English Learners (EL) (Kansas)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:07 am CDT
Tool Search: English Learners
The English Learners (EL) tools allow schools and districts to manage student EL programs, assessments, services, and accommodations. The EL tab provides a central location for managing EL information such as the date the student was identified as EL, when the student entered/exited an EL program, when the student is expected to leave an EL program and First Year/Second Year Monitoring data. For students who exited and/or re-entered an EL program, an historical record is kept and displayed on the tab which can be viewed in both State and District Editions of Infinite Campus.
Some fields in the EL tab are specific to your state. All other fields in the EL tab do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the English Learners (EL) article.
English Learners tools allow schools and districts to manage student English Learners (EL) programs, assessments, services, and accommodations. EL tools were designed as a way to provide a single area for managing EL information and pulling data for state and federal reports. Some fields in the EL tab are specific to your state. All other fields in the EL tab do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the English Learners (EL) article.
English Learners (EL) Editor
Program Status
Program Status codes indicate the student's EL status. These codes are not specific to Kansas. Use the Click here to expand below for translation of this alignment.
English learner students are those students for whom there is a report of a primary language other than English on the state-approved Home Language Survey AND who, on the basis of the state approved oral language (grades kindergarten through grade twelve) assessment procedures and literacy (grades three through twelve only), have been determined to lack the clearly defined English language skills of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing necessary to succeed in the school's regular instructional programs.
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IC Code | Definition |
Not EL | A student in kindergarten through grade 12 for whom a language other than English is reported on the Demographics editor and who is determined to be proficient in English. |
EL | A student in kindergarten through grade 12 for whom there is a report of a language other than English on the Home Language field and who is determined to lack the clearly defined English language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and/or writing necessary to succeed in the school's regular instructional programs. |
Exited EL | A student in kindergarten through grade 12 who demonstrates sufficient proficiency in English to participate effectively in a curriculum designed for students of the same age whose native language is English. |
Pending | A student in kindergarten through grade 12 for whom there is a report of a primary language other than English on the Home Language Survey and for whom the district has not completed the assessment process. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > EL > EL > programStatus
SIT Exited - No Monitor
When marked, identifies students who have been exited from their LEP services due to the decision of the SIT team.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > EL > EL > sitExited
EL Services
The EL Services tool allows users to add, edit, delete, and view existing EL Services. Please see the English Learners (EL) article for more information. Fields that are specific to Kansas are described below. Users are able to enter specific service details in the EL Services Detail editor.
EL Services
Service Type
ESL Service Type codes indicate whether the student is participating in a state-approved English as a Second Language (ESL) program.
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Code | State Code | Description | Definition |
01 | 01 | Transitional Bilingual Education or Early-Exit Bilingual Education | This program, also known as early-exit bilingual education, utilizes a student's primary language in instruction. The program maintains and develops skills in the primary language and culture while introducing, maintaining, and developing skills in English. The primary purpose of a TBE program is to facilitate the EL student's transition to an all English instructional program while receiving academic subject instruction in the native language to the extent necessary. |
02 | 02 | Dual Language or Two-way Immersion | Dual Language or Two-way Immersion -Also known as two-way or developmental, the goal of these bilingual programs is for students to develop language proficiency in two languages by receiving instruction in English and another language in a classroom that is usually comprised of half native English speakers and half native speakers of the other language. |
03 | 03 | ESL or ELD | A program of techniques, methodology and special curriculum designed to teach EL students English language skills, which may include listening, speaking, reading, writing, study skills, content vocabulary, and cultural orientation. ESL instruction is usually in English with little use of native language. |
04 | 04 | Content Classes with Integrated ESL Support | This approach makes use of instructional materials, learning tasks, and classroom techniques from academic content areas as the vehicle for developing language, content, cognitive and study skills. English is used as the medium of instruction. |
05 | 05 | Newcomer Programs | Newcomer programs are separate, relatively self-contained educational interventions designed to meet the academic and transitional needs of newly arrived immigrants. Typically, students attend these programs before they enter more traditional interventions (e.g., English language development programs or mainstream classrooms with supplemental ESL instruction). |
06 | 06 | Maintenance bilingual education | Also referred to as late-exit bilingual education, this program uses two languages, the student's primary language and English, as a means of instruction. The instruction builds upon the student's primary language skills and develops and expands the English language skills of each student to enable him or her to achieve proficiency in both languages, while providing access to the content areas. |
07 | 07 | Sheltered English Instruction | An instructional approach used to make academic instruction in English understandable to EL students.In the sheltered classroom, teachers use physical activities, visual aids, and the environment to teach vocabulary for concept development in mathematics, science, social studies, and other subjects. |
08 | 08 | Submersion Program | A submersion program places EL students in a regular English-only program with little or no support services on the theory that they will pick up English naturally.This program should not be confused with a structured English immersion program. |
| Title III | N/A |
| State ESOL/Bilingual Funded | N/A |
| Services Summary | N/A |
Local |
| Non-Funded Services | N/A |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > EL > EL > lepService.ELService
ESOL Contact Minutes Per Day
Records the students ESOL minutes per day the student is provided services.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > EL > EL > lepService.serviceMinutes