Staff Language Template (New Mexico)

Tool Search: Staff Language

This tool extracts data to complete the Staff Language Template.  Staff must have an active District Employment as of the Snapshot Date. Choose the State Format to get the file in the state defined file format; otherwise, choose one of the other available formats.

Screenshot of Staff Language Editor.Staff Language Editor

Extract Logic

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Staff Logic

  • To report, staff must have at least one active District Employment record as of the Snapshot Date.
    • This is identified as:
      • the District Employment - Start Date is on or before the Snapshot Date selected on the extract editor
      • the District Assignment- End Date is after the Snapshot Date selected on the extract editor

Extract Editor

Submission ScheduleA dropdown list of submission schedules and include:
  • 40D
  • 80D
  • 120D
  • EOY (End of Year)
Snapshot DateDefaults to the current date.
Ad Hoc FilterAd Hoc Filters allow you to limit report results to those included in the filter. This option is useful for troubleshooting. For example, you could filter report results to specific staff members.

The format in which the report will generate.

  • State Format (CSV)
  • HTML
Generate/Submit to BatchThe report can be marked to generate immediately using the Generate Extract button or can be marked to generate at a later time using the Submit to Batch button. See the Batch Queue  article for additional guidance.

Report Layout

1District Code
A three character district code.
District Information > State District Number

Staff ID
The staff member's social security number.
Identities > Soc Sec Number

School Year Date
Reports the end year value based on the Year selected in the Campus Toolbar.
Calendar Information > End Date

Language Code
Reports the code of the Home Primary Language value identified for the staff member.
Identities > Home Primary Language
Language Use
Automatically defaults to Home.
Default Setting