Assessment Fact Template (New Mexico)

Tool Search: Assessment Fact

The Assessment Fact Template is used to capture information on a particular set of assessments.

Screenshot of Assessment Fact Template Editor.Assessment_Facts

Report Logic

  • Only one record per student assessment reports regardless of the number of active enrollments on the test date.
  • To report, the Assessment must have a State Code selected OR be assigned one of the following Federal Codes: PSAT, IB, AP, COMPASS, ACCUPLACER, ACT.

    • An assessment with State Code EOC_Online does NOT report.

  • The student's Assessment test date must be on or between the Submission Start Date and Submission End Date selected on the extract editor.
  • The student must be enrolled in at least one of the calendars selected to report.
  • The Student MUST have a Student State ID to report.
  • To report, the student MUST have at least 1 active enrollment either: 
    • On the date the reporting Assessment was taken.
    • On the start date of the Active SAT Flag of record.
    • Students without active enrollments during the Test Date will not report.
  • Students with all enrollments in the reporting range marked as State Exclude OR No Show, in a grade level marked State Exclude, or in a calendar marked State Exclude do not report.
  • Records are sorted by Calendar, Student State ID, then the value report in the Test Description field.

To report Student Assistance Team Referrals (SAT), the Flag must have a State Program Code of SAT selected and State Reported should NOT be marked in order to prevent SATs from reporting in the Programs Fact Template.

Screenshot of State Program Code of SAT.State Program Code of SAT

Report Editor

Submission ScheduleThe Submission Schedule for which data is being submitted to the state.
Submission Start DateThe Start Date of the reporting range.
Submission End DateThe End Date of the reporting range.
Ad Hoc Filter
Ad Hoc Filters allow you to limit report results to those included in the filter. This option is useful for troubleshooting. 


The format in which the report will generate. Options include HTML, Comma Separated and XML.
Select CalendarsSelect which Calendar(s) should appear in the report.
 Generate Extract/ 
 Submit to Batch 
Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of immediately generating the report by clicking Generate Extract. The batch process allows larger reports to generate in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the  Batch Queue article.

Report Example

Screenshot of Example Assessment Fact Template in PDF.Example Assessment Fact Template - PDF

Report Layout

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Location

 District Code 

A three character district code.

Numeric, 3 digits


 District Information > District Number

Test Description

Reports the State Code OR the National Code for the assessment test.

If the assessment is a...Then...
State Testthe selected State Code reports.
National Test
  • the selected National Code reports (IB, AP, ACT).
  • if the test is PSAT, the value from Assessment Center > Test Information > Code reports.
  • If the test is ACCUPLACER, ACCU reports.
  • If the test is COMPASS, COMP reports.
  • If the test is WorkKeys, KEYS reports.

If the State Program Code on Flags is SAT, then SAT reports.

Alphanumeric, 14 charactersTest.stateCode

Assessment Center > Test Information >  State Code; National Code

 Flags > Student Flag Editor > Flags

Assessment School Year DateThe end year of the selected calendar(s).

Date field, 10 characters


Item Description Code

State Tests

If the State Code is not EOC, the description of the Assessment > Subject reports.

If the State Code is EOC, the following information is concatenated:

description of the Assessment > Subject Selected + space + SY + YY +YY

"YY + YY" is the calendar year being generated.

ALGEBRA I 7 12 SY1718

National Tests

If the National Code is SAT, PSAT, IB, AP, COMPASS, ACCUPLACER, ACT, or WorkKeys, the description of the Assessment > Subject selected reports.

Alphanumeric 48 characters


Assessment Center > Test Information >Subject

Test Date

The date of the student's assessment.

Reports the student's Flag > Start Date for SAT records.

Date field, 10 characters


Assessment Center > Test Information > Date

Student IDReports the state-assigned identifier for the student.Numeric, 9 digitsPerson.stateIDDemographics > State ID
Location Code

The state school number.

Reports 998 if, on the student's test date, the student has an active NM Exceptionality (state reporting) data entry plan where the Location is 998.

Otherwise, this field reports the State School Number based on the student's active, primary enrollment as of the date of the reporting assessment. If more than one enrollment is marked as primary or If no active enrollment is marked as primary, the number reports based on the lowest calendar ID.

Numeric, 5 digitsSchool.number School Information > State School Number
 Filler 8-16
Standard Achieved Code

Reports the student's Result Code for the assessment if the assessment is not for a National Code or the National Code is not ACT.

If the assessment is a National ACT test, this column reports null.

If there is not a result code for the assessment, this element reports blank.

DYS and ELPKS assessments: if the parent assessment has child assessments, the result reports from the child.

If the State Code is...With the expected Result Statuses entered in Campus Reports...
Early Childhood AND the Subject code/description selected is Behavior Exit, Language Acquisition Exit, OR Social Emotional Exit
  • A - Did not improve functioning
  • B - Improved functioning, but not sufficient to move nearer to functioning comparable to same-aged peers

  • - Improved functioning to a level nearer to same-aged peers and acquired new skills, but did not reach it

  • - Improved functioning to a level comparable to same-age peers

  • E - Maintained functioning at a level comparable to same-aged peers

  • Y - SLD Eligible
  • N - SLD Not Eligible
  • 0 - A "No" response to questions 1-7 of the NM Language Usage Survey. Student is Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP)
  • 1 - A "Yes" response to one or more questions 1-7 of the NM Language Usage Survey. Administer English language proficiency screener (W-APT or WIDA Screener) to determine English language proficiency classification.
  • 0 - Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP)
  • 1 - Classified as English Learner (EL)

  • - Student is identified as not High Risk
  • - Student is identified as High Risk
Numeric, 3 digitsTestScore.result

Assessment Center > Test Information Result Code

 Filler 18
Score (Raw Score)

Reports the raw score for the assessment if the assessment is EOC, ELPKS or NMELPAPT.

If there isn't a raw score, this element reports blank. 

This field reports as a whole number if the assessment is EOC or NMELPAPT. 

This field allows decimal reporting (rounded to the nearest .5) if the assessment is ELPKS.

Numeric, 7 digitsTestScore.rawScore

Assessment Center > Test Information > Raw Score

 Filler 20 - 44
 Scoring Model Code 

Reports the Scoring Model Code if it is selected on the Test Detail; otherwise, this element reports blank.

If using single-digit codes, the following values report based on the selected code.

DYS assessments: if the parent assessment has child assessments, the Scoring Model Code reports from the child. 




Creative Curriculum


Work Sampling


Petition to NMPED

DDual Discrepancy ModelDLDSC
NNM PreK ObservationalNMPKOA
Numeric, 12 digits Test.stateScoreType1 Assessment Center > Test Information Scoring Model Code
 Filler 46 - 47