Voids Report

This report is only available to customers who have purchased Campus Point of Sale as add-on functionality.

Tool Search: Voids Report

The Voids Report provides users with a way to view and print voided transactions. The report includes results for an individual Point of Sale terminal or a group of terminals. Voids are made via the Account Journal.

screenshot of the voids report editor.Voids Report Editor  

Generate the Report

  1. Select the POS Terminal to include on the report.
  2. Select the Summary Type.
  3. Select a Date Type.
  4. Select the Serving Period.
  5. Select Include Void Detail to include details for every voided transaction.

    See Voids Report and  Voids Detail Report for more information.

  6. Select the format for the report.
  7. Click the Export button OR the Submit to Batch button.
    The report displays a summary or detailed list of voided transactions.

    Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Export. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Section Summary Option


Select POS to include in the report

The Point of Sale terminal for which the report results should be generated.

Selecting All POS terminals may increase report generation time.

Summary Type

These options allow the user to specify the date parameter(s) for the transactions returned in the report results:

  • Daily--Voids made on a specified date. When this option is selected, a Date field appears.
  • Period--Voids made within a date range. When this option is selected, a Start Date and an End Date field appear.
  • Month--Voids made within the selected month. When this option is selected, a Month field appears.

Date Type

  • Transaction Date--The day on which the original transaction occurred.
  • Post Date--The day the information was recorded on the patron's account through the server.

Serving Period

The time of day a meal was served.

Include Void Detail

When the user selects this check box, the report includes the following details for every voided transaction: Transaction Time, Post Time, Student, Student #, Grade, Account #, Cashier/Manager name, Adjustment type, and Amount.

Export Format

The format for the report: PDF or CSV (Comma Separated Values). 

CSV files open in Microsoft® Excel®.

Understanding the Voids Report

Utilizing Voids Report data means understanding what each field means on both the standard and detail version of the report.

Voids Report

The Voids Report lists the total number of voids which occurred per terminal between a specified date, period in time or month.

screenshot of the summary voids report in pdf format.Summary Voids Report (PDF)

The following table describes each report column.




The Point of Sale terminal reporting data.


The school assigned to the Point of Sale terminal.

Total # of Voids

The number of voided transactions which occurred on the terminal between the date range, month or date entered on the Voids Report editor.

Voids Total

The total amount of money voided (or credited) on the terminal between the date range, month or date entered on the Voids Report editor.

Voids Detail Report

The Voids Detail Report describes the total number of voids which occurred per terminal between a specified date, period in time or month as well as a detailed breakdown of each voided transaction which occurred. This version of the report is only generated if the Include Void Detail checkbox is marked on the Voids Report editor.

screenshot of the first page of the voids detail report in pdf format.Voids Detail Report - First Page (PDF Format)

The first page of the report details the total number of voided transactions and amount of money voided per Point of Sale terminal per school.

screenshot of the subsequent pages of the voids detail report in pdf format.Voids Detail Report -Subsequent Pages (PDF Format)

The second (and consecutive) page(s) provide a detailed breakdown of each voided transaction. See the table below for more information about each report column:



Transaction Date

The date/time the original transaction occurred. 


"Server void: POS/Campus eligibility mismatch" will retain the original Tx Date/time however, the Post Date/Time may be different. 

Post Date

The date the transaction was posted to the server.

Student (Grade)

The name and grade of the patron account tied to the voided transaction.


The cashier/manager who voided the transaction. Voids report a description of "Server void:POS/Campus eligibility mismatch" and always retain the original Cashier/Manager from the original transaction.


The reason the transaction was voided.

Reason codes can be modified/entered in the Void Code attribute found within the POSTransaction table in the Attribute/Dictionary.

  • Scanner Reconciliation - Indicates an item was inadvertently scanned and charged to the patron's account.
  • Online Payment Return - Indicates a patron's online payment was returned.
  • Data Integrity - Indicates money was inadvertently charged to a patron's account because of bad data. This reason is automatically populated whenever a transaction was voided because of a Server Void.
  • Cashier Void - A report-only display void which auto-populates when the reason is an unknown void processed by the cashier on the Point of Sale.
  • Parent Refusal to Pay - Indicates a transaction was voided due to a patron's parent(s) refusing to pay the transaction amount.
  • Backdated Adjustment - Indicates the transaction was updated when a  household application was backdated.


A description of why the transaction was voided (50 character maximum). This column will report any text entered in the Description field when voiding a transaction via the Journal. If the transaction was voided because of a mismatch in eligibility, a description of "Server void: POS/Campus eligibility mismatch" is reported.


"Server void: POS/Campus eligibility mismatch" indicates the eligibility showing on the POS terminal did not match the eligibility showing for the patron in Campus at the time the transaction Posted to the server. This may be caused by any of the following reasons:

  • A student is charged for more than one reimbursable breakfast or lunch meal in a single day.
  • A student purchases more than one a la carte item in a day; each subsequent item will be charged at the non-reimbursable rate.
  • Changes to a student's eligibility for reimbursable meals in Campus do not match what is being shown on the Point of Sale terminal at the time of purchase.

Item Total

Total amount of money voided from the transaction.

Cash Payment

Total amount of cash initially paid by the patron during the transaction.

Check Payment

Total amount of money paid via check during the transaction.

Cash Returned

Total amount of cash returned to the patron after voiding the transaction.


The total amount of the transaction after money was voided. If the amount is in black font, this means an amount of zero or greater was paid by the patron for the transaction (this includes money deducted for the voided amount). If the amount is in red font, this means money was returned to the patron and counts against the terminal's overall balance.