EIS 049 Student Attendance Extract (Tennessee)

Tool Search: TN State Reporting > EIS Batch Transmission File

The 049 Student Attendance extract reports attendance information to EIS.

Typically, the 040 Student extract should be submitted prior to submitting the 049 extract.

See the EIS Batch Transmission article for an overview of the EIS Batch Transmission File, logic that applies to all extracts, and generation instructions.

Report Logic

A record reports for each day of absence found for a student. To report, a day must be marked as instructional and occur on or prior to the current date. Records report from the student's Primary enrollment.

A student is considered absent if more than 50% of their scheduled day is recorded as absent. Period minutes are aggregated to determine total scheduled minutes and absence minutes. Absences with codes of U, A, X, T, Z, N, H, Y or I are reported. The absence code with the most aggregated time is reported in the record. If multiple codes have the same aggregated time, reports the code with the highest sequence in this list: U, A, X, T.

A course must have a State Code entered for attendance to report for its Sections.

Records report for students with Primary enrollments in the Primary School and Primary enrollments in the Primary School and subsequent Partial enrollments in a Service School. Attendance calculations for students with both Primary School and Service School enrollments are aggregated to determine if the student was absent. The Primary school is the one tied to the calendar selected in the extract editor. Other schools are considered Service Schools.

Records in Calendars or Grade Levels marked as Exclude or for students who do not have a Student State ID are not reported. Additionally, records are not reported for the following students. These students are included in the warning report. 

  • Students without PINs. 
  • Students with multiple active Primary enrollments.
  • Students with multiple enrollments in the same school.
  • Students with an enrollment marked as N: Special Ed Services
  • Enrollments marked as No Show or Exclude.

The Record Key, which helps determine the Type of record sent (New, Edit, or Delete), is comprised of the Record ID, Record Version, District ID,  School ID, School Year, Instructional Program Number, State Assigned Student ID, and Attendance Date.

Recommended District Setup

Campus does not support reporting students who have Service School enrollments across districts. For students attending Service School classes in another district, complete data entry for scheduling, attendance, and grades in both the Primary and Service schools.

049 Student Attendance Extract Layout

All data reports based on the student's enrollment in the Primary School, unless otherwise noted. 

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location

Record ID

Identifies the extract - reports as "049"

Numeric (3)


Record VersionIdentifies the extract version - reports as "01"

Numeric (2)
Record Type

Identifies the type of extract:

  • N: New
  • E: Edit
  • D: Delete

Character (1)

FillerN/A. Reports as 00.
District IDReports the TN Department of Education assigned District Number of the district tied to the Primary School. 

Numeric (3)
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

School IDReports the TN Department of Education assigned School Number of the Primary School. 

Numeric (4)
System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

School YearReports the start year of the school calendar selected in the EIS Batch Transmission editor. 

Date (4) CCYY
System Administration > Calendar > School Years > Start Year

Instructional Program NumberReports the unique Instructional Program Number of the school, or as 99 if blank.

Numeric (2)
System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Instructional Program Number

Student Social Security NumberReports the student's social security number. Currently reports as 000000000.

Numeric (9)
Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Soc Sec Number

Student PINReports the unique student identifier provided by the school.

Numeric (9)
Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student PIN

Local Student KeyReports the locally-generated student identifier.

Numeric (10)
Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

Attendance DateIdentifies the date for which the student's attendance is being reported.

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days

Attendance Type

Identifies the status of the student's attendance for the day being reported. Options are as follows:

  • A: Excused Absence
  • P: Present for Attendance
  • T: Excused Absence, but Present for Transportation
  • U: Unexcused Absence
  • X: Unexcused Absence, but Present for Transportation
  • D: Distance Learning Students. Only reports if the Quarantine field is marked on the Blended Learning Group. If Quarantine not marked, reports as N.
  • H: Homebound. Reports if the student is assigned to a Homebound program and was not absent for 50% of the day. 
  • I: Homebound Absent. Reports as absent if the student is assigned to a Homebound program and was absent for 50% or more of the day.

Attendance may be aggregated across a student's enrollments in the Primary School and a Service School, if the student has a Primary enrollment in the Primary school and a subsequent Partial enrollment in a Service School. 

Character (1)

Not dynamically stored.

State Assigned Student ID Reports the unique state-assigned student ID generated in EIS.

Numeric (9)
Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID






















