My Schedule (Planner)

 This tool is available as part of the Campus Learning premium offering. Visit What is Campus Learning? to learn more.

Location: Planner > My Schedule

The Schedule view of the Planner shows all of your sections, based on the school and calendar options you've selected.

Hover over a section to see additional information.

Screenshot of the Planner in schedule view, with the current day indicated. 

Schedule View

Click on the Students: # line on a day to view a student list, which includes any scheduled absences. Print this list if desired.

Screenshot highlighting the student list that displays when the student count is clicked for a section. 

Student Attendance on a Future Day

Meetings scheduled by counselors that you are invited to also display in your schedule. Click the title of the meeting to view a printable version of the meeting basics, including Location, Date and Time, and Agenda.

Screenshot highlighting how a meeting displays on a schedule. 

A Meeting in Your Schedule

