Core SIF - SectionMarkInfo

Tool Search: SIF

The current version of SIF is v2.7.

This object defines the marking periods (TermInfo) that marks (StudentSectionMarks) are recorded in for a particular section (SectionInfo) and lists the types of marks (MarkTypeInfo) that are valid for that marking period (TermInfo).

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement
  1. When a Grading Task or Standard with "State Reported = Checked is added to the course.
  2. When a Grading Task or Standard attached to the course with "State Reported NOT = Checked has "State Reported" set to = Checked.
  3. The Course>Active checkbox is set to checked.
  1. When a Grading Task or Standard attached to the course with "State Reported = Checked is deleted.
  2. When a Grading Task or Standard attached to the course with "State Reported = Checked has "State Reported" set to NOT = Checked.
  3. The Course>Active checkbox is unchecked.
  1. When the only existing Term Mark checkboxes is unchecked for the Grading Task/Standard for the course.
  1. When a Grading Task or Standard attached to the course with "State Reported = Checked has a score group change.
  2. When the Term Mark checkboxes are modified for the Grading Task/Standard for the course.

Object Population and Business Rules

Report only the marks from a Grading Task or Standard that has the term mask checked for the term, and only for those terms in which the section is scheduled.
  1. A mark will be reported for each that populates a StudentSectionMarks object for a student in the section.

Report 1 SectionMarkInfo for each section. Within a SectionMarkInfo, each grading score group will be represented by a MarkInfoRefId

Report 1 unique RefId for each district and only send one value on each SSM and SectionMarkInfo.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RuleData Source GUI PathDatabase FieldM, C, or
@RefId A GUID that identifies an instance of the object.

@SectionInfoRefIdReference to the applicable SectionInfo.

@SchoolInfoRefIdReference to the applicable SchoolInfo.

TermMarkListsParent container for MarkInfoList.

TermMarkLists/MarkInfoListThe grading-related information for a section, repeating for each marking period (TermInfo) in which the section reports Marks.

TermMarkLists/MarkInfoList/@TermInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that identifies the marking period that the following marks are recorded in.

TermMarkLists/MarkInfoList/ @SIF_ActionIn a Change event, this flag can be used to indicate an element has been deleted from the parent list container. At a minimum the key for the list must also be present.This is Optional. Does not Report.

TermMarkLists/MarkInfoList/MarkInfoRefIdRepeatable - The Id (GUID) that identifies a mark that this class uses for grading.Report 1 unique RefId for each district and only send one value on each SSM and SectionMarkInfo.

