General Scope of Support
The Infinite Campus Support team is customer-focused and driven to serve by providing guidance, advice, and troubleshooting assistance to Authorized Contacts. We work with Authorized Contacts to enable the district to set up and configure sites by providing guidance and documentation. Authorized Contacts are given a free Introduction to Support training course to help them in their roles.
Campus Support is available to district's Authorized Contacts to help resolve various issues, such as:
- The Infinite Campus product or a tool is not working correctly.
- Server/hardware problems or a service outage for a Campus-hosted service.
- Requesting a service, such as restoration of lost data.
Most tools have a straightforward scope of support. The Campus Support team fully supports tools created by Infinite Campus that do not rely on or interact with third-party services. Certain products, however, have aspects of support that fall outside the scope of Campus Support and are supported by other entities. These are detailed below.
Technical assistance is available for current and prior versions of Infinite Campus software as long as your platform complies with minimum operating requirements and recommendations for use (see Supported Platforms). For some reported issues, when Development has already provided a fix, Support may recommend updating to the latest Campus version.
Additional Campus Teams
Other Infinite Campus teams also provide several related professional services:
- Technical Services can assist with data modifications and uploads. Technical Services can also design original reports and solutions to fit your needs.
- Campus Training can teach your staff how to use Infinite Campus Software to its fullest potential.
- Business Consultants are available to advise on complex setups, often involving scheduling and standards-based grading.
If one of these teams completes work for your district, that team supports it. If you have questions about these services, your district's Authorized Contact can contact your support team.
User Accounts
Password resets
District account management is the responsibility of the district. For security reasons, Campus Support does not manage user account credentials or perform password resets.
Password reset requests should be handled via the Password Reset functionality or directed to an admin or Authorized Contact at your district. If a district admin or Authorized Contact needs a password reset, the admin should use the Password Reset functionality or involve another admin or Authorized Contact within the district. Running the Product Security Role Report for the Student Information System role will clarify who at the district has the ability to perform password resets.
User account management when using SSO or LDAP
Single Sign-On (SSO) accounts
Admins and Authorized Contacts are expected to establish at least two user accounts under their own person record: one for SSO (Authentication Type: SAML) and one that uses a local Campus username and password (Authentication type: Local Campus Authentication). This best practice is covered in the SSO setup documentation.
If a username is set to an Authentication Type of SSO, the User Account screen will show "Password Reset Unavailable". This is because the password for that account is managed within your Identity Provider system, not within Infinite Campus.
LDAP accounts
Admins and Authorized Contacts are expected to establish at least two user accounts under their own person record: one for LDAP (Authentication Type: LDAP) and one that uses a local Campus username and password (Authentication type: Local Campus Authentication). This ensures admins and Authorized Contacts can continue to access their site in the event of an issue with their district's LDAP server. This best practice is covered in the LDAP setup documentation.
If a username is set to an Authentication Type of LDAP, the User Account screen will show "Password Reset Unavailable". This is because the password for that account is managed within your Identity Provider system, not within Infinite Campus.
Access to Non-Production Sites (Sandbox, Staging, Training)
Local accounts in Non-Production Sites
After a refresh, credentials will by default match what they were in production at the time of that refresh. If it has been a while since the last refresh, consider having your Authorized Support Contact refresh the non-production environment, ensuring up-to-date credentials.
If an admin or Authorized Contact is unable to access the Sandbox, direct the request to another admin or Authorized Contact at the district. Running the Product Security Role Report for the Student Information System role will clarify who at the district has the ability to perform password resets.
SSO Accounts in Non-Production Sites
After a refresh, an admin needs to log into the non-production environment with their local account and complete a step in order to reinstate access to other SSO users in that environment.
If no admins have created a local account for themselves to be able to complete this step, an admin should create a local account for themselves in Production, have the Authorized Technical Contact refresh the non-production environment again, then use that local account to access the environment and complete that step.
Ad Hoc Reporting
Ad Hoc Filters
The Ad Hoc Reporting tools are a way to select certain fields located throughout the product and place them in one central report. The result can be used as a report or as a filter that's used by other tools in the product to determine or limit what people or classes that tool affects.
Options Available for Ad Hoc Filters
Campus Support | Campus Support does not offer Ad Hoc creation, training, or consultation. Campus Support can:
District | District can:
Campus Technical Services | Campus Technical Services can:
Services provided by the Campus Technical Services team are supported by Technical Services pursuant to the established maintenance plan. |
Campus Training | Campus Training can:
Pass-Through SQL Queries
The Pass-Through SQL Query option within the Ad Hoc Filter Designer tool is a way to create a filter that returns a list of specific people or classes that meet more complex logic conditions using the SQL scripting language.
The Pass-Through SQL Query tool is a self-service filter-building tool for users with an understanding of SQL scripting and knowledge of the Campus data schema. Campus Support does not offer SQL consultations. (See SQL Scripting for options on SQL training and custom report creation.)
Sample Pass-Through SQL Queries created by Campus are maintained by Campus (Technical Services).
Ad Hoc Filter Performance and Timeouts
Infinite Campus recommends all reporting and scripting be designed for the smallest scope and increased in range from there. Be aware that complex ad hoc filters may return a successful result, but can also create unnecessary overhead on the SQL instance and temporarily impact site performance.
Ad Hoc filters have a timeout to safeguard against a filter that pulls too much data causing sitewide performance issues. Ad hoc filters that pull a lot of data may complete just under the allotted timeout limit initially and then hit the timeout cutoff later as the number of records in the district grows over time or the system load fluctuates.
Options Available for Ad Hoc Filter Performance Issues and Timeouts
District | Short-term remediations: District can:
Long-term: Although Ad Hoc Query Wizard is a handy entry-level query-building tool, long-term, ad hoc filters are not the most efficient option when pulling a lot of data. Ad hoc filters pull from database views; this has ease-of-use benefits but does not perform as well as pulling directly from database tables with full control over how the data is joined together. It requires an advanced skillset, but the best long-term solution is to rewrite the ad hoc filter as a SQL query. Pulling the same data as a custom SQL query can give better performance. Also, the same timeout restrictions do not apply to SQL queries. If your district employs a database administrator skilled in SQL scripting and knowledgeable in the Campus schema, that is the ideal skillset. |
Campus Support | Campus Support can:
Campus Technical Services | Campus Technical Services can:
Services provided by the Campus Technical Services team are supported by Technical Services pursuant to the established maintenance plan.
Campus Training | Campus Training can:
SQL Scripting
(Data Extract Utility, Task Scheduler, Pass-Through Query Editor within Ad Hoc Reporting, SSRS Reporting, Events and Actions)
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a scripting language for accessing and manipulating data in a database, like the one that underlies your Infinite Campus site. Some Campus tools can be powered by SQL queries. SQL scripting is an advanced skill set. The level of assistance from Infinite Campus depends on who authored the SQL script.
SQL scripts, including extracts and stored procedures, are supported by the individual who wrote them. Coordinate with that individual for assistance. For example, a script from another vendor, another district, a forum post, etc.
Options Available for SQL Scripting
Campus Support | SQL consultation is not a service offered by Campus Support. Campus Support does not rewrite existing queries or advise on SQL written by others. |
District | District can:
Campus Technical Services | Campus Technical Services can:
Services provided by Technical Services are supported by Technical Services pursuant to the established maintenance plan when Technical Services has worked with your district to develop any of the following:
Campus Training | Campus Training can:
Query Optimization
Poorly optimized queries can cause performance issues. If a SQL script not created by Campus is causing a performance or tempDB issue, notify the individual who authored the SQL script so they can optimize their query.
A common cause of performance issues is when the query was written to pull from database views rather than directly from the relevant database tables; database views are useful and convenient, but pulling from database tables directly gives better performance. Also, see the SQL Performance Tips section of the Campus schema.
Query optimization is a highly technical skill set. Infinite Campus does not rewrite or advise on queries written by others. However, the Technical Services team may be able to work with your district to design original extracts or reports that are more efficient. To receive a service quote, please have your district's Authorized Contact provide requirements through a case for Technical Services. Lead time is required. Services provided by Technical Services are supported by Technical Services pursuant to the established maintenance plan. The Infinite Campus Schema Bootcamp training is also an option.
Third-Party SQL Resources
Consultations on the fundamentals of SQL and intricacies of query optimization strategies are not services offered by Infinite Campus. Fortunately, many resources are readily available, both free and paid. For your convenience, we have compiled a few examples.
Infinite Campus does not endorse or promote any specific resource from this list. Before proceeding, we encourage you to thoroughly review the content offered to ensure it meets your needs.
As you review resources, be aware that there are a few dialects of SQL. They are all similar in the basics, but for content focusing on a specific dialect of SQL, be aware that Infinite Campus uses Microsoft SQL Server and T-SQL (not MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.).
If you are familiar with a resource that should be listed here but is not, please let us know via the Comments button at the bottom of this page.
Custom Reports
Custom reports are supported by the individual or group who created them. If your district has custom reports that were created by an individual or group at your district or some other third party group, that individual or group supports those reports.
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
Custom reports typically utilize SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to display within Campus. SSRS is a Microsoft product requiring its own skillset.
Infinite Campus does not offer SSRS consultations or trainings, but Technical Services does offer relevant services.
Options Available for Custom Reports
Campus Support | Campus Support does not offer SSRS consulting. |
District | District can coordinate with the individual who created the custom report or staff users skilled in SSRS reporting, who should:
Campus Managed Services | For Campus-hosted districts that use a Campus-hosted reporting server, Campus Managed Services can:
Campus Technical Services | Campus Technical Services can:
The Technical Services team supports custom reports created by Infinite Campus pursuant to the maintenance plan established when the report was created. |
Microsoft | SSRS is a Microsoft product. Microsoft provides the following resources for SSRS: Microsoft's recommendations for additional support are outlined in the Microsoft Q&A and Stack Overflow. |
"Pass User Session: Encrypt URL-encoded Username, etc." Functionality
(Custom Tool Setup's URL Link and URL Editor)
This functionality refers to an option within the Custom Tool Setup tool when setting up an external link (a URL Link or a URL Editor). Selecting the "Encrypt URL-encoded username, etc." option from the "Pass User Session" dropdown ensures that specific additional information is appended to that URL as URL parameters when a user clicks your external link, and that those parameters are encrypted.
Implementing this functionality requires a technical skillset including SSRS report design and custom scripting, typically using Visual Basic. Infinite Campus is responsible for properly encrypting the parameters. If your district choses to implement this functionality, your district is entirely responsible for the coding of your page or report to correctly decrypt the parameters.
This functionality's main use in the past was to send report parameters into an SSRS report via URL parameters. These days that is considered a legacy method of passing parameters into an SSRS report.
Nowadays, the SSRS Dynamic Report Options tools are the recommended method of making SSRS reports available to Infinite Campus users. In other words, set up a connection to the report server with the SSRS Server Configuration tool and map the reports into the outline with the SSRS Report Configuration tool rather than setting them up within the Custom Tool Setup tool; this method supports automatically passing certain values from Infinite Campus into an SSRS report.
Options Available for Encrypted URL Parameters
District | For initial implementation, your district can:
For existing custom webpages and reports, your district can:
Campus Support | Campus Support can:
Campus Support does not offer webpage scripting or SSRS report design services. |
Third Parties
Third-party application integrations or plug-ins are not supported. Exceptions are specific to vendors with whom we have an established partnership (Digital Learning Partners and Business Partners).
Third-Party Contractors
Due to FERPA regulations, Campus Support does not work directly with your third-party contractors. Your district's Authorized Contact should coordinate with the third-party contractor to share relevant details through a support case. If a call is needed, a member of the district who is an Authorized Contact must be present on the call.
Third-Party Software
Third-party software is supported by that company. For example, questions about Adobe Acrobat (PDF and FDF files), Excel, etc., are best directed to those companies' respective support teams or your local district experts.
Browser Extensions and Plug-ins
Third-party browser extensions are supported by the company or individual who developed that extension. If a browser extension adversely affects your Campus experience, we recommend notifying the developer of the extension so they can address the issue. Refer to the page you installed the extension from or the developer's website for support contact info.
Third-Party Hardware
(Attendance Scanning within Campus Workflow Suite, Campus Payments, Food Service/POS/Point of Sale)
Some Campus tools integrate with third-party hardware. Examples include point-of-sale terminals, receipt printers, barcode scanners, and RFID scanners. Campus supports hardware purchased through Infinite Campus pursuant to the purchasing agreement and product warranty. Issues and malfunctions with hardware purchased elsewhere should be brought to the attention of the company that produces it.
Third Party Vendors
Campus Support working directly with third party vendors is outside the scope of support.
Business Partners
Infinite Campus has established working relationships with Business Partners to power different aspects of Campus tools. Campus Support coordinates with business partners to escalate issues as needed.
Digital Learning Partners
Infinite Campus has established working relationships with Digital Learning Partners to integrate systems, typically through 1EdTech specifications.
Our Digital Learning Partners' development teams have direct access to Campus Development through their Digital Learning Partner Support Portal. The Digital Learning Partner's team can utilize their Digital Learning Partner Support Portal to communicate with the Campus Development team if the Digital Learning Partner's team believes an issue exists on the Campus end and misconfiguration has been ruled out.
OneRoster-Powered Integrations
OneRoster integrations are a way to send roster data out of Infinite Campus and/or send assignments/scores and/or assessments into Infinite Campus, depending on the vendor.
The nature of a OneRoster sync is that much of the process occurs outside of Campus, within your Digital Learning Partner system. The Digital Learning Partner system is in charge of making the sync requests, and your Campus site responds to the requests.
Options Available for OneRoster-Powered Integrations
District | District can:
Campus Support | Campus Support can:
Third-Party Vendor | Your vendor's support team can:
Non-Digital-Learning-Partner Vendor | OneRoster connections to vendors that are not can be set up but are offered as-is. As Campus has not vetted their Integration, the Campus Support team does not support issues. Are you working with a OneRoster vendor who is not a Digital Learning Partner? Please share this form with your vendor so they can contact Campus and learn more about our Digital Learning Partner Program. |
LTI-Powered Integrations
LTI integrations can take a few forms. They can allow Infinite Campus users to do a secure launch (login) from Infinite Campus into the third party vendor's system, and/or allow embedding content from the third party vendor system to the Infinite Campus grade book to show on the Campus Student/Parent portal, and/or send scores from the third party vendor system into the Infinite Campus grade book.
Options Available for LTI-Powered Integrations
District | District can:
Campus Support | Campus Support can:
Vendor | Your vendor's support team can:
Campus Services that Integrate with Third Parties
Ed-Fi is a data interchange standard and framework created by the Dell Foundation to allow K-12 educational institutions to consolidate and analyze data, and communicate this data with each other.
Options Available for Ed-Fi Integrations
District | District can:
ODS System Administrator | The person who manages the ODS system, whether this is a state entity or someone in your district, can:
Campus Support | Please refer to the Additional Ed-Fi Information section of the core Ed-Fi article. Click to expand and review Support for Ed-Fi for detailed support expectations and helpful information to include when submitting a support case.
In summary, Campus Support can:
The Campus Support team does not access the Ed-Fi database and does not assist with ODS configuration. |
Email Relay Services
Messenger can send emails out of your Infinite Campus site by utilizing your chosen third-party email relay service. Mailgun is Infinite Campus's chosen partner for email relay services for Cloud and Cloud Choice Customers. If your district uses a third-party email relay other than Mailgun, your district is responsible for supporting and troubleshooting the aspects of email delivery that occur after Infinite Campus has passed the email along to your third-party email relay service.
Options Available for Email Delivery Troubleshooting
District uses Mailgun as its email relay service (Mailgun is Infinite Campus' partner for email relay for Cloud and Cloud Choice Customers.) | |
District | District can:
Campus Support | Campus Support can:
District uses a different third-party email relay service | |
District | District should:
Campus Support | Campus Support does not support third-party email relays and does not have access to third-party email relay error logs.
If your district decides to move to Mailgun for its email relay service, Campus Support will have more investigative resources available, like the Mailgun Message Log. |
(eTranscript Batch, Electronic Release Setup)
The eTranscript tools allow schools to generate and release an electronic version of student transcripts to third-party vendors (ex. Parchment).
Options Available for eTranscript Release
District | District should:
Third-Party Vendor | Vendor's Support Team can:
Campus Support | Campus Support can:
File Transfer to Third-Party Server (SFTP, FTPS, SMB)
(Data Extract Utility, FRAM Scheduled Imports)
Some Infinite Campus tools can send or receive files from a server over SFTP, FTPS, or SMB. Most of the process is supported by the individual or group in charge of that server, whether in your district or a third-party vendor.
The server manager must provide the correct IP/hostname, port, username, password, and path. Ensure whoever manages the server has allow-listed Campus IP ranges. If your district is self-hosted or in-district hosted, confirm the person who manages your district's network has allow-listed Campus IPs.
Options Available for File Transfer Troubleshooting
District | District should:
File Server Administrator | (If your district is sending files to a file server hosted by a third party vendor, the file server administrator is an individual or group at that third party. If your district hosts its own file server, an individual or group at your own district is the file server administrator.) Whoever manages the server you are sending files to should:
Whoever manages the server you are sending files to is also responsible for supporting:
Campus Support | Campus Support can:
Server Setup
Consultations on configuring an SFTP/FTPS server or SMB configuration are not services offered by Infinite Campus. Here are some IT-focused communities that may be helpful.
Infinite Campus does not endorse or promote any content shared by these communities. We encourage you to thoroughly review content offered to ensure it meets your needs.
IT-Focused Communities |
SuperUser's SFTP Questions Area |
Spiceworks Community |
Google reCaptcha
(Login Security Settings > Google reCaptcha)
After a certain number of consecutive failed login attempts, Infinite Campus presents a CAPTCHA, or login challenge, to to ensure the login attempt is coming from a real person rather than a bot or automated attack. The CAPTCHA Infinite Campus uses by default requires entering letters and numbers from a prompt, but you can configure your site to instead use the CAPTCHA offered by Google: Google reCaptcha.
Google reCaptcha's login challenge typically requires marking an "I'm not a robot" checkbox and/or selecting images that relate to a particular subject.
Options Available for Google reCaptcha
District | For initial implementation, your district should:
For existing reCaptcha configuration, your district should:
Google should:
| |
Campus Support | Campus Support can:
Campus Support does not support technical issues with Google's console. |
Google Drive Integration
Integrating Campus with Google Drive allows teachers and students to use Google Drive files in the classroom. Teachers can attach a Drive file to an assignment that students can open and interact with based on the teacher's sharing preferences. Teachers can also allow students to attach and submit Drive files to assignments in Campus Student.
This is different from the Google Classroom assignment/score sync integration. For the Google Classroom assignment/score sync integration, see OneRoster-powered integrations.)
Options Available for the Google Drive Integration
District | District can coordinate with your district's Google administrator, who is responsible for:
Your district's Infinite Campus administrator must ensure that the 4 values and .p12 file from the Google project produced by the district's Google admin are correctly entered into Campus' Google Drive Configuration screen. |
Google should:
| |
Campus Support | Campus Support can:
LDAP Server
(LDAP Configuration, LDAPS Certificates)
LDAP is a way to sign into Infinite Campus using the credentials your district stores within its Active Directory (AD) server.
The majority of the LDAP authentication process occurs within your district's LDAP server. Support for this functionality is up to the individual or group at your district in charge of your district's LDAP server. The person who manages the server provides the correct IP/hostname, port, Bind User DN, Bind User Password, User Search Base, and User Search Filter when initially configuring the LDAP connection.
Options Available for LDAP Connections
District | District can coordinate with the individual or group who manages your district's LDAP server, who is responsible for:
LDAP servers can be configured to lock accounts after a number of failed logins. How long an account is locked and the conditions that trigger the lock are LDAP server preferences are configurable by the individual or group who manages your district's LDAP server. Campus Support does not advise on these preferences. The Campus login screen may show the message, "Your account is locked!", indicating your LDAP server has these settings configured.
Campus Support | Campus Support can:
SIF is a standard for data interchange that allows two separate information systems to communicate with each other. SIF sets a standard messaging language and format that defines data objects commonly shared across student information systems and applications.
Options Available for SIF
District | District can:
Vendor | Your vendor's own support team is responsible for:
Campus Support | Campus Support can:
SSO Identity Provider System
(SSO Service Provider Configuration)
Single Sign-On (SSO) is a way for users to sign into Infinite Campus using the credentials of another system (Identity Provider). Users do this by clicking a Single Sign-On button or link, which directs them to the login screen of that other system (if they're not already signed into that other system).
Options Available for SSO Configuration
District | District can coordinate with whoever at the district manages the district's Identity Provider (IDP) system, who should:
Third-Party Identity Provider's Support Team | The identity provider's support team can:
Campus Support | Campus Support can: