.
  • When a student has an end status of 06 or 11, instructional days missed from this enrollment until next one starts are not counted when the number of days between the enrollments is less than 10. When greater than 10 days between enrollments, reports 0.
  • When a student has a start status of 02, instructional days missed from this enrollment and the previous one are not counted.
  • Summer school enrollments are not used in any calculations.
  • When Continuous in School is 1, then Continuous in District must also be 1.

Non-Binary Gender Reporting

Schools can assign students a gender of M: Male, F: Female or N: Non-binary. This is done on the Identities tool and/or the Demographics tool. 

Data Pipeline Extracts and other required extracts use the Legal Gender field included in the Protected Identity Information to report student identity information.

To properly record a gender of N: Non-Binary, on the Identities tool:

  1. Assign the Gender of N: Non-Binary in the standard identify fields.
  2. Assign the Protected Identity Information Legal Gender field to M: Male, F: Female or N: Non-Binary.
  3. Save the record when finished.

Screenshot of the Gender and Legal Gender fields on the Census, People, Identities record. Gender and Legal Gender Assignment

Report Editor

Field Description
Report Type Selection determines the Student Interchange report that generates. Choose School Association.
Report Format Selection indicates which layout of the report generates.

When choosing a 2022-23 calendar, choose the 2022-2023 Format; when choosing a 2023-24 calendar, choose the 2023-24 Format.
Ad hoc Filter Select a saved ad hoc filter to only include those students in the filter in the report, assuming those students meet the reporting logic and business rules of this report.
Effective Date The entered date is auto-populated to the current date and returns those students actively enrolled in the selected calendar on this date.
Attendance Start Date Entered start date is used to calculate attendance day information from the entered start date through the entered end date.
Attendance End Date Entered end date is used to calculate attendance day information from the entered start date through the entered end date.
Include Partial Enrollment When marked, students who have partial enrollments are included in the report population.
Report Legal Name When marked, the student's name and gender report from the Protected Identity Information section on the student's Identities record.
Exclude Attendance When marked, the following fields are zero-filled in the extract: 
  • Total Days Attended
  • Total Days Excused
  • Total Days Unexcused
  • Total Possible Attendance Days
  • Habitually Truant Status
  • Total Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspensions
Mark this checkbox when generating this report for your district's needs. DO NOT mark this checkbox when submitting it to the state.
Exclude Cross-Site Data
When marked, students enrolled as Cross-Site Students at one or more schools are excluded from the report. 
Format The School Association report can be generated in either CSV or HTML formats.
Calendar Selection At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the report. Reports can be selected by Active Year, School or Year.
Report Generation The Student Layout extract can be generated immediately using the Generate Report button. Or, use the Submit to Batch button to select when the report is generated. See the Batch Queue article for more information on this functionality.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the School Association from the Report Type field.
  2. Select the desired Report Format.
  3. If desired, select students from an existing Ad hoc Filter.
  4. Enter the desired Effective Date, Attendance Start Date and Attendance End Date.
  5. Mark the Include Partial Enrollment checkbox, if desired.
  6. Mark the Report Legal Name checkbox, if desired.
  7. Mark the Exclude Attendance checkbox, if desired.
  8. Mark the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox, if desired. 
  9. Select the Format of the report.
  10. Select the Calendar(s) from which to report information.
  11. Click the Generate Extract button or use the Submit to Batch button. The report displays in the desired format. 

Screenshot of the HTML Format of the School Association ExtractSchool Association - HTML Format

Screenshot of the CSV Format of the School Association ExtractSchool Association - CSV Format

Report Layout

Data Element Description Location
District Code The number assigned to a school district by the state department of education.

Numeric, 4 digits
District Information > State District Number

SASID A unique number assigned to a student by the Department of Education.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

School Code

Reports the School of Accountability. When that field is not populated on the enrollment record reports the State School Number. 

  • When both fields are null, reports 0000.
  • When the Enrollment Start Status is 00 and the Enrollment End Status is 40, reports 0000.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School of Accountability

Enrollment.resident School
First Name

Reports the student's first name.

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's First Name reports from the Legal First Name field.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Identity.first Name

Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Last Surname

Reports the student's last name.

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's Last Name reports from the Legal Last Name field.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

Identity.last Name

Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name LastName


Reports the student's gender.

  • 01 - Female
  • 02 - Male
  • 03 - Non-binary

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's Gender reports from the Legal Gender field. 

Numeric, 2 digits

Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Birth Date Student's date of birth.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date

Identities > Identities Editor > Birth Date

School Entry Date

Student's start date of enrollment.

When the Enrollment Start Status is 00 and the Enrollment End Status is 40, this field reports 00000000 (8 zeros).

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Date

Enrollment. startDate
Entry Grade Level Student's grade level of enrollment.

Numeric, 3 digits
Grade Level Setup > State Grade Level

School Entry Type

Student's start status of enrollment. When the start status is not populated, the field reports blank.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > Start Status

School Exit Withdrawal Date

Student's end date of enrollment.

  • When the student does not have a withdrawal date, field reports 00000000 (8 zeros).
  • When the Enrollment Start Status is 00 and the Enrollment End Status is 40, this field reports 00000000 (8 zeros).

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > End Date

School Exit Withdrawal Type

Student's end status of enrollment.

  • When there is no end status, field reports 00.
  • When the Start Status is 00, this field reports from the End Status.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > End Status

Retention Code

Indicates whether the student was promoted, demoted or retained following the end of the enrollment record.

  • Reports a value of 1 when the End Action field is R: Retain on the reporting enrollment AND the Post Secondary Program Next Year check box is not marked.
  • Reports a value of 2 when the End Action field is R: Retain on the reporting enrollment AND the Post Secondary Program Next Year check box is marked, regardless of Special Education status.
  • Reports a value of 3 when the End Action field is R: Retain AND student is receiving Special Education services (defined as the student has an active Special Education Status of IEP = Yes during the reporting period or the student has an active IEP during the reporting period) AND the student's State Grade Level Code is 120: Grade 12 AND the student's reporting enrollment has an End Status of 27 or 90.

A value of 0 reports for all other situations.

Numeric, 1 digit

Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > End Action

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Post Secondary Program > Post Secondary Program Next Year

Enrollments > Special Ed Start Date, Special Ed Exit Date, IEP

Special Ed Documents > IEP
Pupils Attendance Information

Indicates the type of school and education the student is attending.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Pupil Attendance

County Code of Residence for Joint School Districts

Indicates the student's county of residence.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Resident County

District Parents Residence

Reports the district code when the Resident District or State Field is populated with a 4-digit code.

Otherwise, reports a value of 0000.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Resident District

Parents Residence for Non-Resident Student Country Indicates the student's 3-digit resident country.

Alphanumeric, 3 digits
Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Resident District

Parents Residence for Non-Resident Students State
Indicates the student's resident 2-character state (CO, WY, etc.).

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Resident District

Public School Finance Act Funding Status

Indicates the type of state funding the student receives.

When the Funding Code field is not populated, value reports 80.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Funding Code

Enrollment.stateFunding Code
Date First Enrolled in the US

Reports the Date Enrolled in US when the value is a valid date in MMDDYYYY format. 

Otherwise, this field reports 00000000.

Date field, 8 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Date Enrolled in US

Primary School

Reports the student's Enrollment Service Type:

  • Reports 1 when service type is P: Primary.
  • Reports 0 when service type is S: Partial.
  • Reports 0 whens service type is N: Special Ed Services.

Numeric, 1 digit

Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Service Type

Innovative Learning Opportunities Pilot Reports the value selected from the ELO record that was active during the reporting period.

Acceptable values are 0, 1 or 2.

When a student does NOT have an ELO record, a value of 0 reports.

Numeric, 1 digit
Extended Learning Opportunities > Innovative Learning Opportunities Pilot

Program Participations: Expelled Education

Indicates the student participates in special programs due to being expelled.

Reports 1:

  • Behavior Resolution Code is 04, 05 or 08 AND
  • The Behavior Resolution Expulsion Service Provided checkbox is marked.
  • The Behavior Resolution Start Date is ON or BEFORE the Effective Date of the Report. When the Resolution Start Date is Null, the Resolution Assigned Date is used.
  • The Behavior Resolution End Date is ON or AFTER the Effective Date of the report.

Reports 0 when the Behavior Resolution End Date is BEFORE the Effective Date of the report.

Numeric, 1 digit

Behavior > Behavior Resolution > Behavior Resolution

Home Based Education

Indicates the student is home schooled and receives some services from the districts. 

Reports 1 when the Home Based Education checkbox is marked; reports 0 when the Home Based Education checkbox is NOT marked.

Numeric, 1 digit

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Home Based Education

Gifted General Intellect

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted General Intellect field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports. 

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP 

Gifted Creativity Productive Thinking

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Creativity field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digi

Special Ed Documents > PLP

Gifted Leadership Abilities

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Leadership field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP 

Gifted Reading

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Reading field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP

Gifted Writing

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Writing field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP

Gifted Math

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Math field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP

Gifted Science

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Science field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP 

Gifted Social Studies

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Social Studies field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP

Gifted World Language

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted World Language field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP

Gifted Visual Arts

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Visual Arts field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP

Gifted Performing Arts

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Drama and Theater field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP 

Gifted Musical

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Musical field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP 

Gifted Dance

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Dance field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed  Documents > PLP

Gifted Psychomotor

Reports a value of 1 when the Gifted Psychomotor field is marked on the PLP form as of the effective date. Otherwise, a value of 0 (zero) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Ed Documents > PLP

Non-School Program

Reports the value entered in the Non-School Program field.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > Non-School Program

Total Days Attended

Reports the total number of days the student attended school based on the Attendance Start Date and Attendance End Date fields populated on the Report editor.

When the Exclude Attendance checkbox is marked on the Report Editor, this field is zero-filled.

For each student in the report population, total the minutes present for each day. Periods with attendance codes that are Absent/Exempt count as present time.

Divide the total number of present minutes by the total number of minutes for which the student was scheduled that day to get the days attended. A student who is present for all scheduled minutes reports as 1.0 days; a student who is present for 180 minutes out of a scheduled 360-minute day reports as 0.5 days.

Sum the result for the student for each instructional day in the calendar (all 1.0 and 0.5 days).

When there is no attendance, a value of 0.0 reports.

Numeric, 4 digits (XXX.X)

Total Days Excused

Reports the total number of days the student was marked Absent/Excused based on the Attendance Start Date and Attendance End Date fields populated on the Report editor.

When the Exclude Attendance checkbox is marked on the Report Editor, this field is zero-filled.

For each student in the report population, total the minutes of excused absence for each day. Periods with Attendance codes of Absent/Excused are counted.

Divide the total number of excused absence minutes by the total number of minutes for which the student was scheduled that day. 

Sum the results for the student for each instructional day in the calendar (all 1.0 and 0.5 days).

When there is no attendance, a value of 0.0 reports.

Numeric, 4 digits (XXX.X)

Total Days Unexcused

Reports the total number of days the student was marked Absent/Unexcused based on the Attendance Start Date and Attendance End Date fields populated on the Report editor.

When the Exclude Attendance checkbox is marked on the Report Editor, this field is zero-filled.

For each student in the report population, total the minutes of unexcused absence for each day. Periods with Attendance codes of Absent/Unexcused, Absent/Unknown, and Absent/No Excuse (teacher-entered absences) are counted.

Divide the total number of unexcused absence minutes by the total number of minutes for which the student was scheduled that day.

Sum the results for the student for each instructional day in the calendar (all 1.0 and 0.5 days).

When there is no attendance, a value of 0.0 reports. 

Numeric, 4 digits (XXX.X)

Total Possible Attendance Days Reports the student's total possible days of attendance, using the value reported in Total Days Attended, Total Days Excused and Total Days Unexcused fields based on the Attendance Start Date and Attendance End Date fields populated on the Report editor.

When the Exclude Attendance checkbox is marked on the Report Editor, this field is zero-filled.

Numeric, 4 digits (XXX.X)
Habitually Truant Status

Reports the student's habitually truant status based on the Attendance Start Date and Attendance End Date fields populated on the Report editor:

A value of 1 reports when a student is Truant Four or More Days in a Month:

  • Students ages 6-16, with 4 or more days of absence in at least one calendar month.
  • Unexcused absences are calculated as noted above (see Total Days Unexcused). 
  • The number of days of unexcused absences for each calendar month is summed.

A value of 2 reports when the student is Truant Ten or More Days in a School Year:

  • Students ages 6-16, who have 10 or more days of unexcused absence in the year but who do not have 4 or more days of unexcused absence in any one calendar month.
  • Unexcused absences are calculated as noted above (see Total Days Unexcused). 
  • The number of days of unexcused absence for each student in the year is summed.

A value of 3 reports when a student is Truant for Both Conditions: 

  • Unexcused absences are calculated as noted above (see Total Days Unexcused). 
  • The total number of days of unexcused absence for each student in the year is summed.

When the student does not meet the requirements of habitually truants, a value of 0 reports. 

When the Exclude Attendance checkbox is marked on the Report Editor, this field is zero-filled.

Numeric, 1 digits

Total Days Missed Due to Out of School Suspensions

Reports the number of school days the student was absent due to a suspension based on the Attendance Start Date and Attendance End Date fields populated on the Report editor.

The Duration in School Days field on Behavior Resolutions is summed for the entire calendar where the Resolution is 03.

When the Exclude Attendance checkbox is marked on the Report Editor, this field is zero-filled.

Numeric, 3 digits

Post Secondary Program Enrollment Reports the code assigned to the Post Secondary Program in which the student is enrolled and may earn college credit for participation.

Numeric, 2 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Post Secondary Program


Previous Versions

School Association (Colorado) [.2235 - .2323]