Kentucky Gifted & Talented

Tool Search: Gifted & Talented

The Gifted & Talented Tool displays information on a student's gifted/talented determination and services. 

Gifted and Talented records are read-only for Kentucky State Edition users.

Screenshot of the Gifted & Talented tool. Gifted & Talented Tool

Tool and Calendar Rights

In order to view a student's Gifted and Talented records, users must have at least R(ead) tool rights to the Gifted and Talented tool and at least read-only calendar rights for the calendar(s) selected on the Campus toolbar. Users must have at least W(rite) tool rights in order modify existing records. 

Add a Gifted & Talented Record

If a student has been determined to be Gifted & Talented or Primary Talent Pool and will receive services, a record may be created and tracked on the Gifted & Talented tool. 

Screenshot highlighting the add button and showing a new record. Add New Gifted & Talented Record

To add a new Gifted & Talented record:

  1. Click the Add Gifted & Talented icon from the action bar. The Gifted & Talented editor will appear.
  2. Select the Gifted Category from the dropdown list. 

    Options in this field apply to students in grades 4-12, with the exception of code "12: Primary Talent Pool," which applies only to K-3 grades.

  3. Verify the default year displayed in the Year Identified field. 
  4. Enter the Start Date of the gifted/talented record.
  5. Mark the Show in Portal checkbox if this record should be available for viewing on the portal. 
  6. Mark the Gifted Declined Services or Gifted Underachieving boxes, if applicable.
  7. Select at least two Service Delivery Options.
  8. Select at least three Evidence options. Evidence options vary, based on the selected Gifted Category.
  9. Click the Save icon when finished.

The District Ownership column indicates the district name and district number of the district who owns and manages the student's Gifted and Talented record.

  • State Edition Users: A full resync of District Edition records will populate the District Ownership column with the name and district number associated with the record. Modifications made to the record in the District Edition will sync to the State Edition and update this column accordingly.

If the student was enrolled in the district as of the Gifted and Talented Start Date, the Original Record column will indicate this by a checkmark.

  • State Edition Users : A full resync of District Edition records will populate this column accordingly. 

General Gifted & Talented Fields

The general fields of the Gifted & Talented Status editor are defined as follows:

Screenshot showing the fields in a record.Gifted & Talented Fields



Gifted Category

Gifted/talented category with which student has been identified:

  • 01: Creative or Divergent Thinking
  • 02: General Intellectual Ability
  • 03: Psychosocial or Leadership Abilities
  • 04: Specific Academic Aptitude - Language Arts
  • 05: Specific Academic Aptitude - Math
  • 06: Specific Academic Aptitude - Science
  • 07: Specific Academic Aptitude - Social Studies
  • 08: Visual or Performing Arts Ability - Art
  • 09: Visual or Performing Arts Ability - Dance
  • 10: Visual or Performing Arts Ability - Drama
  • 11: Visual or Performing Arts Ability - Music
  • 12: Primary Talent Pool

    When a code is selected from this field, a set of related Evidence checkboxes will appear at the bottom of the editor.

Year Identified

Indicates the end year of the school year in which the student was identified as gifted/talented for the selected Gifted Category. This year is defaulted to the last year of the current calendar (for 2010-11 school year, the year will read 2011).

Users must enter a 4 digit number in order to save.

Start Date

Indicates the first day on which a student began the gifted/talented service related to the identified Gifted Category.

End Date

Indicates the last day of the gifted/talented service related to the identified Gifted Category.

Show in Portal
Indicates record should be available for viewing on the portal when marked. 

Gifted Declined Services

Indicates the student was identified as gifted and talented, but that the student or his/her guardian declined gifted/talented services.

Gifted Underachieving

Indicates if student is considered to be gifted/talented, but underachieving.

Students are said to be underachieving if they have developed a significant gap between potential ability and demonstrated achievement to a degree that there is an overall diminished ability to achieve at the expected level of ability. Primary talent pool students or high potential learners working below their current primary level are considered underachievers. Students in grades 4-12 working at or below their grade level in any or all areas of identification are considered underachievers.

Service Delivery Options

The fields in the Service Delivery Options section of the Gifted & Talented Status editor are defined as follows:

Screenshot highlighting the Service Delivery Options section. Service Delivery Options



Various Acceleration Options

Indicates if student's advancement is prior to the prescribed time, based on early mastery:

  • Early exit from Primary - Indicates the student exited the primary program before defined end date.
  • Dual Enrollment Courses - Courses for which the student is enrolled in both high school and college but may or may not receive high school credit. Does not include AP or IB.
  • Grade Skipping - Student skipped a grade level.
  • Dual Credit Courses - Courses for which the student is eligible for both high school and college credit and receives credit at both.
  • Subject Area Higher Grade Level - Content/curriculum in one or more subject areas from a higher grade level.
  • Early Exit from High School - Indicates student completed requirements for graduation before defined end date.
  •  Early Entry to Kindergarten - Indicates the student entered Kindergarten at an early age.
Academic Competition or Optional Extracurricular OfferingIndicates if the student participates in academic competitions or optional extracurricular activities.

Advanced Placement and Honors Courses

Indicates if student is scheduled into AP (Advanced Placement) or honors course(s).

Collaboration Teaching

Indicates if student participates in a collaborative learning environment.

Consultation ServicesIndicates the student has a service delivery option of Consultation Services.

Special Counseling Services

Indicates if student is participating in special counseling services.

Differentiated study experiences in the classroom

Indicates if student is participating in educational experiences that extend, replace or supplement learning beyond the standard curriculum:

  • Differentiated individual study - Student is participating in one or more options for individual study.
  • Differentiated for Cluster Groups - A group usually consisting of four or more identified students placed in a heterogeneous classroom or other instructional setting with a teacher trained in the appropriate instruction of special needs students, specifically gifted and talented, for the purpose of receiving a differentiated educational experience matched to the student’s needs/interests and ability.

Distance Learning

Indicates if student is participating in learning opportunities offered through the use of computer technology, satellite transmission or optical fiber transmission:

  • Video courses - Student is taking a video course.
  • Other online courses - Student is taking an online course.

Enrichment services (school day) 

Indicates if student is being exposed to new ideas, skills and concepts that extend beyond the regular curriculum, such as an extension of the regular curriculum that goes more broadly and deeply into what has been introduced. This includes concept development that explores more fully the meaning and implications introduced in the regular curriculum.

Independent study 

Indicates if student is participating in self-directed course or study of a selected topic under the supervision of a teacher or the auspices of a university.


Indicates if student is participating in specialized studies, such as an internship, with an adult mentor in the community and under the direction of an educator knowledgeable in gifted education.

Resources services

Indicates if student is receiving a service delivery option that uses one or more of the following services:

  • Pull-out setting - A service delivery option that is provided in a pull-out classroom or other appropriate instructional setting.
  • Appropriate instructional setting - A service delivery option that is designed for accelerated content, special interest groups, process skills, development or a combination of these items.
  • Consortium - A service delivery option that entails a part-time grouping of students with gifted characteristics based on the interests, needs and abilities of the students.


Indicates if student is participating in discussion-based sessions on specific topics that focus on advanced content and high-level process skills.

Travel study options

Indicates if student is involved in academically based travel that may result in high school or university course credit.

Special schools (4-12)

Indicates if student is attending a specialized school designed to serve gifted students in grades 4-12 in specific academic areas (such as a science and mathematics school), or is developing specific areas of giftedness such as visual and performing arts.

Self-contained classrooms (4-12)

Indicates if student attends a self-contained classroom with students who share similar academic requirements. For example, all the gifted children in a school or school district will be contained in the same classroom.

Visual or Performing Arts Ability

This section indicates the type of musical talent a student has.

This section only appears if code "11: Visual and Performing Arts Ability-Music" is selected in the Gifted Category field.

Screenshot of the Visual/Performing Arts Type section. 

Image 4: Visual/Performing Arts Options




Indicates student is gifted/talented in instrumental music methods.


Indicates student is gifted/talented in vocal music methods.

Gifted/Talented Evidence

This section contains a list of the evidence options supporting a student's gifted/talented determination. The display of these options depends on the code selected in the Gifted Category field.

Creative or Divergent Thinker Evidence

Screenshot of the Creative or Divergent Thinker Evidence section. 

The following options appear when the "01: Creative or Divergent Thinking" code is selected from the Gifted Category field.

  • Anecdotal Observation
  • Checklist Inventories (underachieving or disadvantaged)
  • Continuous Progress Data
  • Formal Assessment Measures
  • Nominations – Peer
  • Primary review committee recommendation
  • Referrals/Recommendations - Teacher
  • Behavioral checklists specific to creative behavior
  • Collection of evidence from portfolios
  • Creative work samples
  • Informal assessment measures

    When this box is checked, the Formal Assessment Measure dropdown list will appear at the bottom of the editor. The method used to make a gifted/talented determination should be selected from the Formal Assessment Measure field.                

  • Nominations – self or petition
  • Referrals/Recommendations - Parent
  • Student Awards or Critiques
  • Special Considerations    

General Intellectual Ability Evidence

Screenshot of the General Intellectual Ability Evidence section. The following options appear when the "02: General Intellectual Ability" code is selected from the Gifted Category field.

  • Anecdotal Records
  • Checklist inventories (underachieving or disadvantaged) 
  • Continuous progress data  
  • Information assessment   
  • Nominations – Self or petition    
  • Primary review committee recommendation     
  • Referrals/Recommendation - Teacher      
  • 9th stanine on comp. test of intellectual ability      

    When this box is checked, the Intellectual Ability Test dropdown list will appear at the bottom of the editor. The type of test used to make a gifted/talented determination should be selected from the Intellectual Ability  Test field.

  • Behavioral checklist inventories        
  • Collection of evidence from portfolios         
  • High performance on intellectual assessment          
  • Nominations – Peer           
  • Observation of applied advanced reasoning ability            
  • Referrals/Recommendations - Parent             
  • Student Awards or Critiques              
  • Local Norms              
  • Military Compact              
  • Special Considerations           

Psychosocial or Leadership Abilities Evidence

Screenshot of the Psychosocial or Leadership Abilities Evidence section. 

The following options appear when the "03: Psychosocial or Leadership Abilities" code is selected from the Gifted Category field.

  • Behavioral Observations
  • Checklist Inventories
  • Checklist inventories (underachieving or disadvantaged)
  • Continuous progress data
  • Documentation of Student Leadership in Community, Class, and Student Organization
  • Nominations – Peer
  • Informal testing
  • Primary Review Committee
  • Nominations - Self or Petition
  • Referrals/Recommendations- Teacher
  • Referrals/Recommendations-Parent
  • Student Awards or Critiques
  • Sociograms
  • Formal Testing
  • Military Compact
  • Special Considerations

Specific Academic Aptitude Evidence

Screenshot of the Specific Academic Aptitude Evidence section. 

The following options appear when any of the following codes are selected from the   Gifted Category   field: "04: Specific Academic Aptitude - Language Arts," "05: Specific Academic Aptitude - Math," "06: Specific Academic Aptitude - Science," or "07: Specific Academic Aptitude - Social Studies."

  • Anecdotal Records
  • Checklist inventories (underachieving or disadvantaged)  
  • Within the ninth stanine on one subject test score of an achievement test   

    When this box is checked, the Achievement Test dropdown list will appear at the bottom of the editor. The type of test used to make a gifted/talented determination should be selected from the Achievement Test field.

  • Formal testing data
  • Informal assessments
  • Nominations – Self or Petition
  • Portfolio of High Academic Performance
  • Referrals/Recommendations – Parent
  • Student awards or critiques
  • Special Considerations
  • Checklist inventories
  • Collection of evidence from portfolios
  • Continuous Progress Data
  • High Performance on test of academic achievement
  • Nominations – Peer
  • Off-Level Testing
  • Primary review committee
  • Referrals/Recommendations - Teacher
  • Student Progress Data
  • Local Norms
  • Military Compact

Visual Performing Arts Evidence

The following options appear when any of the following codes are selected from the  Gifted Category field: "08: Specific Academic Aptitude - Art," "09: Visual or Performing Arts Ability - Dance," "10: Specific Academic Aptitude - Visual or Performing Arts Ability - Drama," or "11: Visual or Performing Arts Ability - Music."

Screenshot of the Visual Performing Arts Evidence section. 

  • Auditions
  • Checklist of behaviors specific to gifted category
  • Peer recommendations
  • Portfolio of visual or performing arts ability
  • Questionnaires
  • Referrals/Recommendations - Teacher
  • Special Considerations
  • Awards or critiques of performance
  • Letters of recommendations
  • Portfolio assessment by specialists or professional artists
  • Products (paper, video, audio, pictures)
  • Referrals/Recommendations - Parent
  • Nominations – Self or Petition
  • Military Compact
  • Continuous Progress Data
  • Anecdotal Records
  • Formal Testing Data
  • Primary review committee recommendation for those entering 4th grade

Primary Talent Pool Evidence

Screenshot of the Primary Talent Pool Evidence section. 

The following options appear when the "12: Primary Talent Pool" code is selected from the   Gifted Category field.

  •  Available formal test data
  • Checklist inventories of behaviors specific to gifted categories
  • Continuous Progress Data
  • Parent interview or questionnaire
  • Primary review committee recommendation
  • Anecdotal records
  • Collection of evidence demonstrating student performance
  • Diagnostic data (screening measure)
  • Petition system
  • Military Compact
  • Special Considerations 

Print Gifted & Talented Records

Screenshot highlighting the Print All and Gifted Student Service Plan buttons. Print Options

To print a PDF containing a summary of all of the student's Gifted and Talented record information, click the Print All button.

To print a copy of the GSSP report for a single student, click the Gifted Student Service Plan button. Select a Documents End Year. Choose Save to Documents or Print. 

Documents and Forms

For information on reviewing, amending, creating, and uploading Gifted and Talented forms and documents, see the Documents (Gifted and Talented) article.