Wisconsin Ed-Fi - Import Tool

Tool Search: Import Tool

The Ed-Fi Import tool allows districts to import student data for a specific program and create/update records in Campus for each record returned. The Import tool can also import student immunization records from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR).

Currently, the Ed-Fi Import tool only imports migrant data and student immunization records.

Screenshot of Import Tool.Import Tool

Tool Rights

Users must have at least (R)ead tool rights in order to use the Import tool. (R)ead rights are also needed to the Ed-Fi Error log in order to view import errors.

Users are only allowed to import records for calendars in which they have tool rights.

Import Migrant Records

The Ed-Fi Import tool will import student Migrant data to the selected student's Migrant record. Migrant data is imported based on the configuration year selected for the import and if the student has a matching studentUniqueID from the ODS to the Ed-Fi ID in Campus.

Screenshot of Import Migrant Records.Import Migrant Records

Import Editor

The following fields are available in the Ed-Fi Import Tool for importing Migrant data:

Select a Configuration


Allows the user to select the Ed-Fi configuration to whcih data should be imported..
Select Data to Import
Allows the user to select which data will be imported. Select Migrant to import Migrant data.

Select one of the following import options


Indicates the individuals for which the data will be imported. Options are either all or selected individuals.
Select one of the following options
Indicates when the data will be imported. Options are now or at a scheduled time.
ImportImports data for the based on the options selected.
Cancel ImportWhen clicked, a pop-up displays asking the user to cancel all scheduled import jobs. If the user selects 'Yes', all scheduled import jobs will be deleted.

To Import Migrant Data:

  1. Select a Configuration.
  2. Select Migrant as the data to be imported.
  3. Select which individuals data will be imported for, either all or select individuals.
  4. Select when to run the import, either now or at a scheduled time.
  5. Click Import.
  6. The Migrant data is imported to the student's Migrant record (Student Information > General > Federal Programs > Migrant). For more information on Migrant records, please see the Migrant (Wisconsin) article.
  7. Any errors that occur are displayed in the Ed-Fi Error Log table. 

Migrant records will never be deleted. Only existing records will be updated or new records will be created. Existing records will only be updated if the begin date is the same.

Import Immunization Records

The Import tool can import student immunization records from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR).

To import immunization data, all the schools must have registered WIR IDs and "Opt-In" must be turned on for the districts. The Import tool will import all vaccines as long as there is a match to the Wisconsin immunizations loaded in Infinite Campus based on the list that Wisconsin provides to Campus each year.

Screenshot of Import Immunization Records.Import Immunization Records

Import Editor

The following fields are available in the Ed-Fi Import Tool for importing immunization data.

Select a Configuration


Allows the user to select which Ed-Fi configuration data should be imported for.
Select Data to Import
Allows the user to select which data will be imported.

Select one of the following import options


Indicates the individuals for which the data will be imported for. Options are to import immunization data for All Non-Complaint Students, All Students, All Students by School, by Person ID, or by State Id.
Users are only allowed to import records for calendars in which they have tool rights.
Select one of the following options
Indicates when the data will be imported. Options are now or at a scheduled time.

ImportImports data for the based on the options selected.
Cancel ImportWhen clicked, a pop-up displays asking the user to cancel all scheduled import jobs. If the user selects 'Yes', all scheduled import jobs will be deleted.

To Import Immunization Data:

  1. Select a Configuration.
  2. Select Immunizations as the data to be imported.
  3. Select the individuals data will be imported for, either all or select individuals.
  4. Select when to run the import, either now or at a scheduled time.

    The import tool may take a long time to run due to the fact that the WIR system only allows Campus to pull one record at a time.

  5. Click Import.
  6. The immunizations data for the selected individuals is imported to the individual's Immunizations record (Health > Immunizations).

    A list of Non-compliant students can be generated by using the Immunization Compliance Summary Report and Immunizations Report under Health > Reports section. Users can compare the before and after records by running these reports (before and after using the Import Tool) as a verification that records were imported correctly.

  7. Any errors that occur are displayed in the Ed-Fi Error Log table. See the Immunization Import Errors section below for possible errors that may occur when importing immunizations.

Immunization Import Errors

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The following table lists possible errors and resolutions for the Immunizations import:

Error Message In Error LogCause of ErrorResolution
LEA has no authorization to obtain student Immunization.The school has not been registered with DPI to import immunizations.Contact DPI to authorize the school.
The student does not exists or this ApiKey is not authorized for the student (no StudentSchoolAssociation for the student associated with LocalEducationAgencyId(s).The student is enrolled in the school but a Student School Association has not been sent to Ed-Fi to authorize the student to the school.Perform a resync on the Student School Association resource for that student and verify it does not error.  Then retry the import.
Multiple records were returned. The immunization records were not imported. The records need to be checked in the WIR website. (This error cannot be retried. Archive is allowed.)There are multiple students in WIR with the same or similar demographic data. Campus cannot determine which record to use.Log into WIR and verify the correct student and manually add records into Campus. Then archive the error.
The vaccine imported is closer than 2 weeks to the existing record. The records need to be corrected either in WIR website or Campus. (This error cannot be retried. Archive is allowed.)There is a vaccine in WIR that matches a record in Campus but the dates are within 2 weeks of each other. The record from WIR is not imported into Campus.Log into WIR and correct the record in Campus if it is an error. If the data is correct, in both systems, ignore and archive the error.
A record for the student was not found in the WIR system. (This error cannot be retried. Archive is allowed.)The student does not have a record in WIR.If you think this is not correct, verify the student's State ID/Ed-Fi ID is correct. If the ID's are correct, log into WIR and verify they are not in the WIR system. It is possible the student does not have any vaccications.
One or more vaccines were in Campus but are not in WIR. The records need to be corrected either in WIR website or Campus.The student has a vaccine record in Campus that is not listed in WIR.It is possible the student got the vaccine out of state or is not in WIR for some reason.  If the data in Campus is correct, ignore and archive the error. If the student really didn't get the vaccine, remove the record from Campus and archive the error.
Unable to insert the vaccine record.A vaccine in the vaccine list is not mapped or mapped to "other" and a valid vaccine could not be determined.If you want to correct the mapping to a known vaccine, change the Vaccine Code and then contact support to have the table updated to the proper vaccine ID. If you don't want the vaccine to import, ignore the error and archive.
The CVX code for  *Imunization Name* not found in Campus. Please review in WIR site.There is a vaccine in WIR with a CVX code that is not in the vaccine list in Campus.If you feel this is an error, contact Support with the vaccine information to consider getting the vaccine added to the list.