Dyslexia (Missouri)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:09 am CDT
Tool Search: Dyslexia
The Dyslexia tool records student Dyslexia information as well as district-defined fields. The list of dyslexia records is sorted by Start Date.
The state of Missouri uses the Dyslexia tool to track universal screening for reading/dyslexia risk factors. This screening is required yearly for students in grades K-3.
A Dyslexic record does NOT indicate the student is dyslexic. Students with Dyslexia records may be: Dyslexic, At Risk, or Not Screened.
Missouri Dyslexia Detail Editor
Start Date
Use the Start Date to indicate the effective date for the student's dyslexia record. This is a required field.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Programs > Dyslexia > startDate
MOSIS Student Core Extract
End Date
The End Date indicates the date on which the student's dyslexia record is no longer active.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Programs > Dyslexia > endDate
MOSIS Student Core Extract
Dyslexia Screening
The Dyslexia Risk code indicates the results of required screening for dyslexia and related disorders.
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Code | Description | Definition |
| Not Screened
| Student was not screened.
| Exempt
| Student was not screened due to an exemption stated within the DESE guidance document such as EL, severe intellectual disability, sensory disorder or existing diagnosis of dyslexia.
| Screened No Risk
| Scores on screening tool that are at or above age/grade level per the scoring manual of the tools’ administration manual.
| Screen At Risk
| Score at or below the 30th percentile on more than one skill or as by indicated within the tools’ administration manual.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Programs > Dyslexia > screening
MOSIS Student Core Extract