Curriculum Library (Admin)

The Curriculum Library is available as part of the Campus Learning premium offering.

Tool Search: Curriculum Library District Manager

The Curriculum Library lets teachers collaborate and share curriculum across a district. The Curriculum Library District Manager can view curriculum in the Library and remove items shared by anyone.

Screenshot of the Curriculum Library. The Curriculum Library collects all curriculum shared by users in the district. 

The Curriculum Library District Manager tool right allows you to view curriculum in the Library and remove curriculum shared by anyone. Enhanced Curriculum and grading tool rights are not required for this level of access.

Check out this video for more information.

Search for Curriculum

Search and use filters to find curriculum in the library. The search looks for the entered text in the Name, Description, and other content in any curriculum in the library, including .pdf and .doc files. 

Use the Content toggle below the search bar to toggle between displaying folders of curriculum or individual resources, which includes assignments and resources. 

Filter Search Results

To further filter search results, click Add Filters.

The Only Curriculum Shared by Me option filters the library to show only curriculum that you have shared. 

Other filter options are: 

  • Grade Levels
  • Subjects
  • Standards

These filters rely on the Curriculum Details entered for the curriculum before it was shared.

Screenshot highlighting the Add Filters button and showing the side panel that displays.

View Curriculum

To view the curriculum in a folder, click the Screenshot of the View button.  button. A read-only version of the Curriculum List displays.

Click folders, resources, and assignments to view more information.
Gif depicting opening curriculum using the View button.

Remove Curriculum

  1. Open the Curriculum Library and locate curriculum to be removed.
  2. Click the Screenshot of the remove button.  button. 
  3. In the message that displays, indicate if you want to Remove Folder and Resources, which removes the folder and anything inside it, or Remove Folder, which only removes the folder - any curriculum within the folder would no longer be grouped together. In the future, items would have to be removed individually.
  4. Once you choose an option, curriculum is removed from the library.
Screenshot of curriculum in the library highlighting the remove button.

Removing content removes it from the library. However, teachers who have already added it to their own section still have access to their own version. Likewise, teachers who shared the curriculum originally still have their own version.