North Carolina Official XML Output for eTranscripts Setup
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:10 am CDT
All generated eTranscripts output in PESC (Post-secondary Electronic Standards Council) XML format. The following information describes what data needs to be set up and in what format in order for eTranscripts to report properly.
Only students with primary enrollments (Enrollment Service Type is P: Primary) are included in eTranscripts.
Step |
Location |
1. |
Verify the school's CEEB number is entered. |
School Information > School Detail > CEEB Number
2. |
Verify the principal's name is entered for the school. |
School Information > School Detail > Principal Name
3. |
Establish Code Defining values for diploma type. |
Code Defining > Code Defining List
4. |
For any Assessment scores that should report, verify that the Assessment has Display in Transcripts checked and that the PESC Test and PESC Sub-Test values are selected.
The CPR Assessment must have these values:
- Test Name must contain CPR, e.g., CPR Asssessment, Assessment for CPR, etc.
- PESC Test = OtherTest
- PESC Sub-Test set to OtherSubtest
EOC Tests must have these values:
- PESC Test = OtherStateTest
- PESC Sub-Test = an appropriate subject name.
- At least a date and a score or result must be present in a Test Score record for the student.
Assessment Center
5. |
Verify PESC grade levels are assigned to grade levels. |
Grade Level Definitions |
6. |
Ensure a PESC Name is assigned to the Credit Types in the High School Credit Group. If the Credit Type has no PESC Name assigned, it does not report in the eTranscripts. |
Credit Groups > PESC Name |
7. |
On the Graduation record, verify that the NGA Cohort End Year is populated for any student in 9th grade or beyond. It is automatically calculated based on the student's Date First Entered the 9th Grade.
For students who have graduated, verify that the Diploma Date and Diploma Type are populated.
Where applicable, verify that the appropriate Endorsements or Seals and Date Earned are populated. |
Graduation > NGA Cohort End Year, Diploma Date, Diploma Type, Endorsements or Seals
8. |
Confirm the student has transcript records. |
Transcripts |
9. |
Verify that students who should report as CTE Concentrators have the appropriate Academic Program type of CTE, and Student Status of Concentrator.
Programs > Academic Program Detail > Program, Student Status
10. |
Download (save) and send eTranscript files to third party eTranscript vendors. |
N/A |