KIAS Extract (Kansas)

Tool Search: KIAS Extract

The KIAS Extract outputs information required on individual discipline incidents to generate the IDEA and Non-IDEA student discipline data specifically in regards to Bullying, Weapons and Drugs. All Data must be reported from July 1 to June 30. Only information required for the Kansas Integrated Accountability System (KIAS) is exported.

screenshot of the KIAS extract editor

Report Logic

One row per student per event with a resolution. The student must have an active enrollment in the selected school on the date of the incident in order to report.

  • When an event has multiple resolutions that are the same, the duration of the total number of resolutions is summed and reports in one row.
  • When an event has multiple resolutions that are different, the information reports in a separate row.

Data does not report when:

  • the student's enrollment record is marked as State Exclude or No Show.
  • the grade level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • the calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.

The following state resolution codes are categorized as follows:

  • Out-of-School Suspension - 510 and 520
  • In-School Suspension - 450
  • Expulsion - 550, 555, 560, 565
  • Days of Removal by School Personnel - 001, 002
  • Special Education Expedited Due Process Hearing Officers Determination - 470

An incident needs to be marked as Complete in order to report. This is done on the Incident Detail Information editor in Behavior Management.

Validate KIAS Data

Use the Data Validation Report to correct any student data prior to the submitting the KIAS file to the state. Validation Groups and Validation Rules are provided by Infinite Campus for KIAS. These groups are used to return a list of students who meet the assigned rules for each group. 

Administrators may need to add User Groups to the Validation Groups in order for users to generate the Data Validation Report. See the Validation Groups article for more information.

Data Validation Report - KIAS Invalid Discipline Method

If the Validation Report does not allow the selection of a Group, use the Preview option on the Data Validation Groups tool. That Preview report displays the same information as the Data Validation Report.

Validation Group Report Preview

Modifications to the Validation Rules and Validation Groups can be made if your district has purchased the Campus Analytics Suite; otherwise, they are read-only. 

Users select the Students with Invalid Discipline Method Data Validation Group, which returns a list of students who meet the rule criteria but is missing a piece of information that is needed in the KIAS Extract.

The report firsts list a Summary of the issues found and the total number of occurrences. 

Data Validation Report Summary

Then, click the Rule in the Summary column or scroll through the report to see which students meet the criteria of the rule logic.

Data Validation Report Results

Special Education Students with Invalid Discipline Method on Behavior Resolution

This validation rule returns students who are receiving Special Education sevices who have a Behavior Event where a Weapon is involved, but the assigned Firearm Discipline Method on the Behavior Resolution is NOT one of the following:

  • 1 - Expulsion that was modified to less than one-year and received educational services under IDEA
  • 2 - One year expulsion and received educational services under IDEA
  • 3 - No expulsion because the student was removed for other reasons such as death, withdrawal, or incarceration
  • 4 - Another type of disciplinary action
  • 5 - No type of disciplinary action was taken

To correct the data, locate the Behavior Resolution that returned on the report in Behavior Management. Review the assigned Firearm Discipline Method for accuracy and modify as needed to be one of the values listed above.

Approved Behavior Resolutions for Students Receiving Special Education Services

Once modified and the issues returned in the Validation Report have been addressed, generate the KIAS Extract and continue with the submission process.

Non-Special Education Students with Invalid Discipline Method on Behavior Resolution

This validation rule returns students who are NOT receiving Special Education services who have a Behavior Event where a Weapon is involved, but the assigned Firearm Discipline Method on the Behavior Resolution is NOT one of the following:

  • 6 - One year expulsion and no educational services (including alternative placement with educational services).
  • 7 - One year expulsion and educational services (or alternative placement with educational services).
  • 8 - Expulsion modified to less than one year and no educational services (including alternative placement with educational services).
  • 9 - Expulsion modified to less than one year and educational services (or alternative placement with educational services)
  • 10 - No expulsion because the student was removed for other reasons such as death, withdrawal, or incarceration.
  • 11 - Another type of disciplinary action.
  • 12 - No disciplinary action was taken.

To correct the data, locate the Behavior Resolution that returned on the report in Behavior Management. Review the assigned Firearm Discipline Method for accuracy and modify as needed to be one of the values listed above.

Approved Behavior Resolutions for Students NOT Receiving Special Education Services

Report Editor

Data ElementDescription
Start Date, End Date
The dates by which student's enrollment must be active in order to be included on the report. Use the Calendar icon to select a new date or enter the date in the field in mmddyy format.
FormatDetermines the display of the report. This extract can be generated in CSV (State Format) or HTML. Use the HTML format for testing and data review prior to submitting the data to the state. Use the State Format for submitting the data to the state.
Ad hoc FilterSelect which students to include in the extract by choosing a filter that was created in the Filter Designer.
Select GradesIndicates which students are included in the extract. Only those students enrolled in the selected grade levels are included.
Calendar Selection

Select the calendar of enrollment from which to pull student data. Calendars can be chosen by the active year, by the school name or by the year.

Report GenerationChoose the Generate Extract button to display the results of the chosen items immediately. Choose the Submit to Batch option to generate the report at a specified time. This option is helpful when generating large amounts of data.

Generate the Extract

  1. Enter a Start Date and End Date for the report.
  2. Select the Format of the report.
  3. Use the Ad hoc Filter to select students already included in a filter. This is not required. When not chosen, all students who have the appropriate enrollment start or end status during the entered date range are included.
  4. Select the desired Grades to include in the extract.
  5. Select the Calendars to include in the file.
  6. Click the Generate Extract button. Or generate the extract at a specified time using the Submit to Batch button. The file appears in a new window in the selected format.

KIAS Extract - HTML Format

KIAS Extract, State Format (CSV)

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
Building IDReports the four digit State School number.

Numeric, 4 digits
School Information > State School Number

KIDS IDReports the student's State ID number.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID

Incident DateDate on which the behavior incident occurred.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Behavior Management > Incident > Date of Incident

Bullying Type

Indicates the type of bullying incident that occurred, if assigned.

  • 2015: Physical Bullying - reports a value of 1
  • 2016: Cyber Bullying - reports a value of 2
  • 2017: Verbal Bullying - reports a value of 3
  • 2018: Relational Bullying - reports a value of 4

When the Incident Type is not populated on the behavior record, this field reports blank.

Numeric, 1 digit

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Event Type > Incident Type

Bullying Days of ISS

Reports the total days the student was assigned a resolution of 450: In School Suspension from the Start Date of the Resolution to the End Date of the Resolution. 

The Incident must have an Incident Type of 2015, 2016, 2017, or 2018.

When the Duration field on the Behavior Resolution has a value, that value reports to the nearest hundredth (normal rounding rules apply).

When the Duration field is not populated, the days of ISS is calculated using the start and end dates and start and end time of the resolution. Both the Resolution Start and End Dates are required. If Resolution Start or End Time is not populated, partial day does not calculate.

When there are multiple ISS resolutions for one student for one incident, the duration of time is summed.

When there is no ISS resolution, a NULL value reports.

Numeric, 4 digits (XX.XX)

Behavior Managements > Incident > Event Resolution > Duration in School Days, Resolution Start Date, Resolution End Date




Bullying Days of OSS

Reports the total days the student was assigned of resolution of 510: Removal or Out-of-School Suspension - with Services or 520: Removal or Out-of-School Suspension without Services.

The Incident must have an Incident Type of 2015, 2016, 2017, or 2018.

When the Duration field on the Behavior Resolution has a value, that value reports that value reports to the nearest hundredth (normal rounding rules apply).

When the Duration field is not populated, the days of OSS is calculated using the start and end dates of the resolution. Both the Resolution Start and End Dates are required. If Resolution Start or End Time is not populated, partial day does not calculate.

When there are multiple OSS resolutions for one student for one incident, the duration of time is summed.

When there is no OSS resolution, a NULL value reports.

Numeric, 4 digits (XX.XX)

Behavior Managements > Incident > Event Resolution > Resolution Type




Bullying Days of Expulsion

Reports the total days the student was expelled due to bullying and is assigned a resolution of the following:

  • 550: Expulsion with Services - Partial School Year
  • 555: Expulsion with Services - Remainder of School Year
  • 560: Expulsion without Services - Partial School Year
  • 565: Expulsion without Services - Remainder of School Year

The Incident must have an Incident Type of 2015, 2016, 2017, or 2018.

When the Duration field on the Behavior Resolution has a value, that value reports to the nearest hundredth (normal rounding rules apply).

When the Duration field is not populated, the days of Expulsion is calculated using the start and end dates of the resolution. Both the Resolution Start and End Dates are required. If Resolution Start or End Time is not populated, partial day does not calculate.

When there are multiple Expulsion resolutions for one student for one incident, the duration of time is summed.

When there is no Expulsion resolution, a NULL value reports.

Numeric, 4 digits (XX.XX)

Behavior Managements > Incident > Event Resolution > Duration in School Days, Resolution Start Date, Resolution End Date




Educational Services during Expulsion

Indicates the student received services while expelled. The Behavior Resolution assigned on the behavior incident must be either:

  • 550: Expulsion with Services - Partial School Year
  • 555: Expulsion with Services - Remainder of School Year

The Incident must have an Incident Type of 2015, 2016, 2017, or 2018.

Reports a value of Y when the student did receive services while expelled. 

Reports a value of N when the student did not receive services while expelled for bullying (Behavior Resolution Codes 560, 565).

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Managements > Incident > Event Resolution > Resolution Type

Bullying Days of Other

Reports the total amount of days the student was assigned a resolution other than ISS, OSS or Expulsion when the Incident Types is related to bullying from the start date of the resolution to the end date of the resolution.

The Incident must have an Incident Type of 2015, 2016, 2017, or 2018.

When the Duration in School Days field on the Behavior Resolution has a value, that value reports to the nearest hundredth (normal rounding rules apply). The Duration field captures duration based on units selected. When Duration is 3 and Duration Unit is hours, the calculation is 3/24 = 0.125, rounded to 0.13.

Mapped State Resolution Code cannot be the following:

  • 450: In School Suspension
  • 510: Removal or Out-of-School Suspension - with Services 
  • 520: Removal or Out-of-School Suspension without Services.
  • 550: Expulsion with Services - Partial School Year
  • 555: Expulsion with Services - Remainder of School Year
  • 560: Expulsion without Services - Partial School Year
  • 565: Expulsion without Services - Remainder of School Year

When the Duration in School Days field or the Detention Duration field is not populated, the total is calculated using the Resolution Start Time, Resolution End Time, Resolution Start Date and Resolution End Date.

  • If Resolution Start Date is the same as the Resolution End Date, and the End Time is 3 hours after the start time, 3 hours reports in relation to one school day (3/24).

When Start Time and End Time are not populated:

  • The Start and End Date of the Resolution are used. If either of those is not populated, this field reports blank.
  • If the Start Date is the same as the End Date, reports a value of 1.00.
  • If the Start Date is Friday and the End Date is the next school day (Monday), reports a value of 2.00.

Numeric, 4 digits (XX.XX)

Behavior Managements > Incident > Event Resolution > Resolution Type




KSSSA Reported Felony 

Reports whether school staff reported the incident to law enforcement that constituted or involved a felony.

  • Reports Y when Code 01: Referred to Law Enforcement (Felony) is selected in the Law Enforcement Referral field. OR
  • Reports Y when Code 750: Referred to Local Law Enforcement - Felony Charges is selected as the Resolution code.

Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Managements > Incident > Event Resolution > Resolution Type


Behavior Managements > Incident > Event Resolution > Law Enforcement


KSSSA Reported Misdemeanor

Reports whether school staff reported the incident to law enforcement that constituted or involved a misdemeanor.

  • Reports Y whenCode 02: Referred to Law Enforcement (Misdemeanor) is selected in the Law Enforcement Referral field. OR
  • Reports Y when Code 730: Referred to Local Law Enforcement - Misdemeanor Charges is selected as the Resolution code.
Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Managements > Incident > Event Resolution > Resolution Type


Behavior Managements > Incident > Event Resolution > Law Enforcement


KSSSA Reported Weapons

Reports whether school staff reported the incident to law enforcement that constituted or involved a weapon.

  • Reports Y when Code 03: Referred to Law Enforcement (Weapons) is selected in the Law Enforcement Referral field AND Weapon Type is 100, 200, 300, 400, 500. OR
  • Reports Y when Code 710: Referred to Local Law Enforcement - Not Charged, Code 730: Referred to Local Law Enforcement - Misdemeanor Charges, Code 750: Referred to Local Law Enforcement - Felony Charges, or Code 770: Referred to Local Law Enforcement - Unknown Result is selected as the Resolution code.

Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Managements > Incident > Event Resolution > Resolution Type


Behavior Managements > Incident > Event Resolution > Law Enforcement



Reports the location of the incident when the previous three fields report Y. Otherwise, no value reports.

Reports a value of 1: On School Property, during the School Day when Reported Felony, Reported Misdemeanor or Reported Weapons reports a value of Yes and the Time Classifier selection is one of the following:

  • 110 - Before Classes
  • 115 - After Classes
  • 120 - Morning Classes
  • 125 - Afternoon Classes
  • 130 - Morning Recess/Break
  • 140 - Lunch
  • 150 - Afternoon Recess/Break
  • 199 - Other During School Hours

AND Location Classifier is one of the following:

  • 101 - Classroom
  • 105 - Hallway/Stairwell
  • 110 - Cafeteria
  • 120 - Gym
  • 130 - Restrooms
  • 140 - Auditorium
  • 150 - Outside
  • 160  - Stadium

Reports a value of 2: On School Property, outside of School Day when Reported Felony, Reported Misdemeanor or Reported Weapons reports a value of Yes and the Time Classifier selection is one of the following:

  • 210 - In Transit
  • 230 -  At School-Sponsored Activity
  • 299 - Other Outside School Hours

AND Location Classifier is one of the following:

  • 101 - Classroom
  • 105 - Hallway/Stairwell
  • 110 - Cafeteria
  • 120 - Gym
  • 130 - Restrooms
  • 140 - Auditorium
  • 150 - Outside
  • 160  - Stadium

Reports a value of 3: Off School Property, at a school-supervised activity when Reported Felony, Reported Misdemeanor or Reported Weapons reports a value of Yes and the Time Classifier selection is one of the following:

  • 199 - Other During School Hours
  • 210 - In Transit
  • 230 -  At School-Sponsored Activity
  • 299 - Other Outside School Hours

AND Location Classifier is one of the following:

  • 210 - Sponsored Activity Off Campus
  • 230 -  Sponsored Transportation
  • 299 - Other Off Campus

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Managements > Incident > Incident Detail > Time Classifier, Location Classifier



Weapon Arrest Made

Indicates the student was arrested because of a weapon.

Reports a value of Y when the Law Enforcement Arrest Made field is marked. 

Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Managements > Events > Resolution Details > Law Enforcement Arrest Made

Weapon Code

Indicates the weapon that was used in the behavior event.

  • Reports a value of 1 when Weapon Code 100: Handguns is assigned.
  • Reports a value of 2 when Weapon Code 200: Rifles/Shotguns is assigned.
  • Reports a value of 3 when one of the following Weapons Codes is assigned.
    • 300: Other Firearm
    • 400: Firearm Component or attachment
    • 500: Explosive
  • Reports a value of 4 when multiple weapons codes are assigned to a specific incident.

Reports a NULL value when there is no weapon code assigned.

Numeric, 1 digit

Behavior Managements > Events and Participants > Participant Details > Weapon

Discipline Method for IDEA Student

Reports the assigned Firearm Discipline Method resolution for a student who has an IEP or a student with a Primary Disability.

When a student has an IEP, or when a student does NOT have an IEP but does has active Special Education State Reporting record on the incident date, and one of the following values is assigned in the Firearm Discipline Method, that value reports:

  • 1 - Expulsion that was modified to less than one-year and received educational services under IDEA
  • 2 - One year expulsion and received educational services under IDEA
  • 3 - No expulsion because the student was removed for other reasons such as death, withdrawal, or incarceration
  • 4 - Another type of disciplinary action
  • 5 - No type of disciplinary action was taken

Numeric, 1 digit

Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution Editor > Firearm Discipline Method


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date

Discipline Method for Non-IDEA Student

Reports the assigned Firearm Discipline Method resolution for a student who does NOT have an IEP or does NOT have an active Special Education State Reporting record on the incident date with a Disability at the time of the incident, and there is a value in the Firearm Discipline Method, that value reports.  

  • 6 - One year expulsion and no educational services (including alternative placement with educational services).
  • 7 - One year expulsion and educational services (or alternative placement with educational services).
  • 8 - Expulsion modified to less than one year and no educational services (including alternative placement with educational services).
  • 9 - Expulsion modified to less than one year and educational services (or alternative placement with educational services)
  • 10 - No expulsion because the student was removed for other reasons such as death, withdrawal, or incarceration.
  • 11 - Another type of disciplinary action.

  • 12 - No disciplinary action was taken.

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution Editor > Firearm Discipline Method


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


IDEA Days of ISS

Reports the total days a student with an IEP or other designation of being considered a Special Education student is assigned In-School Suspension from the start date of the resolution (State Resolution Code 450) to the end date of the resolution.

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have an active Special Education State Reporting record on the incident date, the value entered into the Duration in School Days field reports, if populated. If not populated, the duration reports from the Resolution Start Date and Time to the Resolution End Date and Time fields when the student has an IEP that started before and ends after the incident date.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Numeric, up to two decimals (X.XX)

Behavior Management > Event and Participants > Resolution > Duration, Resolution Start Date/Time, Resolution End Date/Time




Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


Reports whether a Special Education student is serving In-School Suspension (State Resolution Code 450)because of drugs.

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have an active SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an ISS resolution due to an incident related to drugs, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Event > Event Type - Drug Related; Resolution > Resolution Type - 450: In-school Suspension



Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date

IDEA ISS Weapons

Reports whether a Special Education student is serving In-School Suspension (State Resolution Code 450) because of weapons.

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have an SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an ISS resolution due to an incident related to weapons, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Event > Event Type - Weapons Related; Resolution > Resolution Type - 450: In-school Suspension



Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


Reports whether a Special Education student is serving In-School Suspension (State Resolution Code 450) because of an incident with injury (injury code 4).

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have an SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an ISS resolution due to an incident related to an injury, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Event > Event Type - Injury Code 4; Resolution > Resolution Type - 450: In-school Suspension



Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


Reports whether a Special Education student is serving In-School Suspension (State Resolution Code 450) because of an incident related to a violation of code of conduct (not related to drugs, weapons or serious bodily injury).

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have a SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an ISS resolution due to violation of code of conduct, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type - 450: In-school Suspension


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date

IDEA Days of OSS

Reports the total days a student with an IEP or other designation of being considered a Special Education student is assigned Out-of-School Suspension (State Resolution Code 510 or 520).

When the student has an IEP, or when the student does not have an IEP, but does have a SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, the value entered into the Duration in School Days field reports, if populated. If not populated, the duration reports from the Resolution Start Date and Time to the Resolution End Date and Time.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Numeric, up to two decimal points (X.XX)

Behavior Management > Event and Participants > Resolution > Duration, Resolution Start Date/Time, Resolution End Date/Time




Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


Reports whether a Special Education student is serving Out-of-School Suspension (State Resolution Code 510 or 520) because of drugs.

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have a SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an OSS resolution due to an incident related to drugs, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Event > Event Type - Drug Related; Resolution > Resolution Type - Out-of-school Suspension



Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date

IDEA OSS Weapons

Reports whether a Special Education student is serving Out-of-School Suspension (State Resolution Code 510 or 520) because of weapons.

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have a SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an OSS resolution due to an incident related to weapons, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Event > Event Type - Weapons Related; Resolution > Resolution Type - Out-of-school Suspension



Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date



Reports whether a Special Education student is serving Out-of-School Suspension (State Resolution Code 510 or 520) because of an incident with injury (injury code 4).

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have a SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an OSS resolution due to an incident related to an injury, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Event > Event Type - Injury Code 4; Resolution > Resolution Type - Out-of-school Suspension



Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date



Reports whether a Special Education student is serving Out-of-School Suspension (State Resolution Code 510 or 520) because of an incident related to a violation of code of conduct (not related to drugs, weapons or serious bodily injury).

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does does have a SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an OSS resolution due to violation of code of conduct, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type - Out-of-school Suspension


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


IDEA Days of Expulsion

Reports the total days a student with an IEP or other designation of being considered a Special Education student is assigned Expulsion (State Resolution Code 550, 555, 560 or 565).

When the student has an IEP, or does NOT have an IEP but does have an active SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, the value entered into the Duration in School Days field reports, if populated. If not populated, the duration reports from the Resolution Start Date and Time to the Resolution End Date and Time fields when the student has an IEP that started before and ends after the incident date.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Numeric, up to two decimal points (X.XX)

Behavior Management > Event and Participants > Resolution > Duration, Resolution Start Date/Time, Resolution End Date/Time




Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date

IDEA Expulsion Drugs

Reports whether a Special Education student is serving Expulsion (State Resolution Code 550, 555, 560 or 565) because of drugs.

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have an active SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an Expulsion resolution due to an incident related to drugs, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type - Expulsion


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


IDEA Expulsion Weapons

Reports whether a Special Education student is serving Expulsion (State Resolution Code 550, 555, 560 or 565) because of weapons.

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have an active SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an Expulsion resolution due to an incident related to weapons, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type - Expulsion


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


IDEA Expulsion Injury

Reports whether a Special Education student is serving Expulsion (State Resolution Code 550, 555, 560 or 565) because of an incident with injury (injury code 4).

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have an active SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an Expulsion resolution due to an incident related to an injury, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type - Expulsion


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


IDEA Expulsion Other

Reports whether a Special Education student is serving Expulsion (State Resolution Code 550, 555, 560 or 565) because of an incident related to a violation of code of conduct (not related to drugs, weapons or serious bodily injury).

When the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have an active SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned an OSS resolution due to violation of code of conduct, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Type - Expulsion


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


IDEA Services During Expulsion

Indicates whether the student received IDEA related services during expulsion.

A value of Y reports when the student has an IEP, or if the student does not have an IEP but does have an active SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, AND the assigned behavior resolution is Code 550 or 555.

A value of N reports when the assigned behavior resolution is Code 560 or 565.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Incident


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


IDEA Days of Removal SP

Indicates the total number of days the student was removed by school personnel to another education setting.

When the student has an IEP, or when there is no IEP but but there is an active SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, the Duration in School Days value reports, if populated.

When not populated, the value reports from the Resolution Start Date/Time and Resolution End Date/Time.

When there is no IEP and no Primary Disability, reports 0.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Numeric, up to two decimal points (X.XX)

Behavior Management > Event and Participants > Resolution > Duration, Resolution Start Date/Time, Resolution End Date/Time




Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


IDEA Removal SP Drugs

Reports whether a Special Education student is serving a Removal to another Education Setting because of drugs.

When the student has an IEP, or when the student does not have an IEP but does have an active SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned Removal to another Education resolution due to an incident related to drugs, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Incident


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


IDEA Removal SP Weapons

Reports whether a Special Education student is serving a Removal to another Education Setting because of weapons.

When the student has an IEP, or when the student does not have an IEP but does have an active SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned Removal to another Education resolution due to an incident related to weapons, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Incident


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


IDEA Removal SP Injury

Reports whether a Special Education student is serving a Removal to another Education Setting because of injury.

When the student has an IEP, or when the student does not have an IEP but does have an active SPED State Reporting record on the incident date, and is assigned Removal to another Education resolution due to an incident related to injury, reports Y. Otherwise, reports N.

A blank value reports when the student is NOT an IDEA student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Incident


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date


Foster Days of ISS

Reports when a student has a Foster Care record on the incident date AND the Behavior Resolution is mapped to Resolution Code 450. 

Reports the value entered in the Duration field, when populated. Otherwise, reports the time from the start date to the end date of the resolution. 

When the student does not have a Foster Care record, a blank value reports.

Numeric, 4 digits (XX.XX)

Behavior Management > Event and Participants > Resolution > Duration, Resolution Start Date/Time, Resolution End Date/Time




Foster Days of OSS

Reports when a student has a Foster Care record on the incident date AND the Behavior Resolution is mapped to Resolution Code 510 or 520. 

Reports the value entered in the Duration field, when populated. Otherwise, reports the time from the start date to the end date of the resolution. 

When the student does not have a Foster Care record, a blank value reports.

Numeric, 4 digits (XX.XX)

Behavior Management > Event and Participants > Resolution > Duration, Resolution Start Date/Time, Resolution End Date/Time




Foster Days of Expulsion

Reports when a student has a Foster Care record on the incident date AND the Behavior Resolution is mapped to Resolution Code 550, 555, 560 or 565.

Reports the value entered in the Duration field, when populated. Otherwise, reports the time from the start date to the end date of the resolution. 

When the student does not have a Foster Care record, a blank value reports.

Numeric, 4 digits (XX.XX)

Behavior Management > Event and Participants > Resolution > Duration, Resolution Start Date/Time, Resolution End Date/Time




Educational Services During Violence Related ExpulsionIndicates whether a student received services during an expulsion for violence related incident.

A value of Y reports when the Resolution Code on the incident must be Code 550 or 555 AND the Violence Indicator checkbox must be marked.

A value of Y reports when the Law Enforcement Referral is 01 OR if the Resolution Code on the incident is  750.

Otherwise, a value of N reports.

A blank value reports when the student does not have a violence related offense or a felony offense, or if the student was not expelled.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Event and Participants > Resolution

Behavior Management > Event and Participants > Violence Indicator

Educational Services During Expulsion

Indicates whether the student received services during their expulsion.

In order to report, the student must NOT have any of the following: 

  • an active IEP on the incident date
  • no IEP but has an active Special Education State Reporting Record on the incident date
  • an incident marked as Bullying

Reports a value of Y when the student meets the above requirements AND the Resolution Type = 550 or 555. 

Otherwise, a value of N reports.

When a student has a disability, a blank value reports. 

When a student has an incident marked as Bullying, a blank value reports. 

When the student was not expelled, a blank value reports. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Resolution


Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Incident Type



Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability, Start Date
